Re: [zones-discuss] zones, upgrades, and vxvm

2006-06-19 Thread Christine Tran
LU doesn't work for boxes with zones yet, afaik.  zonepath on vxvm 
volumes won't work for upgrade from 3/05 (granted, upgrade from 3/05 
with zones isn't supported anyway).  I have no reason to think this 
would work with 1/06 either, vxconfigd has to run in order to present 
the volumes to the OS, and I don't think it can run while you're doing 
an upgrade.  I seem to remember removing VxVM mountpoints from vfstab 
before initiating upgrade for S8.

Incidentally I just asked this question regarding SVM volumes being 
present during upgrade, and the answer from our engineer is that yes, it 
should work.  Haven't tried it yet though.


William D. Hathaway wrote:

  A co-worker recently posted this question:
"Does anyone know if you can put the zone root's on a Veritas Volume Manager volume 
and then have the ability to upgrade in the future? "

My gut feeling is that if you using Live Upgrade this might work, but it would 
definitely not work using the old-school standard upgrade method.

Anyone care to comment on the current or future supportability of this?

William Hathaway
This message posted from

zones-discuss mailing list

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] zones, upgrades, and vxvm

2006-06-19 Thread Christine Tran

Hi David,

Umm ... sorry, perhaps this is outdated, my notes have a section 
cut&pasted from a BigAdmin article "Understanding The Basics About 
Solaris Containers in the Solaris 10 OS" dated 8/05.  It says that for 
3/05, standard upgrade and LU don't know about non-global zones. 

"To prevent a Solaris instance with non-global zones installed from 
being damaged by an upgrade attempt, code has been added to both 
standard upgrade and Live Upgrade to detect the presence of non-global 
zones and to refuse to upgrade if non-global zones are installed in 
Solaris 10 GA (3/05)."

Is this not correct or did I misunderstand?



Just to clarify that upgrade from 3/05 when zones are present is
supported for "standard" upgrade.  It's the LU piece that is under

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] zones, upgrades, and vxvm

2006-06-19 Thread Christine Tran


Actually, that's not quite right.  Standard upgrade is supported in
upgrading from 3/05 to 1/06.

Heh, I will have to eat crow then, a customer told me that he upgrade a 
box with zones from 3/05 to 1/06 and I said I don't know how you managed 
to do that, according to this document that's not possible.  A little 
outdated information is a dangerous thing, filter timely or taste not 
from BigAdmin. :)


zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] Will ipf re-direct to my non-global zone?

2006-06-21 Thread Christine Tran

I'm reading this section from the ipf how-to:

"The rdr function is applied to packets that enter the firewall on the 
specified interface. When a packet comes in that matches a rdr rule, its 
destination address is then rewritten, it is pushed into ipf for 
filtering, and should it successfully run the gauntlet of filter rules, 
it is then sent to the unix routing code. Since this packet is still 
inbound on the same interface that it will need to leave the system on 
to reach a host, *the system gets confused*. Reflectors don't work. 
Neither does specifying the address of the interface the packet just 
came in on. Always remember that rdr destinations must exit out of the 
firewall host on a different interface."

Does this mean I can't have my global zone redirect to a non-global zone 
living on the same box?  Because I'm really using the loopback interface 
 and not leaving the system on any physical interface?  This applies 
whether my global and non-global zone share one interface, or have 
unique interfaces?  I would like some clarification if Darren is around? 


zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Will ipf re-direct to my non-global zone?

2006-07-10 Thread Christine Tran

Here's the link to ipf-howto for Jeff.

Mike Ditto wrote:

Christine Tran wrote:
Does this mean I can't have my global zone redirect to a non-global 
zone living on the same box?  Because I'm really using the loopback 
interface  and not leaving the system on any physical interface?  This 
applies whether my global and non-global zone share one interface, or 
have unique interfaces?  I would like some clarification if Darren is 
around?  Thanks!


It should be possible to use rdr to redirect inbound traffic to another
zone (IP address) on the same machine.  This isn't mentioned in the ipf
how-to because without zones, there is generally no reason to do this.

Basically, when you use rdr, the inbound packet is modified before the
IP stack sees it, so it will be correctly delivered to the modified
destination if that destination is on the local machine or reachable
through some interface other than the one on which the packet arrived.

Customer was swearing up and down that he cannot use rdr to direct 
traffic onto a web server running inside a zone on a box that is also 
acting as a router and accepting inbound traffic.  I don't know how much 
of this is a misconfiguration (he says he can redirect to another 
physical box, but not onto a zone on the same box).  I was going to 
write to Darren directly but thought the list could benefit from the 

The use for this, and I'm guessing here, might be something like, I have with several autonomous subdivisions.  I can't all have 
my zones called widgetco  (so that all my customers can access via so I have one big server that accepts and redirects 
to different zones and then the webserver there does URL rewrites.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] zones.cpu-shares and pools

2006-08-01 Thread Christine Tran


I found an old email written by Amol a while ago stating in effect that 
zones.cpu-shares has no meaning when the system is carved up into 
different pools.  I would like some clarification, directly, I have a 
customer who wants to attach one zone to one pool, and the rest of the 
box, global and the rest of non-global zones can use the default pool 
and use cpu shares.  From Amol's old email, this cannot be done.  Can 
someone confirm this?  Any supporting docs from Sun would be appreciated 
as well.


zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] unable to run apache as non-root user in a zone

2006-08-02 Thread Christine Tran
I am attempting to run apache as a  non-root user in a non-global zone.  I'm 
not able to start apache, my error_log says:

Permission denied: mod_rewrite: could not create rewrite_log_lock

Thinking that this may be related to a privilege issue, I ran ppriv -e -D and 

httpsd.worker[14906]: missing privilege "ZONE" (euid = 170, syscall = 5) needed 
at tdirenter+0x300
Server start FAILED

What is "ZONE"?  There is proc_zone but that doesn't sound right, "allow a 
process to send signals to processes in other zones"?  Googling gives me some 
info on mod_rewrite, that I'm hitting some semaphore limits, shm and ipcs.

This works fine when I start apache as a non-root user in the global zone.  I 
would like to make this work in a non-global zone.  What is privilege "ZONE"?  
Has anyone seen this? What should I do next? (OK, privdebug is a given.)

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Re: Question: Zones/Mpxio + Disk Array (HDS 9970V

2006-08-04 Thread Christine Tran

Doug Scott wrote On 08/04/06 11:42,:

create a zfs filesystem in the global zone for the zone. Something like

$ zfs create mypool/export/zones/zone1
$ mkdir -p /export/zones/zone1
$ zfs set mountpoint=/export/zones/zone1 mypool/export/zones/zone1

With zonecfg set your zonepath=/export/zones/zone1

Wait a sec, this doc is pretty unequivocal about doing this:

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] Hmm ... tmpfs in zone?

2006-08-18 Thread Christine Tran


I came across a zone example that looks like this:

dir: /tmp
special: swap
raw not specified
type: tmpfs
options: ["size=1024"]

Hmm ... I think I know what the person is trying to do, give the zone 
its own swap space of 1024 (something, bit, byte, ectoplasmic unit - I 
just checked the manpage and size isn't a mount option).  I'm surprised 
zonecfg let me get away with this, I just did it on S10U2.

# zonecfg -z zone1
zonecfg:zone1> add fs
zonecfg:zone1:fs> set dir=/tmp
zonecfg:zone1:fs> set special=swap
zonecfg:zone1:fs> set type=tmpfs
zonecfg:zone1:fs> add options ["size=1024"]
zonecfg:zone1:fs> end
zonecfg:zone1> verify
zonecfg:zone1> commit
zonecfg:zone1> exit
# zoneadm -z zone1 boot
# zlogin zone1
# df -k |grep swap
swap   8   0   8 0%/tmp
swap 7025152 272 7024880 1%/etc/svc/volatile
swap 7024912  32 7024880 1%/var/run

Does this in fact do anything?  Should my hands not have been smacked, 
why is zonecfg so accomodating? Have we published examples of how to do 
this anywhere?  Should I file a bug?


zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Hmm ... tmpfs in zone?

