[Zope-dev] Broadtree Catalog?

2000-09-25 Thread Chris Withers

Chris McDonough wrote:
 changed on the write.  This will be solved by updates to the catalog
 which use a new "broadtree" BTree implementation.

Any idea when this will land?

We'ev had to give up on the Catalog for the mailing list archives and go
with MySQL's full text indexing :-(



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[Zope-dev] How is 'retrieveItem intended to work with TTW Specialists?

2000-09-25 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hello ZPatterns Folk.

I'm trying to implement 'delagation' with a custom Specialist. The idea,
(I think this is one of the goals of ZPatterns... to allow delegation
of responsibility after the Framework is built...) 

I have:

a) MarketItemManager (Python subclass of Specialist) Some of methods, both DTML 
   and plain old Python Methods, are *meant* to be acquire by the objects (DataSkins)
   he manages.

b) ThingManager (ZClass subclass of Specialist). This is really just a test
   class that is supposed to represent some later developer integrating
   my ZPattern based EMarket into their application, (e.g., inventory or

in MarketItemManager I've defined a 'retrieveItem' (this would really be
done by the integrator...) that does something like this:

dtml-return "myGreatSite.ThingSpecialist.getItem(key)"

with the hope that when the Specialist class gets traversed 
it will execute:

def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name):
ob = getattr(self, name, _marker)
if ob is _marker:
ob = self.getItem(name)  --- traversal invokes getItem
if ob is not None:
return ob
raise 'NotFound'
return ob

def getItem(self, key):
"""Get an item"""
if hasattr(self.aq_base,'retrieveItem'):   --- getItem invokes 
return self.retrieveItem(key=key) # XXX need DTML check?

for rack in self.rackList:
item = rack.__of__(self).getItem(key)
if item is not None: return item

So my retrieve item gets called. *unfortunately* it gets
called without any namespace parameter... so my retrieveItem
DTML method has no way to acquire a namespace so that it can
delagate to something else! 

So... here is what I did... I defined a method in my Python
subclass of Specialist..

class MarketItemManager(ZPatterns.Specialists.Specialist):
"""A Market Item Manager"""

# Specify a name for the item type:

def retrieveItem(self, key):
""" get an item"""
return self.__of__(self).delegateRetrieve(self, None, key=key)

Then I made a DTML method called 'delegateRetrieve' like so:

dtml-return "myGreatSite.ThingManager.getItem(key)"

this way, my integrator can edit 'delegateRetrieve' to point
to whatever Specialist he wants to... and I have a Python
implementation of retrieveItem.

Does this sound OK? Am I working way too hard here? 
(I feel like I am! ;- )


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[Zope-dev] ZCatalog : UTF-8 Chinese

2000-09-25 Thread Sin Hang Kin


I have a project which need search with Chinese. I think I can make Zcatalog
to search Chinese in utf8. So I change Voodoo Kludge Splitter.py to convert
the input string to unicode (assume it is utf8) and make a version of split
of my own (see the attached splitter.py). I borrow (stolen) from Interscript
the utf8 encoding conversion scheme. I separate the chinese with space by
hand hoping the Zcatalog will work.

After changing these, I have a catalog which looks good : I can see from the
volucably the chinese were actually there (except with some which have html
encode like  inside the utf8.

I generate the search interface, and test it. However, the search of the
index terms return nothings. I search most entries found in the vocubalury
but none works, those work will return many unwanted results also.

What is causing this failure? What I can do to go further?


Kent Sin


Re: [Zope-dev] ZCatalog : UTF-8 Chinese

2000-09-25 Thread Zope mailing lists

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Sin Hang Kin wrote:
 I generate the search interface, and test it. However, the search of the
 index terms return nothings. I search most entries found in the vocubalury
 but none works, those work will return many unwanted results also.
 What is causing this failure? What I can do to go further?

It is possible you are having an issue with the way the splitter
is used on the search term input side.  Several of us have found
bugs in that area.  We've fixed the ones we've found, but there
may be more wry grin.

Run zope in debug mode ("the debugger is your friend" howto), and
watch what UnTextIndex does with the search terms.  (Hint: instead
of trying to set breakpoints per the howto, just uncomment the
appropriate calls to the debugger in the UnTextIndex or Lexicon
source file...)


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[Zope-dev] RE: [Zope-ZEO] Advice

2000-09-25 Thread Toby Dickenson

  But there are
  two ways to do this, either of which is viable.
  1. the right way ;-)
  2.  Code all of your logic using TTW stuff and Zope 
 components.  Use the
  Publisher.Test.test method to call methods of your 
 Zope components
  in unit tests.
  Do you really think this is a viable approach for a product with a
  non-trivial amount of logic?

 I'm afraid we are getting way off the topic of ZEO here, 
 but... I think this
 is important, so...

[Agreed. Ill CC zope-dev and I suggest we continue there.]
Sorry, I phrased my question ambiguously.

I meant, do you think a TTW development approach is viable for applications
with a non-trivial amount of logic?

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Re: [Zope-dev] RE: [Zope-ZEO] Advice

2000-09-25 Thread Chris McDonough

(I took the ZEO mail list out of the loop)...

