RE: [ZION] Defend Marriage Petition, more information, installment 2

2004-03-04 Thread RB Scott
What it indicates, Bob, is that Ms. Proctor is a half-baked
reporter herself.

-Original Message-
From: Rusty Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 9:46 PM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Defend Marriage Petition, more information,
installment 2

Dear Zionistas-- here's a follow up to my initial transmission

Bob Taylor

Dear Zionistas

this article, while supplying no really new
information, certainly confirms
my previous suspicions regarding the printed media in
our country.  while
this does not necessarily indicate a media conspiracy,
I would say it
indicates they at least think alike on this particular topic.
Last week two long-anticipated studies were released
on the sexual abuse
scandal that has plagued the Catholic Church, and it
is hard to believe
that the reporters from the New York Times, the Los
Angeles Times, the
Washington Post, and the Washington Times were at the
same press
conference, because they certainly didn’t get the same story.
By Maurine Jensen Proctor

Bob Taylor

   There are no coincidences, only small miracles.
Author Unknown


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   There are no coincidences, only small miracles. Author


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RE: [ZION] More on Passion

2004-03-04 Thread RB Scott
Thanks Thomas  for providing yet nire reasons to avoid this
movie: boredom. I take it you won't become a Methodist any time


-Original Message-
From: Doubting Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 11:09 PM
Subject: RE: [ZION] More on Passion

I went to Passion last Sunday when a Methodist neighbor
invited me. His
church had bought out a showing with the apparent hope
of converting a few
Mormons to real Christianity. This allowed them to
hand out a lot of
literature, etc. I was good for a free movie and wanted
to see what all the
fuss was about.

I thought the film was good in some respects but very
bad in others. Of
course it was all done very realistically with good
actors. The focus was
entirely on the torture and death of Jesus with only
the smallest tidbits of
his life and resurrection. I've never been able to see
anything spiritual
about a man being tortured to death, and this film only
reinforced that
perception. It seemed like the Life of Jesus with all
the spiritual stuff
removed! The trip from the court to Golgotha took what
seemed an eternity.
As if the New Testament account wasn't enough, they
threw in lots of extra
little acts of torture. I had to roll my eyes a lot.

But that wasn't what I found most bad about the
movie. First, it suffered
from the same problem as every other Jesus film I've
seen: Jesus is never
portrayed as a realistic character. He says all the
familiar words, but
they're said in a soft voice with no emotion, yet
everyone is listening with
baited breath. That just doesn't work. The words are
profound because
they're familiar to us. To become famous they needed a
good original
oration. I don't picture Jesus as a quiet, boring guy
with a few profound
things in his head, but that's how he's always
portrayed. The only time in
the entire film that they made him human was a short
flashback (with no
spiritual content) where he was teasing his mother
while building a table.

Next, the film completely failed to make a persuasive
case for why anybody
wanted Jesus dead. The Jesus portrayed in the film
would have been dismissed
as a crank by everyone (and was by Pilot, Herod, and
others). The only thing
even remotely offensive was Jesus quietly admitting to
a couple heresies
(never loud enough for the offended crowd to even
hear him). So the whole
plot of the story made no sense. I realize that we're
already supposed to
know about Jesus cleansing the temple, etc., but the
Jesus character in
Gibson's movie didn't fit that role at all (and there
was never a flashback
to that).

There were other odd things about the movie. There was
a devil character
that kept popping up in a cloak (I think a woman, but I
was never sure). Her
purpose was never made clear (to encourage the death of
Jesus, or prevent
it?). Then there was mother Mary and her entourage
(Mary M  John). They
were always following along trying to get close to
Jesus through his ordeal,
always shedding a tear but perfectly solemn--totally
unrealistic to say the
least. I thought these repetitive scenes would never
end. It was a relief
when the movie was finally over and I could get out of
the theater and do
something useful. The film didn't move me at all. It
was so boring I almost
fell asleep a couple times.

Well there you have it, Doubting Thomas’ review of the Passion.

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RE: [ZION] Gay Marriage in Oregon

2004-03-04 Thread Gerald Smith
Interesting that all these gay marriage actions are taking place in 
liberal coastline states.  You just don't see any small towns in 
Mississippi handing out marriage licenses like that, do you?

