Re: [ZION] Constitutional Losses

2003-05-28 Thread Harold Stuart
This is probably one of the most poorly reported prophecies of Joseph  
Smith.  We need to remember that the Prophet gave this statement before  
the days of any reasonably accurate recording device, including  
shorthand.  As a result, the basic facts may vary widely.

The basis of the prophecy, however, is pretty plain.  We are in for  
very hard times, and our basic liberties will be under increasingly  
greater attack.

Harold Stuart

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 08:57 PM, Steven Montgomery wrote:

At 09:32 PM 5/27/2003, you wrote:
Doesn't prophesy say that the Elders will save it?

There are different versions and remembrances of Joseph Smith's  
statement (Given on July 19th 1840). Orson Hyde, in recalling Joseph  
Smith's words, put it this way:

I believe he said something like this--that the time would come when  
the Constitution and the country would be in danger of overthrow; and  
said he: 'If the Constitution be saved at all, it will be by the  
Elders of this Church.' I believe this is about the language, an  
nearly as I can recollect it. (See JD 6: 152)

If Hyde's version is correct then this makes the prophecy conditional.  
However, to be fair, President Ezra Taft Benson liked the version  
recorded by Martha Jane Knowleton, which is more explicit that the  
Constitution will be saved. Knowleton's version is this:

Even this nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and  
tumbling to the ground; and when the Constitution is upon the brink of  
ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean;  
and they shall bear the constitution away from the very verge of  

I say, how can the Constitution be saved by the Elders of Israel when  
many of them don't even know its basic precepts? For instance, how  
many Elders know the reason the Founders setup the Electoral College  
the way they did? Or the reason that originally, before the 17th  
amendment, that Senators were elected by State legislatures?

Steven Montgomery
It is no accident, then, that so many who gathered at Philadelphia to  
declare independence and a decade later to draft a constitution were  
men who had apprenticed themselves to Thucydides, Plato, Aristotle,  
Polybius, and Cicero, and who could debate at length on the various  
constitutional forms of the classical world before they chose one for  
the new American nation.  We owe our very existence as a people in  
great part to classical learning.T. L. Simmons


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Re: [ZION] Constitutional Losses

2003-05-28 Thread Stacy Smith
I have most of the writings of Joseph Smith.  I'm going to hunt up what was 


At 12:42 AM 05/28/2003 -0700, you wrote:

This is probably one of the most poorly reported prophecies of Joseph
Smith.  We need to remember that the Prophet gave this statement before
the days of any reasonably accurate recording device, including
shorthand.  As a result, the basic facts may vary widely.
The basis of the prophecy, however, is pretty plain.  We are in for
very hard times, and our basic liberties will be under increasingly
greater attack.
Harold Stuart
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Re: [ZION] Constitutional Losses

2003-05-28 Thread Stacy Smith
Before our current attacks from terrorists I wasn't worried about any 
freedoms being jeopardized.  Now with the threat of Al Queda and other 
groups getting to us and the likelihood that more attacks like 9/11 I think 
we can look forward to such.


At 09:06 PM 05/27/2003 -0600, you wrote:

At 08:19 PM 5/27/2003, you wrote:
It makes me wonder, can it really be long before the Elders of the Church 
have to save the constitution?

. . . if it can be saved at all.

Steven Montgomery
 . . . today the Christian Constitutionalist weeps as he walks about his
country. He sees the spiritual and political faith of his fathers
betrayed, by wolves in sheep's garments. He sees the forces of evil
increasing in strength and momentum under the leadership of Satan, the
archenemy of freedom.  ---Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, April 1967.
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Re: [ZION] Composing a letter to the Church

2003-05-28 Thread Stacy Smith
Producing braille materials and cassettes may be more costly in the long 
run than computerizing.


At 09:58 PM 05/27/2003 -0500, you wrote:

I never said you were the only one who wants to see this happen. What I
did say is that there may not be enough blind people wanting Church
publications accessible to the blind on computer to make it financially
feasible.  The Church has to weigh the needs of all people's access to
the scriptures and other manuals, and spend the money in the most cost
effective way to reach the most people it can.
If the Church has $1 million dollars to spend, and there are 10,000 blind
people wanting additional access, or the Church can use the million to
translate the Book of Mormon into a language for 1 million people; where
should the Church spend the million dollars?
It isn't that there isn't a demand for more access for the blind, but
whether there is enough to bump other worthy projects in order to provide
the scarce funds.
K'aya K'ama,

Gerald (Gary) Smith
Family History, Food Storage, etc.

You wrongly suppose I might be the only one who wants to see this happen.

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Re: [ZION] I'm all shook up.

2003-05-28 Thread Stacy Smith
Vacuum-packed MREs.


At 10:48 PM 05/27/2003 -0400, you wrote:

I guess the moral of the story is to ensure that your food storage is stored
in waterproof containers.

Ronn! Blankenship wrote:

It could have been be worse . . .

