as it's possible to create an action icon with an empty icon expression, but this action icon can never be edited again (a KeyError is raised), I propose the attached patch against ActionIconsTool.py
After applying this patch, you can edit the empty action icons.
Greetings, Joachim
- -- Joachim Bauch, struktur AG Download icoya OpenContent 1.3 for FREE! visit http://www.icoya.de/iOC4free <- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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Index: ActionIconsTool.py =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs-repository/Products/CMFActionIcons/ActionIconsTool.py,v retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -r1.2 ActionIconsTool.py *** ActionIconsTool.py 13 Jul 2003 01:55:30 -0000 1.2 --- ActionIconsTool.py 20 Apr 2004 10:58:02 -0000 *************** *** 185,191 **** security.declareProtected( View, 'queryActionIcon' ) def queryActionIcon( self, category, action_id ! , default=None, context=None ): """ Return an icon ID for the given action. --- 185,191 ---- security.declareProtected( View, 'queryActionIcon' ) def queryActionIcon( self, category, action_id ! , default=None, context=None, resolve_icon=1 ): """ Return an icon ID for the given action. *************** *** 195,201 **** TALES expressions. """ ai = self._lookup.get( ( category, action_id ) ) ! return ai and ai.getIconURL( context ) or default security.declareProtected( View, 'updateActionDicts' ) def updateActionDicts( self, categorized_actions, context=None ): --- 195,201 ---- TALES expressions. """ ai = self._lookup.get( ( category, action_id ) ) ! return ai and (not resolve_icon or ai.getIconURL( context )) or default security.declareProtected( View, 'updateActionDicts' ) def updateActionDicts( self, categorized_actions, context=None ): *************** *** 305,311 **** o Raise KeyError if an icon has not already been defined. """ ! if self.queryActionIcon( category, action_id ) is None: raise KeyError, 'No such definition!' icons = list( self._icons ) --- 305,311 ---- o Raise KeyError if an icon has not already been defined. """ ! if self.queryActionIcon( category, action_id, resolve_icon=0 ) is None: raise KeyError, 'No such definition!' icons = list( self._icons )
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