Re: [zfs-discuss] VM's on ZFS - 7210

2010-08-27 Thread Simone Caldana

In a setup similar to yours I changed from a single 15 disks raidz2 to 7 mirros 
of 2 disks each. The change in performance was stellar. The key point in 
serving things for VMware is that it always issue synchronous writes, wheter on 
iscsi or NFS. When you have tens of VM the resulting traffic is always random 
for the backing store, and random synch writes are the achille's heel for ZFS.

now about your options

 1) Change to iSCSI mounts to ESX, and enable write-cache on the LUN's since 
 the 7210 is on a UPS.
this won't save you from a crash

 2) get a Logzilla SSD mirror.  (do ssd's fail, do I really need a mirror?)
yes you do need a mirror albeit in a recent thread here it's exposed it's not 

 3) reconfigure the NAS to a RAID10 instead of RAIDz

this is the way I would go. To make up for the lost space you can enable lz 
compression (the default one) which should be more or less transparent and 
leads to very good savings (1,5x - 2x)

another advice if your guests are unix: unless you need it, mount your guests 
OS with noatime, this will reduce basic chatter about 50% in my experience.
another thing that helps is to have cache devices, even if they aren't faster 
than the pool's ones they free up iops that can be used for writes.

to summarize I'd go for the mirror setup, then if it's not enough a pair of SSD 
for SLOG would surely help. 

Il giorno 27/ago/2010, alle ore 07.04, Mark ha scritto:

 We are using a 7210, 44 disks I believe, 11 stripes of RAIDz sets.  When I 
 installed I selected the best bang for the buck on the speed vs capacity 
 We run about 30 VM's on it, across 3 ESX 4 servers.  Right now, its all 
 running NFS, and it sucks... sooo slow.
 iSCSI was no better.   
 I am wondering how I can increase the performance, cause they want to add 
 more vm's... the good news is most are idleish, but even idle vm's create a 
 lot of random chatter to the disks!
 So a few options maybe... 
 1) Change to iSCSI mounts to ESX, and enable write-cache on the LUN's since 
 the 7210 is on a UPS.
 2) get a Logzilla SSD mirror.  (do ssd's fail, do I really need a mirror?)
 3) reconfigure the NAS to a RAID10 instead of RAIDz
 Obviously all 3 would be ideal , though with a SSD can I keep using NFS for 
 the same performance since the R_SYNC's would be satisfied with the SSD?
 I am dreadful of getting the OK to spend the $$,$$$ SSD's and then not get 
 the performance increase we want.
 How would you weight these?  I noticed in testing on a 5 disk OpenSolaris, 
 that changing from a single RAIDz pool to RAID10 netted a larger IOP increase 
 then adding an Intel SSD as a Logzilla.  That's not going to scale the same 
 though with a 44 disk, 11 raidz striped RAID set.
 Some thoughts?  Would simply moving to write-cache enabled iSCSI LUN's 
 without a SSD speed things up a lot by itself?
 This message posted from
 zfs-discuss mailing list

Simone Caldana

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Cant't detach spare device from pool

2010-08-21 Thread Simone Caldana
Il giorno 21/ago/2010, alle ore 10.10, Ian Collins ha scritto:
 On 08/21/10 07:03 PM, Martin Mundschenk wrote:
 After about 62 hours and 90%, the resilvering process got stuck. Since 12 
 hours nothing happens anymore. Thus, I can not detach the spare device. Is 
 there a way to get the resilvering process back running?
 Are you sure it's stuck?  They can take a very long time and go really slow 
 at the end.

especially if you're writing things in that pool.

Simone Caldana

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Solaris startup script location

2010-08-18 Thread Simone Caldana
Il giorno 18/ago/2010, alle ore 10.20, Alxen4 ha scritto:

 My NFS Client is ESXi so the major question is there risk of corruption for 
 VMware images if I disable ZIL ?

I do the same use of ZFS. I had a huge improvement in performance by using 
mirrors instead of raidz. How is your zpool configured?

Simone Caldana
Senior Consultant
Critical Path
via Cuniberti 58, 10100 Torino, Italia
+39 011 4513811 (Direct)
+39 011 4513825 (Fax)

Critical Path
A global leader in digital communications

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS Group Quotas

2010-08-18 Thread Simone Caldana
Il giorno 18/ago/2010, alle ore 21.24, David Magda ha scritto:
 On Wed, August 18, 2010 15:14, Linder, Doug wrote:
 I've noticed that everytime someone mentions using NFS with ZFS here, they
 always seem to be using NFSv3.  Is there a reason for this that I just
 don't know about? 
 At $WORK it's generally namespace issues:

Also the linux NFSv4 client is bugged (as in hang-the-whole-machine bugged).
I am deploying a new osol fileserver for home directories and I'm using NFSv3 + 
automounter (because I am also using one dataset per user, and thus I have to 
mount each home dir separately).

