[Zope] Re: Preserving Context

2006-12-13 Thread Javier Subervi
From: Jonathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 targetFolder = string.join(traverse_subpath, '/') #you will have to play with 
 this to get the right target folder for your app
 aFolder = context.restrictedTraverse(targetFolder)
 searchRes = aFolder.Catalog(some search string here)
 do something with search results here

First of all, thank you very much for your help.
I'm confused. I had a programmer working for me that wrote the following code:

return 0
catalog = ''
catalog = getattr(context, context.superValues('ZCatalog')[0].id)
except AttributeError:
if catalog:
return 1

Now, that works just fine if I leave the page template that calls it in the 
folder of a specific Web site. But when I put that template in a root folder 
that all the Web sites of the portal can call, it only gives me a printout of 
the tree of what's in the root folder. What I'm trying to accomplish is that it 
gives me the tree of the specific Web site folder from which it is called.

My problem is that I frankly don't understand what my programmer wrote...how it 
works. Research taught me that superValues returns the meta_data of ZCatalog, 
we're popping the first element of the tuple, getting it's ID, all in context 
of the call, and calling that a catalog. But why do we return 1 if we get a 
catalog? How does that print the catalog? Then, how do I incorporate your 
information to achieve my goal?
Thanks for any help you care to offer,


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Re: [Zope] Re: Preserving Context

2006-12-13 Thread Javier Subervi
- Original Message 
From: Maciej Wisniowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So this is not because of this code. Your script
ALWAYS returns '0' and does nothing more.
Just try to remove everything after 'return 0' and see
if it changes anything or remove 'return 0' and see
what happens then.

Crap. You're right. Back to square one...


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[Zope] Re: Preserving Context

2006-12-12 Thread Javier Subervi

1. Are you using container rather than context in your script? 
2. You can pass your context as a mycontext parameter to your script.

I have this line of code in my page template for handling the 404 errors:

div align=center tal:condition=here/hasSearchEngine

I changed it thus:

div align=center tal:condition=here/hasSearchEngine(mycontext)

I tested the following script with mycontext as a passed parameter:

return 0

catalog = ''
catalog = getattr(mycontext, mycontext.superValues('ZCatalog')[0].id)

if catalog:
return 1

This threw an error concerning mycontext.


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[Zope] Re: Preserving Context

2006-12-12 Thread Javier Subervi

From: Jonathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In your root folder you could have a script that 
accesses the ZCatalog which can be called from any subfolder and can tell 
where it was called from... try the following:  create a python script 
(tst) in your root folder that contains the following code:


return str(traverse_subpath)


then invoke this script file as 






(substitute your own subfolders as required)

You're going to be disappointed, but whenever I substituted in any number of 
valid folders, I got the same result:


an empty set!


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[Zope] Re: Preserving Context

2006-12-12 Thread Javier Subervi
From: Jonathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What version of zope are you running? (I am running zope 2.9.2 on a linux box).

I didn't put it in 'root' since root isn't automatically called. I put it in a 
folder called 's' which is automatically called, then I also explicitly called 
it in the URL. Obviously, if the fn weren't found, Zope would have complained. 
It was in fact found.


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[Zope] Re: Preserving Context

2006-12-12 Thread Javier Subervi
From: Jonathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The script routine doesn't have to be located in root.  traverse_subpath is 
populated using the names of all subfolders that occur after the script file 
name in 
the URL.  So if your URL is:  
then scriptA will receive a traverse_subpath variable (in REQUEST namespace) 
that contains ['folderB', 'folderC'].  Note: this will not work if there are 
any other scripts, DMTL methods etc in the URL after 'scriptA'.

I figured out what I was doing wrong. Apparently, the script needs to be called 
*before* the folders. I had put it at the end. Okay, that works, so now how do 
I incorporate it? I'm running into trouble here. I've rewritten the following 
line several times, and several times gotten it wrong. Perhaps you could steer 
me right?

div align=center 
   tal:define=mycontext python:`here.traverse_subpath`



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[Zope] Why doesnt' this work?

