Re: feedback zkclient

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt

I started looking a bit more closely at the source, some questions:

1) I tried generating the javadocs (see my fork of the project on github 
if you want my changes to build.xml for this) but it looks like there's 
pretty much no javadoc. Some information, particularly on semantics of 
user-exposed operations would be useful (esp re my earlier README 
comment - some high level document describing the benefits, etc... of 
the library)

If I'm your proto-typical "lazy developer" (which I am :-) ), I'm really 
expecting some helpful docs to get me bootstrapped.

2) what purpose does ZkEventThread serve?

3) there's definitely an issue in the retryUntilConnected logic that you 
need to address

let's say you call zkclient.create, and the connection to the server is 
lost while the request is in flight. At this point ConnectionLoss is 
thrown on the client side, however you (client) have no information on 
whether the server has made the change or not. The retry method's while 
loop will re-run the create (after reconnect), and the result seen by 
the caller (user code) could be either OK or may be NODEEXISTS 
exception, there's no way to know which.

Mahadev is working on ZOOKEEPER-22 which will address this issue, but 
that's a future version, not today.

4) when I saw that you had separated zkclient and zkconnection I thought 
"ah, this is interesting" however when I saw the implementation I was 

a) what purpose does this separation serve?
b) I thought it was to allow multiple zkclients to share a single 
connection, however looking at zkclient.close, it closes the underlying 

5) there's a lot of wrapping of exceptions, looks like this is done in 
order to make them unchecked. Is this wise? How much "simpler" does it 
really make things? Esp things like interrupted exception? As you 
mentioned, one of your intents is to simplify things, but perhaps too 
simple? Some short, clear examples of usage would be helpful here to 
compare/contrast, I took a very quick look at some of the tests but that 
didn't help much. Is there a test(s) in particular that I should look at 
to see how zkclient is used, and the benefits incurred?



Patrick Hunt wrote:

Hi Stefan, two suggestions off the bat:

1) fill in something in the README, doesn't have to be final or 
polished, but give some insight into the what/why/how/where/goals/etc... 
to get things moving quickly for reviewers & new users.

2) you should really discuss on the dev list. It's up to you to include 
user, but apache discourages use of user for development discussion 
(plus you'll pickup more developer insight there)


Stefan Groschupf wrote:

Hi Zookeeper developer,
it would be great if you guys could give us some feedback about our 
project zkclient.
The main idea is making the life of lazy developers that only want 
minimal zk functionality much easier.

We have a functionality like zkclient mock making testing easy and 
fast without running a real zkserver, simple call back interfaces for 
the different event types, reconnecting handling in case of timeout etc.

We feel we come closer to a release so it would be great if some 
experts could have a look and give us some feedback.


Hadoop training and consulting

Re: feedback zkclient

2009-10-01 Thread Peter Voss

Hi Patrick,

On 01.10.2009, at 08:57, Patrick Hunt wrote:

I started looking a bit more closely at the source, some questions:

1) I tried generating the javadocs (see my fork of the project on  
github if you want my changes to build.xml for this) but it looks  
like there's pretty much no javadoc. Some information, particularly  
on semantics of user-exposed operations would be useful (esp re my  
earlier README comment - some high level document describing the  
benefits, etc... of the library)

If I'm your proto-typical "lazy developer" (which I am :-) ), I'm  
really expecting some helpful docs to get me bootstrapped.

2) what purpose does ZkEventThread serve?

ZkClient updates it's connection state from the ZooKeeper events.  
Based on these it notifies listeners, updates it's connection state or  
reconnects to ZooKeeper. ZkClient has its own event thread to prevent  
dead-locks. When a listener blocks (because it waits until ZkClient  
has reconnected to Zookeeper), ZkClient wouldn't be able to receive  
the reconnect event from ZooKeeper anymore, if we had re-used the  
Zookeeper event thread to notifier listeners. See the javadoc for  
ZkEventThread for more information.

3) there's definitely an issue in the retryUntilConnected logic that  
you need to address

let's say you call zkclient.create, and the connection to the server  
is lost while the request is in flight. At this point ConnectionLoss  
is thrown on the client side, however you (client) have no  
information on whether the server has made the change or not. The  
retry method's while loop will re-run the create (after reconnect),  
and the result seen by the caller (user code) could be either OK or  
may be NODEEXISTS exception, there's no way to know which.

