[Zope-dev] Zope Corporation's Initial Reaction on the ZF Comments

2005-06-17 Thread Hadar Pedhazur
My first attempt to post to this list bounced, because I'm not a
subscriber. Jim enabled me to post, so I'm resending, without
cc'ing the z3lab list again. If you hit reply-all, please add
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to the cc list (if you're allowed to post
there as well :-)

Hi all. Whew, lots of traffic, with good ideas and comments
made by all. While all of us at Zope Corp appreciate the
input, we can't lose sight of two points:

1) Even though lots of the Rock Stars of the Zope
Community are on one or both of these lists, not all are,
and certainly not the entire Zope Community (especially
_customers_), so these lists cannot substitute for the
entire input stream.

2) We have called for an International IRC chat to discuss
this next Tuesday, and tried to pick a time that could work
for people from the West Coast of the US all the way to
hardy souls in Asia, but at least Eastern Europe. Until
people can weigh in and get a sense of everyone's responses,
this list is just fodder for that discussion.

As such, it is highly unlikely that I will post again on
this specific thread to these lists before the IRC, so
_please_ don't be offended if you have a fantastic rebuttal
to a point that I try to make here, and don't get a
response. I just subscribed to the z3lab list (I'm not on
dev), and will see your response, and hopefully prepare a ZC
response for the IRC.

OK, enough with the background, on to make some points :-)

I found all of the discussion interesting, but I am also
confused by some of it. Specifically, the use of the Plone
Foundation as the model that we should all aspire to.

If I understand my facts correctly, the Plone Foundation was
kicked off (and likely funded by) Computer Associates (CA).
They still have 2 board seats as far as I can see. In fact,
for all the rhetoric about individuals, each board member
has their company named after them, which implies to me that
people looking at that list should assume that they vote
the way their company would want them to, not the way they
feel about specific issues.

Specifically, if Norm Patriquin of CA leaves CA, will he
remain a board member, or does CA have some right to appoint
another director in his place? If the answer is that CA
controls the board seat, then please let's stop pretending
that this is all about individuals.

It's obvious that companies do not vote, individuals vote.
It is also obvious that individuals who represent companies
are more likely to vote in a direction that is good for
their company. Nothing wrong with that (IMHO) as long they
can't force something on the rest of the members.

Second, if we had adopted the Plone Foundation organization
verbatim, just changing the word Plone to Zope, would that
have been 100% satisfactory to everyone in the Zope world?
If so, that would surprise me, but more importantly, it
would still have been a unilateral move on our part, not
to even allow potential dissenters a say. In other words,
there is no one model that will work for everyone, and we
are being careful not to set _anything_ in stone until we
hear everyone's thoughts.

If we intended to act unilaterally, and in only our
interests, we would have announced a completed Foundation
with a take it or leave it attitude, or we would have put
a very short date on getting it done. Instead, we announced
that it would be done by the end of October 2005, so that
_this_ process could have a real chance to succeed in an
open manner.

No one has a gun to our head to do this, and in fact, no one
has the slightest leverage on us to do this. We are doing it
because we _want_ to, because we think it's the _right thing
do_, and because we think the timing is right with Zope 3
ready for prime time, and ready to explode. If we wanted to
try and retain the maximum benefit from that explosion, we
would probably just keep it all to ourselves. We are not,
and we would like at least the benefit of the doubt as to
our motives, if not an actual Thank You :-)

Like Stefane, we too are slightly leaning towards an Eclipse
model. In that model, committers are first-class members,
and do _not_ pay dues! Companies and Customers (in their
term Consumers) are first-class members too, but not only
pay dues (don't worry, we won't charge what they do ;-), but
also _have to commit development resources_. No one vendor
has _any_ control of _anything_ in the Eclipse Foundation,
but they don't apologize for the fact that the underlying
software is _strategic_ to the Vendor organizations in their
attempt to make a profit.

Stefane Fermigier wrote:
 IMHO, vendor-neutral means, in this context, that the
 Foundation must take into account the interests of all the
 stakeholders (individual hackers, vendors, customers), and
 shouldn't be interpreted as vendor-free.

I agreed, and would add that vendor-neutral can also (and
IMHO should) be vendor-friendly. Let's not forget that ZPL
is not GPL. We chose a commercially friendly license 7 years
ago, and have only made it friendlier to 

Re: [Zope-dev] Zope Corporation's Initial Reaction on the ZF Comments

2005-06-17 Thread Chris McDonough
I found this interesting enough to look into anyway... for anybody who
is interested, here's the scoop.

CA has 2 seats out of 9 on the Plone Foundation board.  Apparently
there's special treatment of these seats via
http://plone.org/foundation/about/board/special_seats which is mostly a
perk to CA for providing $100,000 (!) in seed funding.  There is a
special provision in place for allowing CA to keep these board seats.
That candiacy provision can apparently be voted out only by the Board
itself (these seats cannot be filled with non-CA people via a normal
general election).  Beyond this rule, there don't seem to be any bylaws
to keep this ratio of individuals-to-companies intact.  An advisory
nonvoting seat on the board was created for Porter-Novelli due to their
willingness to provide pro-bono marketing.

