[Zope-dev] Redirecting from the manage interfaces.

2000-07-15 Thread Erik Enge


I've been browsing through the Zope and Zope-dev archives without finding
anything related to this, please stop me if it has already been dealt
with. :)

technical person = someone who doesn't mind fuzzing around with the
   manage_main pages

non-technical person = someone who needs everything in bright nice colors
   and would start crying if they saw the manage_main
   page, or anything similar.

I have a Product that allows a customer of mine to add some nice pictures
(Image object) to a folder.  The add-method is nice and doesn't display
any horrible technical information.  I wasn't very keen on making a 
add-method for both the technical person and the non-technical person, so
I hacked the source code a bit.  I changed the the lib/python/OFS/Image.py

It used to look like this:

def manage_addImage(self, id, file, title='', precondition='', 
content_type='', REQUEST=None):

if REQUEST is not None:
except: url=REQUEST['URL1']
REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_main' % url)
return id

Which I changed into:

def manage_addImage(self, id, file, title='', precondition='', 
content_type='', REQUEST=None, redir=None):

if redir is not None:
REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('%s' % redir)
elif REQUEST is not None:
except: url=REQUEST['URL1']
REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_main' % url)

Now I can redirect the victim... erm.. customer to the method I want to,
and they are pleased that they don't have to see the management interface.

This saves me a lot of time, since I don't have to make several
add-methods, and maintainace is a more joyable happening. :)

This 'redir' thing is something I've stuck into a lot of .py files
(for example, I use it in the manage_delObjects and others).  And
it is something I do every time a new Zope release comes out.  Could this
be to any use for anybody besides me?  And if it could, how about adding
it to the next release?

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Redirecting from the manage interfaces.

2000-07-15 Thread Erik Enge

On Sat, 15 Jul 2000, Shane Hathaway wrote:

 call, it won't redirect.  So you should be able to achieve the same
 results just by invoking manage_addImage without including the REQUEST

But I have to pass something with the REQUEST, or else it won't add the
image, right?
 A convention I've seen that works just a little better is to redirect
 based on the existence of a RESPONSE object.  You need RESPONSE to
 redirect, so if it isn't provided, you shouldn't redirect.
 Of course this needs to be documented and more reliable.

Ahh. :)  Is this work-in-progress by someone?

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

Re: [Zope-dev] Re: [Zope] Optimization and speed

2000-07-15 Thread Stephan Richter

snip dicussion about large tables

I take that back in the previous mail to Steve about the large table. We 
have one and I split the header from the rest as you suggested. But since 
it is not streaming the information, it will still pop up all at once.

Any ideas? Steve just send me a file and a method but I do not understand 
what to get from it. I am checking the iste, whether I call RESPONSE.XXX 
somewhere in the middle of the page.


PS: I contacted Illiad about an autogram and I will send the books to him 
to sign them and have the second one send back to you. Please send me your 
mailing address.

Stephan Richter
CBU - Physics and Chemistry
Web2k - Web Design/Development  Technical Project Management

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

Re: [Zope-dev] Optimization and speed

2000-07-15 Thread Steve Alexander

Stephan Richter wrote:
 snip Method doc string
 Looks like it's more that just a tweak, though :-(
 So, how can I use this method? I do not understand the internals of the
 ZServer completely.

You've got a RESPONSE object. For HTTP stuff, it will be a HTTPResponse
as defined in lib/python/ZPublisher/HTTPResponse.py.

You can use the write(self, data) method of this response object to
stream data directly to your client, independent (to a degree) of Zope's
transaction processing.

This is the method from HTTPResponse.

def write(self,data):
Return data as a stream

HTML data may be returned using a stream-oriented interface.
This allows the browser to display partial results while
computation of a response to proceed.

The published object should first set any output headers or
cookies on the response object.

Note that published objects must not generate any errors
after beginning stream-oriented output. 

if not self._wrote:


So, you could set output headers and cookies as needed, then, before the
rest of the processing on your page, have a dtml-call
"RESPONSE.write('the top of the page')".

Then again, I've never tried this. YMMV and all that.

(*off to help cook... won't be reading email for a while*)

Steve Alexander
Software Engineer
Cat-Box limited

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Optimization and speed

2000-07-15 Thread Stephan Richter

It looks like the pages you are serving are mostly big tables.  Both
Netscape and IE
won't reder anything unless they got everything in the table.