Mahadev is working on ZOOKEEPER-22 which will address this issue,  
but that's a future version, not today.

Good catch. I wasn't aware that nodes could still be have been created  
when receiving a ConnectionLoss. But how would you deal with that?
If we create a znode and get a ConnectionLoss exception, then wait  
until the connection is back and check if the znode is there. There is  
no way of knowing whether it was us who created the node or somebody  
else, right?

Anyway. That's definitely a design issue.

4) when I saw that you had separated zkclient and zkconnection I  
thought "ah, this is interesting" however when I saw the  
implementation I was confused:

a) what purpose does this separation serve?

It's just to have all ZooKeeper communication in one place, where the  
higher lever stuff is in ZkClient. That way we are able to provide an  
in-memory ZkConnection implementation that doesn't connect to a real  
ZooKeeper. This could be used for easier testing.

b) I thought it was to allow multiple zkclients to share a single  
connection, however looking at zkclient.close, it closes the  
underlying connection.

Actually each ZkClient instance maintains one ZooKeeper connection.

5) there's a lot of wrapping of exceptions, looks like this is done  
in order to make them unchecked. Is this wise? How much "simpler"  
does it really make things? Esp things like interrupted exception?  
As you mentioned, one of your intents is to simplify things, but  
perhaps too simple? Some short, clear examples of usage would be  
helpful here to compare/contrast, I took a very quick look at some  
of the tests but that didn't help much. Is there a test(s) in  
particular that I should look at to see how zkclient is used, and  
the benefits incurred?

Checked exceptions are very painful when you are assembling together a  
larger number of libraries (which is true for most enterprise  
applications). Either you wind up having a general "throws  
Exception" (which I don't really like, because it's too general) at  
most of your interfaces, or you have to wrap checked exceptions into  
runtime exceptions.

We didn't want a library to introduce yet another checked exception  
that you MUST catch or rethrow. I know that there are different  
opinions about that, but that's the idea behind this.

Similar situation for the InterruptedException. ZkClient also converts  
this to a runtime exception and makes sure that the interrupted flag  
doesn't get cleared. There are just too many existing libraries that  
have a "catch (Exception e)" somewhere that totally ignores that this  
would reset the interrupt flag, if e is an InterruptedException.  
Therefore we better avoid having all of the methods throwing that  

Thanks a lot for the valuable feedback,



Patrick Hunt wrote:

Hi Stefan, two suggestions off the bat:
1) fill in something in the README, doesn't have to be final or  
polished, but give some insight into the what/why/how/where/goals/ 
etc... to get things moving quickly for reviewers & new users.
2) you should really discuss on the dev list. It's up to you to  
include user, but apache discourages use of user for developm

Re: feedback zkclient

2009-10-01 Thread Ted Dunning
I think that another way to say this is that zkClient is going a bit for the
Spring philosophy that if the caller can't (or won't) be handling the
situation, then they shouldn't be forced to declare it.  The Spring
jdbcTemplate is a grand example of the benefits of this.

First implementations of this policy generally are a bit too broad, though,
so this should be examined carefully.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Peter Voss  wrote:

> 5) there's a lot of wrapping of exceptions, looks like this is done in
>> order to make them unchecked. Is this wise? How much "simpler" does it
>> really make things? Esp things like interrupted exception? As you mentioned,
>> one of your intents is to simplify things, but perhaps too simple? Some
>> short, clear examples of usage would be helpful here to compare/contrast, I
>> took a very quick look at some of the tests but that didn't help much. Is
>> there a test(s) in particular that I should look at to see how zkclient is
>> used, and the benefits incurred?
> Checked exceptions are very painful when you are assembling together a
> larger number of libraries (which is true for most enterprise applications).
> Either you wind up having a general "throws Exception" (which I don't really
> like, because it's too general) at most of your interfaces, or you have to
> wrap checked exceptions into runtime exceptions.
> We didn't want a library to introduce yet another checked exception that
> you MUST catch or rethrow. I know that there are different opinions about
> that, but that's the idea behind this.
> Similar situation for the InterruptedException. ZkClient also converts this
> to a runtime exception and makes sure that the interrupted flag doesn't get
> cleared. There are just too many existing libraries that have a "catch
> (Exception e)" somewhere that totally ignores that this would reset the
> interrupt flag, if e is an InterruptedException. Therefore we better avoid
> having all of the methods throwing that exception.