 [Agreed. Ill CC zope-dev and I suggest we continue there.]

 Sorry, I phrased my question ambiguously.

 I meant, do you think a TTW development approach is viable for
 with a non-trivial amount of logic?

Perhaps not.  Not yet.  For example, we have no equivalent to CVS for
objects in the objectbase.  This is why filesystem products are so
attractive for apps with lots of logic.  But combining the two approaches I
think can provide you with the best of both worlds.  TTW changeability for
presentation, and filesystem base classes for traditional development.  The
ability to test TTW stuff (particularly DTML methods) with ZPublisher.test
allows for traditional unit tests.

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[Zope-dev] Testing Zope applications (was Re: [Zope-ZEO] Advice)

2000-09-25 Thread Jim Fulton

Note that this conversation hasn't had anything to do
with ZEO for some time, so I'm moving it over to zope-dev.

Toby Dickenson wrote:
 I think it is really much easier to use ZPublisher/Test
 (which is also available as Zope.debug:
import Zope
 This provides a much thinner and more easily
 controlled environment.
 ... but not a complete replication of the deployed environment. For
 example, you cant test RESPONSE.write.

This sounds like a bug that needs to be fixed, not a limitation in the
approach. Would you mind submitting a collector item on it?

 From a philosophical point of view, using Zope.debug is wrong because
 the whole purpose is an integration test of the interactions of your
 pre-tested components with the Zope environment (depending on the
 complexity of your glue, you may also think of it as a unit test of
 that glue).

But Zope.debug uses the Zope environment.  Unless you consider ZServer
a critical part of the Zope environment.  It is extremely
rare for the difference between something like ZServer and
ZPublisher.Test to have any noticable impact on the application
  The key to this is (as always) ensuring that your design process
  considers the testability of the glue.
 What do you mean by glue?
 The layer which allows Zope-ignorant code to be used as a Zope
 product. ZCatalog.py is an example of glue for Catalog.py.

I think that ZPublisher.Test provides a pretty good test harness
for anything below the publisher level, such as ZCatalog.

 How does this make anything untestable?  You certainly can decide
 correct and incorrect behavior. I think there is much more possibility
 of problems due to UI changes or dynamism that make analysis of
 test results difficult.
 I suspect our difference in opinion is the scope of what we are
 testing. Is it a bug if a product can be broken by a Manager using the
 management interface of an instance of a different product?
 Should this 'bug' be tested for?
 If so, then a test plan must verify that every dtml-namespace and
 every acquisition name lookup can never be subverted by an
 ObjectManager or PropertyManager instance, no matter how the instances
 are arranged in containers.
 The alternative is that the Manager take responsibility for not
 creating any objects with a conflicting name - but who decides which
 names are disallowed. How do you test that this list is complete?

First, as an aside, you can't prove that non-trivial software 
is correct via testing. :)

Second, part of a test is deciding what the interface to the tested
software is. One way to limit the scope of testing is to limit the
promises made, for example to leave the behavior undefined under
some circumstances.
 I dont see a way to test this constraint, and it has proven impossible
 to avoid the problems using design rules. I recently checked some of
 our recent products using strategically placed debugging __getattr__
 hooks - with initially horrifying results.

It sounds like this is a problem that needs to be addressed.
It's not really a testing problem, but an architecture problem

I'm not sure exactly what problem you are refering to. It sound's
like an issue of depending on a specific acquired name and having
the name overridden with something bogus. Is that it?

There have been a couple of recent developments that I think could
help this:

  1. It's much easier than it used to be to name objects using 
 physical paths and converting the physical paths to objects.
 This would allow you to refer to a particular object using an 
 absolute reference.

  2. There will be a new interface in Zope 2.3 that will allow
 you to prevent a name from being used lower in a containement
 hierarchy. This change is documented at: 
 The work has already been done and checked into CVS. I've asked Shane,
 the author, to update the interfaces wiki to capture this change.


Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
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[Zope-dev] trapping undo

2000-09-25 Thread Robin Becker

Is there any way in python to trap the undo event on a document?
Robin Becker

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[Zope-dev] Suggestion for better Zope error response

2000-09-25 Thread Skip Montanaro

Suppose you have a simple form like:

form action="http://www.musi-cal.com/search" method="post"
City: input name="performers" type="text"
Radius: input name="radius:int" type="text"
input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search"

and the user submits the form with an invalid input for the radius.
Assuming ZServer was not run with -D, other than the standard boilerplate,
all the user sees is


However, field2int raised ValueError with a string like

ValueError: An integer was expected in the value 'wer'

Making this available to the user, even in the non-debug case, seems like it
would be useful feedback for the user that could help guide them to their

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: [Zope-dev] I feel your Wiki Pain ;-)

2000-09-25 Thread Rik Hoekstra

 Do you feel that weblogs are bad models for debates?  I think they're
 pretty good least-common-denominators.  I would probably prefer the
 kind of annotation-based thing i described in my last message (and
 began to sketch in the WikiNG proposal) for collaborative generation
 of documents, but i can see the place for weblogs, just as i can see a
 place for network chats.  With adequate integration of email
 (for notification and response), i see them as better than just

I like the email list proposal of Martijn Faassen earlier on this list. I
added some comments to the Wiki discussion page, where someone proposed
using XML for Wikis:

I agree with Peter that the proposal is practically shouting XML all over
the place. In a Zopish way this would mean dividing up a Wiki page in
different objects (say Topics or Paragraphs or whatever). So a Wiki page
would become an XML document, consisting of Wiki node documents. The
advantage is that this would allow for a presentation in the form of

- one or several continuous pages as in the OFWikis (OF=Old Fashioned as
opposed to NG).

