Re: [Zope-dev] PATH_TRANSLATED delimted with backslash ?

2000-09-10 Thread Steve Alexander

Evan Simpson wrote:
 From: "Steve Alexander" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
obj = self.restrictedTraverse(REQUEST.PATH_TRANSLATED)
  This stopped working when I tried the software on Windows.
  Bug or feature?
 I'm not sure, but I'm *very* curious what you're trying to accomplish with
 this code.  A better equivalent would probably be obj =

I'm producing a set of breadcrumb-style links. I want to test whether
the object at the requested URL has the attribute "breadcrumbs_text",
because if so, that text should be used instead of the results of my
breadcrumbs algorithm.

I have an object that is a DTML Document. It has the property
"breadcrumbs_text" set.

My breadcrumbs external method is called from standard_html_header.

When I look at the DTML Document through the web, the "self" object
passed to the breadcrumbs external method is the folder that contains
the DTML Document.
(I thought that should only be the case for DTML Methods!)

So, in order to check the existence of the attribute "breadcrumbs_text",
I needed to get hold of the object that was requested. I'm not using
virtual hosting for this project (although I will be later), so I threw
REQUEST.PATH_TRANSLATED in there as I could see from inspecting REQUEST
that it would give me what I needed.

It looks like using REQUEST.steps is better because it will continue to
work with virtual hosting.  I'll change the method to use REQUEST.steps.

Steve Alexander
Software Engineer
Cat-Box limited

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[Zope-dev] Size of Data.fs - and crypto.

2000-09-10 Thread Erik Enge


Does the performance of Zope degrade as the Data.fs get larger?  Both
on startup time (which I'm pretty sure will degrade) and on respons
time, serving a object f ex?

Another thing.  Have anyone tried to encrypt all data inside the
Data.fs file?  I mean, encrypted the data so that not even root can
access it, only if you have the right passphrase (or whatever) in the
management interface are you allowed access to the data.  

Anyone tried anything like that?


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Re: [Zope-dev] Size of Data.fs - and crypto.

2000-09-10 Thread Erik Enge

[Chris McDonough]

| [Erik Enge]
|  Another thing.  Have anyone tried to encrypt all data inside the
|  Data.fs file?  I mean, encrypted the data so that not even root can
|  access it, only if you have the right passphrase (or whatever) in the
|  management interface are you allowed access to the data.  
| You'd probably need to rewrite the pickling and unpickling routines used
| in lib/python/ZODB/ to dump and load "encrypted" pickles.

I thought so...  Has anyone done this?

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[Zope-dev] FW: ZClass, acquisition, dtml confusion

2000-09-10 Thread Jon Franz

Since no one on general could answer this, I'm sending it to Dev 
now: sorry for cross posting.

-Original Message-
From: Jon Franz 
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 1:24 PM
Subject: ZClass, acquisition, dtml confusion

Previously I made a DTML method that when used within a 
DTML Document would modify properties on that document.  
Having this floating around in root made it visible to the 
whole site, but seemed 'unclean'.  So, I attempted to make 
the DTML method into a ZClass, and making the index_html 
method in the ZClass contain the exact same DTML as the 
method... But it doesn't work.  So, I tried again - this 
time with as simple a method as possible, a very basic 
counter.  The DTML method I made in root increments and 
displays the 'z_count' property on the page that calls it, 
and creates the property if it doesn't exist, so using it 
is as simple as:

dtml-var mycount

However, I place the DTML into a new class, and then make 
a new instance of the class, and it wont work as above.  
I now have to do this:

dtml-with MyZCCount
dtml-var MyZCCount

And, instead of modifying the property of the calling document, 
it modifies the parent folder's properties.  Below is the DTML, 
can someone please explain what I need to do to get this to 
work on the calling DTML document instead?  If I can't get 
this simple counter to work I'm going to go mad, since changing 
properties is something I need to be able to do from many of my 
planned ZClasses... Thanks in advance!

dtml-if "hasProperty('z_count')"
  dtml-var "'%06d' % (z_count + 1)"
  dtml-call "REQUEST.set('z_count', z_count + 1)"
  dtml-call "manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)"
  dtml-call "manage_addProperty('z_count', 1, 'int' )"

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[Zope] Problems with Product initialization (was: [Zope] SiteRoot (SiteAccess) problem)

