[Zope-dev] Re: [Repoze-dev] repoze.bfg

2008-07-17 Thread Ian Bicking

Chris McDonough wrote:
There's been a tension in the opencore stuff with the catalog, mostly 
that it's easy to setup and use for things, but it doesn't really work 
for things outside of the ZODB.  Or, I guess theoretically you could 
catalog things not in the ZODB, but it's never happened.

IMO, mostly it's a matter of deciding what "index" and "catalog" means 
for searching.  If you only need full-text search, some indexing systems 
are totally inappropriate.  Likewise, if you only need "field" indexes 
that match just one particular value, it's sometimes vastly simpler just 
to come up with your own system based on, e.g. a relational table, than 
it is to try to use somebody else's "indexer" or "catalog".

They are similar in that they both need to get information about 
updates, and a way to reindex.  Full text search can be a little lazier, 
as being 100% up-to-date isn't such a big issue.

That said, there's a real need for cross-system indexing of different 
kinds.  There's text search indexes, but other kinds of more strict 
indexes also make sense.  It would be very handy to have an index that 
wasn't tied to the ZODB, a database, or anything else.  (It could be 
implemented using the ZODB or a database, of course.)

Xapian seems like a good choice too.  It has its own persistence 
mechanism and reasonable Python bindings (although from experience maybe 
slightly memory-leaky).

Yes, once you get the documents into it.  Actually, it's really a 
many-to-many notification system that's needed.  We have one that needs 
documenting and review 
(http://www.openplans.org/projects/cabochon/project-home) but while it 
handles notifications and events (as do several other systems), that 
doesn't cover reindexing the site.  And then you also need a set of 
useful endpoints, but those can grow over time.

Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : http://blog.ianbicking.org
Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Repoze-dev] repoze.bfg

2008-07-17 Thread Ian Bicking

Chris McDonough wrote:

I had planned to create another package named repoze.lemonade which:


  - Did indexing of content.

What were you thinking of for indexing?  Just catalog stuff?  More general?

There's been a tension in the opencore stuff with the catalog, mostly 
that it's easy to setup and use for things, but it doesn't really work 
for things outside of the ZODB.  Or, I guess theoretically you could 
catalog things not in the ZODB, but it's never happened.

That said, there's a real need for cross-system indexing of different 
kinds.  There's text search indexes, but other kinds of more strict 
indexes also make sense.  It would be very handy to have an index that 
wasn't tied to the ZODB, a database, or anything else.  (It could be 
implemented using the ZODB or a database, of course.)

Ian Bicking : [EMAIL PROTECTED] : http://blog.ianbicking.org
Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: ploneenv - Or how using workingenv for a common Zope2 project might look like ;-)

2007-02-03 Thread Ian Bicking

Daniel Nouri wrote:

 - There is a single file that shows me what eggs and development eggs
make up my package. This makes it easy to add new eggs, for example -
and also easy to remove them again. With workingenv-based solutions, you
can specify a file full of eggs to install when it's first set up, but
from that point onwards, the environment can grow as you easy_install
new things. It's not immediately clear to me how you reconcile all the
eggs you've installed (not all of which may be needed when you're done
trying things out, and some of which may just be dependencies you don't
want to think about directly) into a list that are clearly dependencies
of your application.

Querying the list of installed eggs is what tools like Yolk[5] are good for.
 Note that for setuptools packages, the setup.py file lists all
dependencies.  If you develop for e.g. Listen and Plone, you only need to
keep track of Listen and Plone.

One of the things that I think is pretty easy with workingenv, and a bit 
confusing with buildout, is moving one package into development.  In 
workingenv you get the package you want (however you do that -- check 
out a branch, make your own local repository, unpack a tarball, etc), 
and you run (after activating the environment) "python setup.py 
develop".  Or if the package isn't using setuptools, "python -c 'import 
setuptools; execfile("setup.py")' develop".  Note that this is actually 
one of the few places you actually have to activate the environment. 
And heck, if I just compiled a little something into bin/python then 
even that wouldn't be necessary.  (Maybe even a hard link would be 
enough, I'm not sure.)

In buildout it's a bit more complicated.  You can move an egg into 
develop-eggs, but that relies on buildout finding the right package. 
That's not really that easy, especially because setuptools only really 
understands packages being newer or older, it doesn't understand things 
like branches.  It's hard even when you don't have this problem.

 - With workingenv, when I run easy_install SomePackage I need to worry
about whether I'm actually in the global environment or the workingenv
of the instance. That is, workingenv requires activation (putting your
shell into a special state where the python environment is the one in
your workingenv, until you deactivate it). By contrast, other people may
not like the "add to buildout.cfg, re-run buildout dance" that buildout
uses instead.

If you use the easy_install script in the workingenv bin/, then you 
don't have to activate the environment.  Very similar to buildout, 
workingenv scripts contain their path/environment.

 - It works in Windows. :) I have no idea how hard it's to make ploneenv
work on Windows, but I hope it's not too bad. The scripts Hanno wrote do
give us a near-proper zopectl for Windows as well, which is nice. I
imagine these could be adapted to be used with plain Zope instances,
though. I assume workingenv gives us setuptools script support locally
as well.

Support for Windows should be fairly trivial.  I would appreciate it if
someone (Hanno?) gave it a try.  Basically, all we need is the correct way
to patch bin/zopectl so that it runs the bin/activate.bat script before
startup.  We shouldn't seriously consider "runs on Windows" as an argument
for ploneout, just because ploneenv hasn't seen a Windows developer yet. :-)

Workingenv does, as far as I know, work with Windows.  At least I've 
received several patches (I've never used it myself).

