Re: [ZION] Does America need to be destroyed

2002-11-22 Thread Stacy Smith
I ran across that passage in Alma recently and marveled.  I thought to 
myself, Why should this be, as the Taliban aren't known to have marked 
themselves, right?  At any rate, I was somewhat awed and wondered about 
the saying.  I think I am storing up things to ponder in my heart.


At 12:06 PM 11/21/2002 -0700, you wrote:

 Gary favored us all with: 
There clearly is a symbolic level to the marks. But often there
are both physical and spiritual parts of a symbol. Babylon, for
example, is an actual city in antiquity. It also symbolically
represents the telestial world, built on greed and power.
Although not all the wicked may have the physical mark on
their hands/foreheads, it is possible that many will; while all
will have the spiritual mark of Babylon/Satan on them. I believe
we will see a physical mark put into place in Europe before long,
as part of the EU.

One thing my dad taught to me (and is confirmed in the Book of Mormon -
see Alma 3:13-19) was that people who are disobeying the commandments of
God typically mark themselves. It could be in the way that they dress,
piercings, tatoos, or any number of ways. He explained that while he was
on his mission in Germany during the late 60's (early 70's), he and his
companion found and began teaching a man and woman the Gospel. They were
both decked out in the style of the time, with the woman wearing
clothing that were not modest, and they were both unkept and dirty.
While the man was not interested in the message, the woman was, and as
she progressed through the discussions the woman's appearance began to
change. She did away with the fashion of the day, cleaned herself up,
and dressed modestly. She felt the Spirit and was converted. The
missionaries never mentioned to her that she needed to change her
dressing habits, but she was taught what she needed by the Spirit. She
was eventually baptized.

Perhaps this is why the Brethren insist that we dress modestly, avoid
the fads of the day, and be clean in appearance. Perhaps it is so we can
let [our] light so shine before men, that they may see [our] good
works, and glorify [our] Father which is in heaven. (Matt. 5:16)
Perhaps this is one of the ways that we mark ourselves unto
righteousness and show the world that we are the servants of Christ.

What do you think?

Your brother,

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[ZION] Does America need to be destroyed

2002-11-22 Thread Gary Smith
The Taliban/Al Qaeda mark themselves in a different manner, because their
customs are different. They show their beliefs through covering their
women and keeping them locked up. That is a mark one can see, just by
observing their lifestyles. They also wear the clothing (turban, etc) of
the larger Islamic custom.

As you'll note from the Amlicites, they sought to look like the peoples
they were joining. The Taliban and Al Qaeda look much alike in their
societies, as do most other radical Islam.

Then again, look at how people in our society dress, depending on their
belief systems. Religious people tend to dress conservatively, while many
in our society dress up in the latest haute couture or hip-hop styles.
Many today are marking themselves with tattoos and piercing. Each of
these becomes a mark as real as anything the Lamanites had.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free.  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


I ran across that passage in Alma recently and marveled.  I thought to 
myself, Why should this be, as the Taliban aren't known to have marked 
themselves, right?  At any rate, I was somewhat awed and wondered about 
the saying.  I think I am storing up things to ponder in my heart.


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Re: [ZION] Does America need to be destroyed

2002-11-21 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Gary favored us all with: 
There clearly is a symbolic level to the marks. But often there 
are both physical and spiritual parts of a symbol. Babylon, for
example, is an actual city in antiquity. It also symbolically 
represents the telestial world, built on greed and power. 
Although not all the wicked may have the physical mark on 
their hands/foreheads, it is possible that many will; while all 
will have the spiritual mark of Babylon/Satan on them. I believe 
we will see a physical mark put into place in Europe before long, 
as part of the EU.

One thing my dad taught to me (and is confirmed in the Book of Mormon -
see Alma 3:13-19) was that people who are disobeying the commandments of
God typically mark themselves. It could be in the way that they dress,
piercings, tatoos, or any number of ways. He explained that while he was
on his mission in Germany during the late 60's (early 70's), he and his
companion found and began teaching a man and woman the Gospel. They were
both decked out in the style of the time, with the woman wearing
clothing that were not modest, and they were both unkept and dirty.
While the man was not interested in the message, the woman was, and as
she progressed through the discussions the woman's appearance began to
change. She did away with the fashion of the day, cleaned herself up,
and dressed modestly. She felt the Spirit and was converted. The
missionaries never mentioned to her that she needed to change her
dressing habits, but she was taught what she needed by the Spirit. She
was eventually baptized.
Perhaps this is why the Brethren insist that we dress modestly, avoid
the fads of the day, and be clean in appearance. Perhaps it is so we can
let [our] light so shine before men, that they may see [our] good
works, and glorify [our] Father which is in heaven. (Matt. 5:16)
Perhaps this is one of the ways that we mark ourselves unto
righteousness and show the world that we are the servants of Christ.
What do you think?
Your brother,

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Re: [ZION] Does America need to be destroyed

2002-11-21 Thread Steven Montgomery

Well I guess time will tell which one of us is more correct. I would 
respond in more detail but I just got back from surgery (Ouch! Where are my 
pain pills?) so I hope you'll forgive me for not responding in more detail.