2000-09-10 Thread Dieter Maurer

Joshua Brauer writes:
  No, I unpacked the tarball in the Products directory.
  Any more ideas? Any idea how to get SiteRoot to show up on the available items list?
To analyse any problem with product initialization, it is
probably best to start Zope with "STUPID_LOG_FILE=your log file".
Then you will look at 2 places:
  *  the "traceback" in the product's management screen
  *  these log file


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] manage_workspace

2000-09-10 Thread Dieter Maurer

Mechtild Hofmann writes:
  I'am looking for the source-code from "manage_workspace". Where do I
  find this file or is it part of a *.py - file ?
It is:



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Re: [Zope] Problems with export

2000-09-10 Thread Dieter Maurer

Gottfried Ryser writes:
  I tried to export an opject with the import/export function, but I got the
  following error msg.
File /usr/local/Zope2/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 112, in
  (Object: manage_exportObject)
File /usr/local/Zope2/lib/python/OFS/, line 463, in
  (Object: Traversable)
File /usr/local/Zope2/lib/python/OFS/, line 236, in _getOb
  (Object: Traversable)
  AttributeError: (see above)
Tim Hicks (URL:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) recently reported a very
similar looking problem.

Maybe, you could join forces, to get this problem fixed.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] repost : pb with acl_users domains for clients behind a proxy/firewall

2000-09-10 Thread Dieter Maurer

Didier Georgieff writes:
  Our users are acessing to the Zope server (wich is on the Internet) thru 
  corporate (government) firewall/proxys.
  Some users in acl_users are declared with a "domain" restriction.
  wich is a generic "" or "".
  It doesn't seems to be effective and the login is rejected, while the same user 
  without any "domain" restriction works fine.
The code handling the "domain" restrictions is in

Thus, your proxy must pass this unchanged.


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[Zope] Length of a list (was: [Zope] How does one display document count of a folder?)

2000-09-10 Thread Dieter Maurer

  I am using a script to display the contents of a folder, but I 
  wonder how I might display a document count of the dtml 
  documents in a folder?
You want to get the length of a list, in your case the return
value of "objectIds".

This is a FAQ:

you use "_.len(list expression)" or
(insided a dtml-in) "dtml-var sequence-length".


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Modification Posts to the list (was: [Zope] Import from file via management-interface)

2000-09-10 Thread Dieter Maurer

Hi Tino (and other potential patch posters),

if possibly, you should not post complete source modules
to the list. Instead, you should use either context
or uniform differences to the source. Such a difference file is
called a patch.

Patches have considerable advantages over the complete source:

  *  they are much smaller

  *  they can (usually) be applied to more than one version

  *  they show directly what has been changed,
 this is essential for a decision whether or not
 to trust the changes.

I will never install any source modules posted to the list.
Usually, I will not even look at them.

Patches can be created with the "diff" utility.
This is a "standard" unix program (i.e. installed on
any Unix system). There is an improved GNU version,
which is also available for Win/32.
There are other Windows implementations for "diff".

Patches are applied with the "patch" utility.
Again, there is a GNU version, and surely there are versions
for Win/32.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Object from Object Id (was: [Zope] Get help about variable and entity of Zope.)

2000-09-10 Thread Dieter Maurer

 With DTML,I define a variable AA, and let AA equal a object's ID, 
  HOW can I get the object's property through the variable AA? Maybe 
  need a function? 
  Need your help?
   I want to express as :
 dtml-call "AA.propertysheets.SUBJECT.manage_changeProperties
You have an object ID (in your AA variable)
and you want to get the object accessible through this
object ID.

This is an FAQ:

you use "_.getitem(expression for id)"
in your case "_.getitem(AA)".


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] locale and Splitter.c on FreeBSD - where is the bug ?

2000-09-10 Thread Dieter Maurer

Aleksander Salwa writes:
  Some time ago I had a problem with locales on FreeBSD.
  On all machines I'm working on, 'char' is signed.
  On Linux/x86, isalpha and others works fine with positive and negative
  values of national characters. (For example, one polish character is
  '\xc6', what can be evaluated as unsigned 198, or signed -58.)
  But on FreeBSD/x86 these functions work only with values 127.
  Because 'char' is signed, it needs casting to work with national
  Now, the question is: is it a bug in Splitter.c or in FreeBSD system
  libraries ? (or misconfigured system)
Probably in the FreeBSD library, because not only "Splitter.c"
uses "char" for strings but almost all C modules I know of.

