[zones-discuss] Netmask conversion fix

2007-01-25 Thread Graham Hares
Hi Brad,

Thanks for zonemgr, I find it really handy and use it alot!

I noticed that there was a small issue with the netmask conversion after, the script converts this to 27 instead of 26.  This causes an 
error message when attempting to set the network as the broadcast address would 
be greater than the global zone (when gz is 26).

Here's a test script with a fixed function called nm2cidr2.

Thanks again!


# Convert the netmask from dot notation to CIDR format
nm2cidr2() {
   oct1=`echo $nm | cut -d. -f1`
   oct2=`echo $nm | cut -d. -f2`
   oct3=`echo $nm | cut -d. -f3`
   oct4=`echo $nm | cut -d. -f4`
   # Assume that most networks are class C (e.g. cidr = 24)
 if [ $oct1 -lt 128 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=0;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 192 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=1;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 224 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=2;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 240 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=3;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 248 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=4;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 252 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=5;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 254 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=5;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=7;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -lt 127 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=8;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -lt 192 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=9;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -lt 224 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=10;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -lt 240 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=11;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -lt 248 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=12;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -lt 252 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=13;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -lt 254 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=14;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -lt 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=15;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -lt 128 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=16;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -lt 192 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=17;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -lt 224 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=18;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -lt 240 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=19;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -lt 248 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=20;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -lt 252 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=21;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -lt 254 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=22;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -lt 255 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=23;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=24;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct4 -le 
128 ];then cidr=25;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct4 -le 
192 ];then cidr=26;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct4 -le 
224 ];then cidr=27;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct4 -le 
240 ];then cidr=28;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct4 -le 
248 ];then cidr=29;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct4 -le 
252 ];then cidr=30;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct4 -lt 
255 ];then cidr=31;
   elif [ $oct1 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq 255 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq 
255 ];then cidr=32;

   echo "$cidr"

# Convert the netmask from dot notation to CIDR format
nm2cidr() {
   oct1=`echo $nm | cut -d. -f1`
   oct2=`echo $nm | cut -d. -f2`
   oct3=`echo $nm | cut -d. -f3`
   oct4=`echo $nm | cut -d. -f4`
   # Assume that most networks are class C (e.g. cidr = 24)
 if [ $oct1 -lt 128 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=0;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 192 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=1;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 224 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=2;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 240 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=3;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 248 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq   
0 ];then cidr=4;
   elif [ $oct1 -lt 252 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq  

[zones-discuss] Re: Netmask conversion fix

2007-01-25 Thread Graham Hares
Here's the output of the test script:


 0: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->   0 (nm2cidr2:  0)
 1: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->   1 (nm2cidr2:  1)
 2: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->   2 (nm2cidr2:  2)
 3: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->   3 (nm2cidr2:  3)
 4: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->   4 (nm2cidr2:  4)
 5: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->   5 (nm2cidr2:  5)
 6: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->   5 (nm2cidr2:  5)
 7: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->   7 (nm2cidr2:  7)
 8: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->   8 (nm2cidr2:  8)
 9: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->   9 (nm2cidr2:  9)
10: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  10 (nm2cidr2: 10)
11: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  11 (nm2cidr2: 11)
12: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  12 (nm2cidr2: 12)
13: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  13 (nm2cidr2: 13)
14: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  14 (nm2cidr2: 14)
15: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  15 (nm2cidr2: 15)
16: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  16 (nm2cidr2: 16)
17: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  17 (nm2cidr2: 17)
18: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  18 (nm2cidr2: 18)
19: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  19 (nm2cidr2: 19)
20: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  20 (nm2cidr2: 20)
21: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  21 (nm2cidr2: 21)
22: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  22 (nm2cidr2: 22)
23: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  23 (nm2cidr2: 23)
24: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  24 (nm2cidr2: 24)
25: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  26 (nm2cidr2: 25)
26: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  27 (nm2cidr2: 26)
27: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  28 (nm2cidr2: 27)
28: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  29 (nm2cidr2: 28)
29: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  30 (nm2cidr2: 29)
30: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  30 (nm2cidr2: 30)
31: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  31 (nm2cidr2: 31)
32: -cidr2dot-> -nm2cidr->  32 (nm2cidr2: 32)
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Re: [zones-discuss] Netmask conversion fix