Ted Dunning, CTO

Re: feedback zkclient

2009-10-01 Thread Ted Dunning
There is not much way to totally avoid this without massive performance loss
because the connection loss could be during the the time that the
confirmation is returning.

You may be able to tell if the file is yours be examining the content and
ownership, but this is pretty implementation dependent.  In particular, it
makes queues very difficult to implement correctly.  If this happens during
the creation of an ephemeral file, the only option may be to close the
connection (thus deleting all ephemeral files) and start over.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Peter Voss  wrote:

> 3) there's definitely an issue in the retryUntilConnected logic that you
>> need to address
>> let's say you call zkclient.create, and the connection to the server is
>> lost while the request is in flight. At this point ConnectionLoss is thrown
>> on the client side, however you (client) have no information on whether the
>> server has made the change or not. The retry method's while loop will re-run
>> the create (after reconnect), and the result seen by the caller (user code)
>> could be either OK or may be NODEEXISTS exception, there's no way to know
>> which.
>> Mahadev is working on ZOOKEEPER-22 which will address this issue, but
>> that's a future version, not today.
> Good catch. I wasn't aware that nodes could still be have been created when
> receiving a ConnectionLoss. But how would you deal with that?
> If we create a znode and get a ConnectionLoss exception, then wait until
> the connection is back and check if the znode is there. There is no way of
> knowing whether it was us who created the node or somebody else, right?

Ted Dunning, CTO

Re: feedback zkclient

2009-10-01 Thread Adam Rosien
I'm on the fence about checked vs. unchecked, but I think Javadoc that
declares what exceptions are thrown would help users figure out if
they might want to catch something.

Additionally some of the ZkClient method semantics are confusing. For
example, create() returns the path of the created node, but throws a
(runtime) ZkNodeExistsException when the node already exists. Creating
a node that already exists is a relatively non-exceptional
circumstance IMHO. Wouldn't it be simpler to return the path to the
client, essentially pretending that the creation succeeded?

Also, is it correct that if you want to "use" a node that may not
exist, you'd have to call create() and then wait for the node to
actually be created via (in zkclient) waitUntilExists()? (Obviously
the node can be removed before it is used, and that situation needs to
be taken care of anyway.) Perhaps create() and waitUntilExists()
should be combined, or offer a combined version. As a naive zk user a
wrapper like that would remove a lot of error potential.

Apologies if this is not the best place for zkclient API discussions.

.. Adam

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Ted Dunning  wrote:
> I think that another way to say this is that zkClient is going a bit for the
> Spring philosophy that if the caller can't (or won't) be handling the
> situation, then they shouldn't be forced to declare it.  The Spring
> jdbcTemplate is a grand example of the benefits of this.
> First implementations of this policy generally are a bit too broad, though,
> so this should be examined carefully.
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Peter Voss  wrote:
>> 5) there's a lot of wrapping of exceptions, looks like this is done in
>>> order to make them unchecked. Is this wise? How much "simpler" does it
>>> really make things? Esp things like interrupted exception? As you mentioned,
>>> one of your intents is to simplify things, but perhaps too simple? Some
>>> short, clear examples of usage would be helpful here to compare/contrast, I
>>> took a very quick look at some of the tests but that didn't help much. Is
>>> there a test(s) in particular that I should look at to see how zkclient is
>>> used, and the benefits incurred?
>> Checked exceptions are very painful when you are assembling together a
>> larger number of libraries (which is true for most enterprise applications).
>> Either you wind up having a general "throws Exception" (which I don't really
>> like, because it's too general) at most of your interfaces, or you have to
>> wrap checked exceptions into runtime exceptions.
>> We didn't want a library to introduce yet another checked exception that
>> you MUST catch or rethrow. I know that there are different opinions about
>> that, but that's the idea behind this.
>> Similar situation for the InterruptedException. ZkClient also converts this
>> to a runtime exception and makes sure that the interrupted flag doesn't get
>> cleared. There are just too many existing libraries that have a "catch
>> (Exception e)" somewhere that totally ignores that this would reset the
>> interrupt flag, if e is an InterruptedException. Therefore we better avoid
>> having all of the methods throwing that exception.
> --
> Ted Dunning, CTO
> DeepDyve

Re: feedback zkclient

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt

Peter Voss wrote:

On 01.10.2009, at 08:57, Patrick Hunt wrote:

2) what purpose does ZkEventThread serve?

