[Zope] Plone Conference Earlybird rate ends in 9 days

2010-07-22 Thread Matt Hamilton
Hi All,
 Just to give any of those who are thinking of going a poke, the 8th
International Plone Conference is happening here in Bristol, UK at the end of
October. The bargain earlybird rate of £250+VAT for the 3-day conference
ends at the end of the month just 9 days time!

So go register your tickets now:


We are expecting over 400 delegates from around 30 countries to be attending,
with over 50 talks, plus training, sprints, and an un-conference day.

We will be putting a call out for speakers and training sessions shortly.

As a slight aside... if you want to see how quick it is to get Plone 4 up and
running, here is a screencast I just did at Europython yesterday in which I
go from nothing but python installed to fully installed and
running Plone instance in under 3 minutes:



Matt Hamilton ma...@netsight.co.uk
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.  Business Vision on the Internet
http://www.netsight.co.uk   +44 (0)117 9090901
Web Design | Zope/Plone Development and Consulting | Co-location | Hosting

Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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(Related lists - 
 https://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Re: Zope Foundation?

2005-09-17 Thread Matt Hamilton

Hadar Pedhazur wrote:

We have had _numerous_ discussions (all in email) with two members of 
ZEA. We came to an agreement and all seemed perfectly on target, which 
is why we began all of the other ZF documents and committee meetings, etc.

Unfortunately, ZEA never delivered a single draft of the proposed 
transfer documents, even though they said that the documents already 
existed for the Plone trademark transfer.


  These are serious claims.  I talked to Paul who looked into it and
gave me the following information.  Note that, since the negotiations
are finished and the terms are agreed to, we can talk about this with
whomever is interested.

Some quick points:

1) ZEA emailed ZC on Aug 29, twice on Aug 30, Sep 5, and Sep 15.

2) The Sep 15 note reminded ZC of two points:

a. We don't have the paperwork yet.  We can't transfer something we
don't have.  (Contrary to public statements, the Plone paperwork
hasn't arrived either.)

b. We can't finish the transfer until ZC provides foreign address
information for certain countries. This was discussed in the mails
cited above.

3) ZEA has well over a hundred manhours over the last 18 months on
   this trademark.  We are getting no compensation for past, present,
   or future work. Yet, ZEA continues to help the process, as the
   emails will attest.

4) ZEA gave the contact info for the trademark attorney to ZC,
   encouraged ZC to contact her (hasn't happened), and instructed her
   to help.

These points might not be 100% right, ZEA might have made mistakes,
we're not perfect, the trademark attorney could respond faster, we
could email ZC twice per day, etc.

On a personal note, ZEA is working for free to help ZC improve the
value of a sharelholder asset.  ZC might have legitimate complaints
about ZEA's performance.  However, public mudslinging does not incent
our pro bono help on the transfer process.  As ZEA has stated, ZC can
go directly to the trademark lawyer.

Instead, public mudslinging and constantly threatening the Zope
Foundation could have a dire effect.  We are one reporter away from a
"Zope: The Next Mambo?" story[1][2].

We should immediately stop using the mailing lists and the Zope
Foundation as negotiation tools for ZC property.

ZEA might have mishandled things, or you might simply believe ZEA
isn't acting in good faith. Let's find an alternate outlet for this.

For example, add someone from ZEA to the advisory board that you
mentioned.  If you feel that ZEA isn't acting right, take it to the
advisory board.  ZEA gets a chance to respond.  If the advisory board
votes against ZEA, ZEA gets publicly thrown off the advisory board.

ZEA has agreed (from the beginning) to hand over the marks at no
financial gain.  Once ZC provides the missing information and ZEA gets
the papers, we're probably a few weeks away from wrapping this up.

Any niggles in this are just niggles.  The deal is done and there are
no disagreements on the terms.  The transfer process, although
complicated, is in progress.  Given this, the risk of being "The Next
Mambo" outweighs the perceived benefit from mudslinging.


[1] http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1850298,00.asp

Matt Hamilton   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.Business Vision on the Internet
http://www.netsight.co.uk +44 (0)117 9090901
Web Design | Zope/Plone Development & Consulting | Co-location | Hosting

Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] zserver blocking behavior with a slow request

2005-08-02 Thread Matt Hamilton

  What platform is this on? and is it a uni or multi-processor system. 
 I did a bit of studying a long time ago into performance of Solaris 
with python:


not sure how relevant it is now, but if you are running on an old 
solaris box there might be some hints there.