2006-12-08 Thread Javier Subervi
I have this code that works fine in a Page Template:

table width=100% align=center class=text border=3 cellspacing=5 
bgcolor=#E694FE bordercolor=#D24BFA bordercolorlight=#DD77FB 
span metal:use-macro=here/en-us/Quotes/10/macros/quote/spanbr /
div align=centerspan class=text
a href=All_Quotes.pt target=_topbShow me all the quotes!/b/a

But when I try to make it work in an External Method like this:

  stuff = 'html\n'
  stuff = stuff + 'body\n'
  stuff = stuff + 'table width=100% align=center class=text border=3 
cellspacing=5 bgcolor=#E694FE bordercolor=#D24BFA 
bordercolorlight=#DD77FB bordercolordark=#C512FAtrtd\n'
  stuff = stuff + 'span 
metal:use-macro=here/en-us/Quotes/10/macros/quote/spanbr /\n'
  stuff = stuff + 'div align=centerspan class=text\n'
  stuff = stuff + ' a href=All_Quotes.pt target=_topbShow me all the 
  stuff = stuff + '/span/div\n'
  stuff = stuff + '/td/tr/table\n'
  stuff = stuff + '/body\n'
  stuff = stuff + 'html\n'

it doesn't show the quote from this line:

span metal:use-macro=here/en-us/Quotes/10/macros/quote/spanbr /

but it shows the rest of the table and the link at the end. Why is that? Have I 
lost the context along the way? How do I preseve the context going into an 
External Method?


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[Zope] Re: Why doesn't this work?

2006-12-08 Thread Javier Subervi

From: Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 - --On 8. Dezember 2006 10:38:25 -0800 Javier Subervi


 But when I try to make it work in an External Method like this:

   stuff = 'html\n'
   stuff = stuff + 'body\n'
   stuff = stuff + 'table width=100% align=center class=text
 border=3 cellspacing=5 bgcolor=#E694FE bordercolor=#D24BFA
 bordercolorlight=#DD77FB bordercolordark=#C512FAtrtd\n'   stuff
 = stuff + 'span
 metal:use-macro=here/en-us/Quotes/10/macros/quote/spanbr /\n'
 stuff = stuff + 'div align=centerspan class=text\n'
   stuff = stuff + ' a href=All_Quotes.pt target=_topbShow me all
 the quotes!/b/a\n'   stuff = stuff + '/span/div\n'
   stuff = stuff + '/td/tr/table\n'
   stuff = stuff + '/body\n'
   stuff = stuff + 'html\n'

 An external method is not a ZPT. The external method returns just HTML.
 Why  and how should Zope treat interpret *something* inside the HTML
 generated  by the external method as macro? If you want a macro, the
 called object has  to be a ZPT - nothing else.

 - -aj

If you want something different: you must instantiate a Pagetemplate inside
your external method, add the content through the related API and let the 
pagetemplate render the content. But there is usually no need for such an 
approach. Somehow you're trying to do something the wrong way round.

What I'm trying to do is change the line in question to this:

  stuff = stuff + 'span metal:use-macro=here/en-us/Quotes/' + `randrange(1, 
len(self.objectValues()), 1)` + '/macros/quote
/spanbr /\n'
So it generates a random number. Now, that's the easy scenario, and for that 
I originally had just a Page Template. However, next up I need to be able to 
accommodate another folder which requires:

1) walking the folder, opening each subfolder
2) creating a tuple of the folder (or numerical representation) plus the number 
of the quote
3) randomly choosing a quote from all the subfolders

Ideas? Perhaps I should instantiate a page template in the ext. method. How 
would I do that?


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[Zope] Re: Why doesn't this work?

2006-12-08 Thread Javier Subervi
From: Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You want to generate HTML as a result? You want to use to write ZPT!
You want to call external functionalities? You create an external
method and call it *from* your ZPT. 

That's the way to go.

okey dokey.  


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[Zope] Re: [Plone-Users] Editing Tabs Pull-downs...Second Reques

