Re: [ZION] demonizing the media

2002-10-25 Thread Clifford M Dubery
I would imagine it is common sense and an attempt to preserve sources on the part of 
the local and national media.  Unlike Australia or the UK and possibly Canada, the 
Police Commissioner can't declare a story media free, so to speak, I can't think of 
the act they use, but it has blanket applications when the authorities think they need 
it here.

So good on the media assisting the Police and FBI etc., to find the sniper and 
apprehend the bast. Now I am concerned about what goes fro sub-judice in the USA, 
having watched Larry King Live last night, I was very concerned.   All the guests, 
including some relatives were guessing and commenting on those who had only been 
charged with fire arms offences at that time.

Clifford M Dubery

- Original Message -
From: Marc A. Schindler
Sent: Saturday, 26 October 2002 15:03
To: zion-l
Subject: [ZION] demonizing the media

We like to demonize the media, but there appears to have been
unprededented cooperation between the media and the police in the
Washington sniper case. What do people think about this? Is it
self-censorhsip or just common sense?

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and
deeds; the worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences
have been properly debated…To think of the future and wait was merely
another way of saying one was a coward; any idea of moderation was just
an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to understand a
question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.”
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The
Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
may be associated.

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[ZION] demonizing the media

2002-10-25 Thread Marc A. Schindler
We like to demonize the media, but there appears to have been
unprededented cooperation between the media and the police in the
Washington sniper case. What do people think about this? Is it
self-censorhsip or just common sense?

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and
deeds; the worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences
have been properly debated…To think of the future and wait was merely
another way of saying one was a coward; any idea of moderation was just
an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to understand a
question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.”
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The
Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
may be associated.

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[ZION] James Ossuary

2002-10-25 Thread Marc A. Schindler
It looks like North Americans will ge their first chance to see the
ossuary at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto:


Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and
deeds; the worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences
have been properly debated…To think of the future and wait was merely
another way of saying one was a coward; any idea of moderation was just
an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to understand a
question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.”
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The
Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
may be associated.

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[ZION] Patriotism

2002-10-25 Thread Marc A. Schindler
>From a liberal sourc sent to me by left-wing (non-LDS) uncle. Some
interesting points nevertheless: VISITING TEACHING CONFERENCE
Tonight at 7pm


Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and
deeds; the worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences
have been properly debated…To think of the future and wait was merely
another way of saying one was a coward; any idea of moderation was just
an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to understand a
question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.”
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The
Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
may be associated.

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[ZION] What is patriotism?

2002-10-25 Thread Marc A. Schindler
>From, a left-wing e-zine: (make of it what you
will; I post it because it does make some good points despite its
ideological assumptions)

America armed with patriotism

Friday, October 11, 2002

Commentary by Larry Solway

I am in Cincinnati, the heartland of Republican America, the home of
President Taft, Senator Taft and Governor Taft.

 It is where George Bush chose to make his latest shoot-em-up speech
about the inevitable war with Iraq. It worked. Not only because he spoke
before an audience of the converted, but because America was waiting for
a compelling signal, waiting for the call to their patriotism.

In America, unlike Canada, where we have trouble being patriotic, their
sense of being American falls somewhere between patriotism and hubris.

They are awash in flags, as if the showing of a flag marks you indelibly
as a true American. They are also at war with themselves, wanting to
believe that the Presidency is somewhere between sublime and superhuman.
They want desperately to believe that the war with Iraq is a holy war,
not only against terrorism but also against evil waiting to be visited
on a peace-loving world.

So they arm themselves with flags and love of baseball, with truth and
honesty, with words like transparency and freedom. So armed, they can
sally forth secure in  the knowledge that, not only is their cause just
and right, it is what the world needs.

 I am in no way un-American. I am devoutly anti-Republican and
anti-government-quick-on-the-draw. To the thousands of Canadians who
flock to  the Stars and Stripes forever, I say "Good luck and Godspeed."
I only hope their
devotion to the American ideal does not cloud their ability to think
clearly. Make no mistake about it: Saddam Hussein is a complete
scoundrel. If he thought he could get away with it, he would take over
the Middle East and reign supreme as protector of Islam. (It would be
his version of Islam, because most people know he is not devout, and
parades anything else simply for the sake of expediency.)

