Re: [Zope-dev] Catalog improvements

2001-11-29 Thread Chris Withers

Andreas Jung wrote:
 I think the software MG from the book Managing Gigabytes is GPLed and
 released as mg-1.21. Walking through the TOC of the book, it seems to be a
 very detailed
 sources about text processing and gives very much informations about
 different indexes types.
 But I miss some explanations about current data structures like suffix
 arrays or suffix tree
 that have several advantages for text processing compared to B-Trees.

Hmmm... looks like it's time ot go buy a book :-)



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Re: [Zope-dev] Searching/Indexing/ZODB/SQL/BerkleyDB

2001-11-29 Thread Chris Withers

Casey Duncan wrote:
 I'm not sure I want to store the indexes in the ZODB, just index ZODB data at
 a low level.

Ah, okay, and yes, in that case, I am in complete agreement ;-)
(the level I'm aiming at is just to be able to index python objects, I'll leave 
plugging that into the ZODB architecture
up to someone who understands it better...)

 Yup, I think I have a solution, but it'll involve some coding ;^) to explain? :-)

 I would rather avoid having to use a relational database unless I have to.
 Perhaps the index pluggability could be made to support different backends
 (like FileStorage et al does).

Yeah, unfortunately, the difficult bit is combining queries:
gimme the results where index1=='fish' and index2 is between 2 and 5kg.

if index1 is in SQL and index2 is in ZODB, for example, how would you go about 
efficiently combining results?

  That said, I wasn't aware of Matt's work up until very recently. I'd love
  to see an Indexer that didn't require an RDB (or BerkleyDB :-P) and scaled
  to GigaBytes of Data...
 Yup, me too.

Well, I'm just purchasing my copy of Managing Gigabytess now ;-)

 OK, I'm available all this week, but I'm not as available the next two weeks.
 Lets find a good time.

I'm available any time and date, just as long as I get a coupla days notice...



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Re: [Zope-dev] Fw: [Exuserfolder-devel] Zope 2.5b1 release

2001-11-29 Thread Chris Withers

Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
 Anyway. In case you were wondering what the previous email meant, there's
 actual meaning d8)

I'm sure Andy's got a point, but we haven't got the context of those points.

Is he complaining about the change in UserFolder API in Zope 2.5?



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Re: [Zope-dev] Searching/Indexing/ZODB/SQL/BerkleyDB

2001-11-29 Thread Matt Hamilton

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Chris Withers wrote:

  I would rather avoid having to use a relational database unless I have to.
  Perhaps the index pluggability could be made to support different backends
  (like FileStorage et al does).

 Yeah, unfortunately, the difficult bit is combining queries:
 gimme the results where index1=='fish' and index2 is between 2 and 5kg.

 if index1 is in SQL and index2 is in ZODB, for example, how would you
 go about efficiently combining results?

Is there not a set datatype in python that could be used?  Admittedly,
most of the stuff in MG is about textual searches rather than exact
searches (it can do boolean searches too, but the book is mainly about
ranking).  It uses an algorithm called the 'Cosine Ranking Algorithm'.
Basically if you imagine an N-dimensional space, where N is the number of
terms in your vocabulary and represent a document as a vector in that
space whose direction is the composite of the terms that appear in it.
You then represent a query string as a vector in the same space, the
similarity between the document and the query is the angle between the two
vectors... the smaller the angle the greater the similarity.

Still with me? :)


Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.  Business Vision on the Internet   +44 (0)117 9090901
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Re: [Zope-dev] Fw: [Exuserfolder-devel] Zope 2.5b1 release

2001-11-29 Thread Paul Everitt

Yikes, it was pointed out to me that I typed amk instead of akm. 
Though I knew it was Andrew Milton and not Andrew Kuchling, I mixed up 
the letters.  (In fact, as I was typing it, I was thinking wow, that 
looks like Andrew Kuchling's monogram.)


Paul Everitt wrote:

 Whew, that email (and the preceding one in the thread) is quite a 
 whopper.  In substance, amk raises some pretty serious issues that we 
 need to come to grips with very quickly.
 I don't have enough information to respond right now, but trust that 
 we'll get a good response back today.
 Neo-moderator note: if the discussion _does_ start over here, everyone 
 is advised to leave the anger at the door.  Problems like this can 
 usually be solved pretty easily by direct communication and open minds.
 Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
 I thought this might be intresting for discussion on zope-dev as well...


 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew Kenneth Milton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Andrew Kenneth Milton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 8:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [Exuserfolder-devel] Zope 2.5b1 release

 It has been pointed out that perhaps the dripping sarcasm drowned out the
 acutal points of the email, sorry I was particularly pissed off at how
 half-assed it all was.

