Re: [ZION] High Priests More Active Than Elders

2002-10-24 Thread Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz
>From what I've noticed here in my ward--

Prospective Elders: 98% Inactive*
Elders: Seems like 25-30% Inactive, at least here
High Priests: 5-10% Inactive, but it seems as if the 
  inactivity occurs mainly for health reasons, such as
  an extended hospitalization

As Paul O. noted, Prospective Elders are counted in the 
numbers for the Elders Quorum, regardless of the actual
priesthood office the member has (if any).  On that basis,
the 50% inactivity rate for the entire Quorum sounds
just about right.  /Sandy/ 

(* The 2% in this category are invariably recent converts,
and most of these don't remain Prospective Elders for very
long, as they receive the Melchezidek Priesthood within months
to perhaps over a year.  The remaining 98% either dropped off 
the radar screen shortly after being baptised, or else fell 
away while they were still attending Aaronic Priesthood quorums.)

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RE: [ZION] High Priests More Active Than Elders

2002-10-23 Thread Ronn Blankenship
At 11:29 PM 10/23/02, Stephen Beecroft wrote:

I do agree with at least one thing you've said: High priests are far
more likely to be active than elders.



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Re: [ZION] High Priests More Active Than Elders

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>I have heard that half of all elders are inactive.  But that fewer than
>percent of high priests are inactive.  Can anyone here confirm or deny 

Sounds about right. Keep in mind though that this also includes the
perspective elders who never got ordained. 

Gee wizz. Now I feel like I'm in with the loosers. 

Paul O

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RE: [ZION] High Priests More Active Than Elders

2002-10-23 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> I have heard that half of all elders are inactive.  But that
> fewer than 5 percent of high priests are inactive.  Can anyone
> here confirm or deny this?

I can't confirm or deny Church-wide, of course, but around here that's 
not the case. 50% is approximately right for the elders, probably a bit 
high, but 5% is definitely too low for the high priests.

> I speculate that by the time a man is called to be a high
> priest he has proven that his interest in the gospel is not
> a temporary thing.  Elders, because they are generally much
> younger, have not lived long enough to demonstrate by their
> record that they will remain active no matter what.

Maybe in some places, but I doubt that's the case here. Of the six 
elder's quorum presidents I have had in Redmond, four have been over 40 
years old. Of the other two, one was a recent convert of about 26 years 
of age, and the other was in his early 30s and was clearly being 
fast-tracked and groomed for administrative service (he's currently in 
the bishopric). Our elder's quorum has also, until very recently, 
included a very active brother in his 50s and several very active men in 
their 40s. They had long since "demonstrated by their record" their 
activity. But we live in a very active area with lots of 
leadership-quality men, and I suspect the local leaders prefer not to 
make men high priests just because they have turned 30 or 40 or 50 or 
whatever. Just my suspicions.

I do agree with at least one thing you've said: High priests are far 
more likely to be active than elders. This is to be expected, since high 
priests are the leaders, and the leaders are usually selected from among 
the most active and faithful of the Saints (men). But that should not be 
considered a slight upon those faithful Saints of whatever age who are 


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[ZION] High Priests More Active Than Elders

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 03:08 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Larry Jackson wrote:

And while I'm here, I would also add that high priest is not
a higher office in the Melchizedek Priesthood, just a different
office, with specialized (and temporary) responsibilities.

I have heard that half of all elders are inactive.  But that fewer than 5 
percent of high priests are inactive.  Can anyone here confirm or deny 
this?  We have loads of inactive elders in our ward, but we have not one 
single inactive high priest.  Is that normal?  And if so, why might that 
be?  I speculate that by the time a man is called to be a high priest he 
has proven that his interest in the gospel is not a temporary 
thing.  Elders, because they are generally much younger, have not lived 
long enough to demonstrate by their record that they will remain active no 
matter what.

Of course, there are high priests that have fallen too, just not nearly as 
many per thousand.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I can image a world without war, a world without fear, a
world  without hate.  And I can picture us attacking that
world, because they'd never expect it.' --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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