2006-11-03 Thread Javier Subervi
Painful, but it would work. I'm looking for something a little more elegant. That, to me, is like using a butcher's knife where a scalpel is more appropriate. It's also harder to reconstruct for the inevitable rebuild.Javier- Original Message From: michael nt milne [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Javier Subervi [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Friday, November 3, 2006 8:30:57 AMSubject: Re: [Plone-Users] Editing Tabs  Pull-downs...Second RequesYou could try going into the ZMI and using the 'security' tab on the product to restrict who can view and edit the
 type.On 11/3/06, Javier Subervi 
Hi;A couple of weeks ago, I asked for help on this, but the problem still remains. I have added some products to my Plone and they have generated tabs and/or elements a user can add from the drop-down in their folder. I want to edit that behavior, but I don't know where to go to do that. I've tried the following:
Unchecking "visible" in portal_controlpanel doesn't help.Unchecking "implicitly addable?" in portal_types doesn't help.Two weeks ago, Sean Fulmer suggested the following: Add a condition or a permission to the associated 'portal_tabs' action
 in the ZMI 'portal_actions' area.I only found one of many there. Am I to add my own? Is there a how-to on how to do this? This is no trivial chore! Where else might the controls for this be
 hiding?Here's the one I found. It has the following:Condition: python:portal.portal_membership.checkPermission("Manage portal",here)Permission: ViewYet anyone, not just the manager, can view this and even add one. Should I change the following as so and then make sure the permissions are properly set for the same?
Permission: Add KZBannerAd ToolsConfused and frustrated. Would appreciate help.TIA,Javier
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-- michael
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[Zope] Re: [Plone-Users] Editing Tabs Pull-downs...Second Reque

2006-11-03 Thread Javier Subervi
I fear you're right. And yes, this points to sloppiness on the developers' part. But whose to complain when it's free, right? ;)Thanks,Javier- Original Message From: michael nt milne [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: plone list [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Friday, November 3, 2006 9:15:04 AMSubject: Re: [Plone-Users] Editing Tabs  Pull-downs...Second RequeOn 11/3/06, michael nt milne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ultimately the permissions and security should be built into the product and not applied to the object in Zope. However it's not too hard as a last resort.
On 11/3/06, 
Javier Subervi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Painful, but it would work. I'm looking for something a little more elegant. That, to me, is like using a butcher's knife where a scalpel is more appropriate. It's also harder to reconstruct for the inevitable rebuild.
Javier- Original Message From: michael nt milne 


[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Friday, November 3, 2006 8:30:57 AMSubject: Re: [Plone-Users] Editing Tabs  Pull-downs...Second RequesYou could try going into the ZMI and using the 'security' tab on the product to restrict who can view and edit the
 type.On 11/3/06, Javier Subervi 

Hi;A couple of weeks ago, I asked for help on this, but the problem still remains. I have added some products to my Plone and they have generated tabs and/or elements a user can add from the drop-down in their folder. I want to edit that behavior, but I don't know where to go to do that. I've tried the following:
Unchecking "visible" in portal_controlpanel doesn't help.Unchecking "implicitly addable?" in portal_types doesn't help.Two weeks ago, Sean Fulmer suggested the following: Add a condition or a permission to the associated 'portal_tabs' action
 in the ZMI 'portal_actions' area.I only found one of many there. Am I to add my own? Is there a how-to on how to do this? This is no trivial chore! Where else might the controls for this be
 hiding?Here's the one I found. It has the following:Condition: python:portal.portal_membership.checkPermission("Manage portal",here)Permission: ViewYet anyone, not just the manager, can view this and even add one. Should I change the following as so and then make sure the permissions are properly set for the same?
Permission: Add KZBannerAd ToolsConfused and frustrated. Would appreciate help.TIA,Javier
-Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier
Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo

http://sel.as-us.falkag.net/sel?cmd=lnkkid=120709bid=263057dat=121642___Plone-Users mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED]https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/plone-users
-- michael

-- michael

-- michael
-Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easierDownload IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimohttp://sel.as-us.falkag.net/sel?cmd=lnkkid=120709bid=263057dat=121642___Plone-Users mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/plone-users___
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[Zope] Tracebacks...Need Help