Steven Montgomery

At 09:38 AM 11/21/2002, you wrote:
I used to believe that the mark of the beast certainly referred to an
intrusive, all powerful government, which held its subjects in economic
bondage, by forcing them to submit to some kind of microchip implant or
some other manner with the number of the beast. As I've studied
further however I've changed my views. Here is why:

Gary: I agree with much of your premises, but believe there will be a
major government involved. I don't think it will control all the world,
but mainly the Old World. In the New World will be another major
government emerge, called Zion.

One of the overarching themes of the Book of Revelations deals with the
victory that Jesus Christ and the righteous have over Satan, Babylon and
mankind's twin nemesis, both Spiritual and Physical Death. The righteous,

we are informed by Revelations 15:2 are those who gain victory over the
Beast and thus qualify to live on this earth in its Celestial Glory.

Gary: I believe you mean a Terrestrial Glory, as the earth will not
become celestialized until at the end of the Millennium. It is highly
possible that the righteous with the mark of Christ are not just
celestial beings, but also the terrestrial.

Steven:  It's interesting to note that those who accept Christ and
overcome Satan
are sealed up unto eternal life by having Christ's name written on their
foreheads (see Rev. 7:3 and 22:4). Under the law of Moses the Israelites
were commanded to wear phylacteries on their hands or frontlets upon
foreheads which were little boxes that contained certain scriptures
inside them as a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial
between thine eyes, that the Lord's law may be in thy mouth or in other
words that the righteous were to treasure up the words of Christ in their

heart and soul and to physically bind these items on their hands or
foreheads as a sign of this fact (see Exodus 13:9,16; Deut. 6:8; 11:18).

Gary: There clearly is a symbolic level to the marks. But often there are
both physical and spiritual parts of a symbol. Babylon, for example, is
an actual city in antiquity. It also symbolically represents the
telestial world, built on greed and power. Although not all the wicked
may have the physical mark on their hands/foreheads, it is possible that
many will; while all will have the spiritual mark of Babylon/Satan on
them. I believe we will see a physical mark put into place in Europe
before long, as part of the EU.

Satan, as the great counterfeiter, also seals his followers with a mark

in their hand or forehead. But what is this mark
and what does it represent? Is it an actual physical mark or merely
symbolic? What characterizes those who have the mark?

Gary: As I said, it is both physical and symbolic in nature.

As a result of the fall of Adam and without the atonement of Jesus
man is carnal sensual and devilish. Thus Satan causes ALL, both small
great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive his mark in their right
hand or in their forehead. Since this is a mark which affects all
it clearly cannot be an actual physical one. It is symbolic. Thus It
represents man in his mortal state and without the atonement of Jesus
Christ, who truly cannot buy or sell without the mark of Satan (see
13:16-18; 14:1, 9-11; 17:5).

Gary: I fail to see your hard evidence that it is solely symbolic.
Combining scriptural quotes from the BoM with Revelation does not mean
you have proved your point.  Members of the Church are marked both
physically and symbolically with garments. Would you suggest that the
garments aren't real? People are marked all the time by machines, and are
tracked every time they use a credit card (held in the hand). I
personally believe the physical mark is a special economic bank code that
will be used to prevent fraud. The EU is growing quickly, with reluctant
nations being forced into the economy if they wish to trade freely with
the other nations of Europe. As John the Revelator sees all mankind
getting the mark, he may be exaggerating the extent of the physical mark,
in order to show the widespread symbolic mark being used.

It is also significant to note in Rev. 14:9-11, that those who thus
Satan and receive his mark on their forehead or hand, suffer the wrath
God, are tormented with fire and brimstone, and the smoke of their
torment ascendeth up for ever and ever--quite a punishment just for
accepting a mark for food, as the christian fundamentalists believe,
especially if one did so without knowledge or innocently! Reading these
scriptures in context just doesn't bear this viewpoint up. It should be
obvious that the punishment mentioned 

[ZION] Does America need to be destroyed

2002-11-19 Thread Gary Smith
Revelation mentions a world government, or rather a group of nations that
act as one. It is affectionately referred to as the Beast. Those who
will not worship the Beast and have its number engraved on their
hand/head, will not be able to buy/sell (economic pressure). this would
fit in well with the ten toes that Daniel sees as the last world kingdom
to appear prior to the coming of Christ.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free.  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

But when I look at the book of Daniel, it seems to me I remember that a 
world empire wasn't to be established again until Jesus comes.

