On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 03:20:52PM +0200, JÃrgen Herrmann wrote:

| ps: this does not only happen to my SubClassCatalog, this also hits
| f.ex. "from random import randint" where randint gets undefined.

That makes sense.  The 'from-import' syntax creates a name in the
local namespace that refers to the indicated object.  If you reload
the module you imported from, then that object is going to go away (or
at least be re-constructed) and the reference you had may no longer be
valid.  It may be the case that reloading your module fails to
properly handle all of the imports.  Basically that's just the way it
is and it is difficult to try and implement reload completely
correctly (which is what Zope's refresh depends on ).

As has already been noted, simply restart and you definitely won't
have any problems.  Use a faster machine if the restart time is too
long ;-).


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