On the other hand, we have the axis of Bush-Chaney-Rumsfeld. What a
triumvirate. The President is a mental lightweight. The Vice President
is the evil power behind the throne, the man who walked away from his
insider misdeeds at Halliburton Oil. (Remember too that two of the three
of the sacred triumvirate are oilmen.) Then  there is Rummy. He has
visions of some kind of military sugarplums dancing in his head. He is
and was a devout right-wing fundamentalist who lost his senate seat to a
dead man's wife.

 Perhaps what irritates me most is that the Iraq war is an extension of
American vanity. In his speech Bush won even more hearts with his
"proof" of the duplicity of Saddam and the certainty that he has weapons
of mass destruction and unless he is stopped forthwith will arm
terrorists with them and those terrorists will attack the  entire free

 I feel sorriest for America when I realize that they have forgotten (or
seem to have developed amnesia) over the tragic sight of American boys
being returned in body bags. Is a possible threat worth a pre-emptive
war, which will cost thousands of lives on both sides? Is the
pre-emptive strike better than waiting to see if Saddam blinks and that
he will truly disarm? Or do we have to face the reality that what the
Bush-Cheney twosome really want is $20 a barrel oil.

I worry also that a country finds its "truth" in its dead. Watching Ken
Burns' Civil War on PBS I was reminded about how holy that holocaust has
become; how much tribute is paid to the sacrifices that created the
crucible in which a great and free America was built. Notwithstanding
that apparent truth, the South is still awash in Confederate battle
flags and racism.

One generation learns to fear and hate war. Another learns to honour it.
We are not immune. I still hear Canadians refer to the slaughter at
Ypres during the Great War that helped create our sense of ourselves as

We do not need it. Our fellow Americans do not need it. Mothers with
boys do not need it. But they cheered in Cincinnati.

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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and
deeds; the worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences
have been properly debated…To think of the future and wait was merely
another way of saying one was a coward; any idea of moderation was just
an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to understand a
question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.”
– Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The
Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s empl

RE: [ZION] Secret societies

2002-10-25 Thread Stephen Beecroft
At the risk of belaboring the obvious, let me point out that under the 
definitions and descriptions given in these encyclopedia entries John 
has mentioned, the Church, and specifically the works of the temple, 
would undoubtedly qualify as a secret society. (Of course, I consider it 
no such thing, as I suspect most here do not, but those who wrote the 
cited entries almost certainly would.)


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[ZION] From Canadian Encyclopedia

2002-10-25 Thread John W. Redelfs
Secret Societies

Secret Societies are sometimes seen as religious, philosophical or 
spiritual sects that confer upon their initiates a certain mystery; the 
mystery is patiently and meticulously maintained and gradually made 
accessible, in succeeding stages, through the performance of secret rites 
designed to purify the fortunate elect. At other times, secret societies 
are seen as seditious political organizations, clandestine economic 
associations, criminal groups, ideological movements with revolutionary 
intentions, or occult interest groups. They may also be viewed as agencies 
for mutual aid, support, brotherhood, charity or good works.

In order to attract the attention of the curious or the spiritualistic, a 
group generally need only indulge in clandestine activities (eg, the 
FREEMASONS), have an unusual series of rites and customs (many social 
clubs), or maintain a certain secrecy around initiation ceremonies (some 
Native groups). Myth-makers capitalize on one's interest in the immaterial 
and supernatural to maintain in initiates and aspirants the superrational 
element necessary for any lasting socialization.

Historically, all secret societies, whether brotherhoods, trade guilds, 
mystery societies, initiating associations and spiritualist societies or, 
more simply, closed associations with specific economic, political or 
religious purpose, have or have had their own oaths, rituals, customs and 
secret languages to promote and maintain necessary group solidarity. All 
have adopted signs of recognition and passwords, rhythmic chants and other 
ways of reminding one another of their society's moral conditions of 
behaviour. All have developed and followed successive stages to the 
attainment of secret knowledge or power, periods of apprenticeship and 
trial, and an often intricate hierarchy. All have evolved internal 
ceremonies capable of separating the neophyte from the member of long 
standing, the profane from the chosen. All have identified themselves with 
certain moral principles and beliefs that distinguish them from that which 
surrounds them and is therefore foreign or subordinate to them. All have 
given a sacred significance to their existence.

