[Zope-dev] Product release: ExtFile/ExtImage 0.91

2000-08-24 Thread Heine, Gregor

Version 0.91 of the ExtFile/ExtImage Software Product has just been

The ExtFile and  ExtImage Products store large files in an external
file-repository and are able to display icons for different MIME-Types. The
ExtImage Product additionally creates preview-thumbnails from images and
displays them.
ExtFile and ExtImage basically work like the Zope File and Image products
but the (binary) file is not stored inside the ZODB, but in an external
file-repository. Only meta data (like title and description) are stored in
the ZODB. This prevents the Database swelling up quickly, when many large
files are uploaded and thus increasing database performance. 
Version 0.91 fixes an important security issue, that allowed read access to
any file in the local filesystem (readeable for the UID of the zope

The Product is avaliable at http://www.zope.org/Members/MacGregor/ExtFile/


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[Zope-dev] _delObject Method

2000-07-10 Thread Heine, Gregor


Can anybody tell me, what the 'dp=1' attribute in the _delObject methods of
the ObjectManager (OFS/ObjectManager.py) and ZClassMethodsSheet
(ZClasses/Method.py) Class are for?
I haven't found any method call, where dp is set and the methods themselves
don't use it aswell.

I would like to use it as a switch for (not) calling the manage_beforeDelete
method, when the _delObject method is called by
CopySupport.manage_renameObject and CopySupport.manage_pasteObject. In these
cases, manage_beforeDelete would not be called. To me that seems to be
correct, because during a cut-paste and a rename operation the Objects are
not really deleted, they are just temporarily taken out of the object-tree
and then inserted again.
Are there any problems with that? Or is 'dp' used for another purpose in an
older or a newer version of Zope (I use Zope 2.1.6)?

-OFS/ObjectManager.py-line 277-
def _delObject(self, id, dp=1):
if dp:
object.manage_beforeDelete(object, self)
self._objects=tuple(filter(lambda i,n=id: i['id']!=n,

-OFS/CopySupport.py-line 225 and 259---
ob.aq_parent._delObject(id, 0)



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[Zope-dev] Distributed ZODB-Transactions

2000-05-18 Thread Heine Gregor


I want to write an Product that mirrors every ZODB-Transaction to a
The idea was to trap every transaction (i.e. creation, change, deletion of
zope-objects) and transfer a copy of the object to another server (via
XML-RPC?!?) after the transaction got commited. 
I've been debugging through various zope-classes (esp. transaction.py,
connection.py) but couldn't understand the way, zope manages the
The creation and deletion process always seems to trigger a transaction for
the parent object.
Has anybody an idea?



Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Distributed ZODB-Transactions

2000-05-18 Thread Heine Gregor

  I want to write an Product that mirrors every ZODB-Transaction to a
  The idea was to trap every transaction (i.e. creation, change, deletion
  zope-objects) and transfer a copy of the object to another server (via
  XML-RPC?!?) after the transaction got commited.
  I've been debugging through various zope-classes (esp. transaction.py,
  connection.py) but couldn't understand the way, zope manages the
  The creation and deletion process always seems to trigger a transaction
  the parent object.
  Has anybody an idea?
 Data.fs is essentially a log file that is appended with binary data. 
 The only time the data is changed rather than appended is when you pack
 the database.  Therefore, it may be easier to write a script that
 catches the data that is appended and appends it to the backup file. 
 When the script detects the file has shortened (after a packing
 operation), it should copy the whole file over.
 The simple fact that data is appended rather than changed makes Data.fs
 quite reliable.  It can withstand most kinds of failure.  And the Zope
 undo mechanism is very effective.
 So I would suggest that the backup you intend to perform does not need
 to be an integral part of Zope.  Rather, it is appropriate that it be a
 background process run periodically.
OK, I admit, I didn't tell you the whole truth. ;-) 
The Backup-Server should not only backup one, but various
Zope-installations (sort of 'backup-central').
My idea was to create a folder for each backuped server. This folder
holds the complete object-tree of a backup-client. 
Each time a change in the database of the client occurs, the client
informs the server about it (tells the server which object has been changed,
created or deleted). Then the server requests that object from the client.
The client pickles the object, sends it to the server and the server
unpickles it again and puts it in the right place in the client folder.
My problem is the first step: how does the client recognize, which
object has to be updated? In the case of a creation and deletion of an
object, the transaction-class handles the parent object and not the object



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