Ian Bicking | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://blog.ianbicking.org
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-29 Thread Ian Bicking

Jim Fulton wrote:

Ian Bicking wrote:

Martin Aspeli wrote:

whit wrote:

actually, in my current workplace, workingenv is the standard way to 
set up one's dev environment.  but in the context of the previous 
statement, familar is perhaps a better word.

I'm still not clear how widely used workingenv is? Is it "officially 
endorsed" anywhere else?

It steps more lightly than buildout does. 

What does that mean?

It implements less and relies more on what other tools already do.

It's also mostly equivalent in mechanism to virtual-python, which is 
used quite widely.  Both use setuptools conventions more closely than 
buildout does.  It would be nice if I could say "then you get access 
to all the setuptools-related management tools", except there are 
almost none :(  But if they *did* exist you'd get access to them ;)

I suggest that workingenv and buildout are both such tools.

Build stuff seems surprisingly contentious.  The debate around 
setuptools itself has always been far more difficult than it should 
be; there's a lot of stop energy.  So the Python community as a whole 
is moving very slowly on this stuff.

I suggest that, other than contention, this is somewhat healthy.
People with different goals will often need different tools and
make different tradeoffs.

Sure, but I'd also like if there was a clear story for people doing this 
sort of stuff.  I hate the difficulty describing how to do this general 
stuff, especially when describing it to people who don't even know what 
their goals are and just need *one* good solution rather than a choice 
of solutions.  Which is to say, I'd rather we try to figure out... 
something, rather than just chock it up to different goals and go our 
separate ways.  I haven't yet figured out what that something is, and 
probably that's the hard part.

Maybe part of it is a clear and simple scaling from something fairly ad 
hoc (like a workingenv that you've manually installed stuff into) into 
something more formalized (like a buildout).  Casual and beginning users 
work best with something they can directly touch and inspect.  In a more 
formalized system it's better to have a central place that described 
intention and the full system -- the casual user probably hasn't figured 
out their intention or the full system until well after they've 
completed their task.

Of course, some of buildout's scope is outside of workingenv's -- like 
building non-Python libraries, and setting up specific application 
instances.  I think it's fine if non-Python libraries require a more 
advanced setup, but application instances are something I'd like to have 
a better story for.  (Indirectly I'm still trying to figure out the best 
way to create application instances for PasteDeploy apps too -- I have 
some stuff in there, but I'm not terribly happy with it, and I haven't 
figured out what instance creation should be attached to.)

Ian Bicking | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://blog.ianbicking.org
Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-29 Thread Ian Bicking

Jim Fulton wrote:
Similarly, say I had two applications, one in Zope and one in Pylons, 
part of the same deployment (possibly interwoven using wsgi). If I 
installed elementtree as an egg in buildout.cfg, I'd expect it to be 
available to both. If that means patching some of pylon's confg files 
or startup scripts to explicitly reference eggs that buildout is 
managing, it would mean that I'd need a very specific recipe for 
Pylons development that would need to know a lot of detail about how 
that sets up its environment

Yes, depending on how complex Pylon's setup was.  For example, if Pylons
exposed it's scripts using setuptools entrypoints, you you could install
them with buildout.

Pylon's doesn't have its own scripts.  Generally an application will 
require Pylons, Pylons requires PasteScript, and PasteScript provides a 
paster script.  A quirk in buildout was that asking for the paster 
script to go in bin/ didn't seem to work unless I specifically was 
installing PasteScript.  Anyway, they all use entry points, so that part 
is fine.

I've considered encouraging each WSGI/PasteDeploy application to ship 
its own script that hides the existence of paster (or any specific 
framework).  But that doesn't seem quite right either, since a WSGI 
application can be (and in production usually is) used as a library in 
addition to a stand-alone application.  At that point it becomes similar 
to a Zope product, or Plone content type, or... well, I guess there's 
limits to the similarity as I try to find analogs.  I guess that's the 
style differences between Zope and... all the other frameworks.  I'm not 
sure what name really describes the difference in pattern.

(in the same way, the z2c.recipe.zope2instance recipe knows about how 
the zopectl and runzope scripts set their PYTHONPATH and patches them).

Zope startup scripts are sort of interesting because they
are instance specific -- combining instance-specific configuration
with software definition.  This is something that setuptools
entry points don't handle very will by themselves.  That's
why buildout has custom script generation facilities that alllow
definition of extra initialization code and entry point arguments.

I wouldn't be surprised if Pylons had similar needs.

You just have to give the config file as an argument when you start the 
server, there's nothing setup that binds a script with a config file.  I 
played with a #! setup where the config file became a script, but I 
found it rather hard to work with (there's a lot of problems with how #! 
works across platforms).  So for now it's just always explicit, and if 
you want something else you have to set up your own shell scripts.

Ian Bicking | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://blog.ianbicking.org
Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-29 Thread Ian Bicking

Jim Fulton wrote:

Ian Bicking wrote:

What I would *like* the distinction between workingenv and buildout to 
be is that workingenv is interactive (i.e., install with easy_install) 
and buildout is declarative (i.e., specify your environment with 

Well said.  I was looking for a way to bring this up in the discussion.
This is a key difference.

