[Zope-dev] Lazy expressions appear to cause memory leaks

2006-06-02 Thread Geoff Davis
In Zope 2.8+ there is a little known but very useful TALES feature: you
can have expressions be lazily evaluated.  For example,

span tal:define=foo lazy:python:someExpensiveMethod() /

The lazy: prefix causes the python expression to not be evaluated until
foo is used somewhere.

There appears to be a fairly big problem with this setup.  The lazy:
prefix wraps the expression in a LazyExpr which stores the expression and
its context.  The LazyExpr in turn generates a LazyWrapper (that
holds similar information) which ends up getting held in the
TALInterpreter's global/local variable list.

The expression context for TAL expressions in a page template includes
things like the template itself, the context object (a fully wrapped
object), the request (chock full of complicated stuff), and so on.  It
appears that storing the expression context in the lazy wrapper creates
some kind of circular reference or something similar that is preventing
garbage collection of these lazy wrappers.  The result is a nasty memory

The problem appears to be fixable via some cleaning up in
PageTemplate.pt_render after the interpreter does its thing.  The code
snippet below is probably overkill, but something like this appears to be
what is needed:

context = getEngine().getContext(c)
TALInterpreter(self._v_program, self._v_macros,
   tal=not source, strictinsert=0)()

# clean up - try to eliminate circular references - this may be overkill
context._compiler = None
context.contexts = None
context.repeat_vars = None
from Products.PageTemplates.DeferExpr import LazyWrapper
for k,v in context.global_vars.items():
if isinstance(v, LazyWrapper):
v._expr = None
v._econtext = None
v._result = None
if context.vars:
while len(context.vars):
context.global_vars = None
context.local_vars = None
context.vars = None
context._scope_stack = None

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[Zope-dev] Re: running unit tests for Zope 2.8

2006-03-14 Thread Geoff Davis

That almost did the trick.  In the end I found that having both
--libdir=/opt/Zope-2.8/lib/python/Products and
enabled the tests to run.  Thanks!


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[Zope-dev] running unit tests for Zope 2.8

2006-03-13 Thread Geoff Davis
Hi --

I have a fix for http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/2037 and would like
to write a unit test for it.  However, I don't seem to be able to run the
existing unit tests for SiteAccess with zopectl test.

I created a new instance, then in my instance run

bin/zopectl test --dir=/opt/Zope-2.8/lib/python/Products/SiteAccess/tests/

which yields the following:

Running tests via: /usr/local/bin/python /opt/Zope-2.8/bin/test.py -v 
--config-file /home/zope/zopefix/etc/zope.conf --libdir Products 
Running unit tests at level 1
Running unit tests from /opt/Zope-2.8/lib/python/Products/SiteAccess/tests
Parsing /home/zope/zopefix/etc/zope.conf

Ran 0 tests in 0.000s

Any idea as to why no tests run?  Am I missing some special incantation to
get zopectl test to run?  Or should I be running the Zope tests some other



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[Zope-dev] Principles

2006-03-05 Thread Geoff Davis
I am very glad to see that Jim's efforts to better articulate a vision for
Zope have generated so much interest.  I am not so sure that the
discussion has been an entirely productive one.  

I think that we as a community would benefit by working on our social
engineering as much as our software engineering. There are some
straightforward and incredibly effective techniques for helping to ensure
that the kinds of discussions we have been having are more productive. 
The book _Getting To Yes_ ( http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0140157352 )
does a great job of describing them -- it's required reading in lots of
university classes, particularly in MBA programs.  The book is nominally
about negotiations, but the ideas apply to a huge range of interactions. 
Here's a summary:

One of the things that GTY recommends is to establish a set of agreed upon
principles for evaluating proposals.  I think that having such a set of
principles would help us better focus our current discussion.

Let's take a step back from the particulars of the various proposals
floating around and see if we can nail down some principles.  Here is a
very rough, very incomplete start:

1. Zope should have a clear message about where we are going.

I'm sure we all agree on this, but this is so broad that it is not very
useful.  Here's a stab at refining it:

1.1 We should have a clear message about where Zope 2 is going. The
message should give existing and prospective Zope 2 users an idea of how
long their code will continue to work on releases in the Zope 2 path and
what kind of upgrade process they will face as the Zope 2 line evolves.

1.2 Ditto for Zope 3.

2. Zope should try to expand its developer base.

Again, I am sure we all agree, but this is too broad to be useful.

2.1  Zope should leverage the work of others by moving toward an
architecture that allows one to easily use code from outside Zope.

This effectively increases the developer base by letting us leverage the
work of others outside the immediate Zope community.  I assume that this
(and integration) are the primary motivations driving the CA.