ZkClient updates it's connection state from the ZooKeeper events. Based 
on these it notifies listeners, updates it's connection state or 
reconnects to ZooKeeper. ZkClient has its own event thread to prevent 
dead-locks. When a listener blocks (because it waits until ZkClient has 
reconnected to Zookeeper), ZkClient wouldn't be able to receive the 
reconnect event from ZooKeeper anymore, if we had re-used the Zookeeper 
event thread to notifier listeners. See the javadoc for ZkEventThread 
for more information.

I see. Ok, that makes sense. I did see the javadoc on that, but I didn't 
make the connection on what "deadlock" it was talking about. Perhaps it 
was just the late hour and I was too sleepy. ;-) You might want to just 
add this to your existing javadoc to make it more clear.

3) there's definitely an issue in the retryUntilConnected logic that 
you need to address

Good catch. I wasn't aware that nodes could still be have been created 
when receiving a ConnectionLoss. But how would you deal with that?
If we create a znode and get a ConnectionLoss exception, then wait until 
the connection is back and check if the znode is there. There is no way 
of knowing whether it was us who created the node or somebody else, right?

Anyway. That's definitely a design issue.

Well this is what makes connloss a problem, we recognize that this is 
not a great situation for users, and why we are doing ZOOKEEPER-22.

Using the std bindings it's really up to the user/situation. In some 
cases it's easy (if you're the only potential owner) in others not so much.

4) when I saw that you had separated zkclient and zkconnection I 
thought "ah, this is interesting" however when I saw the 
implementation I was confused:

a) what purpose does this separation serve?

It's just to have all ZooKeeper communication in one place, where the 
higher lever stuff is in ZkClient. That way we are able to provide an 
in-memory ZkConnection implementation that doesn't connect to a real 
ZooKeeper. This could be used for easier testing.

b) I thought it was to allow multiple zkclients to share a single 
connection, however looking at zkclient.close, it closes the 
underlying connection.

Actually each ZkClient instance maintains one ZooKeeper connection.

Ok, I see the illegalstateexception being thrown in zkconnection. gotit. 
(putting this in the javadoc would really help though ;-) )

5) there's a lot of wrapping of exceptions, looks like this is done in 
order to make them unchecked. Is this wise? How much "simpler" does it 
really make things? Esp things like interrupted exception? As you 
mentioned, one of your intents is to simplify things, but perhaps too 
simple? Some short, clear examples of usage would be helpful here to 
compare/contrast, I took a very quick look at some of the tests but 
that didn't help much. Is there a test(s) in particular that I should 
look at to see how zkclient is used, and the benefits incurred?

Checked exceptions are very painful when you are assembling together a 
larger number of libraries (which is true for most enterprise 
applications). Either you wind up having a general "throws Exception" 
(which I don't really like, because it's too general) at most of your 
interfaces, or you have to wrap checked exceptions into runtime exceptions.

We didn't want a library to introduce yet another checked exception that 
you MUST catch or rethrow. I know that there are different opinions 
about that, but that's the idea behind this.

Similar situation for the InterruptedException. ZkClient also converts 
this to a runtime exception and makes sure that the interrupted flag 
doesn't get cleared. There are just too many existing libraries that 
have a "catch (Exception e)" somewhere that totally ignores that this 
would reset the interrupt flag, if e is an InterruptedException. 
Therefore we better avoid having all of the methods throwing that 

Ok. I didn't mean to imply that it's wrong - just that it should be well 
thought out for the particular use cases you want to support and well 
documented for the user. I think sun did the right thing with 
exceptions, having both checked and unchecked lets you tailor the api 
for the use cases you want to support. In too many cases though ppl 
don't think about it (I hate when I see stuff like what you mentioned, 
doing the wrong thing with interrupts for example) and do the wrong 
thing, making the end user suffer.

Thanks a lot for the valuable feedback,

NP. It's great to see users interested enough in ZK to provide 
contributions back to the community!


ps. I post some (interesting) side projects, many related to ZK, on github
feel free to follow me, or fork some of my projects there.