- a presentation with 'folded' nodes (like in a folding editor)

- a threaded discussion a la S[qu|w]ishdot or the Discussable thingy

- an XML document (for who would want it)

The editing could be in the form of Martijn Faassens XML Widgets editor: put
a node point in front of a 'discussable' node, promote that one to the top
when the 'node point' is clicked on and allow for editing. An example below,
in which the o stands for an editable (=clickable) node point (for wiki
reasons I have not put blank lines between them.

o this is the first editable node
  (user::time) this is a comment to it
(user::time) and another comment to that
  (user::time) this another one
(user::time) more comments
o this the second one
this one is not editable
o this one is
  (user::time) a commennt to the last node

alternate view (in threaded discussion mode - probably know to all):
(- is foldable; + is expandable)
-This is the first editable node
 + this is a comment to it
 -  this another one
   - and another one to that
- this the second one
this one is not editable
+this one is

another 2 cents


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Re: [Zope-dev] How is 'retrieveItem intended to work with TTW Specialists?

2000-09-25 Thread Phillip J. Eby

At 08:00 AM 9/25/00 -0500, Steve Spicklemire wrote:

So my retrieve item gets called. *unfortunately* it gets
called without any namespace parameter... so my retrieveItem
DTML method has no way to acquire a namespace so that it can
delagate to something else! 

So... here is what I did... I defined a method in my Python
subclass of Specialist..

class MarketItemManager(ZPatterns.Specialists.Specialist):
"""A Market Item Manager"""

# Specify a name for the item type:

def retrieveItem(self, key):
""" get an item"""
return self.__of__(self).delegateRetrieve(self, None, key=key)

Then I made a DTML method called 'delegateRetrieve' like so:

dtml-return "myGreatSite.ThingManager.getItem(key)"

this way, my integrator can edit 'delegateRetrieve' to point
to whatever Specialist he wants to... and I have a Python
implementation of retrieveItem.

Does this sound OK? Am I working way too hard here? 
(I feel like I am! ;- )

Remember in the code where I have "# XXX DTML check?"  That's because I was
anticipating your problem, but since I didn't personally need to do what
you're doing yet, I didn't implement it.  For one thing, I was waiting to
see if Zope core method binding would get fixed.  Unfortunately, I'm not
sure that Zope method binding is going to be available for anything but
PythonMethods in 2.3.  As of right now, however, you should be able to use
a PythonMethod for retrieveItem, rather than a DTML Method, and it should

In short, even now, delegateRetrieve should not be necessary.  You should
be able to implement retrieveItem using a PythonMethod or a DTML Document
rather than a DTML Method.  (I say *should* because I have not tried it

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Re: [Zope] Single html checkbox as list?

2000-09-25 Thread Jerome Alet

just do something like:

input type="checkbox" name="yourname:list"

good luck

Jerome ALET - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://cortex.unice.fr/~jerome
Faculte de Medecine de Nice - http://noe.unice.fr - Tel: 04 93 37 76 30 
28 Avenue de Valombrose - 06107 NICE Cedex 2 - FRANCE

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 since I didn't find anything on that topic, the solution might be
 obvious but I ran into the following problem:
 I have a html form with several checkboxes. If one checkbox is
 selected, the variable containing the result is represented by a
 string, if two or more checkboxes are selected the variable is
 represented by a list.
 Is there a way to force the variable to be a list, even if only one
 checkbox is selected?
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Re: [Zope] Use of the :records variable type and ZSQL methods

2000-09-25 Thread Rik Hoekstra

 Error Type: Bad Request
 Error Value: ['Field1', 'Field2']
 Here is the code I used and sqlTest is the ZSQL Method that just inserts the
 two fields into a test DB:
 dtml-in testlist
 dtml-call sqlTest
 What am I doing wrong?

you'll have to feed a named argument to your Zsql method (that is in its
definition). In this case that would be testlist. Then it should work as



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[Zope] Can't export only an ObjectManager

2000-09-25 Thread Chris Withers

Andy McKay wrote:
 How do I export a folder using the Import/Export tab with exporting all the

You do mean 'wihout', don't you?

 (Stupidest suggestion so far: delete all subjects, export, undelete)

That's the only way I can think of...

A patch that added a checkbox and a little more logic to the export code
should do the job...



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Re: [Zope] HTML Widgets, In-place editing in Zope

2000-09-25 Thread Chris Withers

Phill Hugo wrote:

Cool :-)

 widgets is an external method which will be on Zope.org next week if all
 goes well.

