Re: [zfs-discuss] How many ZFS pools is it sensible to use on a single server?

2008-04-15 Thread David Collier-Brown
  We've discussed this in considerable detail, but the original
question remains unanswered:  if an organization *must* use
multiple pools, is there an upper bound to avoid or a rate
of degradation to be considered?

David Collier-Brown| Always do right. This will gratify
Sun Microsystems, Toronto  | some people and astonish the rest
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  -- Mark Twain
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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] How many ZFS pools is it sensible to use on a single server?

2008-04-15 Thread Mike Gerdts
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 9:22 AM, David Collier-Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   We've discussed this in considerable detail, but the original
  question remains unanswered:  if an organization *must* use
  multiple pools, is there an upper bound to avoid or a rate
  of degradation to be considered?

I have a keen interest in this as well.  I would really like zones to
be able to independently fail over between hosts in a zone farm.  The
work coming out of the Indiana, IPS, Caiman, etc. projects imply that
zones will have to be on zfs.  In order to fail zones over between
systems independently either I need to have a zpool per zone or I need
to have per-dataset replication.  Considering that with some workloads
20+ zones on a T2000 is quite feasible, a T5240 could be pushing 80+
zones and as such a relatively large number of zpools.

Mike Gerdts
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] How many ZFS pools is it sensible to use on a single server?

2008-04-12 Thread Simon Breden
Hi Chris, I would have thought that managing multiple pools (you mentioned 200) 
would be an absolute administrative nightmare. If you give more details about 
your storage needs like number of users, space required etc it might become 
clearer what you're thinking of setting up.

Also, I see you were considering 200 pools on a single server. Considering that 
you'll want redundancy in each pool, if you're forming your pools from complete 
physical disks, you are looking at 400 disks minimum if you use a simple 2-disk 
mirror for each pool. I think it's not recommended t use partial disk slices to 
form pools -- use whole disks.

I'll be bold here and make some assumptions. You have a lot of students/staff 
there and you have a need, say, for 10TB of data. You could create one pool, 
using sixteen 1TB disks. The pool could be formed as two RAIDZ2 vdevs, each 
vdev containing five disks for data and two for parity. Additionally, for extra 
safety, you could add two hot spares.

Something like:

zpool create unipool RAIDZ2 disk1 disk2 disk3 disk4 disk5 disk6 disk7 RAIDZ2 
disk8 disk9 disk10 disk11 disk12 disk13 disk14 spare disk15 disk16

This arrangement would give 10TB of double-parity redundant data, meaning that 
it would survive 2 disks failing within each vdev (there's 2 of them), and when 
a disk or two fail from a vdev, spares would be used. Sun's X4500 can house 48 
disks for around 24TB of storage if you need more capacity.

Then, according to your needs, you could create multiple filesystems, using 
different mountpoints and access permissions of your choosing.

Using the approach of one pool and multiple filesystems avoids the problems 
associated with one pool getting full whilst other pools being under-used. The 
pool will provide capacity across all the filesystems.

You will also want to consider using snapshots to help avoid data loss, and 
these can be used very elegantly to perform incremental backups to another 
large capacity backup server on your network -- see zfs send / recv with the -i 
option, for example.

I'm not an expert with ZFS yet, so I hope that others correct any mistakes I 
may have made here. The above is just based on my current limited experience 
and knowledge of ZFS :)

Anyway, hope it helps.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] How many ZFS pools is it sensible to use on a single server?

2008-04-12 Thread Chris Siebenmann
| Hi Chris, I would have thought that managing multiple pools (you
| mentioned 200) would be an absolute administrative nightmare. If you
| give more details about your storage needs like number of users, space
| required etc it might become clearer what you're thinking of setting
| up.

 Every university department has to face the issue of how to allocate
disk space to people. Here, we handle storage allocation decisions
through the relatively simple method of selling fixed-size chunks of
storage to faculty (either single professors or groups of them) for a
small one-time fee.

(We used fixed size chunks partly because it is simpler to administer
and to set prices, and partly because it is our current model in our
Solaris 8 + DiskSuite + constant-sized partitions environment.)

 So, we are always going to have a certain number of logical pools of
storage space to manage. The question is whether to handle them as
separate ZFS pools or aggregate them into fewer ZFS pools and then
administer them as sub-hierarchies using quotas[*], and our current
belief is that doing the former is simpler to administer and simpler to
explain to users.

