RE: [ZION] Curiosity About Alma 1:21

2002-12-15 Thread Jim Cobabe

Stacy Smith wrote:
Can someone explain to me how there could be total freedom of religion 
with people observing the Mosaic law?  How can there have been a command 
against blasphemy and a death sentence if conditions like Alma portrays 
were true?  How could there have been a climate of religious freedom?

Book of Mormon culture in this period appears to have far transcended 
the Law of Moses.  As we can see from the context of the story in Alma 
1, the rules of Nephite society during that period were much more 
liberal than in the most strict legalistic Jewish culture.  In fact 
conditions seemed to more closely parallel those in the early Christian 

The apostle Paul wrote about the Jews, ..."the law was a schoolmaster to 
bring us unto Christ."   Apparently the Law of Moses had a different 
effect on Nephite society than it seems to have had on the Jews during 
the same period.

Mij Ebaboc

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[ZION] algore

2002-12-15 Thread Jim Cobabe

Apparently Al Gore will announce that he won't be in the run for 
President in 2004. 

Perhaps now the Dems will promote someone decent.

Mij Ebaboc 

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RE: [ZION] algore

2002-12-15 Thread Chet

Jim Cobabe wrote:
> Perhaps now the Dems will promote someone decent.

They could do worse than Tipper.  If she could only get rid of that Al 

"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you 
are doing the impossible."

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RE: [ZION] algore

2002-12-15 Thread Stacy Smith
It would be interesting to see a woman running the White House but I would 
be against such a move.  I don't believe women should be in leadership of 
government at the federal level.


At 12:08 AM 12/16/2002 +, you wrote:

Jim Cobabe wrote:
> Perhaps now the Dems will promote someone decent.

They could do worse than Tipper.  If she could only get rid of that Al

"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you
are doing the impossible."

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[ZION] Just Finished Reading BEHOLD THE MAN by Jerald Lund

2002-12-15 Thread Stacy Smith
Hi.  I just finished reading the third novel by Jerald Lund on the life of 
Christ.  I was particularly interested in his chapter notes on all three 
books.  Now it's back to the grind and normal study materials.  I have to 
go back to studying such mundane computer lessons and, of course, continue 
to read the general conference talks by our leaders.  Then there's other 
things to explore if I ever get the chance, but I think it would take a 
lifetime just to read everything there is to read by the GAs.  If I get any 
chances in between I may read other authors, but I think this is just about 
it for me.  I've even decided to give up most television watching in favor 
of reading and listening to these leaders long term.  I truly believe they 
have long-term knowledge of future events and will in the end be able to 
look at all pertinent issues before another government gets 
established.  It's obvious there are differences of opinion even in the 
church.  I'll be interested to see what kind of government gets established 
and if any of us can have any input.


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[ZION] Calling A Trip To Salt Lake City A Pilgrimage?

2002-12-15 Thread Stacy Smith
Would any of you consider visiting historic LDS sites a pilgrimage?  This 
is a new idea to me.  What does anyone think of this?


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[ZION] "Christmas discount"/Roast of the Groom

2002-12-15 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Just a little, funny story from our weekend to precede a "roast of the
groom" with. Thursday our oldest son, and 3rd child, Jared, got married
to LeeAnn Valgardson, from a pioneering Icelandic family of Taber,
"sugar beet capital of Canada," east of Lethbridge, Alberta. They were
married in the Edmonton temple in the early evening, and I was able to
see the sealing room there for the first time. The Cardston temple,
which used to be "my" temple (and will always be, in many ways), has 4
sealing rooms, but it seems all the new "mini-temples," while they only
have 2 sealing rooms, have one which is a fair bit larger than the
others, with 3 rows of chairs on each side of the altar.

When the sealer showed an envelope, filled with the Proclamation on the
Family, their Alberta marriage licence and the temple wedding
certificate, he told them it wasn't a good idea to lose this
documentation, especially the marriage licence, and asked which of the
two was the more responsible. My wife immediately pointed to LeeAnn.

We saw some old friends Saturday at the reception in Taber. Originally
from southern Alberta pioneer families, they had become accustomed to
Ottawa (which is where we knew them from), but had recently decided to
move back to a small Mormon town best known for its basketball players.
They were recently in the paper for a court challenge they were mounting
against the local school district on behalf of their 205-cm tall son
(long story), but when they showed up in the lineup it was hugs all
'round, as I had not seen them since a business trip to Ottawa some 6
years ago. He used to be our bishop and also our dentist, and she's a
vivacious, sophisticated and very striking woman.