2007-01-25 Thread James Carlson
Graham Hares writes:
>  if [ $oct1 -lt 128 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 -eq  
>  0 ];then cidr=0;

You can do most of this with:

perl -e 'use Socket; print unpack("%32b*",inet_aton($ARGV[0])), "\n";' $nm

If you really want to make sure that unsupported non-contiguous
netmasks are all transformed into /24 as this script does (not sure
why that's a good thing), then:

perl -e 'use Socket;
$addr = inet_aton($ARGV[0]);
$bits = unpack("%32b*",$addr);
$contig = pack("N",~((1<<(32-$bits))-1));
print (($contig eq $addr ? $bits : 24), "\n");' $nm

> cidr2dot() {
>  if [ $cidr -ge 32 ];then netmask=''


perl -e 'use Socket;
($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4) = unpack("C4",pack("N",~((1<<(32-$ARGV[0]))-1)));
print "$c1.$c2.$c3.$c4\n";' $cidr

There probably ought to be better ways of handling IP values in your
shell of choice.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun Microsystems / 1 Network Drive 71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
MS UBUR02-212 / Burlington MA 01803-2757   42.496N   Fax +1 781 442 1677
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[zones-discuss] Re: Fwd: Re: Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) and zones

2007-01-25 Thread mario heimel
TSM client is supported in non-global-zones (only zsf is not supported)

we have in every zone a TSM client, which backuped the entire Zone (FS and 
Oracle/SAP with rman ), so you can move zones without a reconfigure of TSM.

lofs mounts are per default excluded.
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Re: [zones-discuss] Re: Fwd: Re: Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) and zones

2007-01-25 Thread Gael

Let's see if I got the whole picture right...

To summarize,

ie on a practical example using the following template:


/ would be the only filesystem that we could backup from within the zone but
we would have to use tsm to backup /dev, /var and else thru the global zone
client ... guess after all with our current setup, we should keep backuping
everything thru the global zone and develop a process for users to requests
backup restore thru the unix admins instead of a self service model as we
don't want them to access the global and they would in any case be confuse
with the filesystem structure being completly differently presented within
the global.

dbsz8005 #mount -v
/ on / type ufs
on Thu Nov 30 14:14:01 2006
/dev on /dev type lofs read/write/setuid/devices/zonedevfs/dev=4d40016 on
Thu Jan 25 11:29:34 2007
/var on /var type lofs read/write/setuid/devices/dev=41c59d9 on Thu Jan 25
11:29:34 2007

Mario, how do you present your filesystems to oracle ? Are you using raw
devices ?

On 1/25/07, mario heimel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

TSM client is supported in non-global-zones (only zsf is not supported)

we have in every zone a TSM client, which backuped the entire Zone (FS and
Oracle/SAP with rman ), so you can move zones without a reconfigure of TSM.

lofs mounts are per default excluded.

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Re: [zones-discuss] Re: Fwd: Re: Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) and zones

2007-01-25 Thread Nicholas Senedzuk

I would check with IBM on that. From my understanding from IBM is that TSM
is supported with zones only if the TSM client is installed within the local
zone. I do not think backing up the local zones through the global zone is


On 1/25/07, Gael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Let's see if I got the whole picture right...

To summarize,

ie on a practical example using the following template:


/ would be the only filesystem that we could backup from within the zone
but we would have to use tsm to backup /dev, /var and else thru the global
zone client ... guess after all with our current setup, we should keep
backuping everything thru the global zone and develop a process for users to
requests backup restore thru the unix admins instead of a self service model
as we don't want them to access the global and they would in any case be
confuse with the filesystem structure being completly differently presented
within the global.

dbsz8005 #mount -v
/ on / type ufs
on Thu Nov 30 14:14:01 2006
/dev on /dev type lofs read/write/setuid/devices/zonedevfs/dev=4d40016 on
Thu Jan 25 11:29:34 2007
/var on /var type lofs read/write/setuid/devices/dev=41c59d9 on Thu Jan 25
11:29:34 2007

Mario, how do you present your filesystems to oracle ? Are you using raw
devices ?