When you use workingenv, how to you reproduce an existing
workingenv? Is there something you can check in and later
check out to get the same workingenv?  Or is this just not in

Maybe it should be out of scope, but I have built something into
workingenv for it.  You specify a file or URL with --requirements, a
text file of things to install.  You can also indicate --find-links and
--editable in the file, as well as refer to another requirements file.
The files look like:

  # Adds several eggs and links that aren't on PyPI:
  -f http://pylonshq.com/download/0.8.2/

Then it will install all these packages.  You might then put this at
http://svn.myrepo.org/svn/projects/pylons_project.txt and then create
another like:

  -r http://svn.myrepo.org/svn/projects/pylons_project.txt
  -f http://svn.myrepo.org/svn/projects/project_index.html
  -e MyProject

This would set up the basic Pylons environment, but also add an editable
version of MyProject into src/, including activating the file.  (Notably
MyProject *should* require Pylons and the other packages, seemingly
rendering the pylons_project.txt useless, but probably *shouldn't*
require exactly Pylons==0.8.2 because then you'd have to break that
requirement to even test if such an exacting requirement was actually true.)

workingenv also saves some of these settings (like the requirements
file) so you can rerun it on a directory.  If the requirements file had
changed you'd get the updates, or if workingenv had changed it'd rewrite
its files.  Ideally you'll switch things around, rerun your tests, do
some development, and once you've reached a stable state push those
changes back into the requirements file.

Another motivation for this was to make a simple command for people to
try out a new framework, like:

  wget http://svn.colorstudy.com/home/ianb/workingenv/workingenv.py
  # You might also have several files attached to specific tutorials or
  # use cases:
  python workingenv.py \
-r http://some-framework.org/requirements.txt MyProject
  cd MyProject
  source bin/activate
  cd src
  paster create -t some_framework MyCode
  cd MyCode
  paster serve development.ini

And they'd have an editable hello world at that point pretty reliably,
without any system dependencies that might make the installation
finicky.  I had this bootstrapping idea in mind when I added
--requirements, I wasn't really thinking much about deployment.  It
doesn't work well for things like database drivers (which are often
needed for tutorials), which are often hard to install with
easy_install; this is probably why I should make --site-packages default
to on, and then just tell developers to use --no-site-packages to tests
their requirements files.  But anyway, with the goal of bootstrapping
new developers without having to explain the tedious details of Python's
packaging conventions, I think workingenv does reasonably well.

Ian Bicking | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://blog.ianbicking.org

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[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-28 Thread Ian Bicking

Martin Aspeli wrote:

whit wrote:

actually, in my current workplace, workingenv is the standard way to set 
up one's dev environment.  but in the context of the previous statement, 
familar is perhaps a better word.

I'm still not clear how widely used workingenv is? Is it "officially 
endorsed" anywhere else?

It steps more lightly than buildout does.  It's also mostly equivalent 
in mechanism to virtual-python, which is used quite widely.  Both use 
setuptools conventions more closely than buildout does.  It would be 
nice if I could say "then you get access to all the setuptools-related 
management tools", except there are almost none :(  But if they *did* 
exist you'd get access to them ;)

Build stuff seems surprisingly contentious.  The debate around 
setuptools itself has always been far more difficult than it should be; 
there's a lot of stop energy.  So the Python community as a whole is 
moving very slowly on this stuff.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-28 Thread Ian Bicking

Martin Aspeli wrote:
Eggs exist to pkg_resources (the runtime portion of setuptools) simply 
by being available on a path.  E.g., if you have lib/python/ on the 
path, and lib/python/Foo-1.0.egg/ exists, then if you do 
pkg_resources.require('Foo') that will add lib/python/Foo-1.0.egg/ to 
the path, and you can import from it.  When you can actually import from 
the egg it is "active".  You can also see its entry points at that time, 
but not if it is just available.
If lib/python/Foo-1.0.egg/ is on the path to start with you can import 
from it directly.  

This is what zc.reipe.egg does I believe.

It activates (i.e., adds eggs to the path) in the scripts.  I think 
setuptools' egg activation will be superfluous at that point, because a 
complete and consistent set of eggs is activated up-front.  I'm not even 
sure if you can activate any extra eggs (that might be available on 
eggs/ or something) at that point, because the containing directory 
isn't on the path.  But since buildout controls those directories that 
would be fine, I guess, assuming you don't put anything in those 
locations on your own.

In that way I suppose lib/pythonX.Y/ would be a misnomer of sorts, as 
eggs/ is just a storage area for eggs that are managed elsewhere (in 

OTOH, easy_install and setuptools generally has no problem dealing with 
eggs that *aren't* on the path, if you use a .egg-link or .pth file to 
point to the egg (preferably both).  So while Jim hopes to have a 
centrally located repository of eggs (where buildouts only draw on a 
subset), this is already possible using setuptools' conventions.  Then 
lib/python could become

(BTW, existing Zope 2 stuff often seems to prefer lib/python/ over 
lib/pythonX.Y/, for reasons I don't really understand -- it basically 
prefers the distutils --home option over the --prefix option.  So using 
workingenv with Zope I use workingenv.py --home, which sets up the 
environment slightly differently)

Secondly, have you seen this proposal? I'm sure you'd have something to 


zc.buildout also uses entry points for its recipes, and several people 
have talked about entry points instead of ZCML slugs, so I think things 
are moving in this direction.

