Re: [Zope] How best to restart Zope?

2000-09-19 Thread Jørgen Skogstad

Jason Cunliffe wrote:
 Q: How to make sure Zope restarts automatically it is shut down ?
 Zope version: Zope 2.2.0 (binary release, python 1.5.2, linux2-x86)
 Python version: 1.5.2 (#10, Dec 6 1999, 12:16:27) [GCC]
 Linux2.2.5-15 RedHat6.0 (Hedwig)
 any ideas?
 - Jason
 Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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There is an article on that describes the
daemontools package .. do a search on the zope website for
"daemontools" .. and you should be redirected to some
"lightwerk" website in germany i think.. 

.. that should do the trick!


Med vennlig hilsen,
Jørgen Skogstad

  /\System Specialist
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 mine and not of my employer.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Oedipus / Zope / python / product / XML ++

2000-09-11 Thread Jørgen Skogstad

Hi there .. 

I've been looking into something this weekend. I need somehting
that can handle my link database etc. and list them through Zope
on a regular basis.

I was looking at Oedipus which can create "semi-xml" DMOZ like
directories which would suffice for v0.1b of my product. I was
thinking of using Oedipus and store them in the database there
and generate a new xml-like-structure every day through some
cron script.

.. what I was hoping for is to use the LocalFS product for Zope
and some kind of python "product" (which I need to make to fit
into Zope) which can parse this .. sort of like the *.cgi 
script which followed with the Oedipus installation.

By doing this; I can generate DMOZ/Link databases that show 
information about the site; when it was checked last, updated
etc. etc.

My questions are as follows;
* How do I generate a package of some pythong scripts?
* Are there any better ways of parsing and putting this 
  xml-like file under "Zope control" .. 

* Are there any XML products for Zope that can get a file
  from an url .. and parse this with some python scripts to
  generate a yahoo type listing?

Would apriciate any input!


Med vennlig hilsen,
Jørgen Skogstad

  /\System Specialist
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BTW; Opinions formed by myself in informal mailings are 
 mine and not of my employer.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Zope + Apache + fastcgi + unix socket ..

2000-09-04 Thread Jørgen Skogstad

Hi there.. 

Have any1 of you gotten local unix domain socket style access
of Zope behind Apache to work? I have not .. and I am running
this on Solaris. 

I see that Apache is trying to access the "file" .. and I presume
the request is passed to fastcgi .. but I never see the request 
in Z2.log.

I have fired Zope with socket access .. and configured Fast-
CgiExternalServer .. etc. for apache.

Anyone have any information about this? Would apriciate any!
I have browsed too .. without any success .. ;)


Med vennlig hilsen,
Jørgen Skogstad

  /\System Specialist
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\ \\ /  Sun Microsystems AS
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  / /   \//\N-0486 Oslo, NORWAY  
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/ \\ \  Cellular: + 47 92 41 30 23
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BTW; Opinions formed by myself in informal mailings are 
 mine and not of my employer.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Builing DynPersist.c - LoginManager / ZPatterns ..

2000-08-21 Thread Jørgen Skogstad

Kindest .. 

I've been trying to implement LoginManager with ZPatters today,
but have failed so far. Can anyone give me some input with this.
Would really like to have some pointers in the correct direction.


It is the file above it fails on .. and I think I saw a message
that this is a "common" problem others have experienced. Is this
correct? And does anyone have the shared lib for RH v6.2??

.. would really apriciate it if someone would contribute 5 mins
of their time!

Have a real nice day.. and thanks in advance. ;) 


Med vennlig hilsen,
Jørgen Skogstad

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Reg. ZMySQLDA/MySQLdb-0.1.2 - compile/install ..

2000-07-28 Thread Jørgen Skogstad

Kindest ..

I am having certain problems with the installment of the product.
I dl'ed tyhe v1.2.0 that was recently put out.. and all seems to 
install and compile just fine with no errors reported.

.. and I have manually checked that "import _mysql" works in 
python .. so it has mysql support.