2006-08-18 Thread Christine Tran

Jerry Jelinek wrote On 08/18/06 17:21,:

It is in the man page I just looked at (mount_tmpfs(1M)).

Oy, sorry, I just looked at mount(1M).

zonecfg doesn't know about every option on every filesystem, bundled
and unbundled, that is available on Solaris.  zoneadm does some
basic validation of fs entries but it too does not know about all
of the special options each filesystem might have.

Well, is this worth at least a small bug do you think?  The person is 
trying to do X, and this lets him think he has achieved X.  On the other 
hand I may have a valid reason to assign to a zone a tmpfs.


zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] zone resource control, who gets signaled?

2006-10-19 Thread Christine Tran
The zones.cpu-shares rctl has a set of threshhold actions: none, deny 
and signal=.  Say if I set the action as signal=TERM, who actually gets 
signaled?  Is it the process in the zone that's currently queuing to get 
on CPU, or is it zoneadmd (which presumably will pass it back?)

I've always used (priv=priviledge,limit=n,action=none), that enforces 
the limit for me.  What's the difference in behavior between "none" and 


zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] zone resource control, who gets signaled?

2006-10-20 Thread Christine Tran

Menno Lageman wrote:

Nobody gets signaled, as 'signal' (and 'deny' for that matter) are not 
valid  actions for zone.cpu-shares. This is because cpu-shares is not a 
limit that can be exceeded in the sense that for instance 
project.max-filedescriptor can be exceeded. Once a zone is at it's 
maximum allowed cpu share, it won't get scheduled so it can't exceed the 

If you want to know what actions are possible for a rctl, see the 
rctladm(1M) output:

# rctladm zone.cpu-shares
zone.cpu-shares syslog=n/a [ no-basic no-deny no-signal 
no-syslog count ]

'no-deny' tells you that 'deny' is not a valid action for this rctl. 
Ditto for 'no-signal' and 'no-syslog'.

Great!  Thank you for clearing that up.  Same question, for zone.max-lwps.

# rctladm zone.max-lwps
zone.max-lwps   syslog=off [ no-basic count ]

I guess, then, I can have action=signal=TERM?  Who gets signaled, the 
process that wants another lwp, or zoneadmd, or something else?  Not 
that I want to kill that process, I just want to know the mechanism. 
'deny' would make more sense here?  What would 'none' do, nothing, 
nullifying the limit?

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] [Fwd: Local Zone Awareness Application List]

2006-11-07 Thread Christine Tran
Wynne Wang wrote:
> Hi
>   I'm engineer of China, customer want to know it the application work well
>   under local zone. Do we have such an application list of local zone 
> awareness?
>   Such as Oracle? DB2? Siebel?
As far as I know Sun maintains no such list.  There is a tool you can
use, called srcheck (Solaris Ready Test Suite), there is a tool bundled
in it that you can use to check your apps which you intend to run in a
zone.  Get it here:

You'll need a sunsolve login & password.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] [Fwd: Local Zone Awareness Application List]

2006-11-07 Thread Christine Tran
Christine Tran wrote:
> Wynne Wang wrote:
>> Hi
>>   I'm engineer of China, customer want to know it the application work well
>>   under local zone. Do we have such an application list of local zone 
>> awareness?
>>   Such as Oracle? DB2? Siebel?
> As far as I know Sun maintains no such list.

D'ohh, Jeff Victor pointed out that yes, we do keep such a list but it's
not publicly accessible.  I'll follow up with Wynne.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] packages and inherit-pkg-dir

2007-03-07 Thread Christine Tran

If I have an application (SUNW_PKG_ALLZONES = FALSE) that installs some 
in /opt and some in /var/opt, and I set my non-global zone to have an 
inherit-pkg-dir /opt, when I install the zone and when I patch the 
application in the global zone, will it install and patch my NGZ 
/var/opt, where portions of my package lives?

I have a customer ask me whether it's enough give a NGZ zone an 
inherit-pkg-dir where part of the package lives, and the install and 
patching tools will know to patch the NGZ as well.

In short, the customer wants a reliable way to make sure an app is 
delivered in multiple zones with minimal human administration of patches.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] Patching for zones with own /usr

2007-03-15 Thread Christine Tran


Customer has zones with 3 out of 4 default inherit-pkg-dir, each zone 
has  its own /usr.  They are reporting that a DST patch did not install 
correctly in the non-global zone.

Perhaps related to this, last week I had another question about patching 
a zone which had an /opt inherit-pkg-dir.  Assuming that 
SUNW_PKG_ALL_ZONES is false, if part of a package is installed in /opt, 
and part is installed in the zone's copy of /var, what should I do to 
install or patch?  If I use pkgadd -G in the global zone, it only 
installs in the global zone.  If I use pkgadd -G in the non-global zone, 
it can't write to /opt.


zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Patching for zones with own /usr

2007-03-15 Thread Christine Tran

Jeff Victor wrote:

Customer has zones with 3 out of 4 default inherit-pkg-dir, each zone 
has  its own /usr.  They are reporting that a DST patch did not 
install correctly in the non-global zone.

Was that "3 out of 4 zones has all the default i-p-d's" or "the zones 
have 3 out of the 4 default i-p-d's" ??

If the latter, the answer is "that's not supported, and the results are 
not well understood."

The latter.  I seem to have missed this email thread, can you tell me 
about the "not supported, not well understood" part?  Trim the alias if 
it's been discussed to death, or just point me to a link.  Thanks!

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Patching for zones with own /usr

2007-03-16 Thread Christine Tran

Jeff Victor wrote:

See for some 
more info.

Hmm ... this does not admonish that you should not use zero i-p-d or all 
four.  I agree with Steffen that if this leads to an unsupported 
environment the customer should at least get a warning in the doc.  I 
would say I'm fairly familiar with zones and this is news to me.  I 
realize we can't itemize everything that may lead to an unsupported 
system (how would we know?) but my interpretation of the doc is that we 
make it easy for the customers to use a -b template or a default 
template, but they can pick and chose.  I hope this is not unsupported, 
if I were a customer and I found this out through a service call I would 
be a little aggravated.

Regarding the other customer's question about a zone with all four + 
/opt i-p-d, I believe their intention was to patchadd -G in each zone 
that requires it.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Re: Re: zonepath

2007-06-18 Thread Christine Tran

F.V.(Phil)Porcella wrote:

Last question for you all, (maybe it should get its own thread), I would like 
to incorporate the /export/home directories from the global zone, into the 
non-global zone.

What is the best way to do this?

Seems like I have 3 choices:
1 add inherit-pkg-dir, set dir=/export/home, end
2 add fs,set dir=/export/home, set special=/export/home,set type=lofs,add 
options [rw,nodevices], end
3 nfs mount /export/home from the global zone, to the NGS (CIS2) later on.

Is there any prefered method to do this?

Also, the passwords for the accounts, is there a recomended way to deal with 
that on the NGZ?

No. 3 is definitely out.  You can't have an NGZ nfs-mount something from 
the GZ on the same box.  Bug.  No. 1 is out if you want users in your 
NGZ to be able to write into those home dirs. inherit-pkg-dir is read-only.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] sparse zones and isolation of information in core files

2007-07-18 Thread Christine Tran

Customer wants to know if several sparse-root zones share some library 
or text segments, and an application in a zone dumps core, could there 
be cases where there are "leaks" in the core file, containing 
information from other zones.