Patrick Hunt wrote:

Hi Stefan, two suggestions off the bat:
1) f

Re: feedback zkclient

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt
Not to harp on this ;-) but this sounds like something that would be a 
very helpful addition to the README.

Ted Dunning wrote:

I think that another way to say this is that zkClient is going a bit for the
Spring philosophy that if the caller can't (or won't) be handling the
situation, then they shouldn't be forced to declare it.  The Spring
jdbcTemplate is a grand example of the benefits of this.

First implementations of this policy generally are a bit too broad, though,
so this should be examined carefully.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Peter Voss  wrote:

5) there's a lot of wrapping of exceptions, looks like this is done in

order to make them unchecked. Is this wise? How much "simpler" does it
really make things? Esp things like interrupted exception? As you mentioned,
one of your intents is to simplify things, but perhaps too simple? Some
short, clear examples of usage would be helpful here to compare/contrast, I
took a very quick look at some of the tests but that didn't help much. Is
there a test(s) in particular that I should look at to see how zkclient is
used, and the benefits incurred?

Checked exceptions are very painful when you are assembling together a
larger number of libraries (which is true for most enterprise applications).
Either you wind up having a general "throws Exception" (which I don't really
like, because it's too general) at most of your interfaces, or you have to
wrap checked exceptions into runtime exceptions.

We didn't want a library to introduce yet another checked exception that
you MUST catch or rethrow. I know that there are different opinions about
that, but that's the idea behind this.

Similar situation for the InterruptedException. ZkClient also converts this
to a runtime exception and makes sure that the interrupted flag doesn't get
cleared. There are just too many existing libraries that have a "catch
(Exception e)" somewhere that totally ignores that this would reset the
interrupt flag, if e is an InterruptedException. Therefore we better avoid
having all of the methods throwing that exception.

Re: feedback zkclient

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt

Ted Dunning wrote:

You may be able to tell if the file is yours be examining the content and
ownership, but this is pretty implementation dependent.  In particular, it
makes queues very difficult to implement correctly.  If this happens during
the creation of an ephemeral file, the only option may be to close the
connection (thus deleting all ephemeral files) and start over.

One nice thing about ephemeral is that the Stat contains the owner 
sessionid. As you say, it's highly implementation dependent. It's also 
something we recognize is a problem for users, we've slated it for 3.3.0


On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Peter Voss  wrote:

3) there's definitely an issue in the retryUntilConnected logic that you

need to address

let's say you call zkclient.create, and the connection to the server is
lost while the request is in flight. At this point ConnectionLoss is thrown
on the client side, however you (client) have no information on whether the
server has made the change or not. The retry method's while loop will re-run
the create (after reconnect), and the result seen by the caller (user code)
could be either OK or may be NODEEXISTS exception, there's no way to know

Mahadev is working on ZOOKEEPER-22 which will address this issue, but
that's a future version, not today.

Good catch. I wasn't aware that nodes could still be have been created when
receiving a ConnectionLoss. But how would you deal with that?
If we create a znode and get a ConnectionLoss exception, then wait until
the connection is back and check if the znode is there. There is no way of
knowing whether it was us who created the node or somebody else, right?

Re: feedback zkclient

2009-10-01 Thread Ted Dunning
That looks really lovely.

Judging by history and that fact that only 40/127 issues are resolved, 3.3
is probably 3-6 months away.  Is that a fair assessment?

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Patrick Hunt  wrote:

> One nice thing about ephemeral is that the Stat contains the owner
> sessionid. As you say, it's highly implementation dependent. It's also
> something we recognize is a problem for users, we've slated it for 3.3.0

Ted Dunning, CTO

Re: feedback zkclient

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt

Ted Dunning wrote:

Judging by history and that fact that only 40/127 issues are resolved, 3.3
is probably 3-6 months away.  Is that a fair assessment?

Yes, that's fair.