It is therefore not very helpful to attempt to differentiate between secret 
societies and other organizations on the basis of distinctions of place 
(primitive societies, Western societies), culture (Caribbean, Germanic, 
Slavic or American Protestant societies), religion (ORDRE DE JACQUES- 
CARTIER, ORANGE ORDER), nationality (Amerindian, Spanish, Italian, Irish or 
French) or sex (witches or high priests).

Secret societies have been in existence at least since the date of the 
earliest known writings. Some have served utilitarian ends, others 
speculative; some have been visible, others invisible, except to government 
information services, which have always been aware of their existence. Each 
has based its existence on a secret, the secret of its mystery, purpose, 
direction, ritual or, more generally, its organization. ULTIMATELY, WHAT 
BE. [emaphsis by Redelfs]

In Canada, secret societies were often founded by ethnic groups, 
particularly the Irish; the Whiteboys and the United Irishmen were active 
before 1812 and the FENIANS (Irish Republican Brotherhood) during the 
Confederation period. Farm and labour organizations like the Grange and 
KNIGHTS OF LABOR began as secret societies. Today, the best-known societies 
are the Freemasons, Orange Order, Ordre de Jacques- Cartier, Opus Dei and, 
at certain periods, the KU KLUX KLAN.


 The 1998 Canadian Encyclopedia, 09-06-1997. 

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[ZION] Secret Societies

2002-10-25 Thread John W. Redelfs
I found this interesting.  I thought that some others here might also.


secret society, organization of initiated persons whose members, purposes, 
and rituals are kept secret. Human groups throughout history have 
maintained secret societies. The ceremonies of initiation into such a 
society typically begin with an oath pledging secrecy as to all proceedings 
of the society, ascribing special obligations to its members, and assenting 
to penalties for violation of the oath. This is followed by tests of the 
candidate's worthiness, including physical courage and even painful 
mutilations. A dominant theme in the initiation trials of most of these 
societies is the symbolism of death and rebirth. After the candidate has 
passed the prescribed tests, the secret knowledge is transmitted to him. 
Secret societies have served as schools in which the elders instruct the 
young men in the ways of their society. These initiations are reminiscent 
of coming-of-age ceremonies. Women have comparable societies, but theirs 
have never matched those of men in number. (A notable exception was the 
Hung Society of China, a secret society of women that lasted over 1,500 
years.) The mysteries, or secret rites and doctrines, of the Egyptians, the 
Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and other ancient peoples were 
transmitted solely through secret societies. In modern civilizations secret 
societies such as Freemasonry are numerous. They usually offer various 
types of mutual aid for their members; there are, for example, special 
obligations to members who are ill and to the families of deceased members. 
Some historic secret societies, such as the Bavarian Illuminati, have been 
the object of massive paranoid speculation, accused of conspiring for world 
political domination; but the model of the secret society, with its 
emphasis on absolute commitment and secret truths that set the initiate 
apart, has been used to explain various political groups from terrorists to 
Cold Warriors. Some secret societies, e.g., the Mafia and the Ku Klux Klan, 
under the guise of fraternal benevolence, have defended the interests of 
their members by violence. See also fraternal orders, fraternity.
Bibliography See J. H. Lepper, Famous Secret Societies (1932); A. Daraul, A 
History of Secret Societies (1962); J. M. Roberts, The Mythology of the 
Secret Societies (1972).

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Seventh Edition, 01-01-2002.

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Re: [ZION] The Jerusalem Temple

2002-10-25 Thread Paul Osborne
Concerning this event, Wilford Woodruff said in 1855: “When the Gentiles
reject the Gospel it will be taken from them, and go to the House of
Israel, to that long-suffering people that are now scattered abroad
through all the nations upon the earth, … and they will rebuild Jerusalem
their ancient city, and make it more glorious than at the beginning, and
they will have a leader in Israel with them, a man that is full of the
power of God and the gift of the Holy Ghost; but they are held now from
this work, only because the fulness of the Gentiles has not yet come in.”
(Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, p. 200. Italics added.)

