Re: [Zope-PAS] proposal: IUserAdder plugins

2007-05-05 Thread Kapil Thangavelu

On Fri, 04 May 2007 14:54:59 -0400, Miles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I seem to be generating a sizable proportion of the traffic on this  
list!  Apologies in advance for another email...

My use case is as follows:

I have a zope website, a php forum and blog that make up my site, each  
with their own user databases.  Whenever users register through the zope  
site (I have removed links so they cannot register elsewhere), I want to  
create corresponding user accounts for them in the database for the  
forum and the blog.

However, when a user is created, PAS runs through all the plugins  
implementing the IUserAdder interface, but once a plugin indicates that  
it created a user, it proceeds no further.

right, which makes sense to me, you don't really want it to create  
multiple users, shadowing each other for login purposes. only one gets to  
login. it sounds like you just want to have your custom useradder plugin  
ordered higher than the default zodb user plugin.

I was expecting it to pass the details onto all the plugins, to give  
each a chance to create any additional information the plugin needs, and  
to avoid having to produce a succession of plugins.  In the same way  
that the properties plugins each get to provide a separate property  
sheet, rather than just returning the first one.

property providers are separate then adder, and each property provider is  
called for a principle.

I would like to change this so all IUserAdder plugins get a chance to  
fire - does anyone have an opinion on it?

-1, semantically makes no sense.

Zope-PAS mailing list

Re: [Zope-PAS] Re: PlonePAS using SQL get AttributeError

2007-04-19 Thread Kapil Thangavelu
On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:16:25 -0400, Sidnei da Silva  

On 4/19/07, Wichert Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Previously Sidnei da Silva wrote:
Lets rephrase this: is the problem you see that the site user folder
(which will be a PAS) issues a challenge, which results in credentials
which the root user folder can not handle?


why wouldn't the root just fall back to its own default if it can't find  
credentials, like in the case of a standard zodb user folder at the root,  
basic auth?

Zope-PAS mailing list

Re: [Zope-PAS] Re: PlonePAS using SQL get AttributeError

2007-04-19 Thread Kapil Thangavelu
On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:33:16 -0400, Sidnei da Silva  

On 4/19/07, Wichert Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But you can get that even with PAS if you change the challenger in your
site PAS. For example if I configure my site to only allow OpenID logins
you can no longer use the emergency user since no challenger will result
in usernamepassword style credentials.

Correct. In the case of PlonePAS, we are just making the default,
out-of-the-box config be not broken instead of being broken by

looking at this further, there really doesn't seem to be any good way to  
allow the root to be a non pas, and allow the plone default authentication  
(form based) to work with users in the root, without replacing the root.  
the way pas monkey patches the response during traversal, basically  
asserts only the inner most user folder gets a chance to challenge.   
apologies to the integrators, there really isn't a workaround for this  
outside of reworking pas's challenge mechanism or the challenge plugins to  
allow delegation up the chain, the means of which isn't apparent to me.


Zope-PAS mailing list

Re: [Zope-PAS] PlonePAS using SQL get AttributeError

2007-04-18 Thread Kapil Thangavelu

my understanding is that part of the reason this was done, was laziness,  
on the part of the integrators, who didn't want to deal with the issues of  
having non pas users from the root acl browsing a plone site, and  
conditionally dealing with those the users within the plone code. i agree  
that its lame.


On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 21:36:24 -0400, Ben Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree, I think the way PlonePAS replaces the root acl_users is very  
bad. I

hope this gets addressed. Surely there is no need for it to do that.


On 19/4/07 02:01, James J Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I found the SQLPASPlugin on the Plone site or the collective - not sure

I pretty much rewrote it to get it to do what I wanted.  I got no help
from this list or anywhere else.
PlonePAS provides a PropertyProvider set of interfaces for
setting/getting properties from an external source.

There is something strange in the install process. When I install my
product and create an acl_users in my Plone site, it seems to also add
it to the root acl_users which I don't like at all.

Since I had trouble getting acquisition to work, I created a zsql method
in source_users and directly addressed it.