I would try to time the 'wget' speed to verify if zope is slow or not.

Well, I kinda did that using telnet. I telneted into port 80 and then asked 
for an HTML page. I took about 3 secs (that's okay) for Zope to render the 
HTML page and then it bursted it out all at once.
As I read from the other E-mails, Zope does not stream HTML to the HTTP 
Server till it is done laying out the site. That is the real problem.

But the problem is still not solved. I am still 50% slower than other 
sites, even though Zope does not stream the data out. I played with the SQL 
Method cache; maybe I have to increase it more.

Stephan Richter
CBU - Physics and Chemistry
Web2k - Web Design/Development  Technical Project Management

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

[Zope-dev] Optimization and speed

2000-07-15 Thread Stephan Richter

Hello everyone,

I write this mail, because I could not find anything useful in the archives:

I have a pretty big site with quiet a big database (PostGreSQL) in the 
background. When a site loads I can tell that after about 5 seconds the 
site is ready to download. The site downloads quickly thereafter if I am on 
a T1, DSL or Cable Modem connection. But since most of our users have 28.8k 
and 56k modem connection, we have to optimize for them too.
When accessing the site over a modem, it takes a long time to load the site 
and then it pops up all at once (in IE (AOL) and Netscape). Is there a way 
that I can send parts of the HTML as it is generated, so that the customer 
starts seeing information before the entire site is loaded. Our site is 
about 50% slower than our competitors sites (we are serving 62kB and the 
competitor has up to 203kB and is 50% faster!!!) which use PHP and 
ColdFusion. I know that Zope is not slower. I strongly believe it is the 
HTML output which is not optimized (we are going to speed up the DB 
connection very soon by dedicating a NIC only for the DB communication).

Technical Facts:
- Zope 2.1.6+PCGI+Apache - Virtual Hosts for HTTP and HTTPS
- PostGreSQL 7.0 (DB size: 50MB), ZPyGreSQLDA, UserDB
- ZODB threads: 4
- Web Server: Pentium 500, RH 6.1, 322MB RAM (not all used), 100 MBit NIC
- DB Server: Pentium 500, RH 6.1, 322MB RAM (plenty left to use), 100 MBit NIC
- dedicated subnet

If someone could give me some tips where I should start looking for speed 
holes, please let me know. Do you think it is the DB which could be so slow 
and I should cache search results more, are there ZServer/Apache options I 
can set or anything else in Zope I should have a look at?

Stephan Richter
CBU - Physics and Chemistry
Web2k - Web Design/Development  Technical Project Management

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope] Optimization and speed

2000-07-15 Thread Martijn Pieters

On Sat, Jul 15, 2000 at 12:18:23PM -0700, Stephan Richter wrote:
 I have a pretty big site with quiet a big database (PostGreSQL) in the 
 background. When a site loads I can tell that after about 5 seconds the 
 site is ready to download. The site downloads quickly thereafter if I am on 
 a T1, DSL or Cable Modem connection. But since most of our users have 28.8k 
 and 56k modem connection, we have to optimize for them too.
 When accessing the site over a modem, it takes a long time to load the site 
 and then it pops up all at once (in IE (AOL) and Netscape). Is there a way 
 that I can send parts of the HTML as it is generated, so that the customer 
 starts seeing information before the entire site is loaded. Our site is 
 about 50% slower than our competitors sites (we are serving 62kB and the 
 competitor has up to 203kB and is 50% faster!!!) which use PHP and 
 ColdFusion. I know that Zope is not slower. I strongly believe it is the 
 HTML output which is not optimized (we are going to speed up the DB 
 connection very soon by dedicating a NIC only for the DB communication).
 Technical Facts:
 - Zope 2.1.6+PCGI+Apache - Virtual Hosts for HTTP and HTTPS
 - PostGreSQL 7.0 (DB size: 50MB), ZPyGreSQLDA, UserDB
 - ZODB threads: 4
 - Web Server: Pentium 500, RH 6.1, 322MB RAM (not all used), 100 MBit NIC
 - DB Server: Pentium 500, RH 6.1, 322MB RAM (plenty left to use), 100 MBit NIC
 - dedicated subnet
 If someone could give me some tips where I should start looking for speed 
 holes, please let me know. Do you think it is the DB which could be so slow 
 and I should cache search results more, are there ZServer/Apache options I 
 can set or anything else in Zope I should have a look at?