2.2  Zope should be useful for developers not using the full application
server stack.

Again, this serves to increase our developer base by drawing in people
outside our traditional core audience.

We probably need some principles about the Zope brand, and so on, but I
think this should serve as a useful starting point.

Let's see if we can expand and refine these principles before going down
the vision road.  I think that we will find that once we have
articulated a set of core principles, defining a vision that adheres to
them will be much easier.


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[Zope-dev] Re: Re: Two visions

2006-03-02 Thread Geoff Davis
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 09:43:03 -0330, Rocky Burt wrote:

 Anyway, this still keeps things very confusing from a naming perspective
 (mostly for new adopters).  So  having said all of that, I am
 actually +1 on Jim's proposal #2.  What I see from that (someone correct
 me if I'm wrong) is the following:
   1) rename zope 3 the framework as Z or zopelib or Zed or something
 sensical that doesn't confuse the early adopter's conquest of trying to
 figure out which zope to start with
   2) Make zope 2 the application server acquire the name zope once
 again and be the only app server.  This could only work (from a new
 adopter's perspective) if either the application server is given a new
 name or given a version number higher than 3.

I agree with Rocky's assessment.  +1 on Jim's suggestion #2.

However, if I am understanding things correctly, it doesn't really sound
like door #2 entails a huge deviation from from our current course of
bringing Zope 2 and Zope 3 together gradually.  I don't really care what
the converged product is called, Zope 2.250 or Zope 3.99 or Zope 5.  

My take is that Jim is not really proposing anything all that
different from what Martijn wants -- a gradual convergence of Zope
2 and 3.  Rather, it sounds like the biggest changes in Jim's proposal #2

1) a change in how we _talk_ about what we are doing, and
2) an explicit attempt to factor out some of the Zope 3 goodness into a
more generic, less-monolithic-app-server framework, Zed.

(am I right here, Jim?)

I think that the idea of giving Zed its own, distinct identity is great. 
Zope 3 is a _huge_ overhaul and it needs to be obvious to the world that
it is dramatically better than crufty old Zope 2.  Zope 3 then becomes the
Zed application server; Zope 2 is getting Zed retrofits via Five, and the
two will eventually converge into Zope 5.

A distinct Zed distribution could bring in developers who are just
interested in using the component architecture but not necessarily a
big app server stack.  It would be cool to see Zed popping up in random
python products or perhaps in TurboGears / Django internals.  And more
than just cool -- the more people we can get using Zed, the more code we
will be able to mix in easily to Zope (2/3/5) applications.


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[Zope-dev] Two visions?

2006-03-02 Thread Geoff Davis
+1 on Jim's suggestion #2.

However, if I am understanding things correctly, it doesn't really sound
like door #2 entails a huge deviation from from our current course of
bringing Zope 2 and Zope 3 together gradually.  I don't really care what
the converged product is called, be it Zope 2.250 or Zope 3.99 or Zope 5.  

My take is that Jim is not really proposing anything all that different
from what Martijn wants -- a gradual convergence of Zope 2 and 3.  Rather,
it sounds like the biggest changes in Jim's proposal #2 entail:

1) a change in how we _talk_ about what we are doing, and
2) an explicit attempt to factor out some of the Zope 3 goodness into a
more generic, less-monolithic-app-server framework, Zed (or Z or

Am I right here, Jim?

I think that the idea of giving Zed its own, distinct identity is great. 
Zope 3 is a _huge_ overhaul and it needs to be obvious to the world that
it is dramatically better than crufty old Zope 2.  Zope 3 then becomes the
Zed application server; Zope 2 is getting Zed retrofits via Five, and the
two will eventually converge into Zope 5 (or Zope 2.27 or whatever).

A distinct Zed distribution could bring in developers who are just
interested in using the component architecture but not necessarily a big
app server stack.  It would be cool to see Zed popping up in random python
products or perhaps even in TurboGears / Django internals.  And more than
just cool -- the more people we can get using Zed, the more code we will
be able to mix in easily to Zope (2/3/5) applications.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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Re: [Zope-dev] Two visions?

2006-03-02 Thread Geoff Davis
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 10:38:03 -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:

 I think that the idea of giving Zed its own, distinct identity is great. 
 Zope 3 is a _huge_ overhaul and it needs to be obvious to the world that
 it is dramatically better than crufty old Zope 2.  Zope 3 then becomes the
 Zed application server; Zope 2 is getting Zed retrofits via Five, and the
 two will eventually converge into Zope 5 (or Zope 2.27 or whatever).
 Ooops.  OK I guess I was clear as mud. :)  My idea for Z, pronounced zed
 or whatever the naming gods decide is that it was *not* an app server.
 It is an un-app-server. :)  A collection of technologies that are useful
 by themselves, to support an app server and useful to build non-app-server
 applications, web or otherwise.