On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Patrick Hunt  wrote:

One nice thing about ephemeral is that the Stat contains the owner
sessionid. As you say, it's highly implementation dependent. It's also
something we recognize is a problem for users, we've slated it for 3.3.0

[jira] Created: (ZOOKEEPER-539) generate eclipse project via ant target

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)
generate eclipse project via ant target

 Project: Zookeeper
  Issue Type: New Feature
  Components: build
Reporter: Patrick Hunt
Assignee: Patrick Hunt
Priority: Critical
 Fix For: 3.3.0

Enable eclipse project generation via ant target.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Updated: (ZOOKEEPER-539) generate eclipse project via ant target

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)


Patrick Hunt updated ZOOKEEPER-539:

Status: Patch Available  (was: Open)

> generate eclipse project via ant target
> ---
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-539
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: build
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Patrick Hunt
>Priority: Critical
> Fix For: 3.3.0
> Attachments: ZOOKEEPER-539.patch
> Enable eclipse project generation via ant target.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Updated: (ZOOKEEPER-539) generate eclipse project via ant target

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)


Patrick Hunt updated ZOOKEEPER-539:

Attachment: ZOOKEEPER-539.patch

added "eclipse" and "clean-eclipse" targets which generate/cleanup eclipse 
project. also ensures (via ivy) that all necessary dependencies (libs) are 

> generate eclipse project via ant target
> ---
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-539
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: build
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Patrick Hunt
>Priority: Critical
> Fix For: 3.3.0
> Attachments: ZOOKEEPER-539.patch
> Enable eclipse project generation via ant target.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Updated: (ZOOKEEPER-532) java compiler should be target Java 1.5

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)


Patrick Hunt updated ZOOKEEPER-532:

Status: Open  (was: Patch Available)

> java compiler should be target Java 1.5
> ---
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-532
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>Affects Versions: 3.2.1
>Reporter: Hiram Chirino
>Assignee: Hiram Chirino
> Fix For: 3.3.0
> Attachments: ZOOKEEPER-532.patch
> The jars released in 3.2.1 will not run on Java 1.5.  With a small build 
> change, it is possible to generate jars that will run on Java 1.5.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Updated: (ZOOKEEPER-420) build/test should not require install in zkpython

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)


Patrick Hunt updated ZOOKEEPER-420:

Status: Open  (was: Patch Available)

> build/test should not require install in zkpython
> -
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-420
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: contrib-bindings
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Henry Robinson
> Fix For: 3.3.0
> Attachments: build.jpg, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, 
> ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch
> Currently you cannot just build and test the zkpython contrib, you need to 
> actually install the zookeeper client c library as well
> as the zkpython lib itself.
> There really needs to be 2 steps:
> 1) build/test zkpython "encapsulated" within the src repository, there should 
> be no requirement to actually install anything
> (this is esp the case for automated processes and for review by PMC during 
> release time for example)
> 2) build an egg that can be distributed/installed by end user

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Updated: (ZOOKEEPER-420) build/test should not require install in zkpython

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)


Patrick Hunt updated ZOOKEEPER-420:

Status: Patch Available  (was: Open)

> build/test should not require install in zkpython
> -
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-420
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: contrib-bindings
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Henry Robinson
> Fix For: 3.3.0
> Attachments: build.jpg, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, 
> ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch
> Currently you cannot just build and test the zkpython contrib, you need to 
> actually install the zookeeper client c library as well
> as the zkpython lib itself.
> There really needs to be 2 steps:
> 1) build/test zkpython "encapsulated" within the src repository, there should 
> be no requirement to actually install anything
> (this is esp the case for automated processes and for review by PMC during 
> release time for example)
> 2) build an egg that can be distributed/installed by end user

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Commented: (ZOOKEEPER-539) generate eclipse project via ant target

2009-10-01 Thread Hadoop QA (JIRA)


Hadoop QA commented on ZOOKEEPER-539:

-1 overall.  Here are the results of testing the latest attachment
  against trunk revision 818584.

+1 @author.  The patch does not contain any @author tags.

-1 tests included.  The patch doesn't appear to include any new or modified 
Please justify why no tests are needed for this patch.

+1 javadoc.  The javadoc tool did not generate any warning messages.

+1 javac.  The applied patch does not increase the total number of javac 
compiler warnings.

+1 findbugs.  The patch does not introduce any new Findbugs warnings.

+1 release audit.  The applied patch does not increase the total number of 
release audit warnings.

+1 core tests.  The patch passed core unit tests.

+1 contrib tests.  The patch passed contrib unit tests.