Looking forward to it...



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[Zope] Error shouldn't be appended :-S

2000-09-25 Thread Chris Withers

Skip Montanaro wrote:
 Having only recently upgraded from Zope 2.0 to 2.2.1 I see that the default
 behavior for traceback reporting is still to embed them in an HTML comment
 (or display them when debugging).  

Yeah, and in production mode it sticks it after the end of your /html

...which I'm sure is bad.

Does anyone know how to hack this off?

Why is it there anyway? I'm sure it exposes some information you really
don't want h4x0r5 to have about your software setup...



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[Zope] Not Patch to let Authorized Exceptions use standard_error_message ;-)

2000-09-25 Thread Chris Withers

Andy McKay wrote:
 Well theres the thing, its not really a patch. I doesnt allow Authorized
 Exceptions to use standard_error_message, thats a whole different kettle of
 /lib/python/ZPublishers/HTTPResponse.py line 482 to 523 contains HTML text
 for the error message. So you can rewrite that. Thats all I have done.

Ah well, there you go, getting my hopes up :-(



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[Zope] How to apply arbitrary methods to objects?

2000-09-25 Thread seb


I'm trying to create an inline interface to manage_edit.  If a user is
authenticated, instead of seeing the default views of each snippet of
content, they get a textarea with a submit button for each snippet.

I'm still new to all this, so I'm not sure how I should be going about
it: a zclass with the content as a property?  a product that subclasses
DTMLDocument and overrides the __call__ method? I settled on creating a
DTML method, "editable", which works fine if you call it from the url
(code included at bottom of mail):


Inside "editable", when I call dtml-var __str__ the content of the
parent object is returned, which is what I wanted.  The plan was,
whenever I had a snippet which I wanted to be editable, I would call it
inside my dtml thus:

dtml-var snippet/editable

which of course doesn't work.  Eventually I found I had to do...

dtml-var "snippet.editable(REQUEST)"

...because the editable method doesn't inherit the context of snippet
like it does when you call it from the URL, and I needed to authenticate
the user.  But now I'm finding that the dtml-var __str__ inside the
editable method is actually rendering the content of the page that the
snippet is in, rather than the snippet itself.

How should I call the editable method of snippet in such a way that it
inherits the context of snippet rather than the context of its parent? 
I've tried dtml-with snippetdtml-var editable/dtml-with but then
editable can't access any other objects, e.g. update_content, in the
folder.  Perhaps I should be going about this completely differently?



editable is a DTML method:

dtml-if "AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role('Manager')"
form action="update_content"
input type="text" name="title:text" value="dtml-var title_or_id"
textarea name="data:text" cols="30" rows="20"
dtml-var __str__
input type="submit"
dtml-var __str__

update_content is an external method:

def update_content(self,REQUEST):
return REQUEST.form["data"]

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[Zope] Help: Zope2 all threads frozen...

2000-09-25 Thread Gilles Lavaux


I have zope2.2 with whats look like all thread frozen(on linux, using
Netstat reports a lot of connections ESTABLISHED or CLOSE_WAIT to the zope

Of course zope is not responding.

Who to solve this (of course I can kill+restart), is it possible to set a
connection timeout limit?


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[Zope] Guess Who . . .

2000-09-25 Thread Spicklemire, Jerry

 . . . has a opening posted on their Web Site for a C/C++ programmer with 
Zope / Python experience?


Email Software Engineer (CA-K23137)
Category: Software
Location: CA
Division: Other Divisions 

Work as a part of a small team developing a hosted domain e-mail service for
small businesses. 

 Desired Skills 
Excellent C/C++ coding skills, Unix Development experience (FreeBSD, AIX,
Linux a plus), Experience with OPEN SOURCE code (or work with legacy code),
Working knowledge of SMTP, sendmail, POP3, IMAP, LDAP, Experience with
scripted HTML languages (ZOPE, Python) a plus 

 Education Required 
Bachelors Degree 
Computer Science (or equivalent) required 

 Experience Required 
Six years work related experience  

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Re: [Zope] What options exist for dealing with tracebacks?

2000-09-25 Thread Skip Montanaro

John Although Didier Georgieff has given a thorough reply, I couldn't
John resist a quick plug... ;-)

John http://www.zope.org/Members/JohnC/StandardErrorMessage

John which has info on using and customising error pages, including
John e-mailing of errors.

Thanks, interesting, but in my case, probably not immediately useful.  It
slipped my mind when posting that I need to qualify all my zope posts with,
"I'm not using full-blown Zope.  I only use ZServer + DocumentTemplates."
Still, knowing that there is some mechanism for Zope doing this, gives me
hope that I can perhaps do it just by twiddling bits in my code.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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[Zope] Why no full Zope?

2000-09-25 Thread Chris Withers

Skip Montanaro wrote:
 Thanks, interesting, but in my case, probably not immediately useful.  It
 slipped my mind when posting that I need to qualify all my zope posts with,
 "I'm not using full-blown Zope.  I only use ZServer + DocumentTemplates."
 Still, knowing that there is some mechanism for Zope doing this, gives me
 hope that I can perhaps do it just by twiddling bits in my code.