.. however this error message occurs when I restart Zope and
check if the product was imported fine (which is obviously was

ZMySQLDA Import Traceback

Traceback (innermost last):
line 396, in import_products
line 106, in ?
import sys, os, Globals, DA
line 108, in ?
from db import DB
  File "/usr/share/zope/lib/python/Products/ZMySQLDA/", line 106,
in ?
ImportError: No module named _mysql

Why does this path occur;


I have not referenced anything there.. and should be in the general
Zope implementation.. should it not?

Anyone had similar problems and solved them?


Med vennlig hilsen,
Jørgen Skogstad

  /\System Specialist
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\ \\ /  Sun Microsystems AS
   / \/ / / Gjerdrums vei 12  
  / /   \//\N-0486 Oslo, NORWAY  
  \//\   / /  
   / / /\ / Phone:+ 47 22 02 39 00 
/ \\ \  Cellular: + 47 92 41 30 23
 \ \\   Fax:  + 47 22 02 39 99  

BTW; Opinions formed by myself in informal mailings are 
 mine and not of my employer.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Zope + _mysql + mysql database adapter ..

2000-07-28 Thread Jørgen Skogstad


I've compiled the "ZMySQLDA-1.2.0.tar.gz" for Zope v2.2 and
mysql with success. No errors occur exept after I restart Zope.
I have two python instances on my machine .. one in the
Zope dir (bundled with Zope) .. and the ordinary in 
/usr/local/bin/python .. the Zope python instance does not
recognize the _mysql module, but the /usr/local/bin/python

15:32 root@nexus [ /home/kroot  /usr/local/bin/python
Python 1.5.2 (#1, Jul 13 2000, 23:33:39)  [GCC 2.95.2 19991024
(release)] on sunos5
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
 import _mysql
15:32 root@nexus [ /home/kroot  

15:31 root@nexus [ /service/zope 
Python 1.5.2 (#8, Nov 16 1999, 10:05:41)  [GCC 2.8.1] on sunos5
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
 import _mysql
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "stdin", line 1, in ?
ImportError: No module named _mysql
15:31 root@nexus [ /service/zope  ^D

How can I make sure that the Zope bundled python instance 
also gets access to the _mysql python module? I am sure this
is just a matter of arguments or possibly some env variables..

.. but as of right now; I am lost. ;) 

Would apriciate any input! ;) 


Med vennlig hilsen,
Jørgen Skogstad

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Reg. ZMySQLDA/MySQLdb-0.1.2 - compile/install ..

2000-07-28 Thread Jørgen Skogstad

  I am having certain problems with the installment of the product.
  I dl'ed tyhe v1.2.0 that was recently put out.. and all seems to
  install and compile just fine with no errors reported.
 Try to use the most recent packages to be found at:
 Don't use any patch or whatever.. This should solve your problems.

Got it running now.. wierd stuff.. I had an old implementation og
Zope in /usr/local... .. and the new in /test .. and when I added the
db adapter to the /zope thing .. the paths went all crazy .. 

.. though; when I added the $PYTHONPATH to the /site-packages dir 
with the mysql db adapter and the file.. even the
zope packaged python could import _mysql .. so; now all is well
and I am ready to conquer mysql land once again.

Thanks alot for the input.. and you guys have a real nice weekend. ;) 


Med vennlig hilsen,
Jørgen Skogstad

  /\System Specialist
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\ \\ /  Sun Microsystems AS
   / \/ / / Gjerdrums vei 12  
  / /   \//\N-0486 Oslo, NORWAY  
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BTW; Opinions formed by myself in informal mailings are 
 mine and not of my employer.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Re: ZEO and 2gb max limit for linux .. not for solaris etc.

2000-07-27 Thread Jørgen Skogstad

Sven Hohage wrote:
 Hallo Jorgen,
 I write you cause I've got a question about Zope.
 You've posted on the mailing list on my question with the filesize of
 the data.fs or in ZEO ZSS.
 My problem is that I'd like to know which Unix - versions don't have
 this filesize limitations and if there is a linux version without that
 Or do you know another way to solve this problem??
  Many thanks

Hmm.. well .. I can tell you what I know as of today. Linux
has this limitation as of today. At least all the variants I 
have come over (mostly Red Hat and Suse). The limitation is in
the filesystem implementation itself; meaning that the number
of "references" that can be created cannot exceed the address
limit of 2gb. 