On 1/25/07, mario heimel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TSM client is supported in non-global-zones (only zsf is not supported)
> we have in every zone a TSM client, which backuped the entire Zone (FS
> and Oracle/SAP with rman ), so you can move zones without a reconfigure of
> TSM.
> lofs mounts are per default excluded.
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
> ___
> zones-discuss mailing list
> zones-discuss@opensolaris.org


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Re: [Fwd: Re: [zones-discuss] Re: zonemgr -s syntax]

2007-01-25 Thread Dan Price
On Wed 24 Jan 2007 at 02:00PM, The Real Warren Belfer wrote:
> We install the Core and add the 10 or so packages needed to
> get zones. I assume that other customers might well do the
> same thing.

My desire is to have zones be part of the core in Nevada, possibly
by folding them right into SUNWcsu/SUNWcsr.

That will make life easier for a lot of people, including the
development team, I think.


Daniel Price - Solaris Kernel Engineering - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - blogs.sun.com/dp
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Re: [zones-discuss] Re: zonemgr -s syntax]

2007-01-25 Thread Dan Price
On Wed 24 Jan 2007 at 01:04PM, The Real Warren Belfer wrote:
> John Clingan wrote:
> >If we had used ksh, I am sure we would have gotten the bash question :)
> >
> >Developer preference I suppose. If you still have issues, blame Brad. He 
> >started it :)
> Hi,
> Well, shouldn't system utilities be written using tools
> available in all install metaclusters. Bash is only available
> in the End User install and larger, so folks using a Core install
> or smaller wouldn't be able to use this.
> OTOH, ksh is available in all clusters,

Well zonemgr isn't part of the Solaris product, so no such rules
apply (and there never were any such rules in the first place, although
there probably should have been).

As long as the zonemgr package states a package dependency on what it
needs, then it can be considered an acceptably packaged utility, IMO.


Daniel Price - Solaris Kernel Engineering - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - blogs.sun.com/dp
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Re: Fwd: Re: Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) and zones

2007-01-25 Thread Steve Lawrence
On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 07:00:23AM -0800, mario heimel wrote:
> TSM client is supported in non-global-zones (only zsf is not supported)
> we have in every zone a TSM client, which backuped the entire Zone (FS and 
> Oracle/SAP with rman ), so you can move zones without a reconfigure of TSM.
> lofs mounts are per default excluded.

So any "rw" lofs mounts in a non-global zone will be backed up by the
TSM client in the global zone.  Seems reasonable.

There is one final opportunity for "double backup" the case "TSM client
in every zone" case.  That is each non-global zone's "/" filesystem.

For instance:

global zone:
"/zones" mounted on /dev/dsk/whatever, with subdir
"/" is mounted on /zones/zone_a/root, a "ufs" mount from the
perspective on zone_a.

/zones/zone_a/root/var is just a regular directory (not a mountpoint)
  inside of the /zones filesystem mounted on /dev/dsk/whatever.

>From global zone:
TSM client backup of "/zones" or "/zones/zone_a" will backup

>From zone_a:
TSM client backup of "/" will backup /var, backing up
/zones/zone_a/root/var again.


> This message posted from opensolaris.org
> ___
> zones-discuss mailing list
> zones-discuss@opensolaris.org
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Re: [zones-discuss] Re: zonemgr -s syntax]

2007-01-25 Thread David . Comay

My desire is to have zones be part of the core in Nevada, possibly
by folding them right into SUNWcsu/SUNWcsr.