Why not just use all of Zope and be done with it?



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[Zope] ZWiki RecentChanges don't work in Zope 2.2.x

2000-09-25 Thread Chris Withers

...you get an authorization error :-(

This is because this Wiki isn't (and shouldn't) be publicly viewable or

So, Anonymous doesn't have 'View' permission on the folder. I've given
Anonymous 'Access Contents Information', the usual nasty hack I had to
do before, but now that just changes the error message :-S (it's in a PS

I guess the Interfaces Wiki does pretty much this, but RecentChanges
works there. What tweaks to permissions and code have been made there?

This all stems from the fact that DTML in Wiki code _always_ executes
with the Anonymous role. That's stoopid :-(
Wouldn't it make more sense for it to execute with whatever Proxy Roles
that Wiki Page has?
I would code this myself, but I don't know how. Any ideas?

Any other thoughts about the problem?




You are not authorized to access getSize

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /mnt/data/2/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py,
line 222, in publish_module
  File /mnt/data/2/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py,
line 187, in publish
  File /mnt/data/2/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py,
line 171, in publish
  File /mnt/data/2/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py, line
160, in mapply
(Object: RecentChanges)
  File /mnt/data/2/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py,
line 112, in call_object
(Object: RecentChanges)
/usr/local/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/Products/ZWiki/ZWikiPage.py, line
178, in __call__
(Object: RecentChanges)
/usr/local/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/Products/ZWiki/ZWikiPage.py, line
223, in render_htmldtml
(Object: RecentChanges)
  File /mnt/data/2/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/OFS/DTMLDocument.py, line
177, in __call__
(Object: RecentChanges)
line 528, in __call__
(Object: RecentChanges)
  File /mnt/data/2/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_In.py,
line 691, in renderwob
(Object: aq_parent.objectValues(spec='ZWiki Page'))
/mnt/data/2/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_Util.py, line
337, in eval
(Object: _.getitem('sequence-item').getSize())
(Info: _)
  File string, line 0, in ?
/mnt/data/2/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_Util.py, line
140, in careful_getattr
/usr/local/zope/2-2-2_base/lib/python/Products/ZWiki/ZWikiPage.py, line
501, in validate
(Object: RecentChanges)
Unauthorized: (see above)

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZWiki RecentChanges don't work in Zope 2.2.x

2000-09-25 Thread Martijn Pieters

On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 04:14:03PM +0100, Chris Withers wrote:
 ...you get an authorization error :-(
 This is because this Wiki isn't (and shouldn't) be publicly viewable or
 So, Anonymous doesn't have 'View' permission on the folder. I've given
 Anonymous 'Access Contents Information', the usual nasty hack I had to
 do before, but now that just changes the error message :-S (it's in a PS
 I guess the Interfaces Wiki does pretty much this, but RecentChanges
 works there. What tweaks to permissions and code have been made there?
 This all stems from the fact that DTML in Wiki code _always_ executes
 with the Anonymous role. That's stoopid :-(
 Wouldn't it make more sense for it to execute with whatever Proxy Roles
 that Wiki Page has?
 I would code this myself, but I don't know how. Any ideas?
 Any other thoughts about the problem?

I have seen the same problem; the getSize method isn't accessible to
RecentChanges, even though the Authenticated User has the View permission.
Only when you explicitly give Anonymous the View permission on the Folder
(or every individual ZWiki page), will RecentChanges render.

This is caused by specific 'safetybelting', implemented by Jim Fulton, to
mitigate the risks of ZWikis becoming an easy entry point for a Trojan
Horse attack. 

With the new security policy in Zope 2.2, this is no longer necessary, and
you can comment out the restriction. Just remove or comment out the
'validate' method in the file Products/ZWiki/ZWikiPage.py and restart your
Zope server. Note that on a pre-2.2 server, this means that any DTML code
executed in a ZWiki page will be executed with the rights of the viewer!

If you still have problems, make sure that the Owner of the RecentChanges
object has rights to 'View' the ZWiki pages.

The Interfaces Wiki (and all other Zope.org Wikis) allow Anonymous to
View, only Editing and Adding new Wiki pages is restricted.

Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineer  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] ZWiki RecentChanges don't work in Zope 2.2.x

2000-09-25 Thread Simon Michael

what Martijn said (thanks Martijn). 

Another quick workaround mentioned on ZWikiProblems: you could remove
the calls to getSize and similar attributes from your recentchanges
page.  Then Access Contents Information should be sufficient.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Set access rule

2000-09-25 Thread Martijn Pieters

On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 01:52:26PM -0300, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
   I did an upgrade last week, from zope 2.1.6 to 2.2.1, using
 Debian packages.
   Almost everything was correct, but site access no longer works.

Zope 2.2 requires SiteAccess 2 to work. 

SiteAccess 1 will not work with Zope 2.2, but unfortunately the Debian
package for SiteAccess 1 doesn't list this restriction. This is probably
due to Debian policy not to allow changes to packages in stable releases
unless it is a security fix.

