Timely discussion. I too am trying to build a stable yet inexpensive storage 
server for my home lab mostly for playing in the VM world as well as general 
data storage. I've considered several options ranging from the simple linux 
based NAS appliances to older EMC SANs. I finally decided to build an 
NFS/CIFS/iSCSI/(even FC target?) box going the opensolaris route with ZFS. What 
I'm trying to decide on is the appropriate hardware to build the storage 
server. I have:

- A couple of Dell Pentium 4 boxes
- A couple of old Ultra SPARC (ultra80 and ultra 10)
- D1000 array (but alas with old 36G drives)

Other options are that I build a whitebox or buy a new PowerEdge or Sun X2200 
etc use some kind of DAS such as Dell MD1000 (?) and use this box as the one 
and the only system (i.e. storage for PCs and my VM host). Of course this will 
be an expensive option.

Any recommendations on a decent setup for my purposes as well as a good SATA 
DAS? I haven't build a PC for at least 4 years so I'm not up to date on the 
processors, mobos, controller cards etc.

PS. Question for the gentleman who bought the external SATA disk array...how 
are you planning to connect it to the server?
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