[zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS Web Administration Tool

2006-08-02 Thread Stephen Talley
From talking with the web console (Lockhart) folks, this appears to
be a manifestation of:

6430996 The SMF services related to smcwebserver goes to maintainance
state after node reboot

This will be fixed in build 46 of Solaris Nevada.

Details, including workaround:

 I believe this is Lockhart 3.0.1.  You may be hitting a known
 problem (I think, based on the SVC log messages).  The problem
 arises when the system is stopped without explicitly stopping the
 Lockhart console thats running.  This leaves some bad config files
 leftover that prevent the next start from determining if the web
 server process gets started.  This then results in returning a fatal
 error to the SMF restarter; and you are in maintenance mode.
 Clearing does not help as long as the bad files are left around.

 Sometimes things are a bit more complicated; we sometimes fail to
 stop the server process and it hangs around.  This also prevents
 restart.  The documented workaround for this is:

 1) Stop the console before rebooting the OS

 2) If cannot do (2), then after reboot (if things fail)

svcadm disable system/webconsole:console
ps -ef | grep noaccess | grep server
kill pid // If ps finds a process
rm -f /var/webconsole/tmp/console_*.tmp
smcwebserver start

smcwebserver enable   // If need to start on reboot



Ron Halstead wrote:

 Why does the Java Web Console service keep going into maintenance mode? This 
 has happened for the past few builds (current is nv44). It works for a day or 
 so after a new install then it breaks. Here the the symptoms:

 sol11:$ svcs -x
 svc:/system/webconsole:console (java web console)
  State: maintenance since Wed Aug 02 08:33:26 2006
 Reason: Start method exited with $SMF_EXIT_ERR_FATAL.
See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-KS
See: smcwebserver(1M)
See: /var/svc/log/system-webconsole:console.log
 Impact: This service is not running.

 sol11:$ tail /var/svc/log/system-webconsole:console.log
 (machine has just booted).
 [ Aug  2 08:33:06 Executing start method (/lib/svc/method/svc-webconsole 
 start) ]
 Sun Java(TM) Web Console status can not be determined.
 Run smcwebserver stop to make sure the server has stopped.
 [ Aug  2 08:33:26 Method start exited with status 95 ]

 I've run smcwebserver stop and svcadm clear svc:/system/webconsole:console 
 then svcadm enable webconsole and get the same results.

 The Java Web Console works perfectly on Solaris 10 6/06.

 Ron Halstead

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[zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS Web Administration Tool

2006-08-02 Thread Ron Halstead
Thanks Steve. The workaround (rm -f /var/webconsole/tmp/console_*.tmp) and a 
restart fixed it.
I appreciate the quick response. You guys are good!

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