You can download a Debian package of SiteAccess 2 from 


Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineer  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Nasty subtle security bug - Me Too

2000-09-25 Thread Brad Clements

On 25 Sep 2000, at 21:01, Martijn Faassen wrote:

 In Zope 2.2.2, the user cannot execute the external method E either.
 Instead, the calling DTML code raises a NameError, basically saying our
 external method does not exist.

 I'll also dump this description into the collector, but posted to the
 list because I like to complain. And who knows, perhaps someone else
 ran into the same.

I also get the same problem in a different way. I posted a note the other 
day about Login Manager and ownership generating NameError.

I thought it was a Login Manager thing. The results are about the same, 
I get a NameError accessing an External method from a DTML method 
when the current user has been authenticated using a Login manager 
protectec sub folder of the root.

My fix, strangely enough, was to change the ownershipp of the DTML 
method that was making the call to the External Method. It was owned 
(somehow) by a user from Login Manager, rather than from the root 
acl_users folder.

Changing the ownership fixed the problem.

I didn't know who should look into this, Ty or DC, so I posted to the list. 
Unfortunately it looks like no one has responded. I don't have the brains 
to figure it out.

Brad Clements,[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (315)268-1000
http://www.murkworks.com  (315)268-9812 Fax
netmeeting: ils://ils.murkworks.com   AOL-IM: BKClements

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Nasty subtle security bug

2000-09-25 Thread Martijn Faassen

Hi there,

I'm about to describe a very nasty bug that appears to exist in
different guises in at least Zope 2.1.6 and Zope 2.2.2.

The bug is nasty because it occurs under rather restricted
circumstances, so nobody else noticed it yet, but it keeps biting _me_.

The circumstances:

  * we have external method E in the root

  * we have a user defined in the root. This user has a certain role A.

  * we authenticate that user with a DTML method in root for role A.
(so role A in this setup exists to force authentication only)

  * we give the user a local role B (or local user account with same
username/password with that role) in a higher folder, X.

  * the external method E has security permissions to only work
with role B (and manager), not with anonymous.

As far as I am aware, our user should be able to execute E in the context
of X and any subfolders, as the user has the right role there. Our user
should not be able to execute E in the context of any other folder, however.
(the execution happens through a DTML call)

The symptoms:

In Zope 2.1.6, the user cannot execute the external method E. Instead, the
user is asked to reauthenticate. Naturally, reauthenticating the user again
as himself won't work.

In Zope 2.2.2, the user cannot execute the external method E either. Instead,
the calling DTML code raises a NameError, basically saying our external
method does not exist.

The subtle bits -- when it *does* work fine --:

This is probably why nobody actually ran into this one before.

  * it works fine when the user has manager role (at least in root)

  *  it works fine when the external method is executable by anonymous.

  * it works fine when the external method is defined in another folder
(not root folder)

  * it works fine with DTML methods

  * it even works fine (tested in 2.1.6) when the role is *not* added as 
a local role or with a local user account; if the user has role B
from the start, it works. This one particularly gave me a lot of 

The workaround that gets closest to what I want is to define the external
methods in folder higher up instead. But that's not really desirable, in
my circumstances I want the external method callable in the entire site,
if the user is authenticated.

Some minor observations:

  * ZClass instances seem to be affected as well. I'm not as sure about
the symptoms here though.

Anyway, I tried to upgrade to 2.2.2 to avoid this bug in particular, but
the only thing I got was a NameError instead of an Authentication
error. Sigh..

It doesn't appear to be a security leak, it appears to be overzealeous
security instead. :)

I'll also dump this description into the collector, but posted to the
list because I like to complain. And who knows, perhaps someone else
ran into the same.



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Nasty subtle security bug - Me Too

2000-09-25 Thread Martijn Faassen

Brad Clements wrote:
 On 25 Sep 2000, at 21:01, Martijn Faassen wrote:
  In Zope 2.2.2, the user cannot execute the external method E either.
  Instead, the calling DTML code raises a NameError, basically saying our
  external method does not exist.
  I'll also dump this description into the collector, but posted to the
  list because I like to complain. And who knows, perhaps someone else
  ran into the same.
 I also get the same problem in a different way. I posted a note the other 
 day about Login Manager and ownership generating NameError.
 I thought it was a Login Manager thing. The results are about the same, 
 I get a NameError accessing an External method from a DTML method 
 when the current user has been authenticated using a Login manager 
 protectec sub folder of the root.

This was just plain vanilla user folder. I also get it with ZClass
instances, though I get a reauthentication request (impossible one) in that
case. In  2.1.6, I'd get reauthentication requests for both external
methods and ZClass instances.

 My fix, strangely enough, was to change the ownershipp of the DTML 
 method that was making the call to the External Method. It was owned 
 (somehow) by a user from Login Manager, rather than from the root 
 acl_users folder.
 Changing the ownership fixed the problem.

I don't see how to accomplish this in my page. The root folder isn't
owned by anyone, and I can't change it to be owned, I think. The
external methods are all owned by my manager user, can I can't seem
to change that either.