Hi Stephan,

This sounds like more of a HTML problem than a Zope problem, especially since
the fast links have no trouble with the server. Zope obviously is fast enough
to serve them.

I bet your site heavily uses tables and images This will cause the browser to not
display anything until it knows how to lay out the table. If your whole page
is contained in one table, this means that your page won't pop up until the
browser has seen the table end tag and knows the sizes of all images.

You can help the browser a bit by making sure all IMG tags have a width and
height attribute so the browser won't have to wait for the images to start to
load. IIRC, Internet Explorer will even show the table without that
information, and reflow the table if needed. It still will wait until it has
the whole table.

Only Mozilla reflows all incoming HTML on the fly, even before the end of the
table is seen. When they the optimisations come in for Netscape 6 preview 3,
it'll beat the hell out of Internet Explorer with this.

So, if you want to make sure that your clients see something before all HTML
is in, split up the table into a header and the rest, if possible. Then the
browser has something to show while loading the rest of the page. This is what
sites like www.cnet.com do; they show you a banner while waiting.

Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/
| ZopeStudio: http://www.zope.org/Products/ZopeStudio

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

Re: [Zope] Hot fix and 2.20

2000-07-15 Thread Christian Scholz


On Fri, Jul 14, 2000 at 08:19:14PM -0700, michael montagne wrote:
 Do I have this right?  I do not have to install the hot fix if I just
 installed the recently released version 2.2.0 final.  correct?

yes, right!

-- mr topf

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] passing namespace

2000-07-15 Thread Steve Alexander

danchik wrote:
 if I submit a form to some page that has frames, how do I pass the
 REQUEST namespace to those frames


You've posted this question to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. This mailing
list is about the technical internals of Zope, and developing new Zope

Your question is more to do with using Zope as a web developer.

You're more likely to get a useful response to your question if you post
it to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. I've cc-ed this message to that
list instead of the zope-dev list.

Also, I'd find it helpful to know what you have already tried, and what
didn't work when you tried it. A simple example that demonstrates the
problem would help too.

Have you looked in the mailing list archives? Perhaps your question has
already been answered there? Here's a link to a searchable archive.


I searched just now for "request and frames", and there were a number of
helpful-looking results.

Steve Alexander
Software Engineer
Cat-Box limited

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Delete property woes in ZClasses

2000-07-15 Thread Maik Roeder

Hi Paul !

Paul Abrams wrote:
 I noticed that when you delete a property in a ZClass, it
 doesn't actually delete the property in **instances** of
 that ZClass! This leaves properties lying around where they
 can be inadvertently acquired, causing problems that are
 difficult to trace.
 Has anyone gotten bitten by this, or know of a solution?

I solved it by adding this External Method, and calling
all instances with it:

def delete_attribute(self,the_id):

BTW, I have also written an External Method that moves
the attribute to a DTML Method:

def move_attribute(self,the_attribute_id):
   attribute=str(getattr(self, the_attribute_id))
   if attribute!="":
  self.manage_addDTMLMethod(the_attribute_id,file=" " + attribute)


Maik Röder

"The computing future is based  on "cyberbodies" - self-contained, 
neatly-ordered,  beautifully-laid-out  collections of information, 
like immaculate giant gardens." The second coming - A manifesto. David
Gelernter http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/gelernter/gelernter_p1.html

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] 2.2.0 and Membership ... NoGo

2000-07-15 Thread Shane Hathaway

Bill Anderson wrote:
 Dunno what changed, but in 2.2.0b4 I could use Membership w/the latest
 ZPatterns just fine. In 2.2.0 when I try to add one, I get: "keyword
 redefined" errors.

Phillip has already made a fix to ZPatterns that corrects the call to
the product factory.  It's in alpha 5.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope + Apache on FreeBSD 4.0 problems

2000-07-15 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi John,

   There are no 'tricks' that I am aware of... for 'straight'
Zope. Some 3rd party products may require modules that are not in the
'default' Python port, but that's easily fixed... I'm running Zope
2.1.6 on several FreeBSD 4.0s boxen. Can you be a little more specific
about the error?


