Re: [Zope] Zope 2 for Windows

2006-10-12 Thread yary

On 12/10/06, Dieter Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  nor want to install the priceless Cygwin (which brings a compiler with it)
  and generate the executables themselves (as users of other
  platforms do).

Cygwin isn't mentioned in the windows install doc, and indeed a
conscientious user such as myself my find Zope a insider posting You
need either the Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 (not publicly available
anymore) or Visual Studio .NET 2003
( )-
which discouraged me from trying a cygwin build... I already have a
cygwin python after all, and build from source frequently on several
platforms... it would work for my development, though perhaps a harder
sell for my client's production.

I read archives of a prior discussion mentioning the possibility of
packaging a release from the nightly builds- can't find the builds
available for d/l though. Here's my vote... oh and just found this
recent discussion which indicates that the wheels are in motion:

Sorry for inadvertently opening a thread that started some flames, the
missing win executables looked like a simple oversight to me. In
general I like platform-neutrality, and take as an article of faith
that a wide range of supported platforms indicates quality code and
thoughtful designers. It also makes pitching a project easier!
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[Zope] Zope 2 for Windows

2006-10-11 Thread yary

For the last week or two, only Zope 3 has been available to windows
users for download from - can the powers
that be publish the win32 installers for 2.9.5/2.10.0?
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[Zope] Help create filesystem skin with product

2006-10-11 Thread yary

I'm having a problem which must have been solved many times before-
trying to make a product that ships with a skin. I'm new to Zope
development, been stumbling for a couple months with it.

Ideally, the end user will unpack my product Q into a Products
directory. They will be able to add a Q object to an existing CMF
site, or create a QSite at their Zope2 root. If they create a QSite,
my product should give it a QSkin during instantiation. I'm developing
the QSkin (and the entire Q product) on the filesystem.

The product includes a subclass of CMFSite called a QSite. If the user
creates a QSite, I'd like it to include a QSkin which the user can
select from the portal_skins tool.

The product is running on Zope 2.9.4, Five 1.4, CMF 2.0. It needs to
work on Windows and Linux. (Would like to use Zope 2.10, Five 1.5 when
someone compiles the win32 installer, so I don't have to worry about
five:traversable directives! Already posted a request for that.)

Customer requires that the product have no Plone dependencies. Product
will require workflow, so it can have a CMF dependency. Could possibly
implement on Zope 3, though I could not figure out basic workflow
management on that platform, and would rather not re-implement
something available on Zope2.

Hurdles I've had so far in creating a skin:
Using Five- seems to be the way to go. Started by trying
browser:page  browser:defaultView with QSite/IQSite- really
didn't know what I was doing, and a helpful sould pointed out, that is
what skins are for.

Tried using zcml skin directive, broswer:layer, and browser:defaultSkin.

I can create a skin in zcml, and adding /++skin++QSkin to the end of
any URL causes the page to load. However it does not look like a
QSkin- apparently acquisition finds items in portal_skins before it
finds resources added by five. So if I use zcml to add a Logo.gif, it
won't override a Logo.gif already on the CMF site, to see it I have to
also add /++resource++Logo.gif

I cannot use defaultSkin with CMF, because CMF already declares a
defaultSkin. Its better if the user picks the skin from the
portal_skins management interface, but skins and layers declared in
zcml don't show up there.

As for the old/tried-and-true way, can't use the
ExampleFileSystemSkin or MinimalPloneSkin as a starting point, perhaps
they use parts of Plone: cannot import name ContentFactoryMetadata. looks promising.

Hurdles I've had so far installing the skin:
Tried using container events (subscriber zcml) to call a hook when a
QSite is created, presuming that I'd work skin magic on the new site
object from within the event handler. Alas that is not the intended
purpose of subscriber and while it may work in the future, events
don't fire on CMFSite objects yet.

Am I supposed to create a manage_afterAdd method in my QSite object,
even though it's depreciated? Hmm, just tried creating that as a
method of QSite and it doesn't get called either- what's the right

Thanks for reading my rambling.
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