2006-10-22 Thread Javier Subervi
Hi;I have a number of tracebacks from products I'm trying to install in Zope/Plone. I'm on Zope 2.7.8/Plone 2.1.2. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer to get me started towards solutions to these problems.TIA,Javier--2006-10-21T20:36:30 ERROR(200) Zope Could not import Products.CMFManagedFileTraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/zope/278/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 673, in import_product product=__import__(pname, global_dict, global_dict, silly) File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/CMFManagedFile/__init__.py", line 29, in ? from Products.CMFManagedFile import tool File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/CMFManagedFile/tool.py", line 44, in ? from
 batch import manage_addBatch File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/CMFManagedFile/batch.py", line 29, in ? from Products.CMFManagedFile.scripts.filename_verify import Translator File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/CMFManagedFile/scripts/filename_verify.py", line 36, in ? from Products.normalizer.lang import normalize, registry, LangNormalizerImportError: No module named normalizer.lang--2006-10-21T20:36:31 ERROR(200) Zope Could not import Products.GenericSetupTraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/zope/278/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 673, in import_product product=__import__(pname, global_dict, global_dict, silly) File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/GenericSetup/__init__.py", line 8, in ? from interfaces import BASE, EXTENSION File
 "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/GenericSetup/interfaces.py", line 19, in ? from zope.schema import TextImportError: No module named schema --2006-10-21T20:36:33 ERROR(200) Zope Could not import Products.ZOptTraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/zope/278/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 673, in import_product product=__import__(pname, global_dict, global_dict, silly) File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/ZOpt/__init__.py", line 6, in ? import libxml2, libxsltImportError: No module named libxml2NOTE: This s/w is installed and it functions!--2006-10-21T20:36:36 ERROR(200) Zope Could not import Products.filterTraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/zope/278/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 673, in import_product product=__import__(pname, global_dict, global_dict,
 silly) File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/filter/__init__.py", line 9, in ? from Extensions import Install File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/filter/Extensions/Install.py", line 2, in ? from Products.filter.example.smartlink import usingRBW File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/filter/example/__init__.py", line 4, in ? from smartlink import Smartlink File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/filter/example/smartlink.py", line 28, in ? from Products.filter import utils, field, config, api File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/filter/field.py", line 19, in ? from zope.app import zapiImportError: No module named app NOTE: This apparently is a Z3 module. Is there any workaround for Z2?--2006-10-21T20:36:38 ERROR(200) Zope Couldn't install CompoundFieldTraceback (most recent call
 last): File "/usr/local/zope/278/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 751, in install_product initmethod(context) File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/CompoundField/__init__.py", line 84, in initialize import testClasses File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/CompoundField/testClasses/__init__.py", line 29, in ? import CompoundFieldTest File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/CompoundField/testClasses/CompoundFieldTest.py", line 34, in ? schema=Schema((IntegerField('x'),IntegerField('y'))) File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/CompoundField/CompoundField.py", line 190, in __init__ schema=self.schema.copy() File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/Archetypes/Schema/__init__.py", line 668, in copy c.addField(field.copy()) File
 "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/Archetypes/Field.py", line 215, in copy properties = deepcopy(cdict) File "/usr/local/zope/py235/lib/python2.3/copy.py", line 192, in deepcopy y = copier(x, memo) File "/usr/local/zope/py235/lib/python2.3/copy.py", line 286, in _deepcopy_dict y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo) File "/usr/local/zope/py235/lib/python2.3/copy.py", line 222, in deepcopy y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo) File "/usr/local/zope/py235/lib/python2.3/copy.py", line 354, in _reconstruct y = callable(*args)TypeError: ExtensionClass object argument after * must be a sequence--2006-10-21T20:36:56 ERROR(200) Zope Couldn't install ReviewStorageExampleTraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/zope/278/lib/python/OFS/Application.py", line 751, in
 install_product initmethod(context) File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/ReviewStorageExample/__init__.py", line 12, in initialize import ReviewArticle File "/usr/local/zope/instance2/Products/ReviewStorageExample/ReviewArticle.py", line 2, in ? from Products.ReviewStorage.ReviewStorage import ReviewStorage, ReviewSupport File 

[Zope] LDAPUserFolder Password Retrieving

2006-10-07 Thread Javier Subervi
Hi;I'm working on installing LDAPUserFolder. The documentation states one can't retrieve passwords because they're encrypted. Bummer. Well, in that case, is there a product for sending an email with a link to establish a new password? I mean, what do we do if the user forgot their pw?TIA,Javier3 
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[Zope] Help! Zope Crashed! Production Server!

2006-10-04 Thread Javier Subervi
Hi;I'll afford a server to experiment on before year's end, but that doesn't help me today. I was trying to get Python 2.3.5 to work with LDAP on FreeBSD. I built py-ldap2 from ports and directed it to install Python 2.3.5 (because I'm using Zope 2.7.8 because my software won't migrate yet). It built out okay. The person who ran this box previously didn't understand FreeBSD's port system, so he built Python in a different place. I moved all of that for safety's sake (at least, I thought I did), and then ended up moving it all back because I couldn't fire up Zope (I have 2 instances). Then I was able to fire up Zope *and* import LDAP (the latter indicating something from my new installation stuck). When I ps wax I see Zope is working. However, when I surf to sites, or even the IP address, it just hangs! I cleared out log/event.log and touched it and fired up in runzope mode, but there was nothing strange in the event.log! And I've been over that log many times lately, so
 I would recognize something different. I presume ZServer is hung. How do I trouble-shoot this?TIA,Javier2 
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[Zope] CatalogPatch PloneSecurityInjector

