[ZION] Email Caution

2004-03-23 Thread Sander J. Rabinowitz

I received a suspicious email earlier today purporting to be from my own 
domain at firstnephi.com.  

As FYI, you should never EVER receive anything from me or from my 
family's web site that would ask you to install software, give out 
passwords, etc.  In this instance, it appears someone receiving this 
email may have been requested to install a virus or a trojan.  (The 
attachment, which was a ZIP file, was deliberately omitted, and the 
password that's referenced would have unlocked the ZIP file.)

Hopefully, no one else got this email.  I send this warning out in the 
interest of caution.  /Sandy/

On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 15:11:15 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello user of Firstnephi.com e-mail  server,

Your e-mail account has been temporary disabled because of  unauthorized 

Pay attention  on  attached file.

Attached file protected  with the password for  security reasons.  
Password is  72453.

The Management,
The Firstnephi.com team 
(--- End of message ---)

The Rabinowitz Family -- http://www.firstnephi.com
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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RE: [ZION] Vote Now!

2004-03-22 Thread Sander J. Rabinowitz
Harold Stuart wrote:

  [RB Scott] I'm inclined to
  believe that God must be a pretty forgiving God if he's willing
  to forgive the sins of repentant sinners like you and me.  I
  believe that God wants to include as many people as He possibly
  can...and that it's my job to do my bit to ensure the roster is
  as large as possible.  You take a different tack.  Good luck to
  you.  Our purposes are the same, more or less even if our methods
  are different.
 You see, the only way that one can be included in that roster is to 
 repent and become clean through the blood of Christ.  Verses 20 and 21 
 are pretty clear -- the gospel we must preach is the gospel of 
 repentance.  If you don't teach repentance, you don't teach the gospel.
 Too many of us are like Neville Chamberlain.  We think that evil can be 
 won by appeasement.  The idea is that if we just compromise a bit here 
 and give a little there all will be well.  The problem is that 
 compromise and negotiations only work between honorable men.  Satan 
 knows that every time we compromise with him we give up our power.  God 
 cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.
 The current battle is not over civil rights, as some would claim.  
 That's just a smokescreen.  The real battle is for the salvation of 
 souls.  Sexual sins are real, addictive, and terribly difficult to 
 overcome.  People who cannot overcome these sins receive God's 
 righteous judgment.
 Can we not see the plan of the evil one?  More and more of the things 
 that condemn people to eternal damnation are being integrated into 
 society.  Abortion, which in but the rarest of cases is nothing more 
 than cold-blooded murder, now enjoys a legally protected place in our 
 society.  The problem is that murderers are damned.  Adulterers, 
 fornicators, and those who practice other gross sexual sins have a 
 legally protected place in society.  The problem is that those who 
 unrepentantly practice sexual sins are damned.  Society embraces those 
 things it legally protects.  It tells those who live within it that it 
 is OK to do those things.  If a society teaches its people to do evil, 
 it encourages them to be damned.  God has repeatedly destroyed such 
 societies.  WE ARE NOT EXEMPT!

The struggle, as I see it, is on two levels.  The first, 
obviously, is that of good vs. evil in absolute terms.
If we have a testimony of the Gospel, and particularly 
if we've gone through all of its saving ordinances, then 
we know what's good, what's evil, or at least we have a 
better idea as between the two.  Consequently, we see trends 
within our society that are disturbing and even alarming,
we can speak to those things from that frame of reference.
This first struggle is a deeply personal one, in that we
work out our own salvation (then concurrently work on our
family's) before we work on the salvation of others.  

The second struggle is that because of apostasy, there are
clearly different ideas as to what constitutes salvation,
which in turn leads to different ideas as to right and 
wrong.  This struggle is within society itself, and 
probably has been that way from the beginning.  