Jonathan Scott wrote:
 Jonathan Scott

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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RE: [ZION] Gay Marriage in Oregon

2004-03-04 Thread RB Scott
I would suspect there are fewer candidates in rural Mississippi.
They all moved to New Orleans.

-Original Message-
From: Gerald Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 1:33 PM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Gay Marriage in Oregon

Interesting that all these gay marriage actions are
taking place in
liberal coastline states.  You just don't see any small
towns in
Mississippi handing out marriage licenses like that, do you?

Jonathan Scott wrote:;

 Jonathan Scott

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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RE: [ZION] Gay Marriage in Oregon

2004-03-04 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 12:33 PM 3/4/04, Gerald Smith wrote:
Interesting that all these gay marriage actions are taking place in
liberal coastline states.  You just don't see any small towns in
Mississippi handing out marriage licenses like that, do you?

So are you suggesting that it must be something in the water?

-- Ronn!  :)

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RE: [ZION] Gay Marriage in Oregon

2004-03-04 Thread RB Scott

-Original Message-
From: Ronn! Blankenship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 3:57 PM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Gay Marriage in Oregon

At 12:33 PM 3/4/04, Gerald Smith wrote:
Interesting that all these gay marriage actions are
taking place in
liberal coastline states.  You just don't see any
small towns in
Mississippi handing out marriage licenses like that, do you?

So are you suggesting that it must be something in the water?

It's all those hot tubs in San Francisco.  Obviously there are
fewer in Manhattan.  Leastwise the law is better behaved.


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2004-03-04 Thread Jonathan Scott
Feedback Please

- - - - -

	2.	Taboos and Darwin

	What protects us from ourselves and from 
one another when we, as a people or an 
individual, wish to do wrong?  Laws (state), 
shame (church), and taboos (community).
	Laws can currently be changed according 
to the will of the people.  Religious shame can 
disappear by changing one's belief in God or even 
by choosing to stop believing in God altogether. 
Taboos, the social limits we subconsciously place 
on ourselves, can be changed by challenging our 
views of those taboos.
	Where did the taboos come from though? 
Why do we have them?  A possible answer may come 
from Darwin.

The Concept of Natural Selection.
	The central argument of Darwin's theory 
of evolution starts from the existence of 
hereditary variation. Experience with animal and 
plant breeding demonstrates that variations can 
be developed that are useful to man. So, 
reasoned Darwin, variations must occur in nature 
that are favourable or useful in some way to the 
organism itself in the struggle for existence. 
Favourable variations are ones that increase 
chances for survival and procreation. Those 
advantageous variations are preserved and 
multiplied from generation to generation at the 
expense of less advantageous ones. This is the 
process known as natural selection. The outcome 
of the process is an organism that is well 
adapted to its environment, and evolution often 
occurs as a consequence.
	Natural selection, then, can be defined 
as the differential reproduction of alternative 
hereditary variants, determined by the fact that 
some variants increase the likelihood that the 
organisms having them will survive and reproduce 
more successfully than will organisms carrying 
alternative variants. Selection may be due to 
differences in survival, in fertility, in rate of 
development, in mating success, or in any other 
aspect of the life cycle. All of these 
differences can be incorporated under the term 
differential reproduction because all result in 
natural selection to the extent that they affect 
the number of progeny an organism leaves.
	(Quoted from Britannica CD 98 Standard 
Edition ©1994-1998 by Encyclopædia Britannica, 

	Does a person's moral belief structure 
affect their chances of reproducing?  Does a 
person's moral belief structure affect the 
chances of their children successfully growing to 
adulthood?  If a man's morals do not insist that 
he feed his children, his children may die as a 
result.  If a woman's morals do not insist that 
she bear children, the woman will sometimes have 
abortions or even abstain from childbearing 
altogether, thereby resulting in a decreased 
number of offspring.  It would seem that, yes, a 
person's moral belief structure does affect their 
chances of reproducing as well as the chances of 
their children's survival to adulthood.
	According to Darwin and Natural 
Selection, any quality that prevents a person 
from reproducing, will be less or not at all 
present in future generations of people, simply 
due to the fact that there are no or fewer 
children around to perpetuate it.  The result 
will be that the condition in question, any 
condition, will become less frequent, favoring 
other conditions that are more favorable for 
creating offspring.
	If Natural Selection plays a part in the 
shaping of one's own moral limitations, then it 
is also possible that the taboos that have been 
placed within us or that we have shaped for 
ourselves are pieces of information that, for 
whatever reason, are or once were essential to 
our existence and survival.
	It is also possible that as a society, 
such as ours, increasingly accepts the nihlistic 
philosophies, that Nietzsche suggested, as 
mentioned in section 1, that the moral taboo 
structure of the society will also change.  As 
Natural Selection suggests though, this change of 
our moral taboo structure may bring about a 
disharmony with the reproductive cycle and 
survival in general, resulting in death, both in 
a reduction of the number of offspring that are 
created and in actual death.