I can't construct a scenario that would lead to this, but I've come here 
for a definite answer.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] how to find global-zone from zone

2007-08-29 Thread Christine Tran
Paul Kraus wrote:
> On 8/29/07, Brandorr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In a related, but similar situation. How does one know that they are
>> actually in a non-global zone vs a global zone? (Using a committed
>> interface).
> `ps -ef` and look for pid 0,1,2,3; these should only be visible in a
> global zone.

Gahh! The contortions! Just use "zonename"; if it comes back "global", 
you're in a global zone.  If anything else, you're not.  Attribute is 
"Evolving", is that better than looking for pids?  And maybe one day 
there will be pid 0, 1, 2, 3 in a non-global zone.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] need clarification on zone-to-zone traffic on same node

2007-09-21 Thread Christine Tran

I just need some clarification, this does not matter in any functional 

I have had it explained to me that zone-to-zone communication on same 
host does not actually use the loopback interface, it's a slip of 
speech.  The system "loops traffic back" within the IP stack, and you 
can't glean any traffic snooping on lo0.

I just glanced at CR 6423486 (now closed), the description reads: "When 
zones are implemented on a Solaris node they will communicate with each 
other over the loopback interface if a valid external route exists."

Which is correct?

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] attaching an un-detached zone

2007-10-23 Thread Christine Tran

Quick question, can I attach (-f) a zone on shared storage that hasn't 
been detached from another host?  I don't have the hardware setup 
necessary to test this.  -CT
zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] -s option to zoneadm clone does not work

2007-10-26 Thread Christine Tran

Possibly a discrepancy between the man page and U4 functionality?  I'm 
on Solaris x86 U4, and

# zoneadm clone -s tank/[EMAIL PROTECTED] zone1

-s: illegal option --s

The -s is clearly documented in the man page.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] sharing "terminal server ports" to non-global zone

2007-12-18 Thread Christine Tran

A customer is unable to share something called the "terminal server 
ports" to non-global zone.  I don't know what these are, but here's the 

"Serial sensor interfaces are fed to a patch panel and then received by 
a digital terminal server.  Terminal server sends output to a switch, to 
which the host is connected.  Terminal server port driver installs in 
global zone, creates /dev/dty/tt1, /dev/tty/tt2 ..."

He tried adding the device by "set match = /dev/dty/*" but the device 
does not appear in the non-global zone.

Any thoughts?


zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] sharing "terminal server ports" to non-global zone

2007-12-18 Thread Christine Tran
Jerry Jelinek wrote:
> Christine Tran wrote:
>> A customer is unable to share something called the "terminal server 
>> ports" to non-global zone.  I don't know what these are, but here's 
>> the description:
>> "Serial sensor interfaces are fed to a patch panel and then received 
>> by a digital terminal server.  Terminal server sends output to a 
>> switch, to which the host is connected.  Terminal server port driver 
>> installs in global zone, creates /dev/dty/tt1, /dev/tty/tt2 ..."
>> He tried adding the device by "set match = /dev/dty/*" but the device 
>> does not appear in the non-global zone.
>> Any thoughts?
> Is it /dev/dty or /dev/tty?  The example shows both.  What version are
> they running?  There is a known bug with wildcard matching in u4:
> 6632938 zonecfg fnmatch device matching interface seems to be broken

Sorry, that's /dev/dty/* not /dev/tty/*, my typo.

And thanks for the bug, this may be it.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Boot state completion?

2008-01-24 Thread Christine Tran
Konstantin Gremliza wrote:
> Hi Brad,
> unfortunatly there is no
> who -r
> for smf. 

who -r still works in a zone.

.   run-level 3  Jan 24 14:53 3  0  S

> i don't know if there is a rfe for this. the default milestone 
> is "all" , but you cannot query the state for this milestone 

The command is

# svcprop -p options_ovr/milestone system/svc/restarter:default

Please see SMF FAQ 1.5, 2.13.

> so you 
> don't know when the graph is ready. the best thing i would consider is 
> running
> svcs -x.

This is not the intended use for -x switch.  My zone has been up for 6 
minutes, AND I have output for svcs -x.  It does not mean that my zone 
is not ready.

   2:59pm  up 6 min(s),  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.05, 0.03
svc:/application/print/server:default (LP print server)
  State: disabled since Thu Jan 24 14:53:05 2008
Reason: Disabled by an administrator.
See: lpsched(1M)
Impact: 2 dependent services are not running.  (Use -v for list.)

> if nothing shows up everything is ok. you could use zonemgr to run the 
> command in all the zones simultaneously, but somebody at sun should fix 
> this and many other things in smf too.

If I want to know a zone is done booting, I would check the state of the 
zone with zoneadm.  If it's "running", I have reasonable confidence that 
the zone is done booting.  If it's "running" and some service has not 
finished and this hinders what I want to do, I would write the alias 
with detailed comments, and after that, possibly file a bug.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] NGZ wants lofs mount a global zone's NFS mount

2008-01-25 Thread Christine Tran
I guess this situation is possible now?

Because I'm reading CR 6600677 and it appears that *that* CR is a side 
effect of doing what this user was attempting to do.

If one is able to configure an lofs mount in a NGZ, and the source of 
the lofs mount is itself an NFS-mounted filesystem on the global zone, 
was there ever a CR for the situation described in the mail archive?

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] [zfs-discuss] tricking install tools with quota and reservation

2008-02-04 Thread Christine Tran

> Christine Tran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I understands the upgrade issue surrounding the patching and upgrade 
>> tools. Can I get around this with some trickery using quota and 
>> reservation?  I would quota and reserve for a pool/somezonepath some 
>> capacity, say 10GB, and in this way allocate a fixed capacity per zonepath.
>> Will this work, or will the patching & upgrade tool not even run if they 
>> detect that zones are on zfs?
Enda O'Connor wrote:

upgrade of zones on zfs is just not supported yet
patching does wok though for zones on zfs
add 119254-50/119255-50 (SPARC/X86 ) and patching will eork


On second thoughts zones-discuss may be a more appropriate alias for 
this question.

I understand the non-supported issue.  My customer wants to know if he 
can take steps to make certain there's enough disk capacity for upgrade, 
using quota + reservation per filesystem.  I just want to know if the 
upgrade tools will just exit when it finds zonepaths on ZFS, or will it 
run.  I could set up a quick test but I don't have an environment ready 

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] How to add a ZFS to a Zone without rebooting?

2008-02-06 Thread Christine Tran
Thilo Stallherm wrote:
> Hi all,
> is it possible to add a ZFS to a running Zone without having to reboot
> the Zone?

I was able to do it.

# zfs create tank/foo
# zfs set mountpoint=legacy tank/foo
# zfs set zoned=on tank/foo

Create the mountpoint in the zone, mount it into the running zone

# mkdir /zones/zone1/root/foo
# mount -F zfs tank/foo /zones/zone1/root/foo

I don't see it in my global zone:
# df -k
Filesystemkbytesused   avail capacity  Mounted on
tank   94208  28   93416 1%/tank

But it's in my non-global zone:
Filesystemkbytesused   avail capacity  Mounted on
tank/foo   93441  24   93416 1%/foo

Since you haven't presented the dataset to the zone, you need to umount 
from the global zone.

no datasets available

This won't work:
umount /zones1/zone/root/foo
umount: warning: /zones1/zone/root/foo not in mnttab
umount: /zones1/zone/root/foo no such file or directory

But this works:
# umount tank/foo


zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] zones on iSCSI targets

2008-03-11 Thread Christine Tran

I have a customer who wants to do zones on iSCI targets.  The concern I 
have is whether or not the install/upgrade tool can find and mount the 
zones when doing a standard upgrade.  He can see and mount the zones in 

Anyone who has zones on iSCSI targets, AND who has done an upgrade 
(successful or not) please post back.