 If you are writing a product that needs to create a user, you go look in and find out what the API since that tends to be the only place
 the API is documented.

 If you look at how UserFolder is implemented;

 a) The change to manage_* seems to be completely arbitrary, since we 
had _do* methods that meant you didn't have to call manage_users with
fake submit buttons. So what is the point of having manage_ ?

 b) manage_* methods usually indicate web callable methods, which these
aren't (no docstring, no REQUEST parameter). In fact they don't 
 return a
at all, so they seem to doubly useless.

 c) If it's an internal API for applications then the methods should 
be protected by being prefixed with an _ to indicate they're not for
from the web or from within Documents/Templates.

 d) Even if you conformed to the API by calling e.g. manage_addUser() this
seemed to be incorrect, since it didn't do things like encrypt the
This meant you would have to either a) encrypt the password yourself
(*very bad for XUF*), or b) call _addUser() which is not part of a
API but looks like it should be (i.e. manage_addUser and _addUser 
 seem to
be reversed in functionality).

ii) This is compounded by the fact you would have to query the 
itself to find out if you should be encrypting passwords (what no
UserFolder capability API?).

 e) s/_do/manage_/ doesn't constitute a new API. It's just the old one 
names changed.

 f) We've done a lot of work to make a flexible UF product that is I18Ned
(well -able), and they still use the value of the submit button. I 
expected to see an alternative manage_users called from the ZMI that
behaved much better, with manage_users calls raising warnings.

 g) Someone got paid to do it, and that just pisses me off, given the 
of the stuff we release for free (and I'm still looking for a job btw
We're not perfect, the 0.10.1 release shows that, but, at least we
spent more than three minutes including thinking time on it, and I at
try not to change things just for the sake of it.

 Anyway. In case you were wondering what the previous email meant, there's
 actual meaning d8)

 Totally Holistic Enterprises Internet|  | Andrew 
 The Internet (Aust) Pty Ltd  |  |
 ACN: 082 081 472 ABN: 83 082 081 472 |  M:+61 416 022 411   | Carpe 
 PO Box 837 Indooroopilly QLD 4068|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|

 Exuserfolder-devel mailing list

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Re: [Zope-dev] Searching/Indexing/ZODB/SQL/BerkleyDB

2001-11-29 Thread Jim Fulton

Chris Withers wrote:
 Toby Dickenson wrote:
  FileStorage is 'damn fast', so almost anything is going to be slower.
 Indeed, until it runs out of RAM for its indexes ;-)

I wish you would finish testing the change I made for you.
It should reduce the memory consumption by an order of magnitude.
I took an afternoon out of a rather busy schedule to put this 
together for you.


Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
CTO  (888) 344-4332  
Zope Corporation

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[Zope-dev] ZODBC bug

2001-11-29 Thread mike hong

I found ZODBC bug at max_rows.

file name:
line: 230

Current version is getting all rows regardless of 
Fixed version is getting rows until rows are smaller than 

Current version:
while status==SQL_SUCCESS:

Fixed version:
cnt = 0
while status==SQL_SUCCESS and cnt  max_rows:
 cnt = cnt + 1

Have a nice day !!

Re: [Zope-dev] Fw: [Exuserfolder-devel] Zope 2.5b1 release

2001-11-29 Thread Steve Alexander

A K Milton wrote:

 a) The change to manage_* seems to be completely arbitrary, since we already
had _do* methods that meant you didn't have to call manage_users with
fake submit buttons. So what is the point of having manage_ ?

They were added in response to this fishbowl proposal:

It was a quick fix intended to help people doing user management over 

If there are problems in maintaining compatibility with the previous 
API, and products that rely on that, well that's a bug and it needs 
Collecting and sorting out before 2.5 final.

I'm concerned about this too, and I'm glad it's reached Zope-Dev, as 
I've got some LoginManager user folders in use, and I don't want these 
to break when I start using Zope 2.5 on those systems.

In the fishbowl proposal comments, Brial Lloyd wrote:

 This is so long overdue that I've just checked this in for the Zope 
2.5 line in CVS. (It is slated for 2.5 because it is an API change and 
has documentation impact, plus I would like to follow up and clean up 
some of the old form dispatch code and want to make sure we have an 
upgrade cycle to make sure other implementations of user folders don't 

I see an intention not to break other user folder products. Given that 
the fishbowl proposal in question is supposed to make for a very small 
change, any breakage in existing products is a bug in its implementation.

In summary:

I want to make sure that things are no worse in Zope 2.5 final than in 
Zope 2.5. Any breakage caused by this API change is a bug, and needs to 
be sorted out by Zope 2.5 final.
I can offer some help in fixing these bugs, especially if they find 
their way into the Collector, so I can take ownership of them.