Solaris does not have this limitation and neither does Hp-Ux
or SGI Irix. I know previous versions of SunOS (v4.x) had the
same limitation as linux is experiencing today.

Though.. there are ways "around" the problem. Though; all different
over the variuos unix versions as of today. When running Zope
you really don't have much choice on linux. When you hit the
2gb barrier .. you have problems. I have not tried it .. but 
as I can recall there was a product for Zope that made it possible
to "mount" several databases at once .. though it was beta.

.. this might solve a problem .. and would from my point of view
be a nice way to go. This way; the administrator of the system
also have some choices as to where he want to put his data. 
Then you can move certain object databases to fast storage .. 
and so forth.

.. so; if you have those problems; get Solaris v7/v8 for Intel
(or if you can afford it- sparc!) .. and run Zope of that.

I do so .. but then again; I am not near the 2gb barrier that
many people have come over. ;) 

.. on the other hand; I am not aware of the various "beta"
filesystem implementations and kernel "to-do"'s for linux, 
but I suspect that it will not be long before that problem
is solved.

.. oh! When I think of it.. SGI has ported their XFS to linux.
Not sure how far that implementation has gone yet.. but the
link to check out is;

Looks promising.. and a "production" like filesystem for linux
is a "must" as far as I can see. ;) Just read the brief here;

  Sub-second filesystem recovery after crashes or power
  failures (never wait for long fscks again)

  64-bit scalability: millions of terabytes, millions of files,
  and a million files per directory (no more 2 GB limits)

  High reliability and performance from journaling and other
  advanced algorithms

Hope that helped a bit??

.. just shoot if there's more I can help with! ;) 


Med vennlig hilsen,
Jørgen Skogstad

  /\System Specialist
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\ \\ /  Sun Microsystems AS
   / \/ / / Gjerdrums vei 12  
  / /   \//\N-0486 Oslo, NORWAY  
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BTW; Opinions formed by myself in informal mailings are 
 mine and not of my employer.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] SV: [Zope] Re: ZEO and 2gb max limit for linux .. not for solaris etc.

2000-07-27 Thread Jørgen Skogstad

  Hmm.. well .. I can tell you what I know as of today. Linux
  has this limitation as of today. At least all the variants I
  have come over (mostly Red Hat and Suse). The limitation is in
  the filesystem implementation itself; meaning that the number
  of "references" that can be created cannot exceed the address
  limit of 2gb.
 Not quite true. The problem only exixts in Linux on 32 bit x86 hardware.
 Wherever Linux is 64 bit, the problem is non-extant.
 BTW, both RedHat and Suse (and Debian, IIRC) have distribions for the Alpha platform.

Yep.. didn't think of that as I have never reasoned
for running linux on any of those platforms. ;) I've
used to running Solaris on sparc.. and when needed
linux on x86 hardware (when solaris for intel was not
the correct choice).

Though; I look forward for SGI's implementation og
XFS when it arrives in beta this summer.

Though; are there any possibilities that Zope may
implement "Oracle style" distribution og the databases
in due time? Like then you have a bit more "control" 
over where you put your data .. and what kind of devices
you put them on?

.. possibly this can be done through ZEO and the beta
shared object database (mount more than one instance 
of the Data.fs files).

Have a real nice day! ;) 

Jørgen Skogstad

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZEO

2000-07-24 Thread Jørgen Skogstad

Martijn Pieters wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 12:46:11PM +0200, Sven Hohage wrote:
  is the filesize of the Zope Storage Server also  limited to 2 GB?
 If you are running on a default Linux filesystem, the answer is yes. ZODB
 FileStorage isn't limited to 2GB, it's the filesystem that can't handle larger
 files that is the problem.

Oh .. ok .. but then; if you run on Solaris which removed
that limitation some years ago .. we're in the clear!? ;)


Med vennlig hilsen,
Jørgen Skogstad

  /\System Specialist
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\ \\ /  Sun Microsystems AS
   / \/ / / Gjerdrums vei 12  
  / /   \//\N-0486 Oslo, NORWAY  
  \//\   / /  
   / / /\ / Phone:+ 47 22 02 39 00 
/ \\ \  Cellular: + 47 92 41 30 23
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BTW; Opinions formed by myself in informal mailings are 
 mine and not of my employer.

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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