No, I think I understood you.  I was being sloppy in my use of language. 
I should have said something more like Zope 3 then becomes an application
server built around the Zed library.

 I think that Z3 is better than Z2 in a lot of ways.  I also think that
 Z2 is more mature and complete.  I really want us to combine those efforts.
 I think we've achieved enough and learned enough with Zope 3 that we
 can now bring that to bear and make Zope 2 better, refactoring the cruft
 away and applying the lessons we've learned with Zope 3.  (Note that Zope 3
 is not crust free.)  I don't really care what this thing ends up being called,
 except that it *must* be called Zope.

Yes, I agree.  Zope is the app server.  I think that is consistent with
the past use of the brand.

 This paragraph makes me think I was clear. Yes, we need to follow Ian 
 advice and release our technology in bite-sized chunks.  I'm hopeful that the
 packaging efforts underway will lead to more of that.

Yes, and the use of the new name Z or Zed is a way to emphasize that
the Zed library is NOT a big, monolithic app server; rather, it's
something new and cool.


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[Zope-dev] CopySupport bug or feature?

2005-08-08 Thread Geoff Davis
I have been developing some classes that need to know when they are copied
or moved.  I have been achieving this by adding my own versions of
_notifyOfCopyTo, _postCopy, and manage_afterClone.  Everything works as
expected when you copy / paste an individual object.  However, I have
recently been made aware of a problem with this approach: if you copy not
the object itself, but rather a folder containing the object, only
manage_afterClone is called.  In looking through OFS/CopySupport.py and
OFS/ObjectManager.py, I discovered the source of the problem:
manage_afterClone is called recursively on ObjectManagers, but
_notifyOfCopyTo and _postCopy are not.

Is this intentional?  If not, I'd like to check in a fix.


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[Zope-dev] Re: CopySupport bug or feature?

2005-08-08 Thread Geoff Davis
I've been talking to people on #zope about this.  They're scared to
touch the methods for backward compatibility reasons.

Maybe the way to go is to create some new methods that are called
recursively on objects when they are copied or moved.  How about:

def _beforeMove(self, 
   # destination_container may be None (since for subobjects, the
   #destination will not have been created yet)
   # destination_path is a tuple containing the physical path of
   #the new container (which may not yet exist)
   # call subobjects recursively if recurse flag is True
   # default implementation does nothing and returns self

def _afterMove(self, source_container, recurse=True)
   # source_container may be None (since for subobjects, the
   #source may have been moved elsewhere)
   # source_path is a tuple containing the physical path of 
   #the old container (which may no longer exist) 
   # call subobjects recursively if recurse flag is True 
   # default implementation does nothing and returns self 

def _beforeCopy(self, destination_container, recurse=True):
   # destination_container may be None (since for subobjects, the
   #destination will not have been created yet)
   # destination_path is a tuple containing the physical path of
   #the new container (which may not yet exist)
   # call subobjects recursively if recurse flag is True
   # default implementation does nothing and returns self
def _afterCopy(self, source_container, original_object, recurse=True):
   # source_path is a tuple containing the physical path of 
   #the new container (which should still exist) 
   # call subobjects recursively if recurse flag is True 
   # default implementation does nothing and returns self

The calls would look something like:

ob = ob._beforeMove(destination, destination.getPhysicalPath(), True)
moved_ob = moved_ob._afterMove(source, source.getPhysicalPath(), True)


Once we have a decent event system in place, these methods could be the
place where copy / move events are generated.



On Mon, 08 Aug 2005 11:26:55 -0400, Chris McDonough wrote:

 I've been able to get around this by creating a _notifyOfCopyTo on the
 folder type that does the recursion.  There's a delicate dance in some
 of my code that does some work in _notifyOfCopyTo and other work in
 _getCopy.  This could be improved I bet, but touching the code means
 that you surely own it forever. ;-)
 On Mon, 2005-08-08 at 11:05 -0400, Geoff Davis wrote:
 I have been developing some classes that need to know when they are copied
 or moved.  I have been achieving this by adding my own versions of
 _notifyOfCopyTo, _postCopy, and manage_afterClone.  Everything works as
 expected when you copy / paste an individual object.  However, I have
 recently been made aware of a problem with this approach: if you copy not
 the object itself, but rather a folder containing the object, only
 manage_afterClone is called.  In looking through OFS/CopySupport.py and
 OFS/ObjectManager.py, I discovered the source of the problem:
 manage_afterClone is called recursively on ObjectManagers, but
 _notifyOfCopyTo and _postCopy are not.
 Is this intentional?  If not, I'd like to check in a fix.