Test results:
Findbugs warnings:
Console output:

This message is automatically generated.

> generate eclipse project via ant target
> ---
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-539
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: build
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Patrick Hunt
>Priority: Critical
> Fix For: 3.3.0
> Attachments: ZOOKEEPER-539.patch
> Enable eclipse project generation via ant target.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Commented: (ZOOKEEPER-420) build/test should not require install in zkpython

2009-10-01 Thread Hadoop QA (JIRA)


Hadoop QA commented on ZOOKEEPER-420:

+1 overall.  Here are the results of testing the latest attachment
  against trunk revision 818584.

+1 @author.  The patch does not contain any @author tags.

+1 tests included.  The patch appears to include 5 new or modified tests.

+1 javadoc.  The javadoc tool did not generate any warning messages.

+1 javac.  The applied patch does not increase the total number of javac 
compiler warnings.

+1 findbugs.  The patch does not introduce any new Findbugs warnings.

+1 release audit.  The applied patch does not increase the total number of 
release audit warnings.

+1 core tests.  The patch passed core unit tests.

+1 contrib tests.  The patch passed contrib unit tests.

Test results:
Findbugs warnings:
Console output:

This message is automatically generated.

> build/test should not require install in zkpython
> -
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-420
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: contrib-bindings
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Henry Robinson
> Fix For: 3.3.0
> Attachments: build.jpg, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, 
> ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch
> Currently you cannot just build and test the zkpython contrib, you need to 
> actually install the zookeeper client c library as well
> as the zkpython lib itself.
> There really needs to be 2 steps:
> 1) build/test zkpython "encapsulated" within the src repository, there should 
> be no requirement to actually install anything
> (this is esp the case for automated processes and for review by PMC during 
> release time for example)
> 2) build an egg that can be distributed/installed by end user

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You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Updated: (ZOOKEEPER-420) build/test should not require install in zkpython

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)


Patrick Hunt updated ZOOKEEPER-420:

  Resolution: Fixed
Hadoop Flags: [Reviewed]
  Status: Resolved  (was: Patch Available)

Looks good, thanks Henry!

> build/test should not require install in zkpython
> -
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-420
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: contrib-bindings
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Henry Robinson
> Fix For: 3.3.0
> Attachments: build.jpg, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, 
> ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch, ZOOKEEPER-420.patch
> Currently you cannot just build and test the zkpython contrib, you need to 
> actually install the zookeeper client c library as well
> as the zkpython lib itself.
> There really needs to be 2 steps:
> 1) build/test zkpython "encapsulated" within the src repository, there should 
> be no requirement to actually install anything
> (this is esp the case for automated processes and for review by PMC during 
> release time for example)
> 2) build an egg that can be distributed/installed by end user

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[jira] Created: (ZOOKEEPER-540) zkpython needs better tracking of handle validity

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)
zkpython needs better tracking of handle validity

 Project: Zookeeper
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: contrib-bindings
Affects Versions: 3.2.1
Reporter: Patrick Hunt
Assignee: Henry Robinson
 Fix For: 3.3.0

I was getting a python segfault in one of my scripts. Turns out I was closing a 
session handle and then reusing it (async call). This was causing python to 

zkpython should track handle state and complain, rather than crash, if the 
handle is invalid (closed).

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[jira] Commented: (ZOOKEEPER-538) zookeeper.async causes python to segfault

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)


Patrick Hunt commented on ZOOKEEPER-538:

Disregard my last comment - the patch Henry provided does fix this problem.

turns out I was closing a handle and then later re-using it (in an async call).

I've entered a jira on zkpython to handle this more gracefully:

> zookeeper.async causes python to segfault
> -
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-538
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: contrib-bindings
>Affects Versions: 3.2.1
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Henry Robinson
>Priority: Critical
> Attachments: callback.patch
> Henry, can you take a look at this, am I doing it right?
> calling 
> zookeeper.async(self.handle, path)
> causes python to segfault.
> see:

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[jira] Updated: (ZOOKEEPER-538) zookeeper.async causes python to segfault

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)


Patrick Hunt updated ZOOKEEPER-538:

Status: Patch Available  (was: Open)

> zookeeper.async causes python to segfault
> -
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-538
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: contrib-bindings
>Affects Versions: 3.2.1
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Henry Robinson
>Priority: Critical
> Attachments: callback.patch, callback.patch
> Henry, can you take a look at this, am I doing it right?
> calling 
> zookeeper.async(self.handle, path)
> causes python to segfault.
> see:

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Updated: (ZOOKEEPER-538) zookeeper.async causes python to segfault

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)


Patrick Hunt updated ZOOKEEPER-538:

Attachment: callback.patch

same as previous patch except added async test.