2006-10-02 Thread Javier Subervi
Hi;I asked this of the Plone d'list, but no one responded, so I assume no one had the answer...so I've come here ;) I came across PloneSecurityInjector in the collective and thought it was a neat idea. So I installed it, along with its dependencies, one of which is CatalogPatch. However, that latter breaks my Plone!Traceback (innermost last): Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 101, in publish Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object Module Products.CMFPlone.Portal, line 465, in manage_addSite Module Products.CMFPlone.Portal, line 437, in create Module Products.CMFPlone.Portal, line 384, in setupPlone Module Products.CMFPlone.Portal, line 223, in setupPortalContent Module Products.CMFCore.PortalFolder, line 408, in invokeFactory Module Products.CMFCore.TypesTool, line 925, in constructContent Module
 Products.CMFCore.TypesTool, line 335, in constructInstance Module Products.CMFCore.TypesTool, line 566, in _constructInstance Module Products.CMFPlone.LargePloneFolder, line 65, in addLargePloneFolder Module OFS.ObjectManager, line 276, in _setObject Module Products.CMFCore.CMFCatalogAware, line 198, in manage_afterAdd Module Products.CMFCore.CMFCatalogAware, line 60, in indexObject Module Products.CMFPlone.CatalogTool, line 386, in indexObject Module Products.CMFCore.CatalogTool, line 353, in reindexObjectTypeError: catalog_object() takes at most 4 arguments (5 given)What do?TIA,Javier2 
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Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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Re: [Zope] CatalogPatch PloneSecurityInjector

2006-10-02 Thread Javier Subervi
No, it only shows up when I add the CatalogPatch. The versions I use are compatible.Javier2Jens Vagelpohl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-Hash: SHA1On 2 Oct 2006, at 13:08, Javier Subervi wrote:   Module Products.CMFCore.CatalogTool, line 353, in reindexObject TypeError: catalog_object() takes at most 4 arguments (5 given)I believe this error shows up when you use incompatible Plone and  Zope versions, like Zope 2.7.x with Plone 2.1.xjens-BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-Version: GnuPG v1.4.1
 (Darwin)iD8DBQFFIUl2RAx5nvEhZLIRAjJcAJ9hhokOFhp/G/BfHLAkFq+IjcvaVQCfQjPN6qdIvkVpmczXR9ocp9rsl7Y==SsUD-END PGP SIGNATURE-___Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.orghttp://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **(Related lists -  http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev ) 
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[Zope] Can't Install Plone!

2006-09-30 Thread Javier Subervi
Hi;I'm working with Plone 2.1.2/Zope 2.7.8. I've had no trouble adding Plone sites before this. I was in my server working with some of the products I'd installed, all of which had been installed for some time. I went to install a new Plone for test purposes. I got this error:Traceback (innermost last): Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 101, in publish Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object Module Products.CMFPlone.Portal, line 465, in manage_addSite Module Products.CMFPlone.Portal, line 437, in create Module Products.CMFPlone.Portal, line 384, in setupPlone Module Products.CMFPlone.Portal, line 223, in setupPortalContent Module Products.CMFCore.PortalFolder, line 408, in invokeFactory Module Products.CMFCore.TypesTool, line 925, in constructContent Module Products.CMFCore.TypesTool, line 335, in
 constructInstance Module Products.CMFCore.TypesTool, line 566, in _constructInstance Module Products.CMFPlone.LargePloneFolder, line 65, in addLargePloneFolder Module OFS.ObjectManager, line 276, in _setObject Module Products.CMFCore.CMFCatalogAware, line 198, in manage_afterAdd Module Products.CMFCore.CMFCatalogAware, line 60, in indexObject Module Products.CMFPlone.CatalogTool, line 386, in indexObject Module Products.CMFCore.CatalogTool, line 353, in reindexObjectTypeError: catalog_object() takes at most 4 arguments (5 given)I decided to pull out all the Plone products and re-install with a fresh copy. Same error! What am I doing wrong?TIA,Javier2 
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