 200 pools on a single server is probably pessimistic (hopefully there
will be significantly fewer), but could happen if people go wild with
separate pools and there is a failover situation where a single physical
server has to handle several logical fileservers at once.

| Also, I see you were considering 200 pools on a single
| server. Considering that you'll want redundancy in each pool, if
| you're forming your pools from complete physical disks, you are
| looking at 400 disks minimum if you use a simple 2-disk mirror for
| each pool. I think it's not recommended t use partial disk slices to
| form pools -- use whole disks.

 We're not going to use local disk storage on the fileservers for
various reasons, including failover and easier long-term storage
management and expansion. We have pretty much settled on iSCSI
(mirroring each ZFS vdev across two controllers, so our fileservers do
not panic if we lose a single controller). The fixed-size chunks will be
done at the disk level, either as slices from a single LUN on Solaris or
as individual LUNs sliced out of each disk on the iSCSI target.

(Probably the latter, because it lets us use more slices per disk and
we have some number of 'legacy' 35 GB disk chunks that we cannot really
give free size upgrades to.)

(Using full disks as the chunk size is infeasible for several reasons.)

- cks
[*: we've experimented, and quotas turn out to work better than reservations
for this purpose. If anyone wants more details, see
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] How many ZFS pools is it sensible to use on a single server?

2008-04-12 Thread Will Murnane
On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 7:51 PM, Chris Siebenmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   So, we are always going to have a certain number of logical pools of
  storage space to manage. The question is whether to handle them as
  separate ZFS pools or aggregate them into fewer ZFS pools and then
  administer them as sub-hierarchies using quotas[*], and our current
  belief is that doing the former is simpler to administer and simpler to
  explain to users.
I don't think that's the case.  What's wrong with setting both a quota
and a reservation on your user filesystems?  What advantage will
multiple zpools present over a single one with filesystems carved out
of it?  With a single pool, you can expand filesystems if the user
requests it just by changing the quota and reservation for that
filesystem, and add more capacity if necessary by adding more disks to
the pool.  If your policy is to use, say, a single pair of 35GB
mirrors per zpool and the user wants more space, they need to split
their files into categories somehow.

Also, you mention 'legacy' 35GB chunks that you can't give free
upgrades to.  A single-pool methodology will help with that - you can
set arbitrary-sized quotas for whichever users want them.  If one
group wants to buy 10 gigs and another wants 47, you can give them
exactly how much they want.

Lastly, if you plan to support (or use internally) snapshots, a single
large pool will be much easier to deal with.  Taking snapshots and
making large changes means that the snapshot starts taking up space,
which could be problematic on a small pool.

  [*: we've experimented, and quotas turn out to work better than reservations
 for this purpose.
You might want to use refquota and refreservation if you're
running a Solaris that supports them---that precludes Solaris 10u4,
unfortunately.  If you're running Nevada, though, they're definitely
the way to go.

In any case, I'm interested in why multiple pools might be a good
choice.  We have a similar situation (albeit on a smaller scale) with
many disks, a faculty member's data on each, and I'd like to start
using ZFS for that.  A single pool was the model that sprung to mind
for the purpose, and I'd like to hear reasons why it might not be a
good choice.

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] How many ZFS pools is it sensible to use on a single server?

2008-04-12 Thread Chris Siebenmann
| I don't think that's the case.  What's wrong with setting both a quota
| and a reservation on your user filesystems?

 In a shared ZFS pool situation I don't think we'd get anything from
using both. We have to use something to limit people to the storage that
they bought, and in at least S10 U4 quotas work better for this (we

| What advantage will multiple zpools present over a single one with
| filesystems carved out of it?  With a single pool, you can expand
| filesystems if the user requests it just by changing the quota and
| reservation for that filesystem, and add more capacity if necessary
| by adding more disks to the pool.  If your policy is to use, say, a
| single pair of 35GB mirrors per zpool and the user wants more space,
| they need to split their files into categories somehow.

 Pools can/will have more than one vdev. The plan is that we will
have a set of unallocated fixed-size chunks of disk space (as LUNs or
slices). When someone buys more space, we pair up two such chunks and
add them to the person's pool as a mirrored vdev.