There's also a related CR open

6421453 RFE: SUNWCzone should be available in SUNWCmreq and

Fixing is involves an examination of SUNWzoneu's dependencies and
seeing what else needs to move along with the zone packages or what can
be refactored in a different way.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Netmask conversion fix

2007-01-25 Thread Brad Diggs

Honestly when I initially wrote these conversions I had hoped
that someone would provide a much simpler way of doing them.
I was surprised that there wasn't a standard OS command to do 
the conversions for you.

That being said, your method is absolutely brilliant.  Thanks!

With respect to the default cidr=/24, I meant to condition both
directions of conversion to throw an error if the inputs exceeded
boundary conditions.  However as you can see I forgot to get 
around to that.  Now I will get it into 1.8.1 thanks to your


On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 09:27 -0500, James Carlson wrote:
> Graham Hares writes:
> >  if [ $oct1 -lt 128 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 
> > -eq   0 ];then cidr=0;
> You can do most of this with:
> perl -e 'use Socket; print unpack("%32b*",inet_aton($ARGV[0])), "\n";' $nm
> If you really want to make sure that unsupported non-contiguous
> netmasks are all transformed into /24 as this script does (not sure
> why that's a good thing), then:
> perl -e 'use Socket;
>   $addr = inet_aton($ARGV[0]);
>   $bits = unpack("%32b*",$addr);
>   $contig = pack("N",~((1<<(32-$bits))-1));
>   print (($contig eq $addr ? $bits : 24), "\n");' $nm
> > cidr2dot() {
> >cidr=$1
> >  if [ $cidr -ge 32 ];then netmask=''
> Similarly:
> perl -e 'use Socket;
>   ($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4) = unpack("C4",pack("N",~((1<<(32-$ARGV[0]))-1)));
>   print "$c1.$c2.$c3.$c4\n";' $cidr
> There probably ought to be better ways of handling IP values in your
> shell of choice.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Netmask conversion fix

2007-01-25 Thread Brad Diggs

I submitted the bug, implemented your contribution into 1.8.1, 
QA'ed the changes, uploaded the updated version of 1.8.1, filed 
the change log, and documented your contribution.  The updated 
1.8.1 download is available here:


Thanks again!


On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 22:01 -0600, Brad Diggs wrote:
> James,
> Honestly when I initially wrote these conversions I had hoped
> that someone would provide a much simpler way of doing them.
> I was surprised that there wasn't a standard OS command to do 
> the conversions for you.
> That being said, your method is absolutely brilliant.  Thanks!
> With respect to the default cidr=/24, I meant to condition both
> directions of conversion to throw an error if the inputs exceeded
> boundary conditions.  However as you can see I forgot to get 
> around to that.  Now I will get it into 1.8.1 thanks to your
> contribution.
> Brad
> On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 09:27 -0500, James Carlson wrote:
> > Graham Hares writes:
> > >  if [ $oct1 -lt 128 ]&&[ $oct2 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct3 -eq   0 ]&&[ $oct4 
> > > -eq   0 ];then cidr=0;
> > 
> > You can do most of this with:
> > 
> > perl -e 'use Socket; print unpack("%32b*",inet_aton($ARGV[0])), "\n";' $nm
> > 
> > If you really want to make sure that unsupported non-contiguous
> > netmasks are all transformed into /24 as this script does (not sure
> > why that's a good thing), then:
> > 
> > perl -e 'use Socket;
> > $addr = inet_aton($ARGV[0]);
> > $bits = unpack("%32b*",$addr);
> > $contig = pack("N",~((1<<(32-$bits))-1));
> > print (($contig eq $addr ? $bits : 24), "\n");' $nm
> > 
> > > cidr2dot() {
> > >cidr=$1
> > >  if [ $cidr -ge 32 ];then netmask=''
> > 
> > Similarly:
> > 
> > perl -e 'use Socket;
> > ($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4) = unpack("C4",pack("N",~((1<<(32-$ARGV[0]))-1)));
> > print "$c1.$c2.$c3.$c4\n";' $cidr
> > 
> > There probably ought to be better ways of handling IP values in your
> > shell of choice.
> > 
> ___
> zones-discuss mailing list
> zones-discuss@opensolaris.org

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