> zookeeper.async causes python to segfault
> -
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-538
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: contrib-bindings
>Affects Versions: 3.2.1
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Henry Robinson
>Priority: Critical
> Attachments: callback.patch, callback.patch
> Henry, can you take a look at this, am I doing it right?
> calling 
> zookeeper.async(self.handle, path)
> causes python to segfault.
> see:

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You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Commented: (ZOOKEEPER-538) zookeeper.async causes python to segfault

2009-10-01 Thread Hadoop QA (JIRA)


Hadoop QA commented on ZOOKEEPER-538:

+1 overall.  Here are the results of testing the latest attachment
  against trunk revision 820808.

+1 @author.  The patch does not contain any @author tags.

+1 tests included.  The patch appears to include 2 new or modified tests.

+1 javadoc.  The javadoc tool did not generate any warning messages.

+1 javac.  The applied patch does not increase the total number of javac 
compiler warnings.

+1 findbugs.  The patch does not introduce any new Findbugs warnings.

+1 release audit.  The applied patch does not increase the total number of 
release audit warnings.

+1 core tests.  The patch passed core unit tests.

+1 contrib tests.  The patch passed contrib unit tests.

Test results:
Findbugs warnings:
Console output:

This message is automatically generated.

> zookeeper.async causes python to segfault
> -
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-538
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: contrib-bindings
>Affects Versions: 3.2.1
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Henry Robinson
>Priority: Critical
> Attachments: callback.patch, callback.patch
> Henry, can you take a look at this, am I doing it right?
> calling 
> zookeeper.async(self.handle, path)
> causes python to segfault.
> see:

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You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Updated: (ZOOKEEPER-510) zkpython lumps all exceptions as IOError, needs specialized exceptions for KeeperException types

2009-10-01 Thread Henry Robinson (JIRA)


Henry Robinson updated ZOOKEEPER-510:

Attachment: ZOOKEEPER-510.patch

This patch adds all the exceptions that the Java client has, and replaces all 
the IOErrors with zookeeper.ZooKeeperException or direct descendants.

> zkpython lumps all exceptions as IOError, needs specialized exceptions for 
> KeeperException types
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-510
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: contrib-bindings
>Affects Versions: 3.2.0
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Henry Robinson
> Fix For: 3.3.0
> Attachments: ZOOKEEPER-510.patch
> The current zkpython bindings always throw "IOError("text")" exceptions, even 
> for ZK specific exceptions such as NODEEXISTS. This makes it difficult (error 
> prone) to handle exceptions in python code. You can't easily pickup a 
> connection loss vs a node exists for example. Of course you could match the 
> error string, but this seems like a bad idea imo.
> We need to add specific exception types to the python binding that map 
> directly to KeeperException/java types. It would also be useful to include 
> the information provided by the KeeperException (like path in some cases), 
> etc... as part of the error thrown to the python code. Would probably be a 
> good idea to stay as close to java api as possible wrt mapping the errors.

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[jira] Updated: (ZOOKEEPER-538) zookeeper.async causes python to segfault

2009-10-01 Thread Patrick Hunt (JIRA)


Patrick Hunt updated ZOOKEEPER-538:

   Resolution: Fixed
Fix Version/s: 3.3.0
 Hadoop Flags: [Reviewed]
   Status: Resolved  (was: Patch Available)

+1 looks good, thanks Henry!

> zookeeper.async causes python to segfault
> -
> Key: ZOOKEEPER-538
> URL:
> Project: Zookeeper
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: contrib-bindings
>Affects Versions: 3.2.1
>Reporter: Patrick Hunt
>Assignee: Henry Robinson
>Priority: Critical
> Fix For: 3.3.0
> Attachments: callback.patch, callback.patch
> Henry, can you take a look at this, am I doing it right?
> calling 
> zookeeper.async(self.handle, path)
> causes python to segfault.
> see:

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