Nevertheless, you patch to "splitter" should be welcome
as it solves a usability problem on FreeBSD systems.
Put it into the collector (URL:

You may file a problem report to the FreeBSD maintainers in


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Changing list elements (was: [Zope] 2d list manipulation)

2000-09-10 Thread Dieter Maurer

Tim Russell writes:
   2 dimensional list access and modification of elements 
  I can easily access the value of
  an element using:
 dtml-var "col[index1][index2]"
  However, the difficulty comes when trying to change the value of one of
  these elements

There is no easy and safe way to do it in DTML (because a list
does not have a method to replace a list element. If interested
in a hack, you may look at the list methods "remove" and "insert").
The easiest thing is to write an external (or Python) method.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: Modification Posts to the list (was: [Zope] Import from file viamanagement-interface)management-interface)

2000-09-10 Thread Tino Wildenhain

Hi Dieter,

Dieter Maurer wrote:
 Hi Tino (and other potential patch posters),
 if possibly, you should not post complete source modules
 to the list. Instead, you should use either context
 or uniform differences to the source. Such a difference file is
 called a patch.

Yes. I know that ;-)
(Beside the file size, which was really wrong to send to the list,
you can of course diff the post with your version to get the changes)


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Best way to handle SQL update with variable number of fields?

2000-09-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm creating a number of ZSQL methods to insert, update and delete 
records from several Oracle tables. Everything is working fine with 
the insert forms (creating new records) and the delete (of course). 
However, the best way to do the  * update * without locking the user 
into a *very* rigid format is eluding me..

The problem - I would like to populate the form with the existing 
values and then allow the user to change the ones they want to. Some 
of the fields in the database are empty and it will always be that 
way. The length of the update statement will change.

  Nomatter how I do it, I am having problems with the commas.  What is 
the best way to build the necessary logic into the form? Is there a 
sample in a product or a How-to somewhere that I can look at?

I am assuming I need to create a list externally in a method and use 
that to determine the comma placement. Is that the "correct" 
direction? Or is there a better way..

Thank you,

Chris Beaumont

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[Zope] [HELP] Duplicated Ids?

2000-09-10 Thread

I removed a product from Control_Panel/Products by
checking the checkbox of that item and clicked "delete" button below.

While I tring to reimport that product , zope (2.2.1) complains about
"Duplicated Ids".

Can anyone give a hand?

Thanks a lot.

Iap, Singuan

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Re: [Zope] Looking for Zope vs. Others at-a-glance comparison

2000-09-10 Thread Nils Kassube

Jason Cunliffe wrote:

 What's missing?

For example, everything with Java (e.g. Apple WebObjects) or 
Perl (e.g. Mason). 
There is a good overview of Content Management Systems at

 For each of above I'd like to fill in the following:
 {'name':"name", 'features':{feature dict},'pro':[pros],
 'con':[cons] }

That's a bit difficult to do because we don't know what you
want to do with a CMS/web application platform. Manila, for
instance, is a nice end-user weblog application but not a
replacement for a real web app server. 

 If was more adept in DTML was I could put up a comparative poll page though
 I suspect most here would respond like you Nils.

I'm only an innocent Computer Science student who still thinks
that in Real Life (tm) outside university you research competing
solutions before selecting a product :-)

Anyone else seeing the parallel to software mentioned in Douglas
Adams' "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency"? 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)

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[Zope] Emacs and dtml-mode +/-

2000-09-10 Thread Nestor A. Diaz L.


I have installed the dtml-mode that provided under Debian potato, emacs20 and
psgml it work so nice but i have a little question, and i don't know if it
is possible to resolve, consider the following html code:

!-- -*- dtml -*- --
  !-- one of (OPTION OPTGROUP) --
!-- I can't insert tag option here --


Check out that i can not insert a option tag inside the dtml-with tag,
ok what i want to know (if there is any dtd guru here) is: there is
posible to define a rule in this dtd to see that the dtml-with is inside
a select and it shows as a correct element the option tag?

I know it cat be done by using brutal force but i want to be "politically

Another question?

Thats anybody know about a "html indenter" i mean something like the
program indent avaialable under Linux ? for html? i know emacs indent but
i have to press the tab on each line, or i'm missing some macro?

It would be nice that this program can run under zope to show the html
code generated beautifully for debug reasons, dont you think so? and
desactivate it under a production environment.

Well that's all folks,


Nestor A. Diaz
Ingeniero de Desarrollo
Engendro - Comercio Electronico sobre Linux

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RE: [Zope] keeping Java Servlets session ids based on url rewriti ng

2000-09-10 Thread Chris McDonough

Thanks for the clarifications...