Jim Abramson wrote:
On a production Zope (2.7.6) running behind apache and connected to an 
Oracle database,  I'm finding that once a user requests a page which 
runs a particularly slow sql (say up to 5 minutes), any other subsequent 
requests seem to take the hit as well, and return very slowly.

I have 8 zserver threads and a ZODB pool size of 10.  I'm fairly certain 
I'm not maxing these out.  So is this blocking effect just expected 
behavior for zope?  One point of note is that the requests passed from 
apache all bear the remote ip of  Could zserver be throttling 
the incoming requests due to their identical REMOTE_IP (or some other 
apache configuration detail)?  Is there anything else I should investigate?

Matt Hamilton   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.Business Vision on the Internet
http://www.netsight.co.uk +44 (0)117 9090901
Web Design | Zope/Plone Development & Consulting | Co-location | Hosting
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

OpenBSD Python whitespace oddness (was Re: [Zope] Memory Errors)

2005-07-21 Thread Matt Hamilton

Tim Peters wrote:

(" " in HTML).  It's surprising to me to see \x89-\x8d there,
though.  It could be your system is set to use "an unusual" locale, or
it could be a bug in the platform C libraries.  Try writing a little C
program to see what isspace() returns.

Bingo! Thanks for the hints.

You were correct, it was down to a mis-interpretation of the C99 and ISO 
8859 standards.  Looks like OpenBSD interprets it differently to 
everything else ;)

The policy was changed 8 days ago:


"Correct ctype classifications of chars >= 0x80 wrt C99/POSIX and our
man page. ok espie@ deraadt@"


Matt Hamilton   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.Business Vision on the Internet
http://www.netsight.co.uk +44 (0)117 9090901
Web Design | Zope/Plone Development & Consulting | Co-location | Hosting
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-21 Thread Matt Hamilton
he code is 
contributed by people other than ZC.

I agree that Rob's suggestion was a good one, and the fact
that I agreed to it shows that we are more than willing to
work with the community to find _reasonable_ ways to solve

Yes, it is reasonable and it is a start of dialogue.  This is a distinct 
improvement over last week's approach of 'We are not negotiating 
anything.  Hand it over or we set our lawyers on you'.  When I 
*specifically* asked Lois if something like this was possible she 
re-iterated that you would not be willing to enter any further discussion.

Perhaps European law is different that US law, but Rob
stated clearly that the contract would name ZC's successors
and assigns, which makes it legally binding on anyone who
purchases ZC as well. In the US, that contract would survive
the sale of ZC. I see no reason to be paranoid about that
eventuality, as long as you would trust the initial contract
between ZC and the ZF.

OK, in which case, that makes sense to me.  Combined with Rob's idea of 
letting the board of the ZF make the decisions on licensing issues I 
think I personally am happy.


Matt Hamilton   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.Business Vision on the Internet
http://www.netsight.co.uk +44 (0)117 9090901
Web Design | Zope/Plone Development & Consulting | Co-location | Hosting
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Re: Re: Memory Errors

2005-07-21 Thread Matt Hamilton

I'd like to try and set up Zope in another login-class. It seems correct, 
as there are soft limits on memory usage in the default class. How would I 
go about this? Do you use a custom zopectl or run it straight off inetd? 
I'm not too experienced in OpenBSD-specifics yet, so any advise is 

You need to have a zope user (adduser) and put that in the deamon class 
when it asks you.  If you already has the user then you can change the 
class with 'chpass zopeuser'.  Then you need to edit /etc/login.conf to 
raise the limits of deamon if you need to, and run cap_mkdb if you use 
databse versions of the login.conf file.

Zopectl doesn't need to change.  Just remember to set the effective-user 
to zopeuser in zope.conf


Matt Hamilton   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.Business Vision on the Internet
http://www.netsight.co.uk +44 (0)117 9090901
Web Design | Zope/Plone Development & Consulting | Co-location | Hosting
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Re: Re: Memory Errors

2005-07-21 Thread Matt Hamilton

Malthe Borch wrote:

Theo might be listening --- I'd rather not. OpenBSD is a great platform, 
and if there's music to be faced, OpenBSD will surely face it. But if these 
errors persist, I might have too. 

I've found OpenBSD/AMD64 and Zope to be an excellent platform.  As I say 
I just need to track down this bug in python that has just become 
apparent (we have been running for almost a year without hitting it, so 
not too serious).

The Opteron 244 (1.8Ghz) is about 20% or so faster on pystone than a 
3Ghz Xeon, not very scientific test or relevent to real life, but a good 
guide).  Especially interesting considering you can buy 2.8Ghz Opterons 
right now.