 With the single pool approach, you have a number of issues:
- if you keep pools at their currently purchased space, you have to both
  add a new vdev *and* bump someone's quota by the appropriate amount.
  This is somewhat more work and opens you up to the possibility of stupid
  mistakes when you change the quotas.

- if you preallocate space to pools before it is purchased by anyone,
  you have to statically split your space between fileservers in advance.
  You may also need to statically split the space between multiple pools
  on a single fileserver, if a single pool would otherwise have too many
  disks to make you comfortable; this limits how much space a person can
  add to their their existing allocation in an artificial way.

- if a disaster happens and you lose both sides of a mirrored vdev, you
  will have lost a *lot* more data (and a lot more people will be affected)
  than if you had things split up into separate pools. (Of course, this
  depends on how many of your separate pools had vdevs involving the
  pair of disks that you just lost; you could lose nearly as much data,
  if most of your pools were using chunks of the disk.)

  This argues for having multiple pools on a fileserver, which runs you
  into the 'people can only grow so far' problem.

We plan to use snapshots only while we take backups, partly because of
their effects on quotas and so on. Any additional usage of snapshots
would probably be under user control, so that the people who own the
space can make decisions like 'we will accept losing some space so that
we can instantly go back to yesterday'.

(There are groups that would probably take that, and groups that never

| You might want to use refquota and refreservation if you're
| running a Solaris that supports them---that precludes Solaris 10u4,
| unfortunately.  If you're running Nevada, though, they're definitely
| the way to go.

 This is going to be a production environment, so we're pretty much
stuck to Solaris 10 Uwhatever is current.

- cks
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] How many ZFS pools is it sensible to use on a single server?

2008-04-12 Thread Joe Little
On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 9:55 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/08/2008 11:22:53 AM:

In our environment, the politically and administratively simplest
   approach to managing our storage is to give each separate group at
   least one ZFS pool of their own (into which they will put their various
   filesystems). This could lead to a proliferation of ZFS pools on our
   fileservers (my current guess is at least 50 pools and perhaps up to
   several hundred), which leaves us wondering how well ZFS handles this
   many pools.
So: is ZFS happy with, say, 200 pools on a single server? Are there any
   issues (slow startup, say, or peculiar IO performance) that we'll run
   into? Has anyone done this in production? If there are issues, is there
   any sense of what the recommended largest number of pools per server is?


   Well,  I have done testing with filesystems and not as much with
  pools -- I believe the core design premise for zfs is that administrators
  would use few pools and many filesystems.  I would think that Sun would
  recommend that you make a large pool (or a few) and divvy out filesystem
  with reservations to the groups (to which they can add sub filesystems).
  As far as ZFS filesystems are concerned my testing has shown that the mount
  time and io overhead for multiple filesystems seems to be pretty linear --
  timing 10 mounts translates pretty well to 100 and 1000.  After you hit
  some level (depending on processor and memory) the mount time, io and
  write/read batching spikes up pretty heavily.  This is one of the reasons I
  take a strong stance against the recommendation that people use
  reservations and filesystems as user/group quotas (ignoring that the
  functionality is not by any means in parity.)

Not to beat a dead horse too much, the lack of quotas and the mount
limits either of the clients or the time per filesystem mentioned
above allows us to heavily utilize ZFS for second tier, where quotas
can be at a logical group level, and not first tier use which still
demands per user quotas. Its unmet requirement.

As to your original question, with enough LUN carving you can
artificially create many pools. However, ease of management and
focusing on both performance and reliability suggest one put as many
drives in a redundant config in as few a pools as possible, split up
your disk use among top level ZFS filesystems to each group, and then
let them divy up ZFS filesystems with further embedded ZFS file


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[zfs-discuss] How many ZFS pools is it sensible to use on a single server?

2008-04-08 Thread Chris Siebenmann
 In our environment, the politically and administratively simplest
approach to managing our storage is to give each separate group at
least one ZFS pool of their own (into which they will put their various
filesystems). This could lead to a proliferation of ZFS pools on our
fileservers (my current guess is at least 50 pools and perhaps up to
several hundred), which leaves us wondering how well ZFS handles this
many pools.

 So: is ZFS happy with, say, 200 pools on a single server? Are there any
issues (slow startup, say, or peculiar IO performance) that we'll run
into? Has anyone done this in production? If there are issues, is there
any sense of what the recommended largest number of pools per server is?

 Thanks in advance.

- cks
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