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[ZION] Does America need to be destroyed in its current form?

2002-11-17 Thread Gary Smith
I believe the US government will fall eventually from bloat and
corruption. It may be that an outside attack will help it fall, but only
if the inside is rotten.

I don't have a problem with a state having an active government. Those
who don't like it can always move. But a federal government should only
step in when absolutely necessary (like during war or a depression), and
then step back afterward.

I think there are many good people still in government. However, the
rotten ones and radical ones have taken over the lecterns and pulpits, so
there is no true discourse today. I believe this to be true on both sides
of the aisle. I'm a strong believer in what George Washington warned us
about in his farewell speech: to beware political parties, and to only
vote for individuals, not political platforms. Because we now vote for
parties, people vote without thinking. They allow the party to move the
populace, rather than the people moving the agenda.  One can be led like
a dumb ox, or one can lead the dumb ox.  But the 10% rule comes in here.
One must be 10% smarter than the ox, in order to move it. Political
parties dumb down. They move from issues and ideas to just defending the
turf against the other guy. We've seen this from both major parties here
in the US.

It is hoped that people are righteous enough to be able to maintain our
government and freedoms without a major wake up. However, if our
government were to topple, I guarantee you that it wouldn't automatically
be replaced by another one based on our Constitution. Many groups will
jump in, telling how antiquated our Constitution is, and that it should
be replaced with a modern government (pick your poison: fascist,
communist, socialist, etc) that seems to be democratic, but is in reality
a totalitarian regime.  We see this today in Iraq, where all the people
just happened to vote for Saddam Hussein, who just happened to be running
unopposed, and where people can't actually cast a secret ballot, so will
have great incentive to vote for him.  Democracy/Republican government
becomes a formality, part of the ritual. It is like the whited sepulchres
that Jesus warned the Pharisees of becoming. They were pretty on the
outside, but the inside was full of dried up bones.

How easy will it be for the elders of Israel to step in and save the
Constitution when it hangs by a thread? Depends on how righteous the
Elders of Israel are, and how soon they step in to save the Constitution.
It may very well be that the Church members must go through severe trials
and purgings prior to being ready to establish a righteous government

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free.  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What is your current belief concerning the United States?  Does it need
be destroyed in its present form--White House, Congressional buildings, 
Pentagon, etc., as Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden think or should it 
remain with its current governmental structural architecture?  I know
the Constitutional government should remain, but there could be a radical

change in administration if all our forms of government become much
due to the House and Senate leadership being destroyed by these 
characters.  Will the future Congress be holding sessions in the parking

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[ZION] Does America Need To Be Destroyed As It Is In Its Current Form?

2002-11-17 Thread Gary Smith
Well, I'm guessing that Canada will eventually evolve into one.   

Europe and Asia seem to be going into a globalization realm, so I think
their nation states will eventually just be states/provinces in a giant

This I fear, though. It is too easy for a Hitler to step into power, and
with non armies to oppose, would wield power throughout the world.
Benevolently when possible, ruthlessly when necessary.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free.  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

To complicate the question, one might also ask what is the future of
nation-states in general?

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[ZION] Does America Need To Be Destroyed As It Is In Its Current Form?

2002-11-16 Thread Stacy Smith
What is your current belief concerning the United States?  Does it need to 
be destroyed in its present form--White House, Congressional buildings, 
Pentagon, etc., as Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden think or should it 
remain with its current governmental structural architecture?  I know that 
the Constitutional government should remain, but there could be a radical 
change in administration if all our forms of government become much smaller 
due to the House and Senate leadership being destroyed by these 
characters.  Will the future Congress be holding sessions in the parking lot?


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Re: [ZION] Does America Need To Be Destroyed As It Is In Its CurrentForm?

2002-11-16 Thread Marc A. Schindler
To complicate the question, one might also ask what is the future of
nation-states in general?

Stacy Smith wrote:

 What is your current belief concerning the United States?  Does it need to
 be destroyed in its present form--White House, Congressional buildings,
 Pentagon, etc., as Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden think or should it
 remain with its current governmental structural architecture?  I know that
 the Constitutional government should remain, but there could be a radical
 change in administration if all our forms of government become much smaller
 due to the House and Senate leadership being destroyed by these
 characters.  Will the future Congress be holding sessions in the parking lot?


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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] Does America Need To Be Destroyed As It Is In Its Current Form?

2002-11-16 Thread Stacy Smith
I guess I'm referring to the next couple of years or so.


At 06:05 PM 11/16/2002 -0700, you wrote:

To complicate the question, one might also ask what is the future of
nation-states in general?

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