 We use servlets for java to java com between applets and the
 server. Inside, the servlets communicates to C++ based servers for
 objects and events. Servlet sessions are used to help ensure 
 for the object and event servers. User database is also stored in the
 object repository. Getting the session id for the servlet back into
 Zope (I was going to store it in a SQLSession object.) was the reason
 for preserving the ;sessionid from a response redirect generated by
 servlet. All pages with applets would be written with the servlet
 session ID as a parameter. We were going to use https for anything
 with session ids in them so they can not be sniffed for.

OK, I think I understand... you need to keep using the servlets-style
URL-rewriting because you serve Java applets that make use of
sessionids, and you may want to serve these from Zope.

I've done a little poking around in ZPublisher's and and I don't think that's where the ';*' gets stripped.  I
can't find *where* it gets stripped.  It must be possible to make Zope
de-ignore things split on a ";", but right now I can't find out where to
do so.

 I had not decided if the user database exchange would be done by using
 the client as a relay with user info emedded in
 user,md5-password-signature components in the session id response
 redirect or some Zope to JServ direct handshaking using
 ZPatterns-based Membership. Yet another alternative would be the swig
 Python interface directly to the object server and Zpatterns.

From what little I know about Java servlets, I believe it keeps all the
session objects in separate files within a directory on servlet's
server's filesystem.  Are they in an opaque format?  Are they named with
the sessionid?  Maybe you could let Zope peek at these.

 Hope this helps clarifys things..
 Albert Boulanger

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[Zope] Testing out new versions of XXX (in this case, WorldPilot)

2000-09-10 Thread A.J. Rossini

What is the best way to test out new versions of Products without
breaking an existing setup?  Should I simply "version" the current
working version, then install new stuff to test, etc, or is there any
easy way to have products "ORIGINAL" and "ORIGINAL-2" (which is what
I'd prefer, for stability comparisons)

(in this case, I'm curious about the palm-syncing features of WP
1.1alpha for our home server, but can't afford to break our current
WWW-based email access...?)

Or should I just copy Data.fs and manually revert in case of accident?

Advice appreciated!


A.J. RossiniRsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
BlindGlobe Networks (home/default)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
UW Biostat/Center for AIDS Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CFAR:   M/F: 206-731-3647 (fax=3694) | Email is far better than phone
FHCRC: Tu/W: 206-667-7025 (fax=4812) | Voicemail is pretty sketchy
UW:  Th: 206-543-1044 (fax=3286) | Change last 4 digits of phone for fax

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] keeping Java Servlets session ids based on url rewriti ng

2000-09-10 Thread albert boulanger

   I've done a little poking around in ZPublisher's and and I don't think that's where the ';*' gets stripped.  I
   can't find *where* it gets stripped.  It must be possible to make Zope
   de-ignore things split on a ";", but right now I can't find out where to
   do so.

Um from looking at the code I think it may be Zserver not Zpublisher
doing it. I think there is code which set up the CGI env vars at
Zpublisher pick em up and works with them, so it is the code that sets
those GCI vars that is dropping it. Isn't it tru that if you use
APACHE, they are set by APACHE and is you use Zserver w/o frontending
it with APACHE something in Zserver has to be setting them?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope] keeping Java Servlets session ids based on url rewriti ng

2000-09-10 Thread Chris McDonough

 Um from looking at the code I think it may be Zserver not Zpublisher
 doing it. I think there is code which set up the CGI env vars at
 Zpublisher pick em up and works with them, so it is the code that sets
 those GCI vars that is dropping it. Isn't it tru that if you use
 APACHE, they are set by APACHE and is you use Zserver w/o frontending
 it with APACHE something in Zserver has to be setting them?

That sounds reasonable.  I'd imagine it would have something to do with
PATH_INFO, PATH_TRANSLATED, or SCRIPT_NAME.  Have you looked for calls
to the Python cgi module in ZServer?  I might start by looking for it
trying to assign these environment variables to see what it does.  Sorry
I can't give you any more specifics.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Looking for Zope vs. Others at-a-glance comparison

2000-09-10 Thread Jason Cunliffe

Hi Nils

thanks for your reply
  What's missing?

 For example, everything with Java (e.g. Apple WebObjects) or
 Perl (e.g. Mason).

[doh] Java..Right [see what using zope does to one ?  ;-)

 There is a good overview of Content Management Systems at

Excellent. Thanks very much for this.
and supplying a magic_phrase  = 'Content Management System'

  For each of above I'd like to fill in the following:
  {'name':"name", 'features':{feature dict},'pro':[pros],
  'con':[cons] }

 That's a bit difficult to do because we don't know what you
 want to do with a CMS/web application platform. Manila, for
 instance, is a nice end-user weblog application but not a
 replacement for a real web app server.