I left some comments over here a while back:


But that's more about ZCMLy things.  Philipp's proposal looks fine to 
me, though it doesn't seem to address how products would be activated or 
not (it seems to mention that eggs wouldn't be installed as products by 
default, but doesn't propose a mechanism to select the products). 
Because of the difficulty scanning for entry points if the egg isn't 
activated, I'd advocate sticking to something like enumerating (or 
blacklisting) distribution names.  Then if you have:

   CMFDefault = Products.CMFDefault

the entry point name "CMFDefault" wouldn't be significant.  Or you could 
select not just distributions, but distributions+entry_point name.  In 
Paste I use egg:Package#entry_point_name (where entry_point_name 
defaults to "main").  I believe buildout uses Package:entry_point_name, 
where entry_point_name defaults to "default".  If we could all agree on 
a convention, that'd be nice.

I strongly prefer "main", because that's really what I think the unnamed 
entry point is, not just default -- "default" just refers to the 
parsing/locating strategy, not the intent.  I also would like something 
that is unambiguously different from a Python object specifier, so that 
you could take either an explicit object reference or an entry point in 
the same place and be able to clearly tell the difference.  But if we 
can agree on something and document it, I'm willing to update Paste 
Deploy to support the new/standard syntax.


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[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-27 Thread Ian Bicking

Martin Aspeli wrote:

 I don't have a usecase for executing the scripts with any python
interpeter other than the one which ran setuptools to generate them, and
therefore don't care for the hard-wired path manipulation

I would agree that having to mangle multiple scripts is annoying. On 
the other hand, I find the activate/deactivate dance annoying. I 
rather think that the scripts that buildout has created should not 
require any special activation or introduction to a particular 

Perhaps a solution is to let buildout put things in standard places 
(as I'm typing this, we now have all the ploneout .egg and .egg-link 
files/directories in ${buildout}/lib/python) and then have an optional 
workingenv at the root of the buildout that could be activated when 
you want that, but let the buildout-managed scripts (e.g. zope 
start/stop and test runner) not require this?

I have a feeling there's more to this than agreeing on directory 
layout though. But I hope it oughtn't be *that much more*.

I did some experimentation with this. Basically, I did:

 - make egg-directory and develop-egg-directory in buildout.cfg be 
lib/python2.4 (which is what workingenv uses)

 - run the buildout again

 - create standard workingenv (python workingenv.py .) in the root 
buildout directory

The results are fairly encouraging:

 - buildout-installed eggs don't work in the workingenv jail...
 - ...but they do if I manually add them to lib/python2.4/easy_install.pth
 - easy_installed packages (i.e. installed with workingenv's 
easy_install) are available to zope

This was only a brief test, but seems to me that if buildout was 
managing the easy_install.pth file we wouldn't be a million miles off 
something where the source bin/activate dance was optional and would 
work as a generic solution, but would not be required for zope's startup 
and other buildout-managed scripts.

I would assume that buildout is specifically disabling easy_install's 
updating of easy-install.pth -- buildout is still installing packages 
with easy_install, but with some monkeypatches of the command. 
workingenv also monkeypatches easy_install, but only to change script 
creation (as noted in another email) and to keep it from rejecting 
workingenv's site.py.

Anyway, if easy_install was allowed to do its thing then they'd be more 

However, I'm not sure whether and how buildout should manage 
easy_install.pth in a non-hacky way. A hacky way would be to have a 
buildout recipie that, if included, would just patch that file up based 
on buildout['buildout']['eggs'] (i.e. the list of eggs listed in 
buildout.cfg under the main [buildout] section).

I don't really understand the purpose of easy_install.pth and why it 
matters here, though, so suggestions welcome. :)

Eggs exist to pkg_resources (the runtime portion of setuptools) simply 
by being available on a path.  E.g., if you have lib/python/ on the 
path, and lib/python/Foo-1.0.egg/ exists, then if you do 
pkg_resources.require('Foo') that will add lib/python/Foo-1.0.egg/ to 
the path, and you can import from it.  When you can actually import from 
the egg it is "active".  You can also see its entry points at that time, 
but not if it is just available.

If lib/python/Foo-1.0.egg/ is on the path to start with you can import 
from it directly.  The eggs listed in easy-install.pth are put on the 
path, and hence are activated by default.  You can still require a 
different egg version (e.g., Foo==1.1), and I believe setuptools will 
(if it can) switch the path to remove the default activated egg and put 
on the new egg.

If you install a package with easy_install -m ("multiversion") then none 
of the versions go on the path, and eggs will only be added when they 
are specifically required.  Any egg listed in "install_requires" in 
setup.py will get added as soon as you require the original egg, and 
when you run a script from an egg it'll activate that egg as well, so if 
you are thorough with your requirements then none of the eggs need to be 

One problem if you are using entry points is that if your egg isn't 
activated and you are searching entry points by name (not by egg) then 
your egg has to be activated to work (Buffet and paster create templates 
are both searched by name, for example).  I have expected this to cause 
more problems than it has, but since people have stopped leaning too 
heavily on setuptools versioning (thanks to virtual-python, workingenv, 
and buildout) I think it hasn't come up much.  Anyway, if Zope was to 
start using entry points to replace some of its ZCML (which I personally 
think would be a good idea) this is something to be aware of.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-27 Thread Ian Bicking

Martin Aspeli wrote:

 I don't have a usecase for executing the scripts with any python
interpeter other than the one which ran setuptools to generate them, and
therefore don't care for the hard-wired path manipulation

I would agree that having to mangle multiple scripts is annoying. On the 
other hand, I find the activate/deactivate dance annoying. I rather 
think that the scripts that buildout has created should not require any 
special activation or introduction to a particular environment.

workingenv doesn't require that you activate before running scripts, 
each script contains in effect what active/deactive does.  Basically it 
munges script creation to do:

  #!/usr/bin/python -S
  import sys, os
  sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
'lib/python%s.%s' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]))
  import site

virtual-python -- which might be the better/simpler solution, if you 
just ignore the tree of symlinks -- selects the environment through the 
interpreter itself (i.e., #!/path/to/virtual-python/bin/python).