Anyone who has zones on iSCSI targets present by Thumper zpools using 
"shareiscsi", please post back here as well.


zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Lost network connectivity and NIC recognition

2008-03-18 Thread Christine Tran
Anne Moore wrote:
> James
> I am definitely using OpenSolaris as that's what I downloaded and installed,
> (excuse me if it's not called "10").
> <>
> I feel sorry for you James. It appears you must put people down to feel
> better about yourself. Why not go to a shrink for help?! 

Ann!  He means you need local Solaris Service support.  But you 
mentioned that you do not a service contract somewhere in your emails.

> You gave a very obvious (LOL) answer that a novice level would give. I need
> SENIOR level engineers helping out. I take care of 312 Solaris boxes,
> including VM's. I tried all the trivial normal stuff like what you
> suggested.
> You "SUN" guys/gals told me I could NOT migrate all of my zones from one
> patch level to another. WRONG. I migrated 11 such zones and each is working
> perfectly. IN fact, I think you should come to my Solaris classes. You would
> learn quite a bit.
> Next time, ask a real engineer before you respond.

James *IS* one of our very senior engineers.  Yes, one of those "real" 
ones.  He's one of the coders of the features you're using (perhaps 

If you read my email more carefully, I said that the migration you 
attempted IS NOT SUPPORTED.  You have an unsupportable system when you 
modified the index and zones .xml file and move the zonepaths around. 
That it appears to work is not the point.  Is it possible that your 
system hangs on patching and upgrade because you've attempted to do 
things we warned you not to do?  Please don't bash people on opensolaris 
from whom you seek help.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] The quick & dirty guide to zones on iSCSI LUNs

2008-03-27 Thread Christine Tran
What is iSCSI?
SCSI over TCP/IP.  iSCSI makes remote disks look local.  The remote host 
with storage resource presents iscsi targets.  The client accessing the 
storage is the initiator.  iSCSI initiator was present in S10 3/05 and 
up.  iSCSI target went into S10 8/07.

Why zones on iSCSI?
iSCSI frees you from the limitation of putting zones on local storage. 
The physical bits of the zoneroot can live anywhere accessible with a 
network connection.  You can use the zone detach/attach function without 
SAN or shared storage.  This ability circumvents a bunch of problems 
associated with zonepath on NFS mount, for example, see  RFE 4963321: 
hosting root filesystems for zones on NFS servers.

What's the catch?
Speed of zone installation and patching depends on how fast your network 
is.  Currently it doesn't look like you can do a standard upgrade on a 
box with zones on iSCSI LUNs because there's no iSCSI packages in the 

What works?
Installing and booting zones on iSCSI targets, patching in single-user 
mode, upgrading via LiveUpgrade.

How to do it?
This is a quick write-up.  I used ZFS zvol but this is not necessary. 
ZFS makes creating iscsi targets PAINLESS and takes only one command.  I 
placed the zonepath on a striped SVM volume because I was testing a 
specific config, for speed, and eventually I want to use an SVM mirror 
to provide redundancy for my zonepath.  Most outputs are omitted, what's 
provided is for clarity.

1. create the targets
2. client discovery of target
3. label disk, lay down SVM, filesystem
4. configure zones
5. apply recommended patch cluster, LU patch cluster
6. lucreate, luupgrade, luactivate

nvd is a box running snv_80 but S10 8/07 is just as good.  Client is 
running S10 8/07.

nvd# zpool create tran1 c0t18d0 c0t19d0
nvd# zpool create tran2 c0t20d0 c0t21d0
nvd# zfs create -V 16g tran1/xmen
nvd# zfs create -V 16g tran2/hulk
nvd# zfs set shareiscsi=on tran1/xmen
nvd# zfs set shareiscsi=on tran2/hulk
nvd# iscsitadm list target -v
Target: tran1/xmen
iSCSI Name:
Target: tran2/hulk
iSCSI Name:

~> iscsiadm add static-config
~> iscsiadm add static-config
~> iscsiadm modify discovery --static enable
~> devfsadm -i iscsi
~> iscsiadm list target -S
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c5t0103BA681D5F2A0047E84932d0s2
OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c5t0103BA681D5F2A0047E84934d0s2

~> format
8. c5t0103BA681D5F2A0047E84932d0 
   /scsi_vhci/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
9. c5t0103BA681D5F2A0047E84934d0 
   /scsi_vhci/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > label
 > partition

[Striping, nologging and noatime for speed]
~> metainit d30 1 2 c5t0103BA681D5F2A0047E84932d0s0
c5t0103BA681D5F2A0047E84934d0s0 -i 32k
~> newfs -v /dev/md/dsk/d30
~> mount -F ufs -o nologging,noatime /dev/md/dsk/d30 /zones
[You need the mount-at-boot option == yes, otherwise it would not mount 
at boot, despite what the mount(1M) manpage says]
~> vi vfstab
/dev/md/dsk/d30 /dev/md/rdsk/d30 /zones ufs 1 yes nologging,noatime

~> zonecfg -z zone1
zonecfg:zone1> create
zonecfg:zone1> set zonepath=/zones/zone1 [...]
~> zoneadm -z zone1 install
~> zoneadm -z zone1 boot

{1} ok boot -s
Entering System Maintenance Mode
[iSCSI Initiator is present]
~> modinfo |grep -i iscsi
  36  13252e8  2b4a0 271   1  iscsi (Sun iSCSI Initiator v20061003-0)
[Target LUNS are present]
~> iscsiadm list target
[boot zones, apply patch cluster and LU patch cluster. 
has a new content management system.  The old Infodoc 72099 is now 
Document ID 206844:  Solaris[TM] Live Upgrade Software: Minimum Patch 
Requirements.  Make sure you apply all the required patches.  This will 
minimize your LU headaches.]

[Create and discover new targets for your /zones on the ABE.  This is 
d40 for me.]

~> lucreate -c s10u3 -C /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 -n s10u4
-m /:/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s0:ufs
-m -:/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s1:swap
-m /zones:/dev/md/dsk/d40:ufs
-l /var/adm/lu_error.log

~> luupgrade -u -n s10u4 -s

~> luactivate s10u4

You're done.  Hooray!  Longer write-up with output later.  On deck: zone 
detach and attach, upgrade on attach.


zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] The quick & dirty guide to zones on iSCSI LUNs

2008-03-31 Thread Christine Tran
roush wrote:

> Sun Cluster plans to support an iSCSI disk as a quorum device.
> Sun Cluster accesses the iSCSI disk early in the boot process.
> When the iSCSI disk is on the same subnet as the cluster machines,
> things work. When the iSCSI disk is on a different subnet
> the system cannot find the iSCSI disk (ENXIO). However,
> after Solaris is fully up we have no access problems.
> Solaris automatically boots up zones in many configurations.
> The point at which Solaris boots zones is later, so
> you may or may not hit this problem. I would be
> interested to hear whether you encounter this problem or not.

Hi Ellard,

No, I have not encountered this problem.  The targets mount just in time 
for my zones.  But it sounds to me like a dependency on 
svc:/network/routing/route:default for cluster could help this along?

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] The quick & dirty guide to zones on iSCSI LUNs

2008-04-18 Thread Christine Tran
Follow up on this previous item:

 > On deck: zone detach and attach, upgrade on attach.

To be able to do the above requires that there be some kind of 
preservation of the data on top of iscsi targets.  I tried putting iscsi 
targets into metasets which could be taken and released.  Does not 
appear to work right now.  I filed RFE 6691027: iscsi targets should 
support metasets.