Yes of course not.
But imagine one meets up with a small group of  experienced people who have
all been working around Content Management Systems, are in Zope and are
tracking the developments both potential and RealWorld(tm). The you ask them
ok to get started can please resume for me zope and alternative systems
according you whatever priorities/experiences you wish. That conversation is
_not_ going to read like a research document. It is going be opinionated,
informed, direct and typically subjectively prioritized.. and damn helpful

I agree about Manila.
pros = ['good idea', 'great community', 'cool interesting RealWorld sites',
'designer-savvy', 'very user friendly' ]
cons = ['mac/win only', 'does not scale well to become 'real' web app
server', etc..]

What is very impressive is that it has focused on some real end user need
and answered that in large part. Zope could learn a lot from Manila.
[Zopefish etc]. Mostly Zope imho is just plain damn ugly out of the  box...
like some ghost from the 70s  - zero graphics sense.. it s a bitch to make a
decventlooking page in zope when it shouldn't be, not one nice looking zope
site I have visited yet vs. all those nice looking nice reading Weblogs.
Why?? Well Zope is very cool and powerful adn full of potential but try to
use it and even seasoned programmers become unraveled in obfuscated syntax,
etc etc.

I love what Zope represents, what it _can_ do, but I do not like what I see
people actually doing with it. This continues to bother me and I keep my eye
on where the alternatives are going for much the same reasons. Jeff Shelton
has been putting up great service with his ZopeNewbies page. Not an accident
that he is running it on Manila - because Manila makes it easy to set this
stuff up and keep it going. Zope does not.

In part the difference are that Manila attracts a more aesthetically
[visually] aware crowd than Zope. Zope is geeky and damn proud of it. Zope
rocks but there are no rocking zope sites that I can tell. Please correct me
if I am wrong.
[yes I am Awaiting some real news about CBS etc]
But look at the 'Case Studies' page..

It is not even titled  'Sites using Zope'
instead "The following are a list of case studies in which Zope provided the
Reading between the lines it does not inspire great confidence. Nor does
there appear to

Is the problem with the tool the technology or the users??
It is not an either or question - its a synergy issue.. But Zope does
nothing to encourage one alas nor do the examples out there, [yet].

Imagine if the home page at was built using Manila?
I'll bet it would be more dynamic more readable, more fun, more useful that
it is now. Even having a damn calendar to browse through developments, news
adn changes would be good. Not to mention the decidedly dead and strange
style and links. What a shame. But it does not stop me loving what is cool
about zope or trying to use it.

But as soon as more Manila-like Zope comes along I am likely going to jump
ship, because Zope is expensive to run. I am not talking about the free
price, I am talking about the counter-intuitive chaotically undocumented
nature of Zope.
And that costs developer time wickedly..Yes I know it is changing and
improving and I am holding on and hanging in there, hoping a) it improves
and b) I improve..

  If was more adept in DTML was I could put up a comparative poll page
  I suspect most here would respond like you Nils.

 I'm only an innocent Computer Science student who still thinks
 that in Real Life (tm) outside university you research competing
 solutions before selecting a product :-)

Of course you are right in this respect. We did that and
For-what-we-wanted-to-do, Zope met the most important criteria. But our
Project proposal was written and given the initial green light over 1 year
ago. It was an experiment to use zope then , and the experiment is still

In brief I continue to be very impressed by portable import/export features
of Zope.
But we have elected to use External Methods to bypass lack-of-confidence and
some of the headaches we experienced doing things with DTML. We like the
resultant stretegy as it play sto both our own strengths and Zope's
strengths we think.


Re: [Zope] keeping Java Servlets session ids based on url rewriting

2000-09-10 Thread albert boulanger

   Hmmm.. can you take a step back and restate the problem more generally?
   What is the goal?

We use servlets for java to java com between applets and the
server. Inside, the servlets communicates to C++ based servers for
objects and events. Servlet sessions are used to help ensure validation
for the object and event servers. User database is also stored in the
object repository. Getting the session id for the servlet back into
Zope (I was going to store it in a SQLSession object.) was the reason
for preserving the ;sessionid from a response redirect generated by
servlet. All pages with applets would be written with the servlet
session ID as a parameter. We were going to use https for anything
with session ids in them so they can not be sniffed for.