Matt Hamilton   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.Business Vision on the Internet
http://www.netsight.co.uk +44 (0)117 9090901
Web Design | Zope/Plone Development & Consulting | Co-location | Hosting
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Re: Memory Errors

2005-07-21 Thread Matt Hamilton

According to 'top', the total load is:

* Memory: 80M/131M act/tot  Free: 366M  Swap: 0K/1028M used/tot,

where Zope itself is using practically all of it.

Well the question is, should Zope be using all that memory?  how big is 
the site, what are you doing, how big are your caches etc?  Our zope 
processes normally run about 500 - 750MB so maybe you just don't have 
enough memory.

But odd that no swap is being used in your case.  I would check your 
per-process memory limits maybe they need to be higher.  Our 'zope' 
account is in login class 'daemon' which has higher default memory 
limits than 'standard'.  And even then we bumped the limits up even higher.


Matt Hamilton   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.Business Vision on the Internet
http://www.netsight.co.uk +44 (0)117 9090901
Web Design | Zope/Plone Development & Consulting | Co-location | Hosting
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Memory Errors

2005-07-21 Thread Matt Hamilton

Malthe Borch wrote:


What is going wrong here? I'm running an OpenBSD-system with the latest 
Python 2.3.5 and 512 MB of RAM. The stack size is 0x10, as opposed to 
0x2 that previous *BSD-distributions of Python had as default.

  What architecture are you running OpenBSD on?  We have been running 
Zope on OpenBSD/AMD64 3.6 for about a year now and it works pretty well. 
 I have however recently discovered a python bug that I am trying to 
track down.  I am unsure of the exact problem, but it affects the re and 
string libs:

zeo1# uname -a
OpenBSD zeo1.netsight.co.uk 3.6 conf#0 amd64
zeo1# python
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Nov 16 2004, 08:26:06)
[GCC 3.3.2 (propolice)] on openbsd3
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import string
>>> string.whitespace
'\t\n\x0b\x0c\r \x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\xa0'

on all other platforms I've tried string.whitespace stops after '\r'... 
the trailing chars cause problems in weird and wonderful places.  I 
upgraded to python 2.3.5 and get the same result.  Not tried on python 
2.4 yet.

Other than that, we've not had any memory issues.  On OpenBSD a single 
process cannot grow over 1GB of process memory (it can get more than 
that via anon-mmap, but python doesn't support that).  On OpenBSD 3.5 we 
notice that if we hit the 1GB barrier hard it would panic the kernel, 
but that was fixed in 3.6.

How much memory is python using when you get the memory errors?  Has it 
truely used up all the memory on the system?  There are soft limits that 
are set via login.conf and ulimit/limits which may be too low for you.


Matt Hamilton   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.Business Vision on the Internet
http://www.netsight.co.uk +44 (0)117 9090901
Web Design | Zope/Plone Development & Consulting | Co-location | Hosting
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-21 Thread Matt Hamilton

Tino Wildenhain wrote:

The statement of ZC indicates they want to transfer their trademark
to ZF and now find the european trademark in other hands. OTOH, why
not just transfer/licence what they have (the .us trademark) and
just agree to ZEA transfer/licence the european trademark to ZF

No, just the opposite.  ZC do *not* want to transfer the marks to the 
ZF.  I do find this position strange.  Whilst they are willing to 
transfer all the IP, for which yes we are grateful.  The issue being 
that many companies around the world are investing marketing money and 
time in developing and promoting the 'zope brand'.  The problem is that 
this brand now (since ZC renamed from DC) also co-incides with Zope 
Corporation.  The value of this brand is increasing and needs to be 
protected, hence why the marks have been trademarked in the other 
companies in which ZC did not register.  I am guessing that ZC 
registered the marks in the countries that are most commercially 
valuable to them -- an understandable move as it was their bucks paying 
for it.  However the *zope community* extends beyond these countries and 
needs protection too.

The main conflict arises because:

* The zope community and Zope Corporation use the same word 'zope'
  to identify themselves.
* ZC don't want to let go of their trademarked name as that is a
  major asset to their business.
* Many people in the zope community feel uneasy that a corporation
  which can be bought and sold owns the name of the software that
  they are developing.

All these points are perfectly valid and understandable, but what we 
need to work out is a way in which we can try and combine and merge 
these conflicting points in a sane way.