Simone Caldana

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Backup zpool

2010-08-13 Thread Simone Caldana
Il giorno 13/ago/2010, alle ore 03.03, Marty Scholes ha scritto:

 Script attached.

thanks :)

Simone Caldana

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Backup zpool

2010-08-12 Thread Simone Caldana
Il giorno 12/ago/2010, alle ore 15.10, Marty Scholes ha scritto:

 Say the word and I'll send you a copy.

pretty please :)


(meanwhile, I created the top dataset on the backup pool, set compression to 
gzip-2, removed any local compression setting on the source dataset children 
and I am sending one childrean at a time. This way what is sent has no property 
set and thus inherits the backup dataset one).

Simone Caldana
Senior Consultant
Critical Path
via Cuniberti 58, 10100 Torino, Italia
+39 011 4513811 (Direct)
+39 011 4513825 (Fax)

Critical Path
A global leader in digital communications

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS and VMware

2010-08-11 Thread Simone Caldana
Hi Paul,

I am using EXSi 4.0 with a NFS-on-ZFS datastore running on OSOL b134. It 
previously ran on Solaris 10u7 with VMware Server 2.x. Disks are SATAs in a 
JBOD over FC.

I'll try to summarize my experience here, albeit our system does not provide 
services to end users and thus is not very stressed (it supports our internal 
developers only).

There are some things to know before setting up a ZFS storage, in my opinion. 
1. You cannot shrink a zpool. You can only detach disks from mirrors, not from 
raidz. You can grow it, tho, by either replacing disks with higher capacity 
ones or by adding more disks to the same pool.

2. Due to ZFS inherently coherent structure, synch writes (especially random) 
are its worst enemy: the cure is to bring a pair of mirrored SSDs in the pool 
or to use a battery backed write cache, especially if you want to use raidz.
3. VMware, regardless of NFS or iSCSI, will do synchronous writes. Due to point 
2 above if your workload and number of VM is significant you will definitely 
need some kind of disk device based on memory and not on platters. YMMV.

4. ZFS snapshotting is great but it can burn a sizeable amount of disk if you 
leave your VMs local disks mounted without noatime option (assuming they are 
unix machines) because vmdks will get written to even if the internal vm 
processes only issue reads on files. (in my case ~60 idle linux machines burned 
up to 200MB/hr, generating an average of 2MB/sec of writing traffic)

5. Avoid putting different size and performance disks in a zpool, unless of 
course they are doing a different job. ZFS doesn't weigh in size or 
performances and spreads out data evenly. A zpool will perform as the slowest 
of its members (not all the time, but when the workload is high the slowest 
disk will be a limiting factor.
6. ZFS performs badly on disks that are more than 80% full. Keep that in mind 
when you size up for things.

7. ZFS compression works wonders, especially the default one: it costs little 
in cpu, it doesn't increase latency (unless you have a very unbalanced 
CPU/Disks system) and thus saves space and bandwidth.
8. By mirroring/raiding things at OS level ZFS effectively multiplies the 
bandwidth used on the bus. My SATA disks can sustain writing 60MB/sec, but in a 
zpool made by 6 mirrors of 2 disks each that uses a 2Gbit fibre the maximum 
throughtput is ~95MB/sec: the fibre max out at 190MB/sec, but Solaris need to 
write to both disks on each mirror. You can partially solve this by putting 
each side of a mirror on different storages and/or increasing the number of 
paths towards the disks.

9. Deduplication is great on paper and can be wonderful in virtualized 
environments, but it has a BIG costs upfront: search around, do you math but be 
aware that you'll need tons of ram and SSDs to be able to effectively 
deduplicate multi terabyte storages. Also it is common opinion that's not ready 
for production.

If the analisys/tests of your use case tells you ZFS is a viable option I think 
you should give it a try. Administration is wonderfully flexible and easy: once 
you set up your zpools (which is the really critical phase) you can practically 
do anything you want in the most efficient way. So far I'm very pleased by it.

Simone Caldana
Senior Consultant
Critical Path
via Cuniberti 58, 10100 Torino, Italia
+39 011 4513811 (Direct)
+39 011 4513825 (Fax)

Critical Path
A global leader in digital communications

zfs-discuss mailing list