I had to use disksets because currently, zones on ZFS is still not 
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Moving the zonepath (directory) to another file system

2008-11-19 Thread Christine Tran
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Amol Chiplunkar

> I would also look at zoneadm -z  move 
> e.g. zoneadm -z  /large-filesystempath/
> Unless you are particular about '/zones' path, you don't even have to
> remount it as /zones

This is a unique problem.  Turns out we're not the only one.  We had
to move the zonepath somewhere else, but the "somewhere else" needs to
have the same mountpoint.  It's the underlying devices that we want to
change.  Obviously, zoneadm move will move /oldzonepath to
/newzonepath but how will I remount to /oldzonepath, I can't change
zonepath with zonecfg.  Eventually I had to manually edit the stuff in
/etc/zones, not that I advocate anyone to do this, but it worked for

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] Package minimization question

2008-12-12 Thread Christine Tran
Cross-posted, pardon me for duplicates.

I'm building a system starting with SUNWCrnet, it needs zones and TX.
Using the fine Solaris Package Companion tool, I'm down to the

[C] SUNWCzoneXXSolaris Zones
  [P] SUNWzoner  PASSEDSolaris Zones (Root)
  [P] SUNWzoneu  XXSolaris Zones (Usr)
   x [P] SUNWadmfrSystem & Network Administration
Framework Configuration
   x [P] SUNWadmfwSystem & Network Administration Framework
   x [P] SUNWctplsPortable layout services for Complex
Text Layout support
   x [P] SUNWdtcorSolaris Desktop /usr/dt filesystem anchor
   x [P] SUNWj5rt JDK 5.0 Runtime Env. (1.5.0_14)
   x [P] SUNWmfrunMotif RunTime Kit
   x [P] SUNWpool Resource Pools
   x [P] SUNWpoolrResource Pools (Root)
   x [P] SUNWxwdv X Windows System Window Drivers
   x [P] SUNWxwfntX Window System platform required fonts
   x [P] SUNWxwiceX Window System Inter-Client Exchange
(ICE) Components
   x [P] SUNWxwplrX Window System platform software configuration
   x [P] SUNWxwpltX Window System platform software
   x [P] SUNWxwrtlX Window System & Graphics Runtime
Library Links in /usr

[C] SUNWCts  XXSolaris Trusted Extensions
  [P] SUNWtsgXXTrusted Extensions global
  [P] SUNWtsuXXTrusted Extensions, (Usr)
  [P] SUNWtsrXXTrusted Extensions, (Root)
   x [P] SUNWctplsPortable layout services for Complex
Text Layout support
   x [P] SUNWdtbasCDE application basic runtime environment
   x [P] SUNWdtcorSolaris Desktop /usr/dt filesystem anchor
   x [P] SUNWmfrunMotif RunTime Kit
   x [P] SUNWxwcftX Window System common (not required) fonts
   x [P] SUNWxwdv X Windows System Window Drivers
   x [P] SUNWxwfntX Window System platform required fonts
   x [P] SUNWxwiceX Window System Inter-Client Exchange
(ICE) Components
   x [P] SUNWxwoptX Window System Optional Clients
   x [P] SUNWxwplrX Window System platform software configuration
   x [P] SUNWxwpltX Window System platform software
   x [P] SUNWxwrtlX Window System & Graphics Runtime
Library Links in /usr

The x indicates missing packages not in SUNWCrnet.

I wonder if the X Window, Motif, CDE and Text Layout is *really*
necessary.  I don't have a problem adding pools and the two admin
packages.  Other boxes built without these packages have worked fine
so far.  However, eventually they will need support, and I don't want
to be in that place where I have to explain why a headless box that
runs no graphics needs X, and un-supportability.


zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] exclusive-ip zone and non-observability

2008-12-16 Thread Christine Tran

I am putting 2 applications that talk to each other on two non-global
zones of type exclusive-ip.  I do this for one reason only, that is to
be able to observe traffic between the two applications for
troubleshooting if and when things go wrong.  Unfortunately, this will
run afoul of security guidelines, which says one should not be able to
observe anything from the outside.  Encryption is just not in the
picture right now.  I'm trying to think of a way to make traffic
observable from the global zone only, and obscured to everyone else
outside the box.  I thought of not cabling the interfaces and turning
off ip_restrict_interzone_loopback, but that just backs me right into
the corner of not being able to snoop anything on the lo0 channel. I
don't have anything here that I can use, do I?  Just making sure.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] exclusive-ip zone and non-observability

2008-12-16 Thread Christine Tran
> Hi,
> I am putting 2 applications that talk to each other on two non-global
> zones of type exclusive-ip.  I do this for one reason only, that is to
> be able to observe traffic between the two applications for
> troubleshooting if and when things go wrong.  Unfortunately, this will
> run afoul of security guidelines, which says one should not be able to
> observe anything from the outside.  Encryption is just not in the
> picture right now.  I'm trying to think of a way to make traffic
> observable from the global zone only, and obscured to everyone else
> outside the box.  I thought of not cabling the interfaces and turning
> off ip_restrict_interzone_loopback, but that just backs me right into
> the corner of not being able to snoop anything on the lo0 channel. I
> don't have anything here that I can use, do I?  Just making sure.

Bad form here, to follow up my own post, but, how feasible would it be
to flap ip_restrict_interzone_loopback off and on, off for production
and on for diagnostic?  I'm reading comments lines 560 - 570 of

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] exclusive-ip zone and non-observability

2008-12-16 Thread Christine Tran
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 12:36 PM, James Carlson  wrote:

> Using the existing Clearview interfaces (integrated back in November
> for build 103; see CR 4085089), you should be able to snoop lo0 just
> fine.

Unfortunately this is Solaris 10 8/07, we may be able to go to 10/08
but Nevada is definitely not an option.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] exclusive-ip zone and non-observability

2008-12-16 Thread Christine Tran
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 6:13 PM, Fredrich Maney  wrote:
> Instead of snooping the traffic, why not do it through DTrace? That
> should meet your security requirements nicely.
> fpsm

Heh!  No SUNWCdtrace cluster either.  In fact, I may have to sell
"observability" down the river because I see that snoop is in
SUNWrcmdc and that's not in the SUNWCrnet, either. And that needs
Kerberos, yadda yadda ...
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Package minimization question

2008-12-23 Thread Christine Tran
My apologies for being late replying.

I've thought of posting the cluster I use but it seems that everyone
has has a special build particular to their needs.For example, most
people would not use kerberos, but it's in rnet.  You could make a
case for SUNWbip, SUNWrcmdc, NTP ... how much do you really need? USB
serial driver ... ?

> Btw, I see you are using the "tree view" for SPC. How do you like it?

It's OK.  It's good to realize the "tree" view isn't comprehensive; if
a package doesn't belong in a mini-cluster, it won't show up in the
tree view, althought it will show up in the package view.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] ip_restrict_interzone_loopback again

2009-01-22 Thread Christine Tran

Has anyone *actually* observe that you can communicate between zones
with the cable removed when /dev/ip ip_restrict_interzone_loopback is
set to 0?

Here's my setup, s10u5.

global: e1000g0, cabled
zone1: e1000g1, cabled
zone2: e1000g2, not cabled

by default ip_restrict_interzone_loopback is 0, no need to do anything there.

zone2 is pretty much by himself, unable to communicate to global or
zone1.  If I understand correctly, he should be able to communicate
with the global zone and zone1, even without the cable.  This is not
the case.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] ip_restrict_interzone_loopback again

2009-01-23 Thread Christine Tran
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Jon Anderson  wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you have more details on your zone configuration? If you are
> using exclusive stack zones then this is expected.

