Re: [Zope-dev] Granularity of Persistent Objects

2004-07-16 Thread Ian Beatty
> > Or shall I wrap each one in a custom class that subclasses Persistent?
> That is usually an even better idea. And for big dictionaries, you may
> want to use the BTree objects for storage.

So in my containing class, I just have

class MyContainer( Persistent ):

subObject = None

def __init__( self ):

self.subObject = BTree()

and etc.? That's all there is to it??


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Granularity of Persistent Objects

2004-07-15 Thread Ian Beatty

I'm developing a Zope (2.7) product, and I've got a particular
persistent object that's going to be a real bottleneck, in that there
will be many threads trying to change the state of the object more or
less simultaneously. I'd like to "spread out" the problem by taking
member fields of the object (lists, dictionaries, etc.) and making
them persistent sub-objects in their own right. That way, changes made
to one of them can be saved to the ZODB without causing thread
conflicts with changes being made to others, removing at least some of
the thred conflicts.

However, I don't know how to do this. Is it as simple as using a
PersistentMapping where I'd normally use a standard Python dictionary?
Or shall I wrap each one in a custom class that subclasses Persistent?
Does my parent object have to handle these in any special way so that
the ZODB knows to give them their own DB records? I've tried looking
at how ObjectManager does things, and found it less than enlightening.


..Ian Beatty
  University of Massachusetts Amherst
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] ZODB for Java?

2004-04-14 Thread Ian Beatty

Does anyone know of a good (stable, reliable, fast enough for 
production use in a web app) ZODB-equivalent for persisting Java 



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Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Researchvoice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-9337 USA
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Re: [Zope-dev] Threads, Locks, Volatility, and Angst

2004-03-31 Thread Ian Beatty
On 2004-03-31 5:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is reputed to have said:

> Do you use this unique ID only as some kind of session ID?

Yes, exactly.

> If you only
> need these IDs during a session (don't have to store them in ZODB), you
> can create a thread safe class for managing them and then use an instant
> of this class as a module global variable in your product.
> AFAIR, this is the way how exUserFolder implements it's usercache. You
> can get a clue by examining these files...

I'll check them out. Thanks.


-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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[Zope-dev] Threads, Locks, Volatility, and Angst

2004-03-31 Thread Ian Beatty

I'm looking for a little wisdom -- specifically, about thread locks and

I'm developing a Python-based product. One of the classes needs to hand out
unique IDs to clients as they connect for the first time. I generate these
by keeping an index integer in the instance that starts at zero,
incrementing it by one for every new client, and using the new value for the
unique ID. In order to prevent race conditions when two clients connect
almost simultaneously, I have another instance variable in my class that
holds a threading.lock(). I call acquire() on that lock just before the
increment-and-report code, and release() just after. So far so good.

That seemed to work just fine yesterday when I coded it. Then I shut down
Zope overnight and started it up again today. Now, I cannot create a new
instance of the class without getting the Zope error "UnpickleableError:
Cannot pickle  objects". (I'd swear it was working
yesterday, though.)

I thought "Okay, no problem. I'll just make the lock variable volatile,
since I don't really care whether it persists when Zope shuts down." So I
renamed the lock to begin with '_v_'. That solves my "UnpickleableError"
problem nicely. Unfortunately, it introduces a different problem: the code
that calls acquire() on the lock now throws "AttributeError: 'NoneType'
object has no attribute 'acquire'". I'm sure I initialize that variable to a
threading.Lock() in the object's __init__ method. So now I'm worried that
Zope is doing all kinds of pickling-unpickling activity behind the scenes,
and anything I have that's volatile can disappear without warning.

Are there any thread-wise Zopistas out there who can steer me right?



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Product Access to Files

2004-03-11 Thread Ian Beatty
On 2004-03-11 7:04 AM, Chris Withers is reputed to have said:

>> I'm overriding '__getitem__' and using Python's "os" package to directly
>> access the local file system. I just sniff the file name extension and set
>> the response content-type, then return the contents of the named file.
>> Simple and stupid.
> Ooo... I hope you're confident in what you're doing :-S

Not in the least! =8-0 I've never mucked around this deep within Zope
before. What's the danger... threading issues?