Now what the Lord says to us personally and through the 
scriptures is clear and unmistakable, but part of that is
because of the witness of the Holy Ghost, and part of that
is because some of our scriptures are unique to us.  Where 
things become more problematic is within society itself, 
because 1) apart from the Restored Gospel, there's no 
witness of the Holy Ghost (only the light of Christ, if
at all); 2) there are no common scriptures--no one
even agrees on the translation of the Bible that should be
used; and therefore, 3) There doesn't seem to be a common
consensus as to what ought to be the basic principles this
society should operate under.  Or the core values, as I 
told Ron a while ago.  And yet one of the basic principles 
America was founded on involves the freedom of society to 
worship how and where it may, which by necessity seems to 
place all religious beliefs, all scriptures, and all 
concepts of right and wrong on the same playing field...
regardless of what sort of a testimony we may have 
regarding them.

Or to be plain about it:  How do we allow for people to
believe and worship where and how they may without also
accepting or tolerating evil...?

I actually agree with you as to what you wrote.  It's how
we apply these things to society as a whole that's part of
what I'm wrestling with.

All the best,

The Rabinowitz Family -- http://www.firstnephi.com
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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RE: [ZION] Vote Now!

2004-03-22 Thread Sander J. Rabinowitz
Ron Scott wrote:

 I'm lousy at parables. Please explain.

Here's my interpretation.  I hope that I am not too far off
the mark.

1) The filth represents sin, generally, through the individual
choices of the children involved.  The effects of the filth
represents the effects of sin.  

2) The children represent ourselves.

3) To be cleansed represents repentance by way of the Gospel.

4) The first father represents an unrighteous plan to bring
people to repentance, namely:  The use of force, coercion, and

5) The second father represents a righteous plan to bring
people to repentance.  Applicable scriptures: DC 121:44-46,
and Moses 4:1-2.  Charity and long-suffering would appear to
be key.  

6) The second son genuinely repents because he realizes he 
needs to change, then takes action accordingly.  The first son
only takes action so as to APPEAR outwardly to repent.  
Inwardly, that person doesn't yet see the need to change.

7) Thus, the second son is on his way to salvation.  The first
son's spiritual status remains in question.

* * *

Still, having laws on the books doesn't mean that we seek to
compel people to do right, but rather, there is an overriding
interest to regulate certain things to allow society as a 
whole to operate in a free and righteous manner.  If there
were no laws, or if laws ratified or encouraged immoral 
acts, I submit that it becomes significantly more difficult 
for either father to teach his son about repentance.  

All the best,

The Rabinowitz Family -- http://www.firstnephi.com
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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RE: [ZION] J. Reuben Clark

2004-03-16 Thread Sander J. Rabinowitz
--- W. Cleon Skousen ---
 But the Lord isn't going to allow this government to be destroyed. 
 Although administrations may destroy themselves, systems may destroy 
 themselves, this country's going to survive. J. Reuben Clark knew how it 
 would survive: build track two. Don't get in front of that train on 
 one, it will just run over you. You quietly build track two.

Steve, thanks also for posting this.  It was a very interesting 
read.  But just what did Bro. Skousen mean by track two? 
Was this a reference to the Church, to a parallel government of
some sort, or to both?  /Sandy/ 

The Rabinowitz Family -- http://www.firstnephi.com
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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RE: [ZION] Who unsubscribed?

2004-03-11 Thread Sander J. Rabinowitz
I think it was Bro. Beecroft...  --SJR

Cousin Bill wrote:
 This was supposed to go to my dad, but whoever knows can answer,
 if they so desire.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Cousin Bill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:58 PM
 Subject: [ZION] Who unsubscribed?
 I have had my illness and otherwise been quite busy.  I have been
 erasing tons of messages without reading them.  I've read all of
 yours, though, and I noticed that in one of your messages you
 mentioned that an old hand unsubscribed from ZION?  Who was it
 and why?
 Cousin Bill
 Our country, right or wrong.  When
 right, to be kept right.  When wrong,
 to be put right. -- Carl Schurz

The Rabinowitz Family -- http://www.firstnephi.com
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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2004-03-10 Thread Sander J. Rabinowitz
Ron Scott wrote:

 I understand that opponents of gay marriage are turning the
 battle for a proposed Constitutional Amendment into a referendum
 on sexual practices. This is precisely why I think the initiative
 will fail and probably fail convincingly.  The problem is that
 long ago statutes prohibiting various sexual acts were repealed.