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-25 Thread Ian Bicking
th Jim and I loathe the non-repeatability of
system-wide installations (at least I think I can speak for him on that
one point ;).  bin/activate lets you into that jail, and lets you work
there.  There is no way into a buildout.

I'm not familiar with bin/activate, but it sounds like an interpreter 
script created with buildout.

It's created by workingenv, and you have to source it because basically 
its only function is to add the workingenv/lib/pythonX.Y to $PYTHONPATH. 
 Adding that path to $PYTHONPATH is the only thing that really 
"activates" a workingenv.

  Frankly this weirds me out,
and is a big part of my past frustration with it.  Maybe that's because
I'm in the relatively uncommon situation that I actually know what's
going on under the hood of Python imports and packaging, and so it
bothers me that I can't debug things directly.  Anyway, neither requires
activation when using scripts generated in the environment.  And
bin/activate is really just something that sets PYTHONPATH and then does
other non-essential things like changing the prompt and $PATH -- I
should probably document that more clearly.

sounds a lot like an buildout interpreter script.

Once you've changed $PYTHONPATH any Python script will notice the 
change.  This can actually be a bit awkward if you have fully isolated 
the working environment, as it means a script may not see the global 
Python paths.  But if you don't isolate the environment, the script can 
see the workingenv path in addition to its own.

  Neither can be entirely
compatible with a system-wide Python installation, because Python's
standard site.py f**ks up the environment really early in the process,
and avoiding that isn't all that easy.

This reminds me of a place where buildout is looser than workenv.  
buildout doesn;t try to disable anything in the system python.  It just 
augments it.  I always use a clean python, so avoiding customizations in 
the Python I use isn't a problem.  If I wanted to take advantage of 
something in a system Python, as I occasionally do, I can do that with 

I find the isolation useful when testing things for release; I can be 
sure that I haven't been using any packages that I don't explicitly 
include in the egg requirements or instructions.  But it can be annoying 
in other cases, like when there's a library that doesn't install cleanly 
(of which there's still quite a few).  Anyway, if you do want to include 
the global packages, --site-packages will change your workingenv to do so.

It could be argued that workingenv's default should be to include 
site-packages.  Another option would be to have a tool that allows you 
to easily include something from the system Python (probably just a tool 
to manage a custom .pth file, which works even when setuptools' fairly 
heroic attempts to fix broken setup.py's doesn't work).

Ian Bicking | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://blog.ianbicking.org
Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

Re: [Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-25 Thread Ian Bicking

Jim Fulton wrote:

If *Plone* becomes incompatible with workingenv that'd be bothersome

I agree.

But if a buildout is incompatible, eh... who knows,

I would hope that buildout would not have to be compatible with 
workingenv, whatever that means, in order for Plone to be compatible.  
Then again, I'm not sure what compatibility means in this context.

It would be a concern if, for instance, Plone started depending on 
buildout recipes for installation, without "plain" distutils recipes. 
Of course right now there are no distutils recipes for old-style 
Products.  So actually it's an active issue -- if buildout enables Plone 
to keep from moving to distutils/setuptools/egg-style package deployment 
(because buildout is flexible enough to support the old patterns) then 
that would make it harder for workingenv.  But I don't think anyone is 
proposing that buildout means that Plone (and Zope 2/Five) shouldn't 
continue its move towards traditional Python packaging.

So basically I would just hope that Plone doesn't lean to heavily on 

it might even make sense to create something like a "freeze this 
workingenv as a buildout" script.  That one directory structure can't 
be both at the same time isn't a huge problem in my mind.

Deployment involves far more than getting the software installed.

Yes; in a workingenv model you start with an environment, then you 
actually make your deployment using tools of your choice.  workingenv 
doesn't deploy for you.  Admittedly "your choice" isn't always good, 
because maybe you didn't want to make a choice ;)

Path names aren't really the problem.  We got a little guerrilla war 
going on over the setuptools' script-generating monkey patches.  We'd 
both probably prefer a proper way to change how setuptools generates 
scripts, but it's not clear that we could really be compatible -- 
enumeration vs. changing the path is a totally different strategy.

Um, we're both changing the path -- just in different ways.

Maybe "enumeration vs adding a directory of eggs" is a better 
description.  Setuptools controls the directory of eggs (via 
easy-install.pth), while buildout controls the scripts and doesn't give 
setuptools that control.

  I'd rather see easy-install.pth become a better package database, or 
some other strategy of external requirement specifications, instead of 
building it into scripts.

We certainly disagree there. OTOH, I wouldn't be opposed to having a 
recipe for generating scripts that used the .pth files created by 

I'm not sure what the problem would be?  I appreciate the desire for a 
set of requirements that is different from the requirements of the 
package, and workingenv has some support for that (with the 
--requirements option), but it's a different style from buildout. 
easy-install.pth would almost be okay, except for the fact that it is 
constantly pointing to things that don't exist, has setuptools' hacks in 
it (to work around the atrocious Python standard site.py), and doesn't 
describe intent, it's just an enumeration of what is available and 
"activated" (i.e., available without specifically requiring something).

Besides all that, it's still a workable foundation IMHO.