Paul O
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Re: [ZION] Jerusalem temple

2002-10-25 Thread Paul Osborne
>He stated that Mormons
>would probably help the Jews build the temple, because we are one of the
>few peoples on earth who still have that skill/capability. My Institute
>director was on that trip, Brother Perritt, so I got it first hand.

This is shop talk and it means nothing. If the Jews really want the
Mormons to build them a temple unto the Lord that is fine but they need
to realize that they won't be able to go therein until they qualify for a
temple recommend. Temples are built for saints; not unbelievers.

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] Jerusalem temple

2002-10-25 Thread Paul Osborne
>I have two thoughts on this, somewhat differing in scope.
>First, I believe the Lord could allow the Jews to rebuild a temple,
>on the Mosaic/Terrestrial Law. It would not have all the power and
>blessings of a temple built on the laws of the Celestial Kingdom and
>Melchizedek Priesthood. It would require priests, direct descendents
>Aaron to offer sacrifice and enter the Holy of Holies.


I don't understand the reasoning that goes along with your thought. The
Jews are descendents of apostates and they and their appointees can't
officiate in the name of the Lord because they have no priesthood
whatsoever. Outside of Mormonism there is no one authorized to perform
animal sacrifice and the Jews know nothing about the sacred covenants of
the priesthood and have rejected Jesus Christ who is the whole purpose
behind the animal sacrifice. Any sacrifice performed by Jews would be a
mockery and just as invalid as the baptism performed by a Catholic

I don't believe the Jews could build a temple unto the Lord. If the
Catholics can't do it, neither can the Jews. Don't you believe Elder
McConkie when he said the temple would be built by the Church?

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] ah, relief!

2002-10-25 Thread Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz
CNN now reports as breaking news (16:20 CDT):
Montgomery County, Maryland, to charge sniper suspects John Muhammad, John Malvo with 
six counts of murder; Malvo to be tried as adult. Details to come.

Dan R Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On top of all this, Alabama can file its own capital
>murder charge in connection with the robbery that happened
>there.  /Sandy/
>Apparently they already have, and I've read elsewhere that this makes them
>the first jurisdiction to do so.
>"Prosecutors in Alabama have decided to seek the death penalty for the two
>prime suspects in the sniper shootings that terrorized the Washington,
>D.C., area in a killing in their state and officials in Maryland say they
>will file murder charges against the two men by the end of the day, as
>federal officials and authorities in seven jurisdictions discuss how to
>prosecute the pair."

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RE: [ZION] High Priest

2002-10-25 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> And I've done some research and determined that those who
> mentioned previously that [bishop] is a position in the
> Aaronic Priesthood are partially incorrect.

I don't recall anyone saying it was a position in the Aaronic 
Priesthood; rather, they said it was an office in the Aaronic 
Priesthood. I believe this is beyond all dispute. If you have evidence 
to the contrary, I'd love to see it.

> Those who receive it otherwise (not of Aaron's lineage), receive
> it as an office in the Melchizedek Priesthood.

I have never heard of "bishop" being considered a Melchizedek Priesthood 
office, except in the sense that the Aaronic Priesthood is a subset of 
the Melchizedek Priesthood, and therefore all Aaronic Priesthood offices 
(deacon, teacher, priest, and bishop) form a part of the structure of 
the Melchizedek Priesthood. Obviously, current Church practice specifies 
that any bishop hold the office of high priest, but that doesn't negate 
the fact that "bishop" is an Aaronic Priesthood office.


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RE: [ZION] High Priests

2002-10-25 Thread Scott McGee
On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 07:09:09 -0400, "Elmer L. Fairbank"
> At 03:13 10/25/2002 +, St Stephen wrote:
> >Perhaps you should tell Elders Maxwell, Nelson, and Hilbig about Occam's
> >razor, so they can get their acts together. 
> What's a razor?

Till, a razor is that thing wives use on their legs to make sure that
they can scratch your legs up with theirs simply by rubbing them against
you a few days later. I know! My wife has one!