Jonathan Scott
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[ZION] Federal Marriage Amendment

2004-03-04 Thread John W. Redelfs

Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave, R-Colo., has introduced the Federal 
Marriage Amendment (H.J. Res. 56) as a proposed constitutional amendment, 
which will remove the definition of marriage from the reach of all 
legislatures and courts permanently.

Text:  SECTION 1. Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the 
union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution or the constitution 
of any State, nor state or federal law, shall be construed to require that 
marital status or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon unmarried 
couples or groups.

Question:  Is this the amendment, introduced in May of 2003, that President 
Bush is asking Congress to send out to the states?  Or is there some other 
federal marriage amendment with different wording that is being promoted?

The traditional family is under heavy attack. I do not know
that things were worse in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah.
-- President Gordon B. Hinckley, 2004.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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[ZION] Feedback Please - Chapter 5

2004-03-04 Thread Jonathan Scott
Feedback Please

- - - - -

	5.	Abortion

	Has the drift from Judeo/Christian morality towards Nihilism 
resulted in death and other loss of life?  Here are some statistics 
regarding only abortion:

	Each year there are 1.3 million abortions in the US.
	There have been over 40 million abortions since Roe vs Wade 
in the US alone.
	Currently, 1 in every five pregnancies in the US results in abortion.
	America has a population of 291 million.  Were abortion 
illegal, its population would be approximately 331 million.  This is 
a difference of 12%.
	Each year, an estimated 46 million abortions occur worldwide.

War US Loss of Life
Revolutionary War   4,000
Indian Wars 1,000
War of 1812 2,000
Mexican War I   13,000
Civil War   497,821
War Against Spain   11,000
World War I 116,000
World War II406,000
Korean War  55,000
Republic Of Vietnam 109,000
Gulf War Era9,000
Total   1,090,200
Abortions (US only) (Est.)  41,000,000
(Since Roe vs Wade)
(1973 et seq.)
	The Roe vs Wade decision happened on January 22, 1973.  The 
loss of life America suffered from abortion equaled the total amount 
of lives lost in all US wars fought to date by about May 17 of the 
following year, just 481 days later.

20th Century Event  Loss of Life
People's Republic of China  40,000,000
Mao Zedong's regime
World War II35,000,000
(not counting holocaust)
Joseph Stalin   30,000,000
Congo Free State (1886-1908)21,500,000
World War I 20,000,000
Adolf Hitler (holocaust only)   15,000,000
China, Nationalist Era  9,630,000
Russian Civil War (1917-1922)   9,000,000
China, Warlord Era (1917-1928)  6,810,000
Chinese Civil War (1945-1949)   6,194,000
North Korea (1948 et seq.)  5,000,000
Post-War Expulsion of   3,000,000
Germans from East Europe
Kinshasa Congo (1998 et seq.)   3,000,000
Afghanistan (1979-2001) 2,800,000
Korean War (1950-1953)  2,800,000
Nigeria (1966-1970) 2,000,000
Second Indochina War1,800,000
Cambodia (Pol Pot)  1,600,000
Ethiopia (1962-1992)1,500,000
Sudan (1983 et seq.)1,500,000
Rwanda and Brundi (1959-1995)   1,200,000
Bangladesh (1971)   1,100,000
Mexican Revolution (1910-1920)  1,000,000
Iran-Traq War (1980-1988)   825,000
Armenian Massacres (1915-1923)  600,000
Mozambique (1975-1993)  400,000
Total   223,259,000
Abortions World Wide (Est.) 1,451,000,000
(Since Roe vs Wade)
(1973 et seq.)
Abortions (US only) (Est.)  41,000,000
(Since Roe vs Wade)
(1973 et seq.)
	The above events are all from the 20th century and only 
included those events where the death toll was greater than or equal 
that of the US loss of life in the American Civil War.