The rest of the board seats are filled with independents and people
representing smaller companies, all of whom are coders and could have
only been elected on merit (I suspect there's just not enough at stake
for it to have happened any other way ;-).

The Eclipse foundation has 19 total board members, 6 of whom appear to
have been elected based on some definition of merit.  Of the remaining
13 seats, 10 seats are filled with representatives of Strategic
Developer companies (the companies own the seats presumably as long
as they keep funding the foundation), and  3 are filled with Add-In
Provider company seats (these seats can be kept by their original
owners if they move from company to company as long as they fit the
requirements of a Committer Member).  There are rules in their bylaws
that serve to keep this relative funder-to-individual Board member ratio

The Apache Software Foundation has 9 members
(http://www.apache.org/foundation/board/).  I don't recognize all the
names, but at least three are definitely coders, and companies are not
mentioned at all.  Their bylaws have no math in them for retaining board
seats based on payment into the foundation, but maybe there is some
informal agreement.

research'ly y'rs

- C

On Fri, 2005-06-17 at 12:32 -0400, Hadar Pedhazur wrote:
 My first attempt to post to this list bounced, because I'm not a
 subscriber. Jim enabled me to post, so I'm resending, without
 cc'ing the z3lab list again. If you hit reply-all, please add
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the cc list (if you're allowed to post
 there as well :-)
 Hi all. Whew, lots of traffic, with good ideas and comments
 made by all. While all of us at Zope Corp appreciate the
 input, we can't lose sight of two points:
 1) Even though lots of the Rock Stars of the Zope
 Community are on one or both of these lists, not all are,
 and certainly not the entire Zope Community (especially
 _customers_), so these lists cannot substitute for the
 entire input stream.
 2) We have called for an International IRC chat to discuss
 this next Tuesday, and tried to pick a time that could work
 for people from the West Coast of the US all the way to
 hardy souls in Asia, but at least Eastern Europe. Until
 people can weigh in and get a sense of everyone's responses,
 this list is just fodder for that discussion.
 As such, it is highly unlikely that I will post again on
 this specific thread to these lists before the IRC, so
 _please_ don't be offended if you have a fantastic rebuttal
 to a point that I try to make here, and don't get a
 response. I just subscribed to the z3lab list (I'm not on
 dev), and will see your response, and hopefully prepare a ZC
 response for the IRC.
 OK, enough with the background, on to make some points :-)
 I found all of the discussion interesting, but I am also
 confused by some of it. Specifically, the use of the Plone
 Foundation as the model that we should all aspire to.
 If I understand my facts correctly, the Plone Foundation was
 kicked off (and likely funded by) Computer Associates (CA).
 They still have 2 board seats as far as I can see. In fact,
 for all the rhetoric about individuals, each board member
 has their company named after them, which implies to me that
 people looking at that list should assume that they vote
 the way their company would want them to, not the way they
 feel about specific issues.
 Specifically, if Norm Patriquin of CA leaves CA, will he
 remain a board member, or does CA have some right to appoint
 another director in his place? If the answer is that CA
 controls the board seat, then please let's stop pretending
 that this is all about individuals.
 It's obvious that companies do not vote, individuals vote.
 It is also obvious that individuals who represent companies
 are more likely to vote in a direction that is good for
 their company. Nothing wrong with that (IMHO) as long they
 can't force something on the rest of the members.
 Second, if we had adopted the Plone Foundation organization
 verbatim, just changing the word Plone to Zope, would that
 have been 100% satisfactory to everyone in the Zope world?
 If so, that would 

Re: [Zope-dev] Zope Corporation's Initial Reaction on the ZF Comments

2005-06-17 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris McDonough]
 The Apache Software Foundation has 9 members

Their board of directors has 9 members, but the ASF has many more
members than that:


 I don't recognize all the names, but at least three are definitely coders, and
 companies are not mentioned at all.  Their bylaws have no math in them for
 retaining board seats based on payment into the foundation, but maybe
 there is some informal agreement.

I doubt it, because the Python Software Foundation's (of which I'm a
director) bylaws were modeled on the ASF's.  For both, you can become
a member only by being nominated by an existing member, and then voted
in by a majority of existing members.  Anyone (regardless of whether
they're a member) can sit on the board, and the board is determined
solely by membership vote.  So any informal agreement would have to be
embraced by a majority of the members to be effective, and that's just
unlikely.  For the PSF, a sure way to get on the Board is to say
you're willing to do it 0.3 wink; I imagine it's similar with the

We should note that the ASF and PSF are both 501(c)(3) non-profits
under US tax law, which puts imprecise but serious legal bounds on how
much they _can_ be controlled by, or benefit, a small group without
getting into deep legal doo doo.  In effect, we endure those
restrictions so that US contributors can get a tax deduction, and to
make legal actions against us especially unattractive (this one's
complicated, but it's not a coincidence that you don't hear about many
people suing the Red Cross wink).  I don't know which part of the
non-profit spectrum the Zope Foundation is aiming at, but I'd guess
that the ZF wouldn't want to hassle with a charity's legal
restrictions (yup, the PSF is a public charity in US legal jargon,
same as the Red Cross).
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