> Should be vaguely okay, provided you're not writing to those files with the
> os module.

No writing, only reading.

> Mindyou, Apache could serve 'em a LOT faster...

It's a whole lot easier to have those files nicely packaged inside my
product, so that all someone needs to do is install the product and be done
with it. No separate directory of files to put somewhere, no Apache
configuration to do, no URL issues.

I'm wide open to suggestions for a better way to do this!

>> (If anyone's curious, I'm using a Zope product for a back-end to a
>> Mozilla/XUL front-end. This static file stuff allows the product to provide
>> the XUL, JavaScript, and CSS files needed to define the Mozilla-based
>> interface.)
> Cool :-)

I think so! ;-P

In the long run, I may set up the XUL/etc. to be installed into the user's
Mozilla "Chrome", and then it would be permanently resident. So it would
only be downloaded once per user, which makes efficiency less important and
Apache (hopefully) unnecessary.



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Product Access to Files

2004-03-10 Thread Ian Beatty
On 2004-03-10 10:14 AM, Chris Withers is reputed to have said:

> Ian Beatty wrote:
>> I've been messing around with DTMLFile and ClassicHTMLFile and the like,
>> haven't been able to figure out how to get it to work for arbitrary paths.
>> They also require all my file names end in '.dtml', which is quite a pain.
>> Any suggestions?
> Local FS?
> What Sandor said?
> Apache and rewrite rules?

I'm overriding '__getitem__' and using Python's "os" package to directly
access the local file system. I just sniff the file name extension and set
the response content-type, then return the contents of the named file.
Simple and stupid.

I actually delegate the file-serving to a helper class, and use recursion to
handle arbitrary-length paths for arbitrary-depth file system hierarchies.

Simple, stupid, and inelegant, but it seems to work.

FileSystemSite seemed geared towards providing ZMI access to static files. I
just want my product to be able to dish out preset files that are part of
the product.

(If anyone's curious, I'm using a Zope product for a back-end to a
Mozilla/XUL front-end. This static file stuff allows the product to provide
the XUL, JavaScript, and CSS files needed to define the Mozilla-based

Thanks for all the suggestions.



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Catching "extra path"

2004-03-09 Thread Ian Beatty
Hi again.

I'm chipping away at the problem I asked about earlier ("Product Access to
Files") -- or perhaps just beating my head against it -- and I've got
another question.

If I'm writing a Python script within the ZMI, any URL that resolves to my
script will invoke the script, even if the URL has "extra" stuff appended:


will invoke a script at /folder/script. Furthermore, I can get at the
"a/b/c" part from within the script by accessing 'traverse_subpath'.

The question is, how can I do this from within a Python-based product?


fails to invoke the method 'method' on my custom object 'object'. Instead, I
get a "Cannot locate object" page.

It's hard to believe there's something I can do with a ZMI Python script
that I can't do in a Python product...



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Product directory?

2004-03-09 Thread Ian Beatty
Greetings again.

This has to be an easy one.

>From within my Python-based product's code, how do I get access to the
product's directory on the filesystem? os.getcwd() seems to provide the
working directory of the shell used to launch Zope, at least when running in
debug mode.

I've tried ferreting it out from the source to DTMLFile and etc., but I
can't trace it.



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Product Access to Files

2004-03-09 Thread Ian Beatty

I'm developing a Python-based product that needs to serve up a variety of
XML files out of the product's directory. That is, certain URLs handled by
instances of a product-defined type need to return an XML file that's on
disk along with the product's DTML views and the like. Let's say that the


resolves to an object my product class defines. Then I'd like


to serve a file named 'a' in a directory named 'xml_files' in my product's
directory. Similarly,


should serve a file named 'c' within a directory named 'b' within
'xml_files' in my product's directory.

