in man page it does say "zpool df home" dows work, when I do type it it does not work and I get the following error:
zpool df mypool
unrecognized command 'df'
usage: zpool command args ...
where 'command' is one of the following:

        create  [-fn] [-R root] [-m mountpoint] <pool> <vdev> ...
        destroy [-f] <pool>

        add [-fn] <pool> <vdev> ...

        list [-H] [-o field[,field]*] [pool] ...
        iostat [-v] [pool] ... [interval [count]]
        status [-vx] [pool] ...

        online <pool> <device> ...
        offline [-t] <pool> <device> ...
        clear <pool> [device]

        attach [-f] <pool> <device> <new_device>
        detach <pool> <device>
        replace [-f] <pool> <device> [new_device]

        scrub [-s] <pool> ...

        import [-d dir] [-D]
        import [-d dir] [-D] [-f] [-o opts] [-R root] -a
        import [-d dir] [-D] [-f] [-o opts] [-R root ] <pool | id> [newpool]
        export [-f] <pool> ...
        upgrade -v
        upgrade <-a | pool>

I am running Solaris 10 Update 2. Is my man page out of date or is my zfs not up to date?



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