I personally (remember, these views are all mine) welcome Rob's ideas on 
how to ensure that ZC's potential successors or assigns use the Zope 
trademark in a fair way.  The problem being, I don't see how that can 
happen if the trademarks are owned by ZC as if the company were bought 
it would be up to the new owned what would happen with its own property. 
 Yes we could put a contract in place between ZF and ZC to say that ZF 
can be the arbiter of any disputes, but I don't see how that can remain 
in place if ZC changes hands.


Matt Hamilton   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.Business Vision on the Internet
http://www.netsight.co.uk +44 (0)117 9090901
Web Design | Zope/Plone Development & Consulting | Co-location | Hosting
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
**   No cross posts or HTML encoding!  **
(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-20 Thread Matt Hamilton

Pre-amble: I post this as a principal in a decently-sized Zope-focused
business in the UK. Our company is also partnering with ZEA for some
work. I will try to correct some of Rob's factual errors, and set the
record straight for some of the issues discussed here.

I am not an official spokesperson of ZEA, though - so bear in mind
that what I'm saying here reflects what *I* (and my company) think
about the situation, and not what ZEA thinks. I know a bit about why
the decision to register the trademarks in Europe was made, why the
managing partners of ZEA authorised it, and what's going on on the
other side of the fence. I am reasonably neutral, though - and care
more about what happens to Zope the *community* than anything else.

 - Matt Hamilton, Netsight

On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 01:07:25 +0200, Rob Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  We are sorely disappointed that
> ZEA is unwilling to transfer the marks quickly and
> quietly so that we can proceed swiftly toward the
> formation of the Zope Foundation.

This is wrong. ZEA offered you to transfer the trademarks if you
covered the expenses involved in the registration (including the
salary of the trademark professionals involved in the registration
process), no strings attached - but Zope Corporation declined, and was
more interested in sending threatening letters about trademark abuse,
even though ZEA is the rightful owner of these marks in Europe at the
moment. They were more interested in having the matter resolved
*their* way than to cover the actual costs involved in registering the
trademarks from ZEA's side.

> We have offered to reimburse the registration fees paid
> by the ZEA to the WIPO (World Intellectual Property
> Organization) in order to facilitate the transfer. We
> have further offered to preserve their license to use
> the Zope mark in the conduct of their business as an
> association of Zope companies.

Aidan McGuire of Blue Fountain (another UK zope company), Xavier Heymans 
(of ZEA) and myself had a conference call with Lois Snitkoff from ZC on 
the 12th of July in which we offered to transfer the trademark if ZC 
contribute to the fees of the registration and, in the unwillingness to 
transfer the trademark to the ZF, at least agree to some form of 'social 
contract' that states the uses and rights of the mark.  After consulting 
with others within ZC Lois' reply stated:

"Just to let you know quickly, we will not be paying any of the
costs incurred when you registered our trademark. I have checked
with management and they reiterate what our position has been

Which directly contradicts what is said above.

> In the three weeks since learning of ZEA's illegitimate
> registration of our marks we have tried diligently (but
> unsuccessfully) to get ZEA to unconditionally transfer
> the rights of the registration.

The registrations were not illegitimate, the Zope trademark was not
registered anywhere but in the US at this point, so it was done as a
defensive move to make sure the trademark was in friendly hands. In
Europe you have companies/trademarks like ZOPEN that could have been
problematic for the registration and approval, so a decision was made
early on to secure the trademark for the Zope *community*.

The companies that constitute ZEA make up a large part of the
professional Zope companies in Europe, and they have a lot to lose by
the brand being insecure in Europe.

And in what way does not accepting ZEA's offer, to transfer the
trademark to you by covering the costs involved in the registration,
constitute "try diligently"?

> ZEA's registration represents an abuse of registration
> and management of international trademarks and the
> misappropriation of a mark that is clearly the property
> of Zope Corporation.

So why is Zope Foundation being used as a pawn in the corporate
strategies of Zope Corporation? I find this unclear intent pretty

> We know that the establishment of a fair trademark
> license for the entire Zope community is an _essential_
> component of the Zope Foundation. It is possible that
> we will come to a conclusion with the ZEA prior to the
> conclusion of a trademark dispute process.

So why are you unwilling to put the Zope trademark under the ownership
of Zope *Foundation*? Again, Zope Foundation is being used as a pawn
in the company strategies of Zope Corporation.

> As an aside, the ZEA has also registered the Plone logo
> as a trademark.  It is not our business, but came as a
> surprise to us, that the Plone Foundation is not the
> owner of the Plone trademark.

Not true. ZEA's trademark experts helped Plone Foundation register the
Plone trademark initially, and promptly transferred the ownership of
the trademarks to the Plone Foundation, just as they are willing to do
the same for Zope Foundation.