 I didn't know who should look into this, Ty or DC, so I posted to the list. 
 Unfortunately it looks like no one has responded. I don't have the brains 
 to figure it out.

If it is indeed the same problem, it seems to be a Zope core bug.

In fact I misreported that moving the external method to a subfolder
solved all problems -- it still fails (at least in 2.2.2, perhaps it worked
in 2.1.6), as long as the local role needed to execute it is added to the
user in a subfolder below it). If the role is added in the same folder or
a folder above the definition of the external method, it works.



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Authentication problem when accessing ZSQL method

2000-09-25 Thread César A. K. Grossmann

Dieter Maurer wrote:
   authenticate by my browser. I can't see anything in the security attributes
   for the SQL method which requires authentication, and I can 'test' the ZSQL
   method succesfully without requiring authentication.
 You must grant the "use database methods" to "Annonymous".

I think it's better to criate a special role, give to this role the
permission to "use database methods" and to give proxy role to the
methods that make authentication and uses the database connection and
ZSQL methods.

I think it's documented in the "GenericUserFolder with MySQL HOWTO" (or
something like it)...

 | César A. K. Grossmann   | Capacitação Solidária   |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]| http://www.uol.com.br/umminuto/ |
 | http://members.xoom.com/ckant/  | Clique e doe - é de graça   |
If you're not careful, you're going to catch something.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] multiple ZOPE ...

2000-09-25 Thread Terry Kerr

We host zope using mutliple installations of zope.  It is better this way
because then the clients can control which products they have installed, they
can tweak their products without bothering anyone else, they can stop and
restart zope whenever they please...the basically have full control.   You
can't do that with more than one client using the same instance.

Yes it does use a fair bit of memory, but you would expect your client to pay
for it accordingly.


"Dicken, Peer" wrote:


 How can I provide ZOPE Hosting? I have successfully tried SiteAccess and
 Apache Proxying, but that´s not what I like - it´s a little bit ZOPE
 "light", no control panel for clients...

 I think it´s best to provide a zope installation for any of our clients,
 but, wouldn´t that be eating up my servers memory? Today i´ve set up three
 installations by simply having 3 zope installations running on different
 ports in different folders (/www/domain/zope).

 Is there any more advanced way to do (virtual) hosting with zope AND provide
 control panels to the clients or is it okay to have one installation per
 costumer running?

 MfG / best regards,

 Peer Dicken

 Softwareentwicklung  Unternehmensberatung
 Edisonstr. 1
 59199 Bönen

 Tel.: +49 23 83 - 9191-0
 Fax.: +49 23 83 - 919191

 Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Adroit Internet Solutions Pty Ltd (www.adroit.net)
Phone:   +613 9563 4461
Fax: +613 9563 3856
Mobile:  +61 414 708 124
ICQ: 79303381

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Re: [Zope] Cookie pointer.

2000-09-25 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

TMGB wrote:
 Since cookies have been brought up, I tried the following code (Using
 Steve's example):

I cannot use this code in a GUF/docLogin. I get the error:


You are not authorized to access ZopeTime. "

What can I do to this code works?

César A. K. Grossmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://members.xoom.com/ckant/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Zope] Cookie pointer.

2000-09-25 Thread Steve Drees

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Cesar
 A. K. Grossmann
 Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 5:06 PM
 Cc: Zope@Zope. Org
 Subject: Re: [Zope] Cookie pointer.
 TMGB wrote:
  Since cookies have been brought up, I tried the following code (Using
  Steve's example):
 I cannot use this code in a GUF/docLogin. I get the error:
 You are not authorized to access ZopeTime. "
 What can I do to this code works?

Can you cut and paste the offending code?

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] displaying based on date

2000-09-25 Thread Marco Mariani

On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 05:00:47PM -0500, Timothy Wilson wrote:

 I've created a ZClass and I'm using an HTML table to display certain
 properties of the class. One of the properties is a date, and I want to
 display in the table only those instances of the ZClass for which this
 certain date property is in the future. (It's a job posting ZClass, and I
 only want to display jobs that haven't yet closed.)
 I see in the ZQR that there is an 'isFuture' test that looks like it is
 associated with fmt. ZQR says for isFuture, "Return true if this object
 represents a date/time later than the time of the call."
 Can I combine this with a dtml-if? Is there a more elegant way?

Yes, like in:

dtml-in some_items sort=date
dtml-if "date.isFuture()"



Where some_items is a list of objects with a date property.

I think it's nice enough.

You may even collapse everything in a row (untested):

dtml-in "filter(lambda x:x.date.isFuture(), some_items)" sort=date


"This company has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
 If the problem persists, contact your vendor or appeal to a higher court."
 - Signal11 on slashdot

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Cookie pointer.

2000-09-25 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

Steve Drees wrote:
  What can I do to this code works?
 Can you cut and paste the offending code?