I had not decided if the user database exchange would be done by using
the client as a relay with user info emedded in
user,md5-password-signature components in the session id response
redirect or some Zope to JServ direct handshaking using
ZPatterns-based Membership. Yet another alternative would be the swig
Python interface directly to the object server and Zpatterns.

Hope this helps clarifys things..

Albert Boulanger


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Creating a new Role equivalent to Manager?

2000-09-10 Thread Kevin Howe

I want to create a Role (myRole) for an object which is equivalent to the
Manager Role, basically kust with a different name. How do I (via python)
say that myRole is equivalent?

Something similar to this:

self._addRole( 'myRole', InheritPermissionsFromManager() )


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: 2d list manipulation

2000-09-10 Thread Tim Russell

OK, figured it out. About the only way I can see to do it in DTML is this:

   dtml-call "col[index1].insert(index2, col[index1].pop(index2)+1)"

This command happens to increment the value at col[index1][index2], and this
strategy allows any operation to be done on the value. It appears to be
quite fast as well, so I'm content.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope] Looking for Zope vs. Others at-a-glance comparison

2000-09-10 Thread Ron Bickers

Completely calm and friendly opinions follow...

 [Zopefish etc]. Mostly Zope imho is just plain damn ugly out of
 the  box...
 like some ghost from the 70s  - zero graphics sense.. it s a
 bitch to make a
 decventlooking page in zope when it shouldn't be, not one nice
 looking zope
 site I have visited yet vs. all those nice looking nice reading Weblogs.
 Why?? Well Zope is very cool and powerful adn full of potential but try to
 use it and even seasoned programmers become unraveled in
 obfuscated syntax,
 etc etc.

I don't think it's any more difficult to create an attractive
(graphics-wise) site in Zope than it is with PHP or ASP or plain old
Apache-served HTML files.  Quite honestly, I'm not qualified to do it with
any tool. :-)  I get the feeling that a lot of people expect Zope to design
sites for them.  Maybe they're expecting too much.  Or maybe I'm expecting
too little???  Or maybe it's that most of the people using Zope today (like
me) are not pretty-site designers, but people that want a powerful tool to
manage the most important part of a site...content.

 I love what Zope represents, what it _can_ do, but I do not like
 what I see
 people actually doing with it. This continues to bother me and I
 keep my eye
 on where the alternatives are going for much the same reasons.
 Jeff Shelton
 has been putting up great service with his ZopeNewbies page. Not
 an accident
 that he is running it on Manila - because Manila makes it easy to set this
 stuff up and keep it going. Zope does not.

Zope is not to blame for what people have done with it on the visual side.
Content is far more important than visual appeal.  I see too many companies
(many of my clients) ignoring this and focusing way too much on layout,
placement of images, colors, cute JavaScript menus and other fancy stuff.
I'm not saying these things are not at all important.  Browsing an
unattractive, sloppily layed out site with lots of useful information is
annoying and distracting.  But it's *far* better than browsing a fancy,
"attractive" site that has nothing to offer other than sparse information,
pretty images and slow viewing time.

 In part the difference are that Manila attracts a more aesthetically
 [visually] aware crowd than Zope. Zope is geeky and damn proud of it. Zope
 rocks but there are no rocking zope sites that I can tell. Please
 correct me
 if I am wrong.
 [yes I am Awaiting some real news about CBS etc]
 But look at the 'Case Studies' page..

 It is not even titled  'Sites using Zope'
 instead "The following are a list of case studies in which Zope
 provided the
 Reading between the lines it does not inspire great confidence. Nor does
 there appear to

 Is the problem with the tool the technology or the users??
 It is not an either or question - its a synergy issue.. But Zope does
 nothing to encourage one alas nor do the examples out there, [yet].

It's the site designers.  Zope isn't designed for assistance in creating
attractive sites.  It's designed for creating manageable sites.  It's
completely up to the designers to make it attractive, using tools designed
to do so.  Zope (in my experience) does nothing to limit the ability to make
a site attractive, but it does do buckets for increasing manageability.

 Imagine if the home page at was built using Manila?
 I'll bet it would be more dynamic more readable, more fun, more
 useful that
 it is now. Even having a damn calendar to browse through
 developments, news
 adn changes would be good. Not to mention the decidedly dead and strange
 style and links. What a shame. But it does not stop me loving what is cool
 about zope or trying to use it.

I'm comfortable that the developers will agree that their site is
not the greatest thing on earth, esp. when it comes to prettiness.  It is,
however, consistent, easy to use, informative, and provides some nice real
world examples of Zope's power.  Using any of the already available
calendar-like products for Zope, DC could easily create a calendar to browse
through stuff.  Again, it's not a limitation of Zope, the developers just
didn't do it.