Jonathan Scott
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[ZION] An Answer the the World - Chapter 5

2004-03-04 Thread Jonathan Scott
Feedback Please

- - - - -

	5.	Abortion

	Has the drift from Judeo/Christian morality towards Nihilism 
resulted in death and other loss of life?  Here are some statistics 
regarding only abortion:

	Each year there are 1.3 million abortions in the US.
	There have been over 40 million abortions since Roe vs Wade 
in the US alone.
	Currently, 1 in every five pregnancies in the US results in abortion.
	America has a population of 291 million.  Were abortion 
illegal, its population would be approximately 331 million.  This is 
a difference of 12%.
	Each year, an estimated 46 million abortions occur worldwide.

War US Loss of Life
Revolutionary War   4,000
Indian Wars 1,000
War of 1812 2,000
Mexican War I   13,000
Civil War   497,821
War Against Spain   11,000
World War I 116,000
World War II406,000
Korean War  55,000
Republic Of Vietnam 109,000
Gulf War Era9,000
Total   1,090,200
Abortions (US only) (Est.)  41,000,000
(Since Roe vs Wade)
(1973 et seq.)
	The Roe vs Wade decision happened on January 22, 1973.  The 
loss of life America suffered from abortion equaled the total amount 
of lives lost in all US wars fought to date by about May 17 of the 
following year, just 481 days later.

20th Century Event  Loss of Life
People's Republic of China  40,000,000
Mao Zedong's regime
World War II35,000,000
(not counting holocaust)
Joseph Stalin   30,000,000
Congo Free State (1886-1908)21,500,000
World War I 20,000,000
Adolf Hitler (holocaust only)   15,000,000
China, Nationalist Era  9,630,000
Russian Civil War (1917-1922)   9,000,000
China, Warlord Era (1917-1928)  6,810,000
Chinese Civil War (1945-1949)   6,194,000
North Korea (1948 et seq.)  5,000,000
Post-War Expulsion of   3,000,000
Germans from East Europe
Kinshasa Congo (1998 et seq.)   3,000,000
Afghanistan (1979-2001) 2,800,000
Korean War (1950-1953)  2,800,000
Nigeria (1966-1970) 2,000,000
Second Indochina War1,800,000
Cambodia (Pol Pot)  1,600,000
Ethiopia (1962-1992)1,500,000
Sudan (1983 et seq.)1,500,000
Rwanda and Brundi (1959-1995)   1,200,000
Bangladesh (1971)   1,100,000
Mexican Revolution (1910-1920)  1,000,000
Iran-Traq War (1980-1988)   825,000
Armenian Massacres (1915-1923)  600,000
Mozambique (1975-1993)  400,000
Total   223,259,000
Abortions World Wide (Est.) 1,451,000,000
(Since Roe vs Wade)
(1973 et seq.)
Abortions (US only) (Est.)  41,000,000
(Since Roe vs Wade)
(1973 et seq.)
	The above events are all from the 20th century and only 
included those events where the death toll was greater than or equal 
that of the US loss of life in the American Civil War.


Jonathan Scott
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RE: [ZION] Feedback Please - Chapter 5

2004-03-04 Thread RB Scott
The only sure solution is to mandate tubal ligations for every
young woman of childbearing age who fails a standardized exam on
proper conception prevention techniques.  Right-to-Life orgs and
Planned Parenthood  should teach the classes and administer the

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 8:55 PM
Subject: [ZION] Feedback Please - Chapter 5

Feedback Please

- - - - -

   5.  Abortion

   Has the drift from Judeo/Christian morality
towards Nihilism
resulted in death and other loss of life?  Here are
some statistics
regarding only abortion:

   Each year there are 1.3 million abortions in the US.
   There have been over 40 million abortions since
Roe vs Wade
in the US alone.
   Currently, 1 in every five pregnancies in the US
results in abortion.
   America has a population of 291 million.  Were abortion
illegal, its population would be approximately 331
million.  This is
a difference of 12%.
   Each year, an estimated 46 million abortions
occur worldwide.