Exactly the same of the message of Thomas:

dtml-if expr="RESPONSE.setCookie('name', 'value', path='/',
expires=(ZopeTime() + (1.0/102.0))"
 "You have cookies enabled"
  "Your browser does not support cookies"

If I get rid of the 'expires' parameter, I receive allways the same
"Your browser does not support cookies". Even when the cookies suport is
enabled... The code changed looks like:


dtml-call "RESPONSE.setCookie('name', 'value', path='/')"

dtml-if "RESPONSE.cookies['name']=='value'"


dtml-call "RESPONSE.expireCookie('name')"


(spaces/blank lines added to make it more readable).

César A. K. Grossmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://members.xoom.com/ckant/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] How to automatically document a Zope site?

2000-09-25 Thread Brad Clements

I'm looking for a product, how-to or suggestions on how to document a 
zope site.

Basically I just want to walk the tree of objects and output a nicely 
formatted series of pages that list the object, type, title, modification 
time, etc..

Anyone got something ready made?

Brad Clements,[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (315)268-1000
http://www.murkworks.com  (315)268-9812 Fax
netmeeting: ils://ils.murkworks.com   AOL-IM: BKClements

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] How to automatically document a Zope site?

2000-09-25 Thread Chris McDonough

No, although if you take a look at the way SQL Methods generate the
dropdown "connection list", you'll get a good understanding of how to
walk a tree of objectmanagers...

Brad Clements wrote:
 I'm looking for a product, how-to or suggestions on how to document a
 zope site.
 Basically I just want to walk the tree of objects and output a nicely
 formatted series of pages that list the object, type, title, modification
 time, etc..
 Anyone got something ready made?
 Brad Clements,[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (315)268-1000
 http://www.murkworks.com  (315)268-9812 Fax
 netmeeting: ils://ils.murkworks.com   AOL-IM: BKClements
 Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
 (Related lists -
  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Chris McDonough
Digital Creations, Publishers of Zope

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] RedHat site mentions Zope

2000-09-25 Thread Stephan Richter

Hello everyone,

I just saw on www.redhat.com the following:

Features for the developer:
"Popular web application development tools like PHP and Zope"

Link: http://www.redhat.com/products/software/linux/rhl7_standard.html

Wow, pretty cool. It is only a five bullet list! I guess Zope is winning 
acceptance rapidly.

Stephan Richter
CBU - Physics and Chemistry Student
Web2k - Web Design/Development  Technical Project Management

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] cannot run without -D on win2000 ?

2000-09-25 Thread Gijs Reulen


I tried to run Zope without the -D option but it will hang after the
C:\Program Files\Zope_220\bin\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\Zope_220\z2.py
I tried both the 2.1.6 and 2.2.0 versions.

Does anybody else have this same problem ?
With the -D option Zope runs ok, but I would like to supress the traceback
on errors.

Gijs Reulen

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] How to automatically document a Zope site?

2000-09-25 Thread Brad Clements

Here's what I just whipped up in 5 minutes.. should think before posting 
I guess.

Create Method /Document

dtml-var standard_html_header
dtml-var "DocumentRecurse(_.None,_,parent=Strader,indent=0)"
dtml-var standard_html_footer

Strader is the top Folder I want to document

Then Create Method /DocumentRecurse

dtml-with parent
table width="100%" border="0" style="margin-left: dtml-indent;%" cellspacing="0" 
dtml-in objectItems sort
trtd width="20%"img src="/dtml-var icon" width="16" height="16"
dtml-var sequence-key/td
td width="20%"dtml-var meta_type/td
td width="20%"dtml-var title/td
td width="30%"a href="dtml-var "absolute_url()"/manage"dtml-var 
dtml-if "meta_type == 'Folder'"
trtd colspan="4"dtml-var 

Brad Clements,[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (315)268-1000
http://www.murkworks.com  (315)268-9812 Fax
netmeeting: ils://ils.murkworks.com   AOL-IM: BKClements

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] cannot run without -D on win2000 ?

2000-09-25 Thread Phil Harris


I'm running Zope 2.2.2 on Windows 2000 Advanced Server at home wih -D with
no problems.

Here's the registry entry for it:

"D:\zope221\bin\python.exe" "D:\zope221\z2.py" -S



- Original Message -
From: "Gijs Reulen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Mailinglist Zope" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 12:44 AM
Subject: [Zope] cannot run without -D on win2000 ?


 I tried to run Zope without the -D option but it will hang after the
 C:\Program Files\Zope_220\bin\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\Zope_220\z2.py
 I tried both the 2.1.6 and 2.2.0 versions.

 Does anybody else have this same problem ?
 With the -D option Zope runs ok, but I would like to supress the traceback
 on errors.

 Gijs Reulen

 Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
 (Related lists -
  http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Favorites

2000-09-25 Thread rishi

Hi guys I've got a reply that my explaination was not good, let me try

I have a website running on zope with apache.
The users of my site can store memo's and bookmarks there.
The following tihng is going on; they are uploading the bookmark file
manualy, by exporting from IE or NS. There is a util called
"ImportExportFavorites", a javascript syntax that gets the bookmarks and
post them to the server.

--" javascript:window.external.ImportExportFavorites(false,'your server
adress') "--

when I use this util, it will send it's data tru the http_user_agent called
is there a posible way for grabbing the data it is sending into zope ?
it will send a file called 'img.fav'


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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