I'd rather not hard-code every single file in the Python module, since there
will be many, and they'll be changing a lot during development.

I've been messing around with DTMLFile and ClassicHTMLFile and the like,
haven't been able to figure out how to get it to work for arbitrary paths.
They also require all my file names end in '.dtml', which is quite a pain.

Any suggestions?



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Schizophrenic ObjectManager?

2004-03-04 Thread Ian Beatty

I'd like to create a type in a Python-based product that's kind of like two
folders fused together. What I mean by that is I've got a folderish object
type -- let's call it 'F' -- that inherits from ObjectManager. I've set it
up so that it can contain objects of type 'A' and nothing else, by using the
all_meta_types property. So far so good.

Now, I want to have it also contain objects of type 'B', but displayed and
managed through a separate tab in the ZMI. If I click on the "Contents" tab
of an instance of F, I get the list of contained A-type objects, with cut,
copy, paste, delete, etc. If I click on another tab named, say,
"OtherStuff", I want to see exactly the same kind of contents-list
management page, but for contained B-type objects.

I'm thinking that I might try having F contain an instance of ObjectManager
as a property, and delegate all B-managing functionality to that. Management
of A would be handled through F's inherited ObjectManager behavior. What
concerns me is that the "encapsulated" second ObjectManager wouldn't have a
container in the usual way, and that could seriously mess up acquisition.

Another possibility is to maintain only one collection, but to create the
illusion of two separate collections by having two copies of the contents
('manage_main') page, each modified to display only one kind of child.

Any thoughts, oh masters of Zope Zen?



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Custom class: cut,copy,rename?

2004-03-04 Thread Ian Beatty
On 2004-03-02 2:15 PM, Ian Beatty is reputed to have said:

> Here's what I have now: a hierarchy of five custom
> classes, pretty close to identical for now. All five subclass ObjectManager,
> CatalogAware, PropertyManager, and SimpleItem in that order. The top one
> ("A") may be added to any old Zope folder; B may only be added to A; C to B;
> D to C; and E to D. Standard Zope Images may be added to E.
> I can now freely rename A, C, D, and any images within an instance of E. I
> *cannot* rename B or E; when I try, I get "The object term_0 does not
> support this operation" ('term_0' is an instance of B)

On 2004-03-02 9:55 AM, Chris Withers is reputed to have said:

> I suspect the way you're trying to ensure only certain types of object can go
> in certain containers is to blame here...

Aah, finally, I figured it out. So simple. You were right, Chris.

For the problem classes, B and E, the meta_type value defined in the class
definition wasn't exactly the same as the type name specified in the
container class' all_meta_types' field.

*Sigh* And I thought that value in all_meta_types was simply to provide the
visual label in the combo box.

Thanks for the help, folks. I definitely needed it.



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Re: Custom class: cut,copy,rename?

2004-03-02 Thread Ian Beatty
On 2004-03-01 7:21 PM, Max M is reputed to have said:

> So if SimpleItem is before ObjectManager the traversal order of the
> parent objects will make shure that you get the wrong methods :-( So
> this will *not* work...

Aha... that explains a lot of my "irreproducible" behavior.

After correcting the order of inheritance, *most* of the bizarre behavior is
gone. But not all. Here's what I have now: a hierarchy of five custom
classes, pretty close to identical for now. All five subclass ObjectManager,
CatalogAware, PropertyManager, and SimpleItem in that order. The top one
("A") may be added to any old Zope folder; B may only be added to A; C to B;
D to C; and E to D. Standard Zope Images may be added to E.

I can now freely rename A, C, D, and any images within an instance of E. I
*cannot* rename B or E; when I try, I get "The object term_0 does not
support this operation" ('term_0' is an instance of B), with the following

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 100, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 230, in manage_renameObjects
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 247, in manage_renameObject
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 393, in _verifyObjectPaste
Copy Error: 

Not Supported

  The object term_0 does not support this operation.