WarUS Loss of Life
Revolutionary War  4,000
Indian Wars1,000
War of 18122,000

Mexican War I  13,000
Civil War  497,821
War Against Spain  11,000

World War I116,000
World War II   406,000
Korean War 55,000

Republic Of Vietnam109,000
Gulf War Era   9,000
Total  1,090,200
Abortions (US only) (Est.) 41,000,000
   (Since Roe vs Wade)
   (1973 et seq.)

   The Roe vs Wade decision happened on January
22, 1973.  The
loss of life America suffered from abortion equaled the
total amount
of lives lost in all US wars fought to date by about
May 17 of the
following year, just 481 days later.

20th Century Event Loss of Life
People's Republic of China 40,000,000
   Mao Zedong's regime
World War II   35,000,000
   (not counting holocaust)
Joseph Stalin  30,000,000
Congo Free State (1886-1908)   21,500,000
World War I20,000,000
Adolf Hitler (holocaust only)  15,000,000
China, Nationalist Era 9,630,000
Russian Civil War (1917-1922)  9,000,000
China, Warlord Era (1917-1928) 6,810,000
Chinese Civil War (1945-1949)  6,194,000
North Korea (1948 et seq.) 5,000,000
Post-War Expulsion of  3,000,000
   Germans from East Europe
Kinshasa Congo (1998 et seq.)  3,000,000
Afghanistan (1979-2001)2,800,000
Korean War (1950-1953) 2,800,000
Nigeria (1966-1970)2,000,000
Second Indochina War   1,800,000
Cambodia (Pol Pot) 1,600,000
Ethiopia (1962-1992)   1,500,000
Sudan (1983 et seq.)   1,500,000
Rwanda and Brundi (1959-1995)  1,200,000
Bangladesh (1971)  1,100,000
Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) 1,000,000
Iran-Traq War (1980-1988)  825,000
Armenian Massacres (1915-1923) 600,000
Mozambique (1975-1993) 400,000
Total  223,259,000
Abortions World Wide (Est.)1,451,000,000
   (Since Roe vs Wade)
   (1973 et seq.)
Abortions (US only) (Est.) 41,000,000
   (Since Roe vs Wade)
   (1973 et seq.)

   The above events are all from the 20th century and only
included those events where the death toll was greater
than or equal
that of the US loss of life in the American Civil War.


Jonathan Scott
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Re: [ZION] Feedback Please - Chapter 5

2004-03-04 Thread Jonathan Scott
Sorry about the double post.  Made a mistake.
Jonathan Scott
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[ZION] US Senate considers amendment

2004-03-04 Thread Jim Cobabe
Deseret Morning News, Thursday, March 04, 2004

Senate panel takes up marriage amendment

By Lee Davidson
Deseret Morning News

WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee began emotional hearings 
Wednesday on a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex 
marriage — seen either as a last stand for traditional family values or 
an attempt to rob gays of civil rights.

The session made for unusual alliances. Some liberals supported the 
amendment plan, others hated it. Likewise some conservatives praised it, 
and others abhorred it. Ditto for Democrats. And for Republicans. And 
for African-American leaders. And church groups.

Among leaders of the chorus praising the proposed amendment is Sen. 
Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the committee chairman — although he also says 
alternatives besides a constitutional amendment should be considered 

It is now clearer to me than ever that courts are usurping the role of 
legislatures by imposing their own definitions of marriage on the 
people, and we must do something about this, Hatch said in a written 
statement. I think we need to consider amending the Constitution — and 
said he would vote for a version favored by President Bush.

The hearing comes as the highest court in Massachusetts ruled that state 
must allow gay marriage — and as local officials in California, New 
York, New Mexico and Oregon have begun allowing them. Last week, Bush 
called for a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a 
man and a woman.

As couples — of both the married and same-sex variety — crowded the 
hearing room with their children to

serve as symbols of what is at stake, both sides made their arguments 
before the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution.

NAACP President Hilary Shelton opposed the proposed amendment, saying it 
would discriminate and restrict rather than expand and protect the 
rights for any and all persons.