We found out that they left the reception in Taber to go to Medicine
Hat, and were trying to get back to their hometown this morning (Sunday)
in time for 09:00 Sacrament, so with her driving with her big-city lead
foot, it was inevitable that they got stopped by the Mounties for
speeding just outside Lethbridge. The mountie said he appreciated they
were trying to get to church, and because of the time of year, he was
giving them "the Christmas discount" and cut their fine in half: to
$100. One wonders just how fast she was going on a 100 kph highway! One
other thing we can tease her about. She is *not* enjoying small town
life and longs for the big city again. Fortunately, she said, Calgary is
only 2 hours away (a bit less if you use the "Granum gap" shortcut that
we learned today to get around Fort Macleod).

Well, anyway, just to share with everyone, here's the written version of
my toast to the groom, although it's only a guide -- I always ad lib
according to whim and sometimes even the Spirit, and pretended that I
had been asked to "roast" the groom, but was only informed on my way up
by my wife that it was a "toast" to the groom (that was my shtick; my
brother, Craig -- whom Tom knows -- was the MC, and together we work a
bit like the Smothers Brothers. We play to each other but in a way that
makes it look like we keep misunderstanding each other. As Craig said to
Jared after my toast, "Jared, if you ever want revenge on your Dad, let
me know, and I'll tell you all kinds of stories...and some of them are
even true.")


On the way up here I was informed that I was supposed to give a “toast
to the groom.” Unfortunately, when I was first given this assignment, I
didn’t hear it properly, and at first I thought it was supposed to be
the “rest of the broom” but I don’t even know where we keep the broom in
our place, so I assumed it was meant to be the “roast of the groom.”
It’s too late to change now, so Jared is about to be served up
well-done. And he'll certainly be toast when I'm done with him. I think
with a dash of HP sauce you’ll find him palatable. If not, try ketchup.
If that doesn’t work, try more ketchup. Ketchup fixes everything. And
what it won’t fix, duct tape or WD-40 will. I got that from an expert on
TV. [the cognescenti will recognize the allusion to Red Green].

When Jared was first born, in Foothills Hospital in Calgary, he had
these huge brown, puppy-dog eyes, and while all the nurses were cooing
over him, “Oh, what a little cutie pie,” I was thinking, “Oh, I dunno,
he looks all shrivelled and purple, just like all the other kids did.”
But even I noticed the eyes, so I nicknamed him Tootsie Roll – you know,
those big brown candies – and later, Gopher, since gophers have such big
brown eyes, too. It was meant as an affectionate nickname, and I think
he took it that way until a cousin from Cardston went and wrecked it all
by telling Jared, who grew up in Ottawa, that in Alberta they shoot

Well, we wouldn’t know up in Edmonton. We don’t have many gophers up
there except for the ones who work for the government. Okay, now I get
it – they are varmints. Finally, after more than 20 years, I think I see
why Gopher, er, I mean, Jared, objected to it.

But it could have been worse. He could h

Re: [ZION] Calling A Trip To Salt Lake City A Pilgrimage?

2002-12-15 Thread Jon Spencer
What is a pilgrimage to you?


Stacy Smith wrote:

> Would any of you consider visiting historic LDS sites a pilgrimage?  This
> is a new idea to me.  What does anyone think of this?

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Re: [ZION] Calling A Trip To Salt Lake City A Pilgrimage?

2002-12-15 Thread Stacy Smith
A pilgrimage, I am not exactly sure.  If it is a requirement for the 
faithful, then no.  If it is to get a sense of our practice, faith and 
culture I guess I'd have to say yes, but in reality I'm not sure.


At 11:51 PM 12/15/2002 -0500, you wrote:

What is a pilgrimage to you?


Stacy Smith wrote:

> Would any of you consider visiting historic LDS sites a pilgrimage?  This
> is a new idea to me.  What does anyone think of this?

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Re: [ZION] algore

2002-12-15 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Late breaking news...well, actually, late-breaking notice of the thread for
various reasons (not only did I have a wedding Thursday through Sunday that kept
me busy, but I was offline for a while thanks to Windows ME and ZoneAlarm not
working well together).

At any rate, I know this might be like asking Baptists what they think of John
Paul II's eventual successors, but I read an interesting article on John Kerrey (I
hope I have spelled that right -- I know there's a US politician with a
similar-sounding name), and also read today that Kerrey has officially announced
his run for the presidency in 2004. Apparently he was waiting to see what Gore
would do (he didn't want to run against him). Apparently one of Kerrey's political
heroes is none other than John McCain. It would be interesting. But what do you
populae australae [people south of the border] think of Kerrey?

Chet wrote:

> Jim Cobabe wrote:
> >
> > Perhaps now the Dems will promote someone decent.
> They could do worse than Tipper.  If she could only get rid of that Al
> guy.
> *jeep!
>   --Chet
> "Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you
> are doing the impossible."
> //
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] Calling A Trip To Salt Lake City A Pilgrimage?

2002-12-15 Thread Jon Spencer
I personally associate a negative connotation with the pilgrimage when
attached to our Church.  A pilgrimage to see BY's home or to visit
historical places seems to connote a sense of worship for these things.