 "jholland" == jholland  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

jholland I'm having trouble getting pcgi working for Zope 2.16 on
jholland Apache 1.3.12 on FreeBSD 4.0. I had hope the BSd ports
jholland would set it up but it seems that there is a problem of
jholland some sort with my install.

jholland Zope.cgi produces output but kind of maimed.

jholland I did get Zope.cgi working with IIS and NT (ugh) at
jholland work.

jholland Any tricks or anything would be appreciated.

jholland John Holland - ---

jholland Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web:
jholland http://jbhsoft.linuxave.net Public key : finger -s or
jholland http://jbhsoft.linuxave.net/pubkey.html

jholland -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: PGP 6.5.2

jholland ylPYJcO5GBP+hCSvARxRzZuc =RakZ -END PGP
jholland SIGNATURE-

jholland ___ Zope
jholland maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
jholland http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope ** No cross
jholland posts or HTML encoding!  ** (Related lists -
jholland http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
jholland http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] ZPygres connection problem

2000-07-15 Thread Oleg Broytmann


   I did an experiment (after having problems connecting Zope to Postgres)
- I stopped ZServer and restared Zope in PCGI-only mode.

   I opened connection successfully!

   I stopped PCGI and restarted ZServer. I again got BadRequest (cannot
connect to server).

   Anyone have an idea why Zope+ZServer cannot connect, while Zope-PCGI

   Deeper investigation did not reveal any difference - environments are
the same, I can connect from command line, I can even import DB.py (from
the Database Adapter) and connect through it from command line...

Oleg.(All opinions are mine and not of my employer)
Oleg Broytmann  Foundation for Effective Policies  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Cannot install PTK

2000-07-15 Thread Mario Premke

I installed Zope2.2.0 and downloaded PTK0.7.1,
installed it, restarted Zope and then tried to import
DemoPortal.zexp, but after pressing import an 
error message is shown and there is no PTKBase 
or PTKDemo in the Available Objects ...
Any ideas?

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Hot fix and 2.20

2000-07-15 Thread Chris Withers

I think so...


michael montagne wrote:
 Do I have this right?  I do not have to install the hot fix if I just
 installed the recently released version 2.2.0 final.  correct?
   Name: winmail.dat
winmail.datType: application/x-unknown-content-type-dat_auto_file
   Encoding: base64

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Cannot install PTK

2000-07-15 Thread Chris Withers

Mario Premke wrote:
 I installed Zope2.2.0 and downloaded PTK0.7.1,
 installed it, restarted Zope and then tried to import

I think the 0.7.1 snapshot release is a little out of date ;-)

Check the latest version out of the CVS or try Kevin Dangoor's much more
recent snapshot:



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

RE: [Zope] Hot fix and 2.20

2000-07-15 Thread Brian Lloyd

 Do I have this right?  I do not have to install the 
 hot fix if I just installed the recently released 
 version 2.2.0 final.  correct?

That is correct - the hotfix is only required for sites 
running versions prior to 2.2.

Software Engineer  540.371.6909  
Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com 

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Zope build script

2000-07-15 Thread Oleg Broytmann


   I've published a simple shell script I use to compile Zope from sources
and configure it a bit:


The simple script does:

   -- compiles *.py files to *.pyc 
   -- runs python w_pcgi.py 
   -- runs python zpasswd.py access 
   -- generates root.sh - a script to run under root to complete the
  installation; root.sh set up right ownership and permissions in the
  installation tree 

You can easily customize it to your needs.

 Oleg Broytmann http://www.zope.org/Members/phd/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] sending namespace to the frames?

2000-07-15 Thread Chris Withers

danchik wrote:
 if I submit a form to some page that has frames, how do I pass the
 REQUEST namespace to those frames

You can't, I think you need to look into the way frames work more
carefully or word your question differently.

Also, please don't post to both [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as it may irritate the large number of people who are subscribed to both



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Zope + Apache on FreeBSD 4.0 problems

2000-07-15 Thread thomas

On 15 Jul, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 I think it's something about the port. Actually it was only pcgi I was
 having trouble with; however with Apache rewrite I see that is not
 necessary though although I got it working anyway.

Do you mind sharing which "something about the port" failed for you and
how you got it working. I'm the maintainer for that port.

The port should be working pretty much out of the box...


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] load_site stopped working in 2.2.0

2000-07-15 Thread Oleg Broytmann


   I've got the error:

  File "./lib/python/ZPublisher/Client.py", line 221, in __call__
bci.NotAvailable: argument 1: expected read-only character buffer, tuple
found (File: http://sun.med.ru/pcgi/manage_addFolder Line:
None None for None

   What's this?