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[Zope-dev] Re: CopySupport, hooks, events

2005-08-08 Thread Geoff Davis
Florent, thanks for a thoughtful reply.

Maybe we should start the larger discussion in moving to an event-driven
OFS in Zope 2.8/2.9 using Five? Does Five support Z3's events (does Z3
have events yet? I have ordered Phillip's Z3 book but it has yet to arrive...)

I'm cross posting to the Plone folks to see what they think.


On Mon, 08 Aug 2005 20:29:38 +0200, Florent Guillaume wrote:
 I'd prefer names less potentially prone to clashes with existing code, 
 namely _beforeItemMove, _afterItemCopy, etc.
 Also I tried to make a point on IRC about the recursion, and how we can 
 switch this model to an event system later, but I probably wasn't clear 
 enough. I'll try to explain better, but please bear with me :)
 First and foremost, I want to be able to switch from the current system 
 where each class has to implement (or inherit) _beforeItemMove so that 
 recursion applies, which would conceptually mean a base class or a mixin, to 
 a system driven by events.
 Very importantly, this means that it's not _beforeItemMove's job to do the 
 recursion. Why? Because suppose I inherit from a base class that has 
 something to do before the move, and I want to add behavior to that. I'll 
 have to call the base class, let it do its recursion, and then do my 
 behavior on the current object. But suppose I inherit from two base classes 
 that both had a _beforeItemMove that did recursion ? Then the recursion has 
 to be defined and done only once, or you'd have double recursions (which 
 turns into an exponential complexity). Maybe in some kind of unique base 
 class? That's a total mess, I don't want to have to add artificial base 
 classes to my code when there's no need to. I want the recursing behavior to 
 be defined in a component (à la Zope 3), not in a base class. So the first 
 consequence of having a clean approach is that:
  It's not the hook's job to do the recursion.
 So the recursion has to be done by external code, a component, that calls 
 all the relevant objects.
 Now, in the current Zope 2 system having a class with a manage_beforeDelete 
 (for instance) that just does pass means that the recursion is stopped. We 
 want to keep that flexibility; this is easily done by having the hook return 
 True if it wants to recurse (or to stop recursion -- we have to find what's 
 Here's how an event system would work (using afterItemCopy as an example):
 1. something decides to copy an object. A beforeCopy event is sent. Then 
 the copy is done. The an afterCopy event is sent.
 2. some code having the need to tidy up things after the copy has a 
 subscriber subscribed to the afterCopy event. For instance, there could be 
 a subscriber in CMFCatalogAware.py that indexes the new objects, calling 
 indexObject on each. A subscriber implements a policy, in this case it would 
 be copied objects have to be indexed in their new place. Notice, it's not 
 indexObject's role to do any recursion.
 3. the subscriber may or may not want the recursion to apply. How it does 
 that is up to its implementation.
 I'm stressing point 3 here because if I copy 100.000 objects I don't want 
 the default system to send 100.000 events. If I have an efficient way of 
 doing my bookkeeping, I don't want the event system do screw things up 
 behind my back. Note for instance that in CMF reindexObjectSecurity does not 
 do recursion like manage_afterAdd does, because it has optimized ways to do 
 its job without recursing using objectValues().
 So I strongly believe the default event system should send a simple event on 
 copy (and I think I'll have to fight to get my way in Zope 3...). Now, if 
 something wants to recurse, it's free to do so, and maybe send more events. 
 But I want the system to be able to work without that.
 Using this system, there could be a default subscriber in OFS/CopySupport.py 
 that calls _afterItemCopy on the toplevel object and then does the 
 recursion. The *subscriber* does the recursion, not _afterItemCopy.
 But we're not there yet (no events in Zope 2), so instead of sending an 
 event that's caught by a subscriber that does a recursion, this can be done 
 for now by calling directly the code equivalent to the subscriber. Later 
 we'll move to the event system. (And it is my hope that we can deprecate 
 manage_beforeDelete  al. too.)
 So I propose:
 def _beforeItemMove(dest_container, dest_path):
  Called before an item is moved.
  dest_container may be None (since for subobjects, the
  destination will not have been created yet).
  dest_path is a tuple containing the physical path of
  the new container (which may not yet exist).
  Returns True if recursion should stop.
 def _afterItemMove(source_container, source_path):
  Called afer an item has been moved.
  source_container may be None (since for subobjects, the
  source may have been moved elsewhere).