But I also have a sense of awe, respect and gratitude when I visit Church
historical sites.  Perhaps that does make these visits pilgrimages even
though I don't like to call them such!

So, you see, I am completely confused!  But I still feel uncomfortable
calling them pilgrimages for some mystical unknown reason.

You mileage may DEFINITELY vary!


Stacy Smith wrote:
> A pilgrimage, I am not exactly sure.  If it is a requirement for the
> faithful, then no.  If it is to get a sense of our practice, faith and
> culture I guess I'd have to say yes, but in reality I'm not sure.

Jon wrote:
> >What is a pilgrimage to you?

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Re: [ZION] LOTR Two Towers

2002-12-15 Thread John W. Redelfs
Johnna Cornett favored us with:

Reading two of the books a measure of fan status?  I'm running into geek
rating.  I've read the entire LOTR trilogy four times in the last
thirteen months.  Too me, the dividing line between the fans and the
fanatics is learning elvish.

This tells me something about you, Johnna.  It tells me that you read 
faster than I do. --JWR

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[ZION] My visit to SLC

2002-12-15 Thread Gary Smith
I'm enjoying my visit to SLC. Tomorrow night (Monday), I'll be seeing the
Temple Square lights. If any of you are out there, I'll be the one with a
group of people. I'll also be wearing a green London Fog winter coat (not
a trench coat), with small orange labels saying "London Fog" and white
stripes.  I have a slight beard on my face, and small roundish glasses.
Anyone care to take a stab at finding me?

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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[ZION] Curiosity about Alma 1:21

2002-12-15 Thread Gary Smith
The Nephite nation by this time had separated its religious and political
spheres. There were many who did not belong to the Church and so were not
bound by the Mosaic Law, which is why Alma only had the power to
excommunicate. The death penalty was given only by the chief judge.
Death penalty under the Mosaic Law in Israel ceased to work efficiently
after just a few hundred years. Israelites in the Book of Judges were
already committing adultery and idolatry, and no death penalty was
sought. King David should have been stoned, but the Lord allowed him to
live. Though the law was there, it often was not followed closely, as the
Israelites mingled with other nations.
At this point in Alma, the Nephites had begun to mingle with Mulekites,
and who knows what other nations in the Americas. The Mosaic Law was not
forced upon these people. Rather, they were given freedom to choose how
they would worship. Worship of conscience was not against the law, nor
punishable by the Nephite system of judges- only actions like that taken
by Nehor (murdering Gideon) was used to incite the death penalty.
The law given to Noah also demanded the death penalty for murderers, but
we don't see the prophets pushing for the death penalty to be strictly
enforced. Such a command is a minor one, compared to the rites and
ordinances proscribed by the law.  Remember, the Mosaic law was not the
end-all law. It was a terrestrial law given as a stop gap measure until
the people were more prepared to hear the celestial law of Christ.
K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Can someone explain to me how there could be total freedom of religion
people observing the Mosaic law?  How can there have been a command
blasphemy and a death sentence if conditions like Alma portrays were 
true?  How could there have been a climate of religious freedom?

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Re: [ZION] Curiosity about Alma 1:21

2002-12-15 Thread Stacy Smith
It had just occurred to me that it seemed that the Mosaic law, if properly 
followed, never allowed for true freedom.  Am I really right on that 
one?  If that is the case, wouldn't one say that that law was a law of force?


At 12:34 AM 12/16/2002 -0600, you wrote:

The Nephite nation by this time had separated its religious and political
spheres. There were many who did not belong to the Church and so were not
bound by the Mosaic Law, which is why Alma only had the power to
excommunicate. The death penalty was given only by the chief judge.
Death penalty under the Mosaic Law in Israel ceased to work efficiently
after just a few hundred years. Israelites in the Book of Judges were
already committing adultery and idolatry, and no death penalty was
sought. King David should have been stoned, but the Lord allowed him to
live. Though the law was there, it often was not followed closely, as the
Israelites mingled with other nations.
At this point in Alma, the Nephites had begun to mingle with Mulekites,
and who knows what other nations in the Americas. The Mosaic Law was not
forced upon these people. Rather, they were given freedom to choose how
they would worship. Worship of conscience was not against the law, nor
punishable by the Nephite system of judges- only actions like that taken
by Nehor (murdering Gideon) was used to incite the death penalty.
The law given to Noah also demanded the death penalty for murderers, but
we don't see the prophets pushing for the death penalty to be strictly
enforced. Such a command is a minor one, compared to the rites and
ordinances proscribed by the law.  Remember, the Mosaic law was not the
end-all law. It was a terrestrial law given as a stop gap measure until
the people were more prepared to hear the celestial law of Christ.
K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Can someone explain to me how there could be total freedom of religion
people observing the Mosaic law?  How can there have been a command
blasphemy and a death sentence if conditions like Alma portrays were
true?  How could there have been a climate of religious freedom?

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