Scott (who wouldn't want to touch one of those horrid razor things!)
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[ZION] High Priest

2002-10-25 Thread Gary Smith
The keys stay with the position, not with the person. An elder's quorum
president, once released, is an elder. Same with a stake president being
a high priest.
However, a bishop remains a bishop, just without the active keys. It is
not just a position, but an office in the priesthood. And I've done some
research and determined that those who mentioned previously that it is a
position in the Aaronic Priesthood are partially incorrect. That only
applies to direct descendants of Aaron, who have a right to it due to
lineage. Those who receive it otherwise (not of Aaron's lineage), receive
it as an office in the Melchizedek Priesthood.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

>If a man who has previously served as elder's quorum president, then
>been released, is again called to serve, he does not need to have the
>keys given him. He already has them. The same applies to a former bishop
>who is called to serve again as bishop, or a former stake president
>called to serve again as stake president, etc. Mark, Larry, Till,
>correct me if I'm wrong, but this is my understanding.

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[ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-25 Thread Gary Smith
Yes, I know that Nibley says it is a free lunch, but he also says we
still must work. What I was meaning, is that there are laws of work
governing worldly wealth. The person who works hard and smart tends to
live a more comfortable life than someone who is sloth or not so wise in
their dealings with money.
For example, all the GAs have paid their tithes, ensuring that the Lord
would open the windows of heaven up to them. Second, they have all worked
hard to live within their means, staying out of debt, ensuring their
moneys were being used in the best ways possible, rather than just to pay
down interest debt.
Third, they have been industrious enough to make for a comfortable
Fourth, they have put the kingdom of God first, and their other worldly
works second, ensuring God's assistance financially and in other matters.
So, they HAVE earned these blessings given of God. Do you think they
would have these same blessings if they weren't paying their tithes? They
wouldn't qualify to be GAs or high priests w/o paying tithes, so there is
a bit of "earning" one has to do. Perhaps the term "qualify" would better
suit you? Either way, it isn't totally a free gift, as there are some
qualifications to receive all from God.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Not so sure I agree, Gary.  Reference Approaching Zion Chapters 4 and 
5.  Not so sure earned is the correct choice of terms here.

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[ZION] Figure the Odds

2002-10-25 Thread Gary Smith
This morning, the chief of police of Montgomery Alabama signed out a
warrant for the two snipers. They passed through here in Sept and shot
two women working at a state liquor store, killing one of them. A police
officer who chased them got a great look at Mohammed, and immediately
picked him out of a lineup. The young man's fingerprint has been found on
a magazine they left behind. They will be charged with capitol murder,
and the city will seek the death penalty for both.
It may be that we have the stronger evidence against these guys, and
being they hit here first and we've charged them first with a capitol
crime, we may actually get to prosecute them (and hang 'em) before anyone
else does. Down here, we can declare a 17 year old an adult, so the kid
isn't getting away on this one.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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[ZION] James' Ossuary

2002-10-25 Thread Gary Smith
I just received my Nov/Dec Biblical Archaeology Review magazine in the
mail. I'll read it over the next day or so and let you know what it says
in more detail than the news reports have given.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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[ZION] Jerusalem temple

2002-10-25 Thread Gary Smith
I have two thoughts on this, somewhat differing in scope.
First, I believe the Lord could allow the Jews to rebuild a temple, based
on the Mosaic/Terrestrial Law. It would not have all the power and
blessings of a temple built on the laws of the Celestial Kingdom and
Melchizedek Priesthood. It would require priests, direct descendents from
Aaron to offer sacrifice and enter the Holy of Holies.
The other idea came around back in 1978, when a bunch of Institute
instructors and their wives went on a summer trip to the Middle East. In
Jerusalem, they spoke to the head of the main Jewish religion there, and
one question that came up was the future temple. He stated that Mormons
would probably help the Jews build the temple, because we are one of the
few peoples on earth who still have that skill/capability. My Institute
director was on that trip, Brother Perritt, so I got it first hand.
K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I think we have been here before. It's a good subject. I say that the
Jews can't build a temple that the Lord will accept. A temple must be
built and consecrated to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Jews cannot do
 The temple in Jerusalem will be built by the LDS church for in behalf of
Mormon Jews. The LDS church is the only people under the heavens that can
perform such a work. To think that the Jews will build a temple outside
of the authority of the Mormons is just like saying the Jehovah's
Witnesses can do so too. There is no scriptural reference to support such
an idea. 