Hmm, I thought the exact opposite.  zones of type exclusive-ip type,
plumbed on different interfaces, will drive their traffic out one IF
and into the other.  I believe Steffen Weiberle did some test to
measure the delay as opposed to using the internal loopback mechanism.
 Unless ip_restrict_interzone_loopback is 0 (the default is 1 on OS).
You can have zones of type exclusive-ip plumbed on different
interfaces but not cabled up if this parameter is set to 0.

This is what I gleaned from reading what little there is about this
param.  Otherwise ... how could you ever have traffic going from
zone1:e1000g1 to zone2:e1000g2 without a cable?

Anyhow, this may be a JASS problem because JASS will enable ipfilter
on the global zone but JASS's mod to ipf.conf does not pass lo0
traffic.  And yet, ... my understanding is that the internal loopback
"mechanism" does not really involve lo0.  By the time we got it sorted
out last night we were all out of gas, so we didn't get to the bottom
of it.

If you can describe exactly how I can get traffic from zone1:e1000g1
to zone2:e1000g2 without cabling up the interfaces, that would solve
my problem.


zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] ip_restrict_interzone_loopback again

2009-01-23 Thread Christine Tran
>>  Unless ip_restrict_interzone_loopback is 0 (the default is 1 on OS).
>> You can have zones of type exclusive-ip plumbed on different
>> interfaces but not cabled up if this parameter is set to 0.
> Where is this documented?

This is what started the whole kerfuffle for me,

particularly "which have their local IP addresses on different
interfaces", I zeroed in on this and conveniently ignored the
"shared-stack zone" which I'm noticing just now.

But how could that be ... shared-stack zone with IP address on
different interface?  This thing cannot exist?

Here it is.  I need exclusive stack so I can snoop traffic when bad
things happen.  When bad things are not happening, traffic must not be
snoopable, sayeth the people in charge.  I have this brilliant idea
(based on what I read) that I can conviently shunt traffic to the NIC
or internally, at will, using this nifty param.  Bad things happen,
shunt it outside to observe.  Bad things go away, shunt it back
inside, remove the cable.  This cannot work, you say?  This is S10U5,
OS is not an option.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] ip_restrict_interzone_loopback again

2009-01-23 Thread Christine Tran
> You can add multiple physicals to a shared stack zone, they are
> just added as logicals. You need the underlying interface plumbed
> in the global zone though. An exclusive stack doesn't know anything
> about other zones' network configuration.

OK, I'm beginning to see.  Like this, you mean?

global zone:
plumb e1000g1
plumb e1000g2

zone1: e1000g1:1

zone2: e1000g2:1

ip_restrict_interzone_loopback = 0
traffic from zone1 <-> zone2 shunted internally

ip_restrict_interzone_loopback = 1, cabled to a switch
traffic from zone1 <-> zone2 forced out the NIC, and observable with snoop

> One issue would be if the ill for source and destination
> was the same then we would still send via loopback.

You mean if zone1 and zone2 were plumbed on e1000g1:1, and e1000g1:2,
traffic will never be observable no matter what.  I can live with

Did I get this right?

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] What is the workaround to CR6176743

2009-01-28 Thread Christine Tran
I am running into this:

r...@ender:/# zoneadm -z web boot
zone 'web': Error: error mounting zone root dataset.
zone 'web':
zoneadm: zone 'web': call to zoneadmd failed

When I go to check the CR, there's nothing in the workaround.  I just
need to boot my zone.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] What is the workaround to CR6176743

2009-01-29 Thread Christine Tran
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Jerry Jelinek  wrote:

> You haven't provided much information so its hard
> to help you.  What build are you running?  The
> issue described in the thread you reference should
> be fixed in the OpenSolaris 2008.11 release.  Do
> you have a second BE mounted, as is described in
> that thread?  If so and you unmount it, does the
> zone boot?


I'm running OpenSolaris 2008.11 on bare metal.  This is a very basic
zone, I made a ZFS filesystem for it, and put the zonepath there.  I
build it, boot it, poke around, and shut it down.  Now I get the
previous message when I try to boot it.  I don't have a 2nd BE
mounted, unless this is something OS does for me out of the box.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] What is the workaround to CR6176743

2009-01-29 Thread Christine Tran
> What is the output of 'mount -p' and 'zfs list' on this
> system?

r...@ender:/# mount -p
rpool/ROOT/opensolaris - / zfs - no
/devices - /devices devfs - no
/dev - /dev dev - no
ctfs - /system/contract ctfs - no
proc - /proc proc - no
mnttab - /etc/mnttab mntfs - no
swap - /etc/svc/volatile tmpfs - no xattr
objfs - /system/object objfs - no
sharefs - /etc/dfs/sharetab sharefs - no
/usr/lib/libc/ - /lib/ lofs - no
fd - /dev/fd fd - no rw
swap - /tmp tmpfs - no xattr
swap - /var/run tmpfs - no xattr
rpool/export - /export zfs - no rw,devices,setuid,nonbmand,exec,xattr,atime
rpool/export/home - /export/home zfs - no
rpool/export/home/ctran - /export/home/ctran zfs - no
rpool - /rpool zfs - no rw,devices,setuid,nonbmand,exec,xattr,atime
rpool/zones/web/ROOT/zbe - /zones/web/root zfs - no
rpool/zones - /zones zfs - no rw,devices,setuid,nonbmand,exec,xattr,atime
rpool/zones/web - /zones/web zfs - no

r...@ender:/# zfs list
rpool 4.78G  29.7G72K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT4.10G  29.7G18K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/opensolaris4.10G  29.7G  4.03G  /
rpool/dump 256M  29.7G   256M  -
rpool/export  31.0M  29.7G19K  /export
rpool/export/home 31.0M  29.7G19K  /export/home
rpool/export/home/ctran   31.0M  29.7G  31.0M  /export/home/ctran
rpool/zones407M  29.7G20K  /zones
rpool/zones/web407M  29.7G21K  /zones/web
rpool/zones/web/ROOT   407M  29.7G18K  legacy
rpool/zones/web/ROOT/zbe   407M  29.7G   407M  legacy
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] What is the workaround to CR6176743

2009-01-29 Thread Christine Tran
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Jerry Jelinek  wrote:

> It would be nice to try to understand more about
> what you did so we could try to figure out why
> the dataset was left mounted when you halted the zone.
> If there is anything unusual you can recall, please
> let me know.

I don't think I did anything special -- I did recall trying to zfs
umount and remount a few things, rpool/zones I think, because that's
the one I explicitly created.  It seems not to have work.

> In the meantime, to get your zone working again, you
> should be able to manually unmount the dataset:
> # umount /zones/web/root

Not working for me.

r...@ender:/# umount /zones/web/root
cannot unmount '/zones/web/root': No such file or directory

r...@ender:/# zfs umount rpool/zones/web/ROOT/zbe
cannot unmount 'rpool/zones/web/ROOT/zbe': legacy mountpoint
use umount(1M) to unmount this filesystem

I'm stuck, mount thinks it's there but it's not really there.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] a little scripting problem with zonecfg

2009-02-13 Thread Christine Tran
I'm writing a script that adds an LOFS to a zone, using a pre-made
batch file it works but I rather generate this on the fly.
It looks something like this:

if [ something ]; then
   zonecfg -z $myzone << EOF
add fs
set dir=/tmp/foo
set special=/tmp/foo
set type=lofs
add options rw
add options nodevices
  zoneadm -z $ZONENAME boot

This should work, but I get a syntax error at line 78: `end of file'
unexpected, (script is only 77 lines long, btw.)  I also tried

cat > /tmp/foo << EOF
zonecfg -z $myzone -f /tmp/foo

but same problem.  How can I solve this?  I prefer not to keep a batch
file around to slice & dice with sed.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] a little scripting problem with zonecfg

2009-02-13 Thread Christine Tran
On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 8:16 PM, Jordan Vaughan  wrote:
> Hi Cristine,
> I tried both methods on OpenSolaris 2008.11 and they worked for me.  My
> guess is that there's something wrong with your script.  Perhaps you forgot
> to close a control construct (e.g., end an if block with fi).