May 27, 2003
Contact: Tim Stephens (831) 459-2495; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UC Santa Cruz Press Release
Massive tsunami sweeps Atlantic Coast in asteroid impact scenario
for March 16, 2880

SANTA CRUZ, CA--If an asteroid crashes into the Earth, it is likely to
splash down somewhere in the oceans that cover 70 percent of the planet's
surface. Huge tsunami waves, spreading out from the impact site like the
ripples from a rock tossed into a pond, would inundate heavily populated
coastal areas. A computer simulation of an asteroid impact tsunami developed
by scientists at the University of California, Santa Cruz, shows waves as
high as 400 feet sweeping onto the Atlantic Coast of the United States.
The researchers based their simulation on a real asteroid known to be on
course for a close encounter with Earth eight centuries from now. Steven
Ward, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at
UCSC, and Erik Asphaug, an associate professor of Earth sciences, report
their findings in the June issue of the Geophysical Journal International.
March 16, 2880, is the day the asteroid known as 1950 DA, a huge rock
two-thirds of a mile in diameter, is due to swing so close to Earth it could
slam into the Atlantic Ocean at 38,000 miles per hour. The probability of a
direct hit is pretty small, but over the long timescales of Earth's history,
asteroids this size and larger have periodically hammered the planet,
sometimes with calamitous effects. The so-called K/T impact, for example,
ended the age of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
From a geologic perspective, events like this have happened many times in
the past. Asteroids the size of 1950 DA have probably struck the Earth about
600 times since the age of the dinosaurs, Ward said.
Ward and Asphaug's study is part of a general effort to conduct a rational
assessment of asteroid impact hazards. Asphaug, who organized a
NASA-sponsored scientific workshop on asteroids last year, noted that
asteroid risks are interesting because the probabilities are so small while
the potential consequences are enormous. Furthermore, the laws of orbital
mechanics make it possible for scientists to predict an impact if they are
able to detect the asteroid in advance.
It's like knowing the exact time when Mount Shasta will erupt, Asphaug
said. The way to deal with any natural hazard is to improve our knowledge
base, so we can turn the kind of human fear that gets played on in the
movies into something that we have a handle on.
Although the probability of an impact from 1950 DA is only about 0.3
percent, it is the only asteroid yet detected that scientists cannot
entirely dismiss as a threat. A team of scientists led by researchers at
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory reported on the probability of 1950 DA
crossing paths with the Earth in the April 5, 2002, issue of the journal
It's a low threat, actually a bit lower than the threat of being hit by an
as-yet-undiscovered asteroid in the same size range over the same period of
time, but it provided a good representative scenario for us to analyze,
Asphaug said.
For the simulation, the researchers chose an impact site consistent with the
orientation of the Earth at the time of the predicted encounter: in the
Atlantic Ocean about 360 miles from the U.S. coast. Ward summarized the
results as follows:
The 60,000-megaton blast of the impact vaporizes the asteroid and blows a
cavity in the ocean 11 miles across and all the way down to the seafloor,
which is about 3 miles deep at that point. The blast even excavates some of
the seafloor. Water then rushes back in to fill the cavity, and a ring of
waves spreads out in all directions. The impact creates tsunami waves of all
frequencies and wavelengths, with a peak wavelength about the same as the
diameter of the cavity. Because lower-frequency waves travel faster than
waves with higher frequencies, the initial impulse spreads out into a series
of waves.
In the movies they show one big wave, but you actually end up with dozens
of waves. The first ones to arrive are pretty small, and they gradually
increase in height, arriving at intervals of 3 or 4 minutes, Ward said.
The waves propagate all through the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean. The
waves decay as they travel, so coastal areas closest to the impact get hit
by the largest waves. Two hours after impact, 400-foot waves reach beaches
from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras, and by four hours after impact the entire
East Coast has experienced waves at least 200 feet high, Ward said. It takes
8 hours for the waves to reach Europe, where they come ashore at heights of
about 30 to 50 feet.
Computer simulations 

Re: [ZION] Constitutional Losses

2003-05-28 Thread Stacy Smith
Well, I'd like more verification that this is actually taking place.  I 
understand that censored e-mails have just been a joke.  I'd like to have 
verification that the government is keeping tabs on what I am doing at the 
Braille Institute, for example, or what I'm doing in my doctor's 
office.  Or how about what books I download off the NLS web braille 
site?  I'd like verification of what is happening.


At 02:35 PM 05/27/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Okay Zionisti:

For a long time, I have perused and mused as I read John Redelfs'
thoughts on conspiricy theories.  You see, I grew up with a dad who spoke
very much the way John does, and so, as progeny often will, I
intentionally went opposite in my thinking from where my dad was.
See, I had this altruistic view of our government, that they wouldn't
intentionally do things that would harm us.  My dad must have read one
too many books etc. etc.
Now-- ever since 9/11 I feel that our government has been doing its
darndest to, not gently erode the constitution, but to take massive
chunks of our freedoms under the thinly guised pretense of protecting us.
 This has bothered me for some time, and I get uneasy everytime I hear
people say I understand why they need to search my body for hidden
weapons. . .blah blah blah [or should I say baaa baaa baaa].
Tonight, though, came the straw.  Under the provisions of the Patriot Act
(sounds so. . .patriotic!) the feds can, at will, check out what you are
reading and checking out at your library!!  This includes not only books,
but ANYTHING you've read on the Internet.  Of course, they say that it
is only used for suspected terrorists etc., but come on!!   The news also
reported that they can find out what you've been buying at the book
stores as well--under the provisions of the Patriot Act.
Our founding fathers must be having fits as they watch the masses accept
this with nothing more than a shrug of the shoulders and a quick Oh
Does anyone else see this or feel the same way?  Or do I need to get a
prescription for Prozac?
your cynical sis in Mishawaka

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