Ian Bicking | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://blog.ianbicking.org
Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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(Related lists - 

http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-25 Thread Ian Bicking
(sorry if this ends up going out twice, I'm trying to figure out this 
gmane thing and apparently I hadn't figured this out when I first sent it)

Whit pointed me to this thread.  I won't reply to specifics here, but 
maybe just describe what we're doing (and planning to do), and how 
workingenv differs from zc.buildout.

So... recently we (The Open Planning Project -- more specifically Rob 
Miller) decided we need a better way to deploy our specific stack.  It 
was hard, we couldn't tell other people how to do it, and we spent a 
significant amount of time debugging each other's installations, or 
chasing down bugs that we ultimately realized were just because of 
slightly different installations.  I'm sure you all understand the 
motivation; it's similar to what buildout is for, though we were more 
focused on repeatability as a development tool than as a deployment tool.

I actually tried to do this once before with zc.buildout, but I didn't 
get far -- probably a result of lack of effort and lack of familiarity 
with the overall stack.  But I also recognize lots of the questions 
about stuff like the zope.conf file and Data.fs that still seem 
unresolved.  The thing that frustrated me with zc.buildout is that I 
knew how to do what I wanted to do, but I still felt like I was a long 
way from being able to do it.  And little things, like unhelpful error 
messages and frustratingly slow performance really killed my motivation. 
 After setting that project aside someone else at TOPP (Luke Tucker) 
did a buildout for Deliverance because we needed to build some 
non-Python libraries and that was a feature of buildout; that did end up 
working eventually (after considerable effort), but it was not a very 
satisfying experience, and *using* the buildout was itself a real 
challenge.  Since Deliverance is just a library, to do anything useful I 
also had to install another package that *uses* that library, and that 
was surprisingly difficult.  Actually developing those libraries was 
even more frustrating.

So then Rob decides to devote some time to deployment.  And because Rob 
just wants to get this finished, he wrote the whole things from scratch. 
 You can see the result of that here: 
https://svn.openplans.org/svn/topp.deploy/trunk -- it's not a generic 
setup tool, just what works for us.  The end result is something that 
does everything we want, that we understand, and that we'll understand 
how to extend.  An important difference from zc.buildout is that all the 
logic and work is in *our* script, not in a framework driven by a config 
file.  In the future Rob plans to use buildit 
(http://cvs.plope.com/viewcvs/Packages/buildit/), and one of the 
motivations there is that it has handy routines to do what topp.deploy 
already does, but better.  It's more like a library and less like a 
framework.  I could make some generalization here but I'll restrain myself.

The deployment script also uses workingenv, somewhat similarly because 
it is more library-like.  Well, also because I work at TOPP and can 
easily support their use, which is certainly a nontrivial reason for the 
choice.  Workingenv in this case is basically a tool that provides the 
isolation that we need to create something repeatable.  This is the main 
feature overlap with buildout.  Workingenv is not the framework in which 
topp.deploy is written, and workingenv is not intended as a framework.

Note also that topp.deploy does not have the full set of features we'll 
ultimately need.  You can't tell it to install another egg, or setup 
another script, or whatever.  And we don't *have* to add those features, 
because workingenv is compatible with all the other tools.  Where "all 
the other" is mostly easy_install.  But someday there will be more, even 
if the progress is slow.  buildout is basically incompatible with 
easy_install (the script).  And frankly I like easy_install.  It's 
probably 10x faster than buildout.  easy_install is what people use in 
documentation, and its conventions are the ones people know (why does 
buildout not use "Pkg==version", for instance?).

As for the technical reasons they don't work together:

* workingenv allows and leaves it to setuptools to maintain the package 
installation database (basically easy-install.pth).  This is not a very 
good database, but eh.  buildout doesn't really have a database, but 
instead just enforces what buildout.cfg indicates.

* workingenv relies on that database to give default versions and to 
setup the Python path.  The fixup it does of installed scripts is fairly 
minimal, just setting up sys.path enough to force its site.py to get 
called.  buildout enumerates all the activated packages, and ignores 
easy-install.pth.  This is basically what makes it 
easy_install-incompatible.  Plus buildout's desire to own everything and 
destroy everything it does not own ;)

* As a result buildout supports multiple things in the same buildout 
that have conflicting version 

[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-25 Thread Ian Bicking

whit wrote:
Not everybody likes the activate dance. With buildout, you don't need 
it. The recipes make sure that the scripts that get installed into the 
buildout's 'bin' directory have the right PYTHONPATH set and have 
access to the eggs you requested for the buildout.
is there really a difference between zopectl and source bin/activate?  I 
guess the main difference here is where PYTHONPATH gets set and how 
people work with it.   for example, if you just start python and want to 
play with code sounds like with zc.buildout you are out of luck for 
things installed in the buildout.

In our situation, we might have multiple versions of software running on 
different processes started in different workingenv (often not even 
using zope).being able to contextualize the python path is a useful 
development tool; this is understandable for buildout to avoid(as a 
deployment tool), but if we are considering using buildout as a 
prescribed way for people to manage their development environments, it 
seems lacking.

I think this is the basic difference -- workingenv is 
development-centric, while buildout is deployment-centric.  This does 
not necessarily mean "the best tool for the job", because focusing on 
development and ignore deployment isn't a good job, nor the other way 

At TOPP we know how to address both stories with workingenv.  We haven't 
figured it out with buildout, despite trying.  And we definitely aren't 
satisfied with just a deployment tool that doesn't address our 
development needs.