 But we have elected to use External Methods to bypass
 lack-of-confidence and
 some of the headaches we experienced doing things with DTML. We like the
 resultant stretegy as it play sto both our own strengths and Zope's
 strengths we think.

Perhaps your use of External Methods is because you should not have been
trying it in DTML in the first place.  I have seen so many times DTML used
for things it just wasn't designed to do.  After all, it's not a programming
language.  External Methods, Python Methods, ZSQL Methods and all the other
methods are there for a reason.  To each its own purpose.

 So may question is was not:
 - "What comparisons should I have made 12-18 months ago?",
 but rather:
 - "What is presently the state of play in Zope vs. Other Alternatives ?"

I rant about the powers of Zope while admittedly not knowing much about the

[Zope] Partnership with B2B EMerging?

2000-09-10 Thread Jonathan Desp

Hi guys or girls,

I'd like to know if you are interested to partner with me, for the
construction of B2B Emerging, at I would need someone
technical, for Zope. I'm enthusiast and I put all my effort toward B2B
Emerging. I invite you to read this site, it's a wonderful concept, with a
marketing, a new marketplace. I have no limit, I think B2B Emerging could
become the Amazon of the B2B. That's my goal. Of course it will be hard,
that's why I wanted to create that project, but we learn when we have
problems. I could do the site lonely, but to be alone, it's so hard. With
someone to talk, it would be more interesting and more special. I want to
partner with someone, I'm searching Mister B2B Emerging, a warrior, someone
strong enough to understand that it could become the number one platform for
businesses around the world.

B2B Emerging is in the middle of Ventro and B Central. We could discuss
about the partnership, I'm wide open. I want to change this world with this
business, are you ready, I am.

Very truly yours,

Jonathan Desp
Chairman and CEO, Atomasoft Inc.
Matter will become software

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: Partnership with B2B EMerging?

2000-09-10 Thread Jonathan Desp

oh I forgot, my email is [EMAIL PROTECTED], if you want to contact
me, no problem. by phone too, just ask me.

- Original Message -
From: "Jonathan Desp" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "zope zope zope" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 10:08 PM
Subject: Partnership with B2B EMerging?

 Hi guys or girls,

 I'd like to know if you are interested to partner with me, for the
 construction of B2B Emerging, at I would need someone
 technical, for Zope. I'm enthusiast and I put all my effort toward B2B
 Emerging. I invite you to read this site, it's a wonderful concept, with a
 marketing, a new marketplace. I have no limit, I think B2B Emerging could
 become the Amazon of the B2B. That's my goal. Of course it will be hard,
 that's why I wanted to create that project, but we learn when we have
 problems. I could do the site lonely, but to be alone, it's so hard. With
 someone to talk, it would be more interesting and more special. I want to
 partner with someone, I'm searching Mister B2B Emerging, a warrior,
 strong enough to understand that it could become the number one platform
 businesses around the world.

 B2B Emerging is in the middle of Ventro and B Central. We could discuss
 about the partnership, I'm wide open. I want to change this world with
 business, are you ready, I am.

 Very truly yours,

 Jonathan Desp
 Chairman and CEO, Atomasoft Inc.
 Matter will become software

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Looking for Zope vs. Others at-a-glance comparison

2000-09-10 Thread Jason Cunliffe

 Completely calm and friendly opinions follow...

yes thanks..

 I don't think it's any more difficult to create an attractive
 (graphics-wise) site in Zope than it is with PHP or ASP or plain old
 Apache-served HTML files.  Quite honestly, I'm not qualified to do it with
 any tool. :-)  I get the feeling that a lot of people expect Zope to
 sites for them.  Maybe they're expecting too much.  Or maybe I'm expecting
 too little???  Or maybe it's that most of the people using Zope today
 me) are not pretty-site designers, but people that want a powerful tool to
 manage the most important part of a site...content.

I agree absolutely that Zope is on level with PHP, ASP apacheHTML in terms
of ease.
My point is that Zope allows one to create powerful highlevel functionality
at many levels, wrapping, hiding, abstracting, reusing, modularizing things
which potentially could allow graphic designers to jump in and do great
work. But out of the box it does not and for perhaps cultural reasons will
not..Zope is largely based on reusable templates, and chunks of 'smart-html'
better known as DTML.