Hope all this helps...

Jim Myers

Chris Withers wrote:

i James,

James J Myers wrote:

I've written a PlonePAS plugin loosely based on SQLPASPlugin for

I'm going to be needing this functionality myself sometime soon.

Where did you find the SQL plugin? What's the official way of getting
users with extra properties from a relational back end? What
bastardisations has Plone added that need to be supported?

The code creates a zsql method in source_users which I can verify via
the ZMI that it is there.

Why do you need to create the zsql method using code?

When the authenticate credentials plugin is called it appears to
always be in the source_users folder,

What do you mean by that?

Why would be it fail sometimes and not others? How do I make it work

2007-04-07T18:02:10 INFO RACPASPlugin Traceback (most recent call  

authenticateCredentials: getUserInfo:   File
line 104, in authenticateCredentials
   res = self.getUserInfo(login)
authenticateCredentials: getUserInfo:   File
line 253, in getUserInfo
   query = getattr(self, _UserQueryId)
authenticateCredentials: getUserInfo: AttributeError:  

I wonder if a differing set of acquisiton contexts are involved
somewhere along the line?



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[Zope-PAS] zope3 schemas and pas properties plugin

2007-04-04 Thread Kapil Thangavelu

hi folks,

i put together a zope3 schema based property provider, with plone ui  
integration using formlib forms, which might be of use (ZPL2.1)

more info and code at,


Zope-PAS mailing list

Re: [Zope-PAS] plone and openSSO

2006-09-10 Thread Kapil Thangavelu

i had to do this a few months back before sam went opensource. i relied on  
the apache agent to do auth, and had it pass the authenticated user name  
and groups in the request environment. the pas plugin for this (really  
just a generic pass through plugin) is available here.

svn co  

implementing a full sam agent in zope is a bit of work, its a big stack to  
do it via the standards based mechanism of webservices. if you really want  
to go down this route and you have libertyalliance support in you sam  
installation, you should check out lasso, which will do some of the heavy  
lifting, but the move to samlv2 pares down the liberty protocols  
responsibilties to just websvcs so it might not be a long term viable  
option. internally alot of the sam agents just use a custom protocol that  
avoids the complexity of the websvc stack.



lasso -

On Sun, 10 Sep 2006 19:29:50 -0700, Serge Zagorac  

Hi All,

Is there a plugin or initiative for authentication plugin between Plone  
/ Zope and openSSO (formerly known as Sun Access manager)

I would like to integrate our  plone site into our portal site which is  
controled by the access manager (openSSO).
I have been trying to write  the plugin myself but got stuck because I  
did not know how to access clients (browsers) session cookies with  
python or zope's api..

What I would like to do is to get the value of the session cookie the  
access manager sets in the clients browser upon successful login and  
then invoke the web service via soap with the cookie value which returns  
the user name that I will then pass over to Zope.
However I found this task impossible to do because I was not able to  
find the way to access client session cookies with python or zope.

Or I'm wrong...??

Please help



Zope-PAS mailing list

Zope-PAS mailing list

Re: [Zope-PAS] auth fallback with cookies

2005-08-07 Thread Kapil Thangavelu
make the cookie auth plugin push form credentials into the the request 
as basic auth headers ala cookie crumbler.


On Jul 26, 2005, at 4:09 PM, J Cameron Cooper wrote:

Say I have a user in a root acl_users folder (call it 'admin'). I also 
have a PAS user folder in a sub-object of the root. This PAS is 
configured to do cookie auth, and users will typically login using a 

Now, if I try to log in as 'admin' in that form, it doesn't work. I 
think this is why:

 - credentials are supplied via a form to the PAS cookie auth plugin

 - there is no such user, so it fails

 - 'validate' returns None, so Zope goes to the next user folder 
(which the basic in the root where 'admin' lives)

 - that one tries to validate but gets nothing: it looks for HTTP 
basic credentials, but finds nothing, since login is form based

Does this sound about right? Anybody have a strategy to get around 

Enfold Systems, LLC

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