But there's a lot of use cases for Plone specifically where carefully 
developing just a deployment solution makes sense.  That doesn't make 
sense for us, because we're not in the kind of consulting business where 
the relative scale of development and deployment works like that.  But 
eh; the presence of a buildout for Plone doesn't hurt our position any. 
 Anything that gets rid of another ad hoc crappy deployment is good by 
me.  And if other people are working on it, all the better!  If *Plone* 
becomes incompatible with workingenv that'd be bothersome (though it was 
not compatible with workingenv without some work in the first place). 
But if a buildout is incompatible, eh... who knows, it might even make 
sense to create something like a "freeze this workingenv as a buildout" 
script.  That one directory structure can't be both at the same time 
isn't a huge problem in my mind.

I'm not too fond of zc.buildout's directory scheme eiher. In 
particular, I wish that it would use 'lib/python' instead of 'eggs' 
and 'src' instead of 'develop-eggs'. I don't know enough zc.buildout 
details to be able to say whether that can be chagned by 
remimplementing the egg installation recipe. I would sure hope it is.


this may be all that is required to make the two play well together(or 
have buildout respect an existing workingenv when doing it's local 
install of eggs).  Maybe it's just a matter of zc.buildout seeing 
workingenv is in effect and not composing special pythonpaths.

harmony is my interest here. workingenv is pretty low-level and works 
hard to work well with python. there is no reason that zc.buildout 
should have a problem with that.. it just needs to do less when 

Path names aren't really the problem.  We got a little guerrilla war 
going on over the setuptools' script-generating monkey patches.  We'd 
both probably prefer a proper way to change how setuptools generates 
scripts, but it's not clear that we could really be compatible -- 
enumeration vs. changing the path is a totally different strategy.  I'd 
rather see easy-install.pth become a better package database, or some 
other strategy of external requirement specifications, instead of 
building it into scripts.  I understand the issue Jim is trying to solve 
here, but putting everything into the buildout.cfg and then imperatively 
setting up the files from there bothers me and does not make development 
easy IMHO.

That's mostly the problem.  Then workingenv would do its part by 
monkeypatching distutils and setuptools to install things locally, and 
changing site.py to not automatically pick up things globally.  And 
buildout could do its stuff that applies to other more complicated 
setups than just setting up some libraries, which is about where 
workingenv stops.

Well, what I'd *really* like is an idea of a working environment that 
applies more widely than Python, because other languages (including but 
not limited to the dynamic languages) have all these same problems, and 
we all have half-assed solutions.  But I don't even know how to start 
that conversation.  And don't get me started on how the distributions 
are going to look at all this!

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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(Related lists - 

[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-25 Thread Ian Bicking

Whit pointed me to this thread.  I won't reply to specifics, but maybe
just describe what we're doing (and planning to do), and how workingenv
differs from zc.buildout.

So... recently we (The Open Planning Project -- more specifically Rob
Miller) decided we need a better way to deploy our specific stack.  It
was hard, we couldn't tell other people how to do it, and we spent a
significant amount of time debugging each other's installations, or
chasing down bugs that we ultimately realized were just because of
slightly different installations.  I'm sure you all understand the
motivation; it's similar to what buildout is for, though we were more
focused on repeatability as a development tool than as a deployment tool.

I actually tried to do this once before with zc.buildout, but I didn't
get far -- probably a result of lack of effort and lack of familiarity
with the overall stack.  But I also recognize lots of the questions
about stuff like the zope.conf file and Data.fs that still seem
unresolved.  The thing that frustrated me with zc.buildout is that I
knew how to do what I wanted to do, but I still felt like I was a long
way from being able to do it.  And little things, like unhelpful error
messages and frustratingly slow performance really killed my motivation.
 After setting that project aside someone else at TOPP (Luke Tucker)
did a buildout for Deliverance because we needed to build some
non-Python libraries and that was a feature of buildout; that did end up
working eventually (after considerable effort), but it was not a very
satisfying experience, and *using* the buildout was itself a real
challenge.  Since Deliverance is just a library, to do anything useful I
also had to install another package that *uses* that library, and that
was surprisingly difficult.  Actually developing those libraries was
even more frustrating.

So then Rob decides to devote some time to deployment.  And because Rob
just wants to get this finished, he wrote the whole things from scratch.
 You can see the result of that here:
https://svn.openplans.org/svn/topp.deploy/trunk -- it's not a generic
setup tool, just what works for us.  The end result is something that
does everything we want, that we understand, and that we'll understand
how to extend.  An important difference from zc.buildout is that all the
logic and work is in *our* script, not in a framework driven by a config
file.  In the future Rob plans to use buildit
(http://cvs.plope.com/viewcvs/Packages/buildit/), and one of the
motivations there is that it has handy routines to do what topp.deploy
already does, but better.  It's more like a library and less like a
framework.  I could make some generalization here but I'll restrain myself.

The deployment script also uses workingenv, somewhat similarly because
it is more library-like.  Well, also because I work at TOPP and can
easily support their use, which is certainly a nontrivial reason for the
choice.  Workingenv in this case is basically a tool that provides the
isolation that we need to create something repeatable.  This is the main
feature overlap with buildout.  Workingenv is not the framework in which
topp.deploy is written, and workingenv is not intended as a framework.