I've scrutinized all five classes, and I can't figure out what makes B and E
different from the rest.

On 2004-03-02 9:55 AM, Chris Withers is reputed to have said:

>> I'll talk about the top 3. I've got things set up so that I can create
>> instances of A within my Zope root (or any other "normal" Zope folder), I
>> can create instances of B and only B within A, and I can create instances of
>> C and only C within B.
> How have you tried to make that happen?

My __init.py__ file registers all five classes, but all except the top one
(A) have the line 'container_filter = containerFilter_makePrivate,' where
'containerFilter_makePrivate' is a trivial method that returns zero. In
other words, classes B through E reject all containers. Then each of the
classes declares "all_meta_types" for the classes it is supposed to contain,
like this (from A):

all_meta_types = (
{ 'name':'Type B',
'action':'manage_addProduct/MyProduct/manage_BAddForm' },

Since explicitly calling the constructors avoids the container_filter, this
has the effect that I want.

>> I presume you mean "for cut, paste, rename, etc." If I remove
>> PropertyManager, my 'Properties' ZMI tab disappears.
> That's odd, I could have sworn ObjectManager used that. Hmmm, maybe use Folder
> instead of ObjectManager ;-)

I've been tempted to subclass Folder instead, but I'm not sure what other
undesired functionality I might unwittingly inherit.

> The HTML would be handy ;-)

Okay, see the traceback above in my response to Max M.
> What version of ZOpe are you using?

Zope 2.7.0 rc2, which claims to be "(unreleased version, python 2.3.3,
darwin)" in the ZMI.

> I suspect the way you're trying to ensure only certain types of object can go
> in certain containers is to blame here...

I tried removing all the container_filter statements from the registration
code in __init.py__, so that all classes are addable to any Zope folder. I
still can't rename an instance of B that's inside A, but if I add a B to the
ZMI root folder, I **can** rename it there! Same with E. So the class isn't
intrinsically un-renamable; it's either a function of how it was added, or
of the container.

I still can't get my head around why the problem only occurs for B and E.

Thanks for the thoughts.

Is there a better or more standard way to create a folderish object that can
only contain a specific set of other object types, other than using



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Re: Custom class: cut,copy,rename?

2004-03-01 Thread Ian Beatty
On 2004-03-01 3:44 PM, Chris Withers is reputed to have said:

> Ian Beatty wrote:
>> OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager
>> Products.ZCatalog.CatalogPathAwareness.CatalogAware
>> OFS.PropertyManager.PropertyManager
>> OFS.SimpleItem.SimpleItem
> I'm pretty sure all you should actually need is:
>> OFS.ObjectManager.ObjectManager
>> Products.ZCatalog.CatalogPathAwareness.CatalogAware

I presume you mean "for cut, paste, rename, etc." If I remove
PropertyManager, my 'Properties' ZMI tab disappears. I'm not quite sure what
SimpleItem provides for me, but it's in the examples I'm trying to work

>> OFS.SimpleItem.Item (subclassed by OFS.SimpleItem.SimpleItem) is supposed to
>> provide cut-and-paste functionality. So, how might I be breaking it?
> Show us some error messages, exceptions, types ,values and tracebacks adn
> amaybe 
> we can help ;-)

Okay. This is bizarre. I've got a containment hierarchy of several classes;
I'll talk about the top 3. I've got things set up so that I can create
instances of A within my Zope root (or any other "normal" Zope folder), I
can create instances of B and only B within A, and I can create instances of
C and only C within B.