But the Rev. Richard Richardson of the Black Ministerial Alliance of 
Greater Boston said, As an African-American, I know something about 
discrimination. . . . The traditional institution of marriage is not 
discrimination. And I find it offensive to call it that.

Richardson said traditional marriage is the best institution to ensure 
that children are raised by a loving mother and father. He said that 
ideal is under attack on many fronts and that disintegrating families 
have dire consequences in inner cities he serves. Without traditional 
marriage, it is hard to see how our community will be able to thrive.

Agreeing was Daniel de Leon, an Assembly of God pastor representing 
AMEN, a group of Hispanic evangelical churches. My people know 
something about discrimination. The institution of marriage was not 
created to discriminate against people. It was created to protect 
children and to give them the best home possible — a home with a mother 
and a father.

Disagreeing was Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., ranking subcommittee 
Democrat. An amendment regarding same-sex marriage would write 
discrimination into the governing document of our nation. He said he 
expects bitter battles, saying, Taking away a group of people's rights 
forever can never be done in a civil manner.

Likewise, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said, By endorsing this 
shameful proposed amendment, in a desperate tactic to divide Americans 
in an attempt to salvage his faltering re-election campaign, President 
Bush will go down in history as the first president to try to write bias 
back into the Constitution.

But Maggie Gallagher, president of the Institute for Marriage and Public 
Policy, said most Americans do not believe it would be discrimination. 
Sixty percent of African-Americans oppose same-sex marriage, as do 60 
percent of white Americans, according to a November Pew poll. . . . Are 
they all bigots?

While some churches praised the amendment plan, others publicly opposed 
it — including the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations 
and the Presbyterian Church (USA).

And while key Democrats such as Kennedy and Feingold oppose the proposed 
amendment, some Democrats have co-sponsored it. (Among those who have 
publicly supported it is Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah.)

And while Hatch and Senate Republican Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., 
support the proposed amendment, Sen. Lincoln Chaffee, R-R.I., joined 
opponents of it in a press conference Wednesday.

Also, many conservatives do not like amending the Constitution at all — 
while others want to go even further than Bush to also ban civil 
unions for gays. Sen. Bob Bennett and Rep. Rob Bishop, both R-Utah, 
have not yet endorsed amending the Constitution, saying they want to 
look at all options to defend traditional marriage.

One well-known conservative, Chuck Muth, president of Citizen Outreach, 
blasted the proposed amendment at the hearing. We strongly oppose the 
notion of addressing this issue of social policy in our nation's 
governing document.

He likened the amendment to another one 

Re: [ZION] Federal Marriage Amendment

2004-03-04 Thread Harold Stuart
On Mar 4, 2004, at 4:11 PM, Jonathan Scott wrote:

Neither this Constitution or the constitution of any State,
Translation:  Sorry, activist judges, you have to follow these rules.

nor state or federal law,
Translation:  Sorry, Congress and state legislatures, you can't change 
this either.

shall be construed
Translation:  You can't read this to promote your society destroying 

to require that marital status
Translation:  Marriage says what this amendment says it does.  No less, 
no more.

or the legal incidents thereof
Translation:  Marriage is special.  Hands off.

be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.
Anything other than marriage between man and wife is not marriage.  
Polygamy, polyandry, homosexual relationships, etc., are not 
marriage.  Unless people are married, they can't get the benefits of 

Sorry, but can someone tell me what this part means?
Jonathan Scott
Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] Federal Marriage Amendment

2004-03-04 Thread Jonathan Scott
On Mar 4, 2004, at 4:11 PM, Jonathan Scott wrote:

Neither this Constitution or the constitution of any State,
Translation:  Sorry, activist judges, you have to follow these rules.

nor state or federal law,
Translation:  Sorry, Congress and state legislatures, you can't 
change this either.

shall be construed
Translation:  You can't read this to promote your society destroying cancers.

to require that marital status
Translation:  Marriage says what this amendment says it does.  No 
less, no more.

or the legal incidents thereof
Translation:  Marriage is special.  Hands off.

be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.
Anything other than marriage between man and wife is not marriage. 
Polygamy, polyandry, homosexual relationships, etc., are not 
marriage.  Unless people are married, they can't get the benefits of 

Sorry, but can someone tell me what this part means?
Jonathan Scott
Harold Stuart
Groovy.  Thanks.
Jonathan Scott
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