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[ZION] The Jerusalem Temple

2002-10-25 Thread Gary Smith
There's been quite a bit of excavation done on Mt Moriah over the past
decade. There are scholars who are convinced they know where the Holy of
Holies for Herod's temple was by excavations going under the mount.

Most scholars reading the temple scroll today believe that the Essenes
(or whoever group it was) believed the entire city of Jerusalem was a
part of the temple, just as the tribes of Israel were a literal part of
the tabernacle they surrounded. For this reason, the Essenes thought it
sacrilege to bury anyone within the walls of the Old City.
K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

FWIW, a lot of people assume Mt. Zion is the temple mount, but it's not,
it's to
the west and isn't quite as prominent as Mt. Moriah. I made special note
to look
to see what's there now, at the summit. It's basically a parking lot for
a Greek
Orthodox seminary and monastery which is built on the western slopes of
"mountain" (as a geographical feature it's hardly impressive -- you have
to have
someone point it out to you, or study maps very carefully). Also, the
Wall, or "wailing wall" is *not* the original Herodian temple. That was
completely destroyed, so that one stone did not stand upon another, as a
of the NT will remember. The wall is actually part of a structure built
by the
Turks, believe it or not. There's still controversy over where exactly on
Moriah the original temples (whichever of the 3 versions you're looking
Solomon's, Nehemiah's or Herod's) you look at. And the temple scroll of
the DSS
describes a temple which would cover more than the existing area of all
of Old
Jerusalem (that part currently enclosed by the Turkish walls, from the
Jaffa Gate
to the Damascus Gate and cutting across David's city and part of Mt.

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Re: [ZION] The Jerusalem Temple

2002-10-25 Thread Scott McGee
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 12:10:37 -0500, "Paul Osborne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >We know that a temple will be built in Jerusalem before the Second 
> >Coming.
> >Question: will the temple in Jerusalem have to be built 
> >and dedicated under the authority and supervision of the Melchizedek 
> >priesthood?  Or will unbelieving Jews find some way of building a real 
> >temple without authority from God?
> I think we have been here before. It's a good subject. I say that the
> Jews can't build a temple that the Lord will accept.

I disagree. The Jews have all the information to build the Temple
carefully recorded in the Old Testament. They have to find some of the
descendants of Levi to preside. These descendants have a right to the
Aronic Preisthood which (unless I am mistaken) is what was used with the
original Temple. 

I think that after the second coming, they will have to have it
rededicated by the Melchizedek Priesthood before it can be used for the
temple rights that we perform.

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Re: [ZION] James' Ossuary

2002-10-25 Thread Scott McGee
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 07:56:37 -0400, "Elmer L. Fairbank"
> At 20:33 10/23/2002 -0800, BLT wrote:
> >Maybe with satellite technology they will eventually solve the riddle of 
> >the Ark

> >who knows what they might find?
> Maybe even that pen I set down somewhere and can't seem to recall where.
> Till  (or single socks!)

Till, we know the cause of single socks. It is a sacrifice demanded by
the Washing Machine God for his work. I have found, however, that if you
put a rubber band around the top of a pair, they generally don't get
sacrificed! I guess someone else's unpaired sock is selected instead as
an easier target.

Buttered bread always lands butter side * Would YOU mistake these as
down (Unless it sticks to the ceiling!) * anyone`s opinions but my own?
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott McGee)

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Re: [ZION] ah, relief!

2002-10-25 Thread Dan R Allen

On top of all this, Alabama can file its own capital
murder charge in connection with the robbery that happened
there.  /Sandy/

Apparently they already have, and I've read elsewhere that this makes them
the first jurisdiction to do so.

"Prosecutors in Alabama have decided to seek the death penalty for the two
prime suspects in the sniper shootings that terrorized the Washington,
D.C., area in a killing in their state and officials in Maryland say they
will file murder charges against the two men by the end of the day, as
federal officials and authorities in seven jurisdictions discuss how to
prosecute the pair."