Note also that topp.deploy does not have the full set of features we'll
ultimately need.  You can't tell it to install another egg, or setup
another script, or whatever.  And we don't *have* to add those features,
because workingenv is compatible with all the other tools.  Where "all
the other" is mostly easy_install.  But someday there will be more, even
if the progress is slow.  buildout is basically incompatible with
easy_install (the script).  And frankly I like easy_install.  It's
probably 10x faster than buildout.  easy_install is what people use in
documentation, and its conventions are the ones people know (why does
buildout not use "Pkg==version", for instance?).

As for the technical reasons they don't work together:

* workingenv allows and leaves it to setuptools to maintain the package
installation database (basically easy-install.pth).  This is not a very
good database, but eh.  buildout doesn't really have a database, but
instead just enforces what buildout.cfg indicates.

* workingenv relies on that database to give default versions and to
setup the Python path.  The fixup it does of installed scripts is fairly
minimal, just setting up sys.path enough to force its site.py to get
called.  buildout enumerates all the activated packages, and ignores
easy-install.pth.  This is basically what makes it
easy_install-incompatible.  Plus buildout's desire to own everything and
destroy everything it does not own ;)

* As a result buildout supports multiple things in the same buildout
that have conflicting version requirements, but where the packages
themselves don't realize this (but the deployer does).  If the packages
know their requirements then setuptools' native machinery allows things
to work fine.  The solution with workinge

[Zope-dev] Re: [ZPT] Re: RFC: TALES adapters and TAL/Tales variable namespaces

2004-05-21 Thread Ian Bicking
Jim Fulton wrote:
One disadvantage I see with the cast notation is that it's
a bit jarring in:
as the adapter is applied to a/b/c. The order just doesn't
seem quite right.
That is indeed jarring, especially since c isn't an object, it's just a 
name, and a/b/c is the object in question.  This would look somewhat 
better with the current : mechanism, like a/b/c:adapter/d

My concern with this use of : was that it looked like it should be 
parsed like (a/b/c):(adapter/d), as opposed to ((a/b/c):adapter)/d -- 
maybe using something other than : wouldn't imply this grouping.  Or 
maybe if I got used to it the grouping would seem more natural.  I guess 
my intuition is that / binds more closely than : (even if there isn't 
any real precedence at all in TAL expressions).

Ian Bicking  /  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Re: [ZPT] RFC: TALES adapters and TAL/Tales variable namespaces

2004-05-19 Thread Ian Bicking
Jim Fulton wrote:
I've posted two proposals:
Not much opinion.  Though I fear that "(adapter)object" could lead to 
this syntax in Python itself, which would be horrid ;)  I agree that 
adapter(object) is a bad direction.  object*adapter looks fine to me, 
and it seems reasonable that only a specific set of adapters would be 
available in TAL expressions (i.e., adapters which provide ITALESAdapter).

Proposes a mechanism for easily using adapters in TALES expressions.
proposes a mechanism for qualifying names defined in TAL and used in
TALES expressions.
I'm suspicious of namespaces, as they seem redundant.  Namespaces in 
Python, after all, are expressed like any other attribute traversal 
(e.g., os.path.exists).  The analog in TAL would be adapter/foo.  This 
is how TAL works right now in practice, with a small number of 
namespaces like request, container, etc.

I see a few problems with the current situation:
1. There's no clear way to indicate that you want to use a name as a 
namespace, as opposed to a normal name.  So there may be a conflict 
between the "adapter" you want to use as a namespace, and a template 
that someone writes that happens to use the variable adapter in an 
unrelated way.  This is fine now, because there is a fairly fixed number 
of namespaces (six or seven, I think), and you just don't use those 
names -- as namespaces are added (especially on a per-metal-template 
basis) this conflict is more likely, and you may not know what names 
will cause conflicts in the future.

But I'm not sure how bad the name conflict really is.  In my experience 
it's not too bad in Python code, and when it's a problem it's fairly 
easily resolved.  Or maybe another one or two namespaces can be added 
which would sufficient, and we don't need to extend the number of 
namespaces indefinitely.  Like an adapter namespace and a metal 
namespace (maybe you'd use things like 
metal/name_of_template.pt/variable_name).  To some degree this could 
even be convention, instead of building it in explicitly.

2. Another issue might be the difficulty of creating a namespace for use 
with templates -- with the proposal all namespaces start out empty and 
ready to accept new values, but if you use normal variables they start 
out as undefined, and you'd have to assign them to {} or something.

(A little thought: if you had "def namespace(): return {}", then 
tal:define="adapter namespace" would work and reads fairly well)

3. Explicit namespaces support deeper, structured assignment (but only a 
*little* deeper).  Does TAL currently allow tal:define="var/attr 
something"?  I've never tried it.  It should.  Maybe the specific 
semantics of this assignment could be refined to resolve (2) -- e.g., if 
you get a LookupError during the second-to-last segment of the 
traversal, try to assign it to {}.

Anyway, whenever I look at a language with explicit namespaces (e.g., 
Ruby), it seems really pointless.  I think they should be avoided, and 
that normal TAL path expressions can be refined instead.

It's also annoying that we'd have namespace['adapter'] in Python 
expressions.  Namespaces might be a way to introduce a more accessible 
set of typical functions, like DTML's nl2br and other formatting 
functions -- these are currently too hard to get to.  But these have to 
be used with Python syntax (at least currently), and doing 
namespace['formatters']['nl2br'](options['message']) is just bad.  I 
don't much care for tal:define="nl2br formatters:nl2br" either, as it 
feels like boilerplate.  I suppose 
"path('formatters:nl2br')(path('options/message')) is maybe a little 
better, but only a very little.

Ian Bicking  /  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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