Oleg.(All opinions are mine and not of my employer)
Oleg Broytmann  Foundation for Effective Policies  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] ZStylesheet

2000-07-15 Thread Neil Burnett

Warning: This is a 'get it off my chest' e-mail.

Well, I am going to give up with CSS. I am sure ZStylesheet is a fine
product, its just that CSS implementations lets it down.

I have struggled for ages to get anything more sophisticated than
font-family* to work on both IE5 and Netscape 4.6 - no chance. It seems
they have both implemented CSS from a different hymn sheet :-( Basically,
nothing to do with sizes works the same, and it boils down to Netscape
ignoring the inheritance model of CSS. table rows and cells are a
particular mystery.

If anyone has cracked it and has developed a ZStylesheet which can second
guess both browsers, please let me know. Until then, I will go back to
using font size="12pt" or whatever. Shame, but I have more interesting
things to worry about.



*even font-family doesn't work for the BODY selector. Tables in Netscape
ignore it so you have to use BODY TR TD as the selector.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] ZStylesheet

2000-07-15 Thread Martijn Pieters

On Sat, Jul 15, 2000 at 09:40:58PM +0200, Neil Burnett wrote:
 Warning: This is a 'get it off my chest' e-mail.
 Well, I am going to give up with CSS. I am sure ZStylesheet is a fine
 product, its just that CSS implementations lets it down.
 I have struggled for ages to get anything more sophisticated than
 font-family* to work on both IE5 and Netscape 4.6 - no chance. It seems
 they have both implemented CSS from a different hymn sheet :-( Basically,
 nothing to do with sizes works the same, and it boils down to Netscape
 ignoring the inheritance model of CSS. table rows and cells are a
 particular mystery.
 If anyone has cracked it and has developed a ZStylesheet which can second
 guess both browsers, please let me know. Until then, I will go back to
 using font size="12pt" or whatever. Shame, but I have more interesting
 things to worry about.

CSS in current 4.x and IE 5 is a nightmare. There are lobying groups you can
join, like the web standard initiative.

Mozilla does an excellent job of fully implementing CSS1, and practically all
of CSS2 as well. Opera also has a good stab at it, all the test pages list
that as a good 2nd. Until Netscape 6 is out (based on Moz), don't count on CSS
being all that useful.

Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/
| ZopeStudio: http://www.zope.org/Products/ZopeStudio

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Zope build script

2000-07-15 Thread Bill Anderson

Martijn Pieters wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 15, 2000 at 03:13:46PM +, Oleg Broytmann wrote:
  On Sat, 15 Jul 2000, Martijn Pieters wrote:
The simple script does:
   -- compiles *.py files to *.pyc
   w_pcgi.py and wo_pcgi.py do this as well.
 Then they changed since I looked last time. I remember they didn't
  compile *.py...
 w_pcgi.py imports and runs wo_pcgi.py, which in turn imports
 inst/compilezpy.py. The act of importing that file causes it to compile all
 .py files from the Zope directory and all it's subdirectories.

YUp, and you can cerify it by installing products in the Products tree,
and running w_pcgi.py or wo_pcgi.py and watch them compile the produtcs
 and sometimes spit out syntax errors in them...


Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they are easy to annoy,
and have the root password.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] 2.2.0 and Membership ... NoGo

2000-07-15 Thread Bill Anderson

Shane Hathaway wrote:
 Bill Anderson wrote:
  Dunno what changed, but in 2.2.0b4 I could use Membership w/the latest
  ZPatterns just fine. In 2.2.0 when I try to add one, I get: "keyword
  redefined" errors.
 Phillip has already made a fix to ZPatterns that corrects the call to
 the product factory.  It's in alpha 5.

h  maybe I'll reinstall beta5 ...
That's what I was using when I got this.

Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they are easy to annoy,
and have the root password.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] hard dtml syntax problem

2000-07-15 Thread Bill Anderson

Jerome Alet wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, Bill Anderson wrote:
  Jerome Alet wrote:

 Hi want to call ZopeFind to find all folders in the current folder which
 doesn't have got any subfolder.
 Sorry, I should have added : recursively !!!