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Re: [ZION] High Priests

2002-10-25 Thread Paul Osborne
>Several of the Brethren have stated that since the Nephites were not
Levites they never >did have the Aaronic priesthood even when under the
law of Moses.  Therefore, so >state these same Brethren, the Nephites
always only had the Melchizedek priesthood.  >They further state (IIRC)
that they could officiate in the ordinances of the law of >Moses through
the authority of the Melchizedek priesthood. 

Correct. The Nephites did not officiate in the Aaronic priesthood until
after the Savior appeared to them. All priesthood administration in the
BoM before Christ was in the high priesthood which is after the order of
the Son of God.

Paul O

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RE: [ZION] High Priests

2002-10-25 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> Moroni talks about teachers and priests.  This is several
> hundred years after Christ, so the Nephites had the Melchizedek
> priesthood at that time and were not under the law of Moses.

True enough. I was referring to earlier, pre-Resurrection references to 
teachers and priests. But you bring up an interesting point:

> Several of the Brethren have stated that since the Nephites were
> not Levites they never did have the Aaronic priesthood even when
> under the law of Moses.

I did not realize this, having never heard these statements; but now 
that you mention it, it seems pretty obvious that the Nephites would not 
have had the Levitical Priesthood. Duh.

The Moroni reference is interesting. The term "priest" itself implies a 
Priesthood office, and Moroni 4-5 show that priests as well as elders 
could consecrate the sacrament, which as far as I know is purely a 
Priesthood function. Furthermore, Moroni 3 talks about the *ordination* 
of priests and teachers, the identical wording (or the same ideas, if 
the prayer is not meant to be verbatim) used in each, suggesting that 
both "priest" and "teacher" were Priesthood offices.

Since the Nephite post-Resurrection office of priest had the authority 
to administer the sacrament, it's tempting to say that those two offices 
were identical to the Aaronic Priesthood offices of "priest" and 
"teacher" that we have today. However, your mention above of the 
teachings of our leaders, which I assume to be correct (do you have an 
actual citation(s)?), demonstrates that the Nephites were not in 
possession of the Aaronic Priesthood; so if "teacher" and "priest" were 
in fact Priesthood offices, as seems likely, they must have been offices 
in the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Other possibilities? Maybe the Nephites had some other type of "lesser 
Priesthood", similar to our Aaronic Priesthood, and these were offices 
in that other Priesthood. Seems farfetched, but I have heard others talk 
about what they term "the Patriarchal Priesthood" as a separate thing 
from the Melchizedek Priesthood, or more correctly a subset of it. I 
have done no study of this issue, and the argumentation I've heard on it 
is most unconvincing; but if such a thing actually existed, then it's 
possible there was yet another Nephite Priesthood subset, similar to the 
Levitical/Aaronic and the Patriarchal.

Another idea, one that to me seems more likely: If Joseph's use of the 
term "ordain" in translating Moroni 3 is taken more broadly, maybe as 
synonymous with "set apart", another possibilitiy presents itself. 
Perhaps "priest" and "teacher" did not refer to 
administrative/functional capacities that today we call "offices". Maybe 
they were more akin to what we today would term "callings", like "ward 
missionary" and "gospel doctrine teacher". The "elders" of the Nephite 
church in later times referred to the "disciples", meaning specifically 
the leaders selected by Christ, or the "virtual apostles" of the 
Nephites. Maybe all Nephite Priesthood leaders were called "elder". In 
that case, Moroni's statement that the elders or priests administered 
the sacrament would be like saying that the Church leaders or 
sacrament-administrators (i.e. those specifically authorized to 
administer the sacrament) took care of that ordinance.

All speculation, of course; but knowing that the Aaronic Priesthood did 
not exist among the Nephites, and without further historical 
information, it may be the best we can do.

> They further state (IIRC) that they could officiate in the
> ordinances of the law of Moses through the authority of the
> Melchizedek priesthood.

This makes sense. Since the Aaronic Priesthood is a part of the higher 
Priesthood, it is reasonable that any holder of the higher Priesthood 
could officiate in a duty of the lesser Priesthood.


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RE: [ZION] High Priests

2002-10-25 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> What's a razor?

He's the guy whut grows the crops.