Improvements to the user folder API that fall outside getting it 
working with XML-RPC bring up larger issues, which I see are being 
discussed here:

Steve Alexander
Software Engineer
Cat-Box limited

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Re: [Zope-dev] Fw: [Exuserfolder-devel] Zope 2.5b1 release

2001-11-29 Thread Steve Alexander

Steve Alexander wrote:

 In summary:
 I want to make sure that things are no worse in Zope 2.5 final than in 
 Zope 2.5. Any breakage caused by this API change is a bug, and needs to 
 be sorted out by Zope 2.5 final.

That should have read:

I want to make sure that the user management API is no worse in Zope 2.5 
than in Zope 2.4.

Steve Alexander

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Re: [Zope-dev] Searching/Indexing/ZODB/SQL/BerkleyDB

2001-11-29 Thread Chris Withers

Jim Fulton wrote:
 Chris Withers wrote:
  Toby Dickenson wrote:
   FileStorage is 'damn fast', so almost anything is going to be slower.
  Indeed, until it runs out of RAM for its indexes ;-)
 I wish you would finish testing the change I made for you.

Sorry, to be clear, my comment was in the context of using a FileStorage to
exclusively store searching and indexing information.

Jim has provided a patch which I was trying to test, sadly, for whatever reason,
it went wrong and killed the box I was testing on.

There are some issues preventing me resurrecting the box (location, staff, etc)
but I will let you guys know as soon as I get some information...



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RE: [Zope-dev] Fw: [Exuserfolder-devel] Zope 2.5b1 release

2001-11-29 Thread Brian Lloyd

  a) The change to manage_* seems to be completely arbitrary,
 since we already
 had _do* methods that meant you didn't have to call manage_users with
 fake submit buttons. So what is the point of having manage_ ?

 They were added in response to this fishbowl proposal:

 It was a quick fix intended to help people doing user management over

Right - the idea was to _add to_ the existing API, in a completely
backward-compatible way, so that:

  - untrusted code (DTML, Python scripts, other code managed by
security constraints) could be used to do user mgmt (if the
caller has appropriate rights, of course). Previously, the
only code accessible to these was unwieldy (the build-a-fake-
request approach), and the corresponding _ methods were not
accessible because _ methods can't be called from Web code.

  - trusted code (external methods, Python products) would have
a clearer and easier API for doing the same. While they could
have used the _ methods, they are not documented as if they
are a part of the official API, which is a point of confusion.

  - An XML-RPC (given appropriate rights) call could be used to
do user management work.

 If there are problems in maintaining compatibility with the previous
 API, and products that rely on that, well that's a bug and it needs
 Collecting and sorting out before 2.5 final.

 I'm concerned about this too, and I'm glad it's reached Zope-Dev, as
 I've got some LoginManager user folders in use, and I don't want these
 to break when I start using Zope 2.5 on those systems.

Nor do I - my goal for this was (and remains) 100% backward compatibility,
and to make people's lives easier, not harder. It looks like I've muffed
the implementation, for which I certainly take full responsibility (and
which I'll rectify today).

I think I also failed to adequately express the goal for this - I'll
need to update the docstrings as well. The goal was not to change the
(admitted ancient and crummy) way that the Web interfaces to user folders
interact with the API (the dispatching based on submit button lameness),
as I'm sure that many, many implementations would break. The goal was
not to deprecate _that_ usage of the 'manage_users' method.

The idea was to deprecate the use of 'manage_users' from Web-based or
product code in favor of the new (and hopefully easier) APIs. That
allows us to address the lameness of the 'manage_users' method re:
user folder UI as a separate issue in the future, while still being
able to give scripters, product authors and XML-RPC users something
that they can use now.

Software Engineer  540.361.1716
Zope Corporation

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[Zope-dev] User folders, access rights, security, collector item 47

2001-11-29 Thread Brad Clements

Sorry to post here.

I posted last week on the zope list about what appears to be a new/strange security 
related problem in 2.4.3

I thought it was a problem in LdapUserFolder, but jens spent more time debugging than 
I did and he feels it's somewhere in the Zope security machinery.

Is it security related when security doesn't do what you want (though nothing has been 
exposed, rather, what we want exposed isn't)?

I'd try to tackle this myself, but I really have no idea where to start. I know 
everyone is 
busy, but I was wondering if anyone else has been able to reproduce the condition so 
that we can say for certain if its a bug, or a mis-configuration.


Brad Clements,[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (315)268-1000  (315)268-9812 Fax
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