I don't know for myself that opponents are taking exclusively
that approach, although I have no doubt that a sizeable number
might.  Similarly, I would imagine that many others have 
taken a purely religious approach, in the context of SSM being 
against the laws of God.

But to me it all comes back to a point I made a while back,
and if I sound like a broken record, I apologize.  To me, 
we're not talking about merely a legal or a social 
privilege, or whether a given relationship is compatible 
with nature, although undoubtedly there will continue to be 
those discussions.  Rather, we're talking about a core value 
that was supposed to transcend individual, religious, 
and ethnic views, and gets to the root of our identity as
a nation and a society.  So when a locale such as San 
Francisco goes out and says, We believe this basic 
definition of marriage ought to change, and everyone else 
ought to abide by the same, it wouldn't be much different 
if they went and said, Well, we don't believe that life or 
liberty are fundamental values compared to prosperity or 
wealth, so we'll officially put the former on the back 
burner, regardless of what the laws or the Constition might
say.  In both cases, the result is the same, because we 
are dealing with something that is basic, fundamental, and
sacred--and I stress again, not from a narrow religious
point of view, but in terms of it being a foundation of
our society.  

Stated from as secular of a point of view as I can muster:
When a society seeks to tinker with basic foundational values
without seeking even a minimum of consensus within that 
society, let alone any soul searching to know if what it 
is doing is right, it is playing with fire.  And as the 
saying goes, you can't play with fire and not get burned.

 In many states, same sex couples have been allowed to adopt
 children and, of course, by way of artificial insemination or
 with the aid of a willing male SSA women have been able to bear
 natural children.

But again, to me, whether SSM marriages can have children,
or whether traditional marriages do not is besides the 
point.  In fact, the way I think of it is this:  If children
are born to an SSM or domestic partner relationship, and an
increasing minority or plurality ratify the move as legitimate,
we are chipping away at a basic value.  When children are born
outside of marriage, and it is similarly ratified as being
legitimate, we are chipping away at a basic value.  When
children are born to a plural marriage that has been prohibited
by the laws of the land, we are arguable chipping away at a 
different value, that being the rule of law.  When the same
relationships exist absent any children, we have a similar
result.  When we seek to terminate the lives of unborn 
children _without cause_ save it were the convenience of the
biological participants (I dare not use the term mother and 
father in that instance), we chip away at yet another core 
value.  And when we seek to relegate religion and its 
associated institutions to the fringes of society, holding 
the same to be irrelevant at best, and perhaps even a 
hinderance, I would submit we are chipping away at a value 
as fundamental as that of life...in other words, our liberty.  

Now off of my soap box,

Thank you for listening.  :)

From the ZION List intake mailbox at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rabinowitz Family -- Spring Hill, Tenn., U.S.A.

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RE: [ZION] Feedback Please - Chapter 5

2004-03-05 Thread Sander J. Rabinowitz
Jonathan Scott wrote:

   Each year there are 1.3 million abortions in the US.
   There have been over 40 million abortions since Roe vs Wade 
 in the US alone.
   Currently, 1 in every five pregnancies in the US results in abortion.
   America has a population of 291 million.  Were abortion 
 illegal, its population would be approximately 331 million.  This is 
 a difference of 12%.

I'll simply observe at this point that some persons advocate open access 
to abortion precisely because it reduces the population from what it 
might have been otherwise.  Zero Population Growth advocates tend to be 
the most radical of all, tending to feel that any extra person upon the 
face of the planet can only be a net liability, basically just another 
consumer of resources and generator of wastes.  The viewpoint is 
repugnant, but it exists nonetheless.  I even remember a couple of years 
ago responding to a woman's letter to the editor in our local paper that 
came from that perspective.

All the best,

The Rabinowitz Family -- http://www.firstnephi.com
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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