Errmm, well, it's wacky.  You can't have any white space in front of
your 'EOF'.  It has to be absolutely first letters on the line.  Was
driving me crazy because I coded out a test snippet and *that* worked,
but in my script proper I had white space indentation.  Feh!

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Failing to NFS mount on non-global zone

2009-02-20 Thread Christine Tran
> fs:
>dir: /netapp/tacacs
>special: /syslog-local/netapp/tacacs
>raw not specified
>type: lofs
>options: []
> fs:
>dir: /netapp/syslog
>special: /syslog-local/netapp/syslog
>raw not specified
>type: lofs
>options: []

> [Connected to zone 'syslog' pts/2]
> bash-3.00# cat /etc/vfstab | grep netapp
> - /netapp/syslog nfs - no hard,intr,bg,xattr
> - /netapp/tacacs nfs - no hard,intr,bg,xattr

You LOFS-mount the directory *and* you NFS-mount it inside the zone?
How about one or the other?  Why not just NFS mount the directory from
syslog and that's that?  In fact, my memory is fuzzy but I don't think
you can LOFS an NFS-mount done by the global zone.  There's a
credential problem, the NFS client is really one client (the global
zone) but access to the mount looks different when it's done from the
global zone or the non-global zone.  There's a bug on record for this,
I think.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] Routing issue with zones installed

2009-04-28 Thread Christine Tran
> The problem I have is when creating shared IP zones on another subnet,
> such as the subnet is unreachable and
> they cannot connet to the outside world through

It can't work this way.  Your zone on will never see because that gateway is not local to it.  Your
defaultrouter has to be on same segment.  You can get around this if
you set up with another interface local to, multi-home your router.  Then you'll have to add
another default route on your global zone.  If you're doing this on
nge0, you'll also have to zone your switch.

> Is there any way to use server0 as a router from inside the shared IP
> zone so that the global zone forwards packets from one subnet to the
> other and be able to reach

Yes, you can do it as described above.  I assume you mean server0 is
your global zone.


Pro OpenSolaris - Finger lickin' good.
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] zones in opensolaris (os200811) differs from zones in solaris 10?

2009-04-30 Thread Christine Tran
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:25 AM, solarg  wrote:
> hello all,
> i'm wondering how to create a sparse zone in os2008.11:
> - in solaris 10, just use "create" instead of "create -b" does a "sparse"
> zone
> - in os2008.11, you have to add manually:
> add inherit-pkg-dir

Ermmm ... I don't think zones in OS is of the same type as zones in
S10.  They are of type ipkg, and in 10, they can be of type native,
branded, etc.  Zones in OS are independent of the global zone, they
pull their own packages using the package manager.  You may even say
that the concept of "sparse" and "whole" doesn't apply to zone in OS.


Pro OpenSolaris - It's what's for dinner.
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[zones-discuss] zoneadmd not present for running zone

2009-05-07 Thread Christine Tran
I realize that zoneadmd is a private interface, but, here´s a
question.  Can I have a running zone and no zoneadmd running, at all?
If yes, what does it mean?

Pro OpenSolaris - 57 varieties.
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] pkg install AMP in a sparse zone

2009-05-18 Thread Christine Tran
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Jerry Jelinek  wrote:

> Thanks for the write-up.  It is helpful for us to
> know what peoples concerns are for the sparse vs. whole
> root configurations.

Our application make and destroy zones as needed.  We've built up a
set of tools to create, clone, and tear down zones.  We're concerned
more with how fast we can build one and move one, than in how much
memory we're saving by sharing in-memory footprints. (At one time this
was a point to be made but I don't think anyone ever made any
measurement, I could be wrong.)  To make ipkg zones, we'd have to have
access to a repository or maintain a local one (to date I don't think
anyone's done this yet, right?  The default repo is still at a space.)   Machines behind air gaps may never be able
to run OS, and if they do, we'd have a harder time making zones on the
fly for them.

1. ipkg zones take longer to build
2. and require an internet connection


Pro OpenSolaris - The breakfast of champions.
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] pkg install AMP in a sparse zone

2009-05-18 Thread Christine Tran
> Installing from a repo is orthogonal to the sparse
> vs. whole root discussion.  That is tracked as:
> 1947 Offline zone creation is impossible

I'm not complaining, just describing what's important to me (and my
shop) re:zones going forward.  This thread started out as "no sparse
zone on OS", sorry to have interrupted.


Pro OpenSolaris - The breakfast of champions.
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] sysidcfg requires zlogin

2009-07-15 Thread Christine Tran
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Patrick J.
McEvoy wrote:
> I am trying to pre-configure zones with sysidcfg as described in:
> Basically:
>clone a zone
>zoneadm -z  ready
>edit /root/etc/sysidcfg
>zoneadm -z  boot
> The problem is that after the zone boots I still have to do an initial 
> "zlogin -C"
> to the zone to get the system to look at /etc/sysidcfg. How can I kick the 
> zone
> so that it configures and comes up on the net without my having to do an 
> interactive
> login (and without having to write an expect script...)?

If you have a correct sysidcfg, you will never need to go thru the
system identification prompt at zlogin -C.  Please post your sysidcfg.
 Here's a barebone one that works for me:

network_interface=primary {

YMMV.  If you have an exclusive-ip zone you will have to touch
/etc/hostname.NIC in the zone as well.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] zone 'from scratch'

2009-11-23 Thread Christine Tran
On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 2:31 AM, nikolay  wrote:
> So the best way for me is 'downgrading' my OS (have no idea how to do 
> this)??? What the f...k these containers are needed for? I have only one 
> sparc workstation, so have no machine to install Solaris 9 (but it's crucial 
> for some software I work with)...

He means you need an imprint of a ready-installed S9 OS to put inside
your S9 container, on your S10 platform, not that you need to
downgrade your S10 platform.  You can't create an S9 container from a
set of install CDs.  Please be courteous and professional when you ask
for help here.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] routing-setup doesn't wait for zones

2010-01-22 Thread Christine Tran
I'm about to make a change to the dependency of routing-setup, I just
want to check first if this has been filed as a CR and has been fixed.

The problem is that zones and routing-setup both trace their
dependency back to milestone/network, but no relationship to each
other.  I have a priori knowledge of non-global shared-ip zones and
their address, and I load them into static-routes.  Sometime during
system boot, routing-setup is run, with no guanrantee that zones have
finished booting.  Solaris then tries to add routes, but balks, as it
should, since my physical interface is and my zones'virtual
interfaces have not been plumbed.  The solution to this is to make
zones a dependency of routing-setup.  We're not actively routing so I
don't see this interfering with anything.  My question is: has this
issue been reported, filed, and fixed?  A quick search of defect and
bugs does not turn up anything that looks like this problem.  Checking
first, thanks.

zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] zoneadm clone "-m copy" does not really "copy" on ZFS zonepath

2010-02-12 Thread Christine Tran
Hi, I'm sorry to bug the OpenSolaris for a question that pertains to
S10U8, but I am really stuck.

I am doing a zoneadm clone -m copy, and I do not want a new ZFS
dataset even though my zonepath is on a ZFS filesystem, for
performance reasons particular to how I am using my zones.
Unfortunately, zoneadm clone just ignores the "-m copy", and makes me
a new ZFS filesystem anyway; and by the speed with which it finished,
it certainly is a snapshot operation underneath.