When I try to rename an instance of A, the ZMI gives me the standard
rename-object form; but when I type in a new ID and click 'OK', I get a ZMI
page with a red exclamation mark, an 'OK' button, and nothing else except
the word '_notifyOfCopyTo'. The error log shows a "Copy Error" with the
following traceback:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 100, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 230, in manage_renameObjects
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 252, in manage_renameObject
Copy Error: 
[html snipped]

Now, If I view the ZMI for A, select a contained item of type B, and try to
rename it, it fails but with a different signature: the notification page
says 'The object term_0 does not support this operation' instead of
'_notifyOfCopyTo'. ("term_0 is the ID of the B instance.) The error log
shows a Copy Error with this traceback:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 100, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 230, in manage_renameObjects
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 247, in manage_renameObject
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 393, in _verifyObjectPaste
Copy Error: 
[html snipped]

Attempting to rename an instance of C within B fails in the same way as
renaming A (i.e., with a '_notifyOfCopyTo').

I've currently got A subclassing ObjectManager, CatalogAware, and
PropertyManager; B subclassing the same plus SimpleItem (just as an
experiment); and C subclassing the same as A. If I remove SimpleItem from
B's list of superclasses, I still get the same set of errors, *except* when
attempting to rename C. Now, I instead get the failure message 'You do not
possess the permission required to call
manage_addProduct/KBProduct/manage_KBCourseAddForm in the context of the
container into which you are pasting, thus you are not able to perform this
operation.' The Error Log traceback is:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 100, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 40, in call_object
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 230, in manage_renameObjects
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 247, in manage_renameObject
  Module OFS.CopySupport, line 378, in _verifyObjectPaste
Copy Error: 
[html snipped]

I'm completely bewildered here. Any suggestions would be tremendously

By the way, if this isn't the appropriate venue for this kind of question,
please point me in the right direction. This list seems to focus on Zope's
internals, but the Zope Users list seems a bit low-level for Python-based
product development.



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Custom class: cut,copy,rename?

2004-03-01 Thread Ian Beatty

I've created a package in Python with some basic classes. They work in the
ZMI, except for the fact that the ZMI paste and rename functionality fails
with the message "The object xxx does not support this operation."

I've dug into the source code for standard types ('OFS.Folder',
'OFS.SimpleItem', etc.) and discovered some tantalizing bits (such as
'manage_renameObject' in 'OFS.CopySupport'), but I can't figure out how to
put it together to make my classes renameable and pasteable. I'm rather
surprised that behavior doesn't come automatically when inheriting from the
standard base classes.

One of my folderish classes subclasses the following bases:


Am I not inheriting from the proper set of base classes? Is there an easier
way? According to the ZDG (2.4 edition, vs. my Zope 2.7),
OFS.SimpleItem.Item (subclassed by OFS.SimpleItem.SimpleItem) is supposed to
provide cut-and-paste functionality. So, how might I be breaking it?



-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --
Dr. Ian Beatty   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Physics Education Research Group  voice: 413.545.9483
Department of Physics   fax: 413.545.4884
Univ. of Massachusetts  AIM: (available upon request)
Amherst, MA 01003-4525 USA
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Making a custom class addable to another class in product, but not to Zope

2004-02-24 Thread Ian Beatty

I'm relatively new to Python-based development of Zope products. I've got
two classes in my product; let's call them Container and Thing. I want to
have Container addable to any old folder in the ZMI; that's no problem, I
just register it in my product's file. I want Container to allow
instances of Thing to be added to it, and nothing else; that's also no
problem, using all_meta_types.

However, I want Thing to be addable to Container, but not to any other
ObjectManager-based object. I can't figure that one out. I assumed I could
do it by having an entry for Thing in Container's all_meta_types property,
and by *not* registering it in Unfortunately, that fails. If I
click on the "Add Thing" button in the ZMI when viewing the content of a
Container, I get

  Cannot locate object at
  http://localhost:8080/kb0/manage_addProduct/  [ignore line break]
If I register Thing in, then the Add Thing button works
perfectly, but I can add a Thing to any folder in the ZMI.

It looks like the registration process is necessary to get
manage_addThingForm added to whatever registry of constructors
manage_addProduct['MyProduct'] accesses. Is there a way around this? I'd
think what I'm trying to do is pretty standard, but I can't find anything



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