What Manila has done is to provide some reasonable default templates for
getting useful site development work done 'out of the box' - they have
provided a structure template, and well defined access to changing the
obvious things people want to change.

Perhaps the only product which does for Zope is Squishdot.. and I think that
largely explains why most Zope sites are Squishdot or modified squishdot
sites. I do not believe it is content vs. style.. I really think it is a
matter of Zope programmers working with graphics and web site interface
designers to create some much more accessible site templates. I fear that
without these Zope will be missing a great opportunity to extend itself into
RealWorld web applications. It _has_ the capability but lacks the real
benefits in the zope community 2-way dialogue between content managers and
content presenters. The point of view is wonderful, but rather one sided.

 Zope is not to blame for what people have done with it on the visual side.
 Content is far more important than visual appeal.  I see too many
 (many of my clients) ignoring this and focusing way too much on layout,
 placement of images, colors, cute JavaScript menus and other fancy stuff.
 I'm not saying these things are not at all important.  Browsing an
 unattractive, sloppily layed out site with lots of useful information is
 annoying and distracting.  But it's *far* better than browsing a fancy,
 "attractive" site that has nothing to offer other than sparse information,
 pretty images and slow viewing time.

Yes and Yes.
But be careful not to ignore the implications that the medium is [part of]
the message.
Style _is_  part of the content. Depends on who and what your audience is.
In so far as websites are [virtual] places, the look and feel of the
environment does matter.
Where people get carried away to either extreme they will surely fall off
those edges.

The invisible server-side aspects of sites will only be visible as
experienced functionality by end users.
But  the visible client-side is all they will ever touch. yin and yang.
How they fit together is where the magic lies.

It takes a diversity of talents and perspectives to make this work.
Content not style is a great mantra - but it leads to content without style
[and vice versa] and who wants that?

I did not say it had to be complex or excessive.. Less is more and much
harder to design often.
The problem is that to achieve good minimal design requires a lot of
iterations. People are looking for new interface paradigms and also better
tools to allow them to find them, and subsequently explore them when they

This means tools with the flexibility of zope but not in it its present
state of awareness.

 It's the site designers.  Zope isn't designed for assistance in creating
 attractive sites.  It's designed for creating manageable sites.  It's
 completely up to the designers to make it attractive, using tools designed
 to do so.  Zope (in my experience) does nothing to limit the ability to
 a site attractive, but it does do buckets for increasing manageability.

Yes. I quite agree..But why are there no attractive Zope sites?

My argument is that zope does nothing to HELP one's ability to make a site
Actually it does limit one's ability. for example look at even the syntax
for making an image object borderless? it aunt obvious.. and it could/should
be part of the image object properties

--or how about a rollover button.. Yes that is a JavaScript problem perhaps,
but what about including that as a BASIC feature of modern websites. But
imagine if that alone was made easier by zope.
Navigation bar objects would be another big plus.
Or how about a web page 'Table object' which made allowed one rapidly to
group and include other zope object in a useful and productive way.

This is not gratuitous graphics this is stuff 

Re: [Zope] Testing out new versions of XXX (in this case, WorldPilot)

2000-09-10 Thread Bill Anderson

"A.J. Rossini" wrote:
 What is the best way to test out new versions of Products without
 breaking an existing setup?  Should I simply "version" the current
 working version, then install new stuff to test, etc, or is there any
 easy way to have products "ORIGINAL" and "ORIGINAL-2" (which is what
 I'd prefer, for stability comparisons)
 (in this case, I'm curious about the palm-syncing features of WP
 1.1alpha for our home server, but can't afford to break our current
 WWW-based email access...?)
 Or should I just copy Data.fs and manually revert in case of accident?
 Advice appreciated!

Personally, I duplicate the site, and do testing on the secondary site.

Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they are easy to annoy,
and have the root password.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] newbie dtml-if/expr ?

2000-09-10 Thread Daniel Chudnov

(zope-2.1.6, rh6-linux)

How come I can't do this:

  dtml-if "var1 and var2"
   dtml-call somefuncNeedingVar1AndVar2

...or other obvious (e.g. (extra) (parenthesized)) variations thereupon,
but the following seem to work:

  dtml-if "_.has_key('var1') and _.has_key('var2')"

...or this...

  dtml-if "_.has_key('var1') and _.var2"   !-- but not vice-versa --

...or even worse, this...

  dtml-if var1
   dtml-if var2

Can't seem to find the answer in the zqr or dtml reference... what am I
missing here?  Hopefully there's a simple answer. :)

  Many thanks,


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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