Ahh, big difference! :-)


 From a Folder, I want to recursively search for all "terminal" folders
 (leaves) and build a list of these folders.
 bye "terminal" folder, I mean a folder with no subfolder.
 The following should give me exactly the result I want, if only I knew how
 to write it in a way accepted by the dtml parser:
 dtml-let myresult="ZopeFind(this(), obj_metatypes=['Folder'],
 search_sub=1, obj_expr=""" not objectValues(['Folder']) """ )"
 My actual solution is to do :
 dtml-let myresult="ZopeFind(this(), obj_metatypes=['Folder'],
   dtml-if "not objectValues(['Folder'])"
 but this solution is not good because if I need len(myresult) it returns
 me the total number of folders, not the number of "terminal" folders, and
 I find it stupid to have to build a new list in a dtml-in and then
 loop over the new list in a second dtml-in because I know ZopeFind is
 the solution: can do it, I've tested it with the Find tab.
 My only problem is: What is that f... syntax ?

Personally, something like this I would do in python. IMO, deep
recursion belongs in python,not DTML.

Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they are easy to annoy,
and have the root password.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] pcgi not responding ...2.2

2000-07-15 Thread Bill Anderson

Works fine from ZServer (on port 8101), butpcgi gets:

pcgi-wrapper(/home/ZSS/libc/Zope.cgi): Connection refused  (102) failure
during connect to ZServer

Ideas welcome.

Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they are easy to annoy,
and have the root password.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZStylesheet

2000-07-15 Thread Maik Roeder

Hi Neil !

Neil Burnett wrote:
 Warning: This is a 'get it off my chest' e-mail.
 Well, I am going to give up with CSS. I am sure ZStylesheet is a fine
 product, its just that CSS implementations lets it down.

Well, perhaps you can have a look at the Web Designers Portal
under the subject Stype and Topic CSS.


There are some good reasons for CSS, that I have collected
there. Maybe you can also have a look at the link, which you
can find there to Webreview.com's CSS Master Compatibility 

Best regards,

Maik Röder

"The computing future is based  on "cyberbodies" - self-contained, 
neatly-ordered,  beautifully-laid-out  collections of information, 
like immaculate giant gardens." The second coming - A manifesto. David
Gelernter http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/gelernter/gelernter_p1.html

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Delete property woes in ZClasses

2000-07-15 Thread Maik Roeder

Hi Paul !

Paul Abrams wrote:
 Thanks! I think the delete method will be ideal to patch my
 site. I also see how the move method can be *very* useful.
 Shall I write this up as a how-to?

That would be great ! Perhaps you can also find a way to
do this recursively ?

Have a look at my recursive copier:


This does it the other way around, but it can be adopted to
do what you need. It would be handy if you have many instances
floating around. Maybe you can also do it easier with a 
ZCatalog search ?

Best regards,

Maik Röder

"The computing future is based  on "cyberbodies" - self-contained, 
neatly-ordered,  beautifully-laid-out  collections of information, 
like immaculate giant gardens." The second coming - A manifesto. David
Gelernter http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/gelernter/gelernter_p1.html

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZStylesheet

2000-07-15 Thread George Donnelly

try http://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/Core/

dont give up on css yet! frankly i woudnt even worry about netscape 4.x,

The one who tells the stories rules the world. --Hopi proverb

 Warning: This is a 'get it off my chest' e-mail.
 Well, I am going to give up with CSS. I am sure ZStylesheet is a fine
 product, its just that CSS implementations lets it down.
 I have struggled for ages to get anything more sophisticated than
 font-family* to work on both IE5 and Netscape 4.6 - no chance. It seems
 they have both implemented CSS from a different hymn sheet :-( Basically,
 nothing to do with sizes works the same, and it boils down to Netscape
 ignoring the inheritance model of CSS. table rows and cells are a
 particular mystery.
 If anyone has cracked it and has developed a ZStylesheet which can second
 guess both browsers, please let me know. Until then, I will go back to
 using font size="12pt" or whatever. Shame, but I have more interesting
 things to worry about.
 *even font-family doesn't work for the BODY selector. Tables in Netscape
 ignore it so you have to use BODY TR TD as the selector.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Optimization and speed

2000-07-15 Thread Stephan Richter

Hello everyone,

I write this mail, because I could not find anything useful in the archives:

I have a pretty big site with quiet a big database (PostGreSQL) in the 
background. When a site loads I can tell that after about 5 seconds the 
site is ready to download. The site downloads quickly thereafter if I am on 
a T1, DSL or Cable Modem connection. But since most of our users have 28.8k 
and 56k modem connection, we have to optimize for them too.
When accessing the site over a modem, it takes a long time to load the site 
and then it pops up all at once (in IE (AOL) and Netscape). Is there a way 
that I can send parts of the HTML as it is generated, so that the customer 
starts seeing information before the entire site is loaded. Our site is 
about 50% slower than our competitors sites (we are serving 62kB and the 
competitor has up to 203kB and is 50% faster!!!) which use PHP and 
ColdFusion. I know that Zope is not slower. I strongly believe it is the 
HTML output which is not optimized (we are going to speed up the DB 
connection very soon by dedicating a NIC only for the DB communication).