I have tested with making the source zone on a separate UFS, have
pre-made a dirname under my ZFS filesystem as the zonepath, nothing
works.  I always get a new ZFS filesystem.  I see that zoneadm install
has an -x nodataset switch, I need this for zone clone as well.  I
have not seen this filed as a bug against S10, is there a work-around
to get the behavior I want?

This is sort of a big deal for our application.  We use labeled zones,
a file move within a filesystem has a different performance profile
than a move from one filesystem to another filesystem, even within one
ZFS pool.  We are doing tens of thousands of move per minute.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] zoneadm clone "-m copy" does not really "copy" on ZFS zonepath

2010-02-16 Thread Christine Tran
On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 3:10 AM, Frank Batschulat (Home)

> a '-x nodataset' option for 'clone' like in 'install' is unlikely going to 
> happen, in
> fact I will remove the '-x nodataset' option for 'install' completely soon in 
> OSOL build 135
> PSARC 2010/008 Remove zoneadm install sub-option "-x nodataset"
> your ZFS problem is with 'move' ie. rename a file from one dataset to another
> while both datasets are still in the same pool ending up as a copy of the file
> because it crosses dataset ie. file system boundaries. there's a ZFS RFE
> open to improve that:
> 6483179 Provide an efficient way to rename a file to another dataset in same 
> zpool
> 6650426 RFE: support link(2) between ZFS filesystems

Actually, this would be the 'proper' fix and will work for us.  Do you
know if there's priority to these two CRs?  I will provide a business
case write-up under another cover, if someone would like to add it to
the CR.

Meanwhile, I am stuck at U5, because as far as I can tell, U7 and U8
implements separate dataset per zone if it's on a ZFS.  This
completely breaks our application, which depended on the efficiency of
"mv" within one filesystem.
zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] zoneadm clone "-m copy" does not really "copy" on ZFS zonepath

2010-02-16 Thread Christine Tran
> Does the data really need to be under the zonepath?  If you were to do
> something like:
> zfs create -o mountpoint=/stuff rpool/stuff
> mkdir /stuff/z1 /stuff/z2
> zonecfg -z z1
> add fs
> set dir=/stuff
> set special=/stuff/z1
> set options=rw
> end
> exit
> zonecfg -z z2
> add fs
> set dir=/stuff
> set special=/stuff/z2
> set options=rw
> end
> exit
> Adjust paths as needed to fit your application.  From the global zone,
> you should be able to mv /stuff/z1/* /stuff/z2/* efficiently.

I think I have tried something like this, basically pre-make the
zonepath as directories before cloning the zone?  It doesn't work.  I
end up getting a new dataset mounted on the directory I've created.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] networking

2010-02-16 Thread Christine Tran
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Dombrowski, Neil

> For an example, let's say zone1 has a default route using gateway 
> and zone2 has a default router using gateway If I am logged into 
> the global zone, and it needs to send a packet to, will it use 
> one of the non-global-zone's default route?

It will round-robin between the two gateways IF it has interfaces
local to that network.  That is, you need something like this: assume
24-bit mask, e1000g0 and e1000g1 (the 10 is
just an example.)

If you only have one interface local to one gateway, it will use that
gateway.  What I'm guessing is that you have your zones plumbed on a
virtual interface, but nothing plumbed on the actual interface, from
the global zone's perspective.  In your ifconfig -a output, when
you've removed all the entries for zones, do you actually have an
interface that can reach a router?

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] zoneadm clone "-m copy" does not really "copy" on ZFS zonepath

2010-02-18 Thread Christine Tran
On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 3:10 AM, Frank Batschulat (Home)
> a '-x nodataset' option for 'clone' like in 'install' is unlikely going to 
> happen, in
> fact I will remove the '-x nodataset' option for 'install' completely soon in 
> OSOL build 135

OK, I need my sanity confirmed because I am not sure what's happening
on my laptop, (OpenSolaris question this time.)

I have created test ipkg type zones on this laptop before, I have not
done an upgrade but I've allowd Package Manager to update packages as
far as it's abled.  You say you will remove -x nodataset option,
implying it hasn't been done yet, but here's what happened this
morning when I tried to create a new zone.

r...@fiat~> cat /etc/release
   OpenSolaris 2008.11 snv_101b_rc2 X86
   Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
   Assembled 19 November 2008

r...@fiat~> zonecfg -z pink
pink: No such zone configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:pink> create
zonecfg:pink> set zonepath=/zone/pink
zonecfg:pink> add net
zonecfg:pink:net> set physical=e1000g0
zonecfg:pink:net> set address=
zonecfg:pink:net> end
zonecfg:pink> verify
zonecfg:pink> commit
zonecfg:pink> info
zonename: pink
zonepath: /zone/pink
brand: ipkg
autoboot: false
ip-type: shared
physical: e1000g0
defrouter not specified
zonecfg:pink> exit
r...@fiat~> zoneadm -z pink install -x nodataset
Error: no zonepath dataset.

OK, I will create a dataset:

r...@fiat~> zfs list
rpool26.4G  71.5G72K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT   19.8G  71.5G18K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/opensolaris   19.8G  71.5G  19.6G  /
rpool/dump   1.97G  71.5G  1.97G  -
rpool/export 2.70G  71.5G19K  /export
rpool/export/home2.70G  71.5G19K  /export/home
rpool/export/home/ctran  2.70G  71.5G  2.70G  /export/home/ctran
rpool/swap   1.97G  73.5G  3.81M  -
r...@fiat~> zfs create rpool/pink
r...@fiat~> zfs set mountpoint=/zone/pink rpool/pink
r...@fiat~> zfs list
rpool26.4G  71.5G74K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT   19.8G  71.5G18K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/opensolaris   19.8G  71.5G  19.6G  /
rpool/dump   1.97G  71.5G  1.97G  -
rpool/export 2.70G  71.5G19K  /export
rpool/export/home2.70G  71.5G19K  /export/home
rpool/export/home/ctran  2.70G  71.5G  2.70G  /export/home/ctran
rpool/pink 18K  71.5G18K  /zone/pink
rpool/swap   1.97G  73.5G  3.81M  -

Try to install again

r...@fiat~> zoneadm -z pink install
zoneadm: zone 'pink': zone is incomplete; uninstall required.

Oops ...

r...@fiat~> zoneadm -z pink uninstall
Are you sure you want to uninstall zone pink (y/[n])? y
cannot open 'rpool/pink/ROOT': dataset does not exist
Error: no active dataset.
cannot open 'rpool/pink/ROOT': dataset does not exist
cannot open 'rpool/pink/ROOT': dataset does not exist
cannot open 'rpool/pink/ROOT': dataset does not exist
Error: destroying ZFS dataset.

But the uninstall wiped out the dataset I created for "pink", while at
the same time complaining it cannot find rpool/pink/ROOT

r...@fiat~> zfs list
rpool26.4G  71.5G72K  /rpool
rpool/ROOT   19.8G  71.5G18K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/opensolaris   19.8G  71.5G  19.6G  /
rpool/dump   1.97G  71.5G  1.97G  -
rpool/export 2.70G  71.5G19K  /export
rpool/export/home2.70G  71.5G19K  /export/home
rpool/export/home/ctran  2.70G  71.5G  2.70G  /export/home/ctran
rpool/swap   1.97G  73.5G  3.81M  -

What's happening?  I have created and manipulated zones on this laptop
before, it was very vanilla and I did not mess with dataset manually,
I know I didn't dream this.

zones-discuss mailing list

Re: [zones-discuss] zoneadm clone "-m copy" does not really "copy" on ZFS zonepath

2010-02-25 Thread Christine Tran

A work-around for this issue has been provided by SunSupport.  The
direct parent of a zonepath must not be a dataset.  That is
/tank/myzone will result in a new dataset being created.
/tank/some_empty_dir/myzone will get you a zonepath that's just a
directory. Yay, SunSupport!

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