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RE: [ZION] High Priests

2002-10-25 Thread Mark Gregson

- Stephen -
Though this is off the main thread, it's an interesting side thread. I 
don't agree that "teacher" was a Melchizedek Priesthood office for the 
Nephites; the Melchizedek Priesthood was not generally held among the 
Jews, so I don't see why it would have been generally held among the 
Nephites, who were after all Jews and who were therefore under the law 
of Moses. 


Moroni talks about teachers and priests.  This is several hundred years after Christ, 
so the Nephites had the Melchizedek priesthood at that time and were not under the law 
of Moses.

Several of the Brethren have stated that since the Nephites were not Levites they 
never did have the Aaronic priesthood even when under the law of Moses.  Therefore, so 
state these same Brethren, the Nephites always only had the Melchizedek priesthood.  
They further state (IIRC) that they could officiate in the ordinances of the law of 
Moses through the authority of the Melchizedek priesthood. 

=  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =

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Re: [ZION] ah, relief!

2002-10-25 Thread Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz
Paul Osborne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>[Heidi Page] I'm so relieved that those two men have 
>>been arrested and it appears that
>>these are the guys!  What an answer to prayers!
>Now all they have to look forward to is long legal proceedings and jail
>time. They will never see the light of day.

And that's even assuming the death penalty isn't invoked.
At this point, the Federal government can theoretically 
prosecute with the death penalty because one of the victims 
was an FBI agent.  And both Maryland and Virginia have 
state death penalty statutes.  That's three different 
jurisdictions that can try the defendants with the death 
penalty.  Not only that, but the defense wouldn't be able 
to mount a "double jeopardy" argument because each of the 
shootings were distinct, separate events and could therefore 
be prosecuted individually (at the very least, there could
be a different trial in each state).  

On top of all this, Alabama can file its own capital 
murder charge in connection with the robbery that happened
there.  /Sandy/ 

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Re: [ZION] ah, relief!

2002-10-25 Thread Paul Osborne
>I'm so relieved that those two men have been arrested and it appears
>these are the guys!  What an answer to prayers!

Now all they have to look forward to is long legal proceedings and jail
time. They will never see the light of day. They will have a tough time
in the prison system and will probably find themselves to be victims as
they are attacked in prison by those who hear of their heinous crimes. It
won't be very pleasant for them. I've heard that the so-called prison
code of justice can be quite effective. You can be assured that they will
pay a dear and heavy price in this life.

Paul O

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[ZION] ah, relief!

2002-10-25 Thread hkpage
I'm so relieved that those two men have been arrested and it appears that
these are the guys!  What an answer to prayers!

Heidi the fair (who is feeling like a huge burden has been lifted from my

Heidi Page

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RE: [ZION] High Priests

2002-10-25 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 03:13 10/25/2002 +, St Stephen wrote:

Perhaps you should tell Elders Maxwell, Nelson, and Hilbig about Occam's
razor, so they can get their acts together.

What's a razor?


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Re: [ZION] The Jerusalem Temple

2002-10-25 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 12:46 10/24/2002 -0700, Uncle Dan wrote:

We might be in for a surprise here. The key, I think, is in the actual
consecration of the temple. The Jews will probably build it, as a temple,
but it won't actually meet the Lord's requirements until consecrated by His
Consider that you can receive the same blessing of safety in your home that
you could by being in a temple, but there is no requirement that it's
construction be performed by His church in anyway.
I think that the Jerusalem Temple will have to be built by the Israelites
living there as part of their covenant. they won't have the authority to
consecrate it, but the actual construction could be done in the faith that
God will provide the means once it's accomplished. That's where His church
would step in.

Very good observation, Dan.  It certainly resonates as a possible scenario.


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Re: [ZION] Definition of "liberal"

2002-10-25 Thread Cousin Bill
At some point in the past, Gary wrote:

> here's a stump question: Can anyone tell me the name of the Democratic
> Georgia Senator who tends to vote frequently with the Republicans and
> Bush?  (I know the answer, and I can tell you that if there were more
> guys in the Democratic party like him- who vote on principle and not on
> party platform, I'd possibly vote Democrat).

Being a voter from Georgia, this one is too easy for me to pass up.

None other than Zig-Zag Zell Miller.

It sure is nice to get some of them right.  I mean, surely you didn't mean
Max Cleland.

Bill Lewis AKA
Cousin Bill

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