Technical Facts:
- Zope 2.1.6+PCGI+Apache - Virtual Hosts for HTTP and HTTPS
- PostGreSQL 7.0 (DB size: 50MB), ZPyGreSQLDA, UserDB
- ZODB threads: 4
- Web Server: Pentium 500, RH 6.1, 322MB RAM (not all used), 100 MBit NIC
- DB Server: Pentium 500, RH 6.1, 322MB RAM (plenty left to use), 100 MBit NIC
- dedicated subnet

If someone could give me some tips where I should start looking for speed 
holes, please let me know. Do you think it is the DB which could be so slow 
and I should cache search results more, are there ZServer/Apache options I 
can set or anything else in Zope I should have a look at?

Stephan Richter
CBU - Physics and Chemistry
Web2k - Web Design/Development  Technical Project Management

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Optimization and speed

2000-07-15 Thread Martijn Pieters

On Sat, Jul 15, 2000 at 12:18:23PM -0700, Stephan Richter wrote:
 I have a pretty big site with quiet a big database (PostGreSQL) in the 
 background. When a site loads I can tell that after about 5 seconds the 
 site is ready to download. The site downloads quickly thereafter if I am on 
 a T1, DSL or Cable Modem connection. But since most of our users have 28.8k 
 and 56k modem connection, we have to optimize for them too.
 When accessing the site over a modem, it takes a long time to load the site 
 and then it pops up all at once (in IE (AOL) and Netscape). Is there a way 
 that I can send parts of the HTML as it is generated, so that the customer 
 starts seeing information before the entire site is loaded. Our site is 
 about 50% slower than our competitors sites (we are serving 62kB and the 
 competitor has up to 203kB and is 50% faster!!!) which use PHP and 
 ColdFusion. I know that Zope is not slower. I strongly believe it is the 
 HTML output which is not optimized (we are going to speed up the DB 
 connection very soon by dedicating a NIC only for the DB communication).
 Technical Facts:
 - Zope 2.1.6+PCGI+Apache - Virtual Hosts for HTTP and HTTPS
 - PostGreSQL 7.0 (DB size: 50MB), ZPyGreSQLDA, UserDB
 - ZODB threads: 4
 - Web Server: Pentium 500, RH 6.1, 322MB RAM (not all used), 100 MBit NIC
 - DB Server: Pentium 500, RH 6.1, 322MB RAM (plenty left to use), 100 MBit NIC
 - dedicated subnet
 If someone could give me some tips where I should start looking for speed 
 holes, please let me know. Do you think it is the DB which could be so slow 
 and I should cache search results more, are there ZServer/Apache options I 
 can set or anything else in Zope I should have a look at?

Hi Stephan,

This sounds like more of a HTML problem than a Zope problem, especially since
the fast links have no trouble with the server. Zope obviously is fast enough
to serve them.

I bet your site heavily uses tables and images This will cause the browser to not
display anything until it knows how to lay out the table. If your whole page
is contained in one table, this means that your page won't pop up until the
browser has seen the table end tag and knows the sizes of all images.

You can help the browser a bit by making sure all IMG tags have a width and
height attribute so the browser won't have to wait for the images to start to
load. IIRC, Internet Explorer will even show the table without that
information, and reflow the table if needed. It still will wait until it has
the whole table.

Only Mozilla reflows all incoming HTML on the fly, even before the end of the
table is seen. When they the optimisations come in for Netscape 6 preview 3,
it'll beat the hell out of Internet Explorer with this.

So, if you want to make sure that your clients see something before all HTML
is in, split up the table into a header and the rest, if possible. Then the
browser has something to show while loading the rest of the page. This is what
sites like www.cnet.com do; they show you a banner while waiting.

Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/
| ZopeStudio: http://www.zope.org/Products/ZopeStudio

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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