Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-05 Thread Martijn Faassen

Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:


Would be nice if IE supported min-width and max-width in css. It 
doesn't. The only way I've seen anyone get that to work in IE is with 
some nasty javascript hack. We can keep going down this road though, 
fine with me. We'll be here for literally weeks and months going through 
all of the pros and cons of fixed vs. fluid layouts that have been 
debated for years. There is no right answer.

I'm not out to discuss this stuff for weeks and months at all, I'm just 
asking fairly reasonable questions from the perspective of someone who 
doesn't know much about the intricacies of web site layouts. To answer 
my own question, it's clear from your response it *is* very difficult to 
make it semi stretchable, so we will let it be for now. We can always 
come back to it later.

p.p.s. I will be working on the Linux rendering issues which is actually 
a good example of the real challenges with web design. Getting a 
standards based site to look good on IE an Firefox on a PC is a 
(nightmarish at times) challenge alone (mostly thanks to IE's lack of 
standards support). Getting it to work on every browser on every OS and 
look good is a boatload of work. My focus is to do just that while 
keeping the html and css *clean* and free of hacks and javascript as 
much as possible. Also, keeping the html reusable to easily implement 
future design changes and as maintenance free as possible.

I'm surprised Firefox on linux is so different from Firefox on other 


Right now the biggest problem that Zope, as well as other zope 
products/properties suffers from is useability and marketing. The least 
of any problems is what color the sites are, whether the pages are fluid 
or fixed width or whatever. The real problem is that no knows what Zope 
is, how it works or how to use the sites. 

Look, you're doing a web design and you can reasonably expect some 
feedback from people. It's not a complete disaster. Ranting about how 
terrible I am for asking a few simple questions is not very productive 
either. If something is hard to do or unwise, I'm sure it can be 
communicated in a way that's a little bit less confrontational. Sorry 
for the rant back. :)

Lets get past these basic design issues, get a test site up and running 
and start getting our hands dirty. Lets implement the html and css and 
then get down to brass tacks and start the *real* work of editorializing 
the content so that it's understandable to newcomers as well as 
veterans, making content easily accessible and clearly labeled, 
providing easy to use interfaces and functionality. 

This is exactly what I'm doing. I'm already editorializing content, it's 
just that nobody seems to be very interested in discussing *that* on 
this mailing list so far.

Anyway, quite apart from this mini-debate, I'm still grateful for your 
efforts, so thank you again.



Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-04 Thread Lennart Regebro

On 9/4/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is 800x600 that common these days?

Hardly by people that would be interested in Zope, right?

Anyway, I think the important decision here is to make it readable.
And that means that the content column should not fill out the whole
page. On a 1600 pixel widescreen that looks like shit. And the content
column is a good size now, and it looks fine on my 1024 screen. On my
widescreen, it looks weird, but not as weird as it would look with
wider content column.

This design is good. In fact, it's great. If we really want to use up
more screen space, we could move the extras to a separate column,
but I like the current way better.

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo
CPS Content Management
Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-04 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

Hash: SHA1

On 4 Sep 2006, at 10:26, Martijn Faassen wrote:
  o Trading in having the space on the sides for less  
control over all page layouts. I'm going for functional control in  
this case over a prettier layout.
  o The current page is laid out to work on 800 x 600 and  
above. Most people will view the site at 1024 x 786 or 800 x 600  
and not see large gaps on the side.

Is 800x600 that common these days?

It is very common to have users who will see scrollbars with fixed  
1024 width designs. Including me on the 12 iBook. One reason I  
normally hate fixed width designs with a passion is because I get  
scrollbars, most designs seem to be fixed for 1024 pixel screens.

Here's an example of a fixed width design that was fixed at a width  
too big for my screen:

I can't stand it. Tom made a wise choice. And please don't add  
columns to make it wider.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)

Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-04 Thread Martijn Faassen

Lennart Regebro wrote:

On 9/4/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is 800x600 that common these days?

Hardly by people that would be interested in Zope, right?

Trying it again on a 1200x1024 screen, with a window not full-screen so 
it's more like 1024 (my usual browser side), I still get sizable blue on 
both sides.

Anyway, I think the important decision here is to make it readable.
And that means that the content column should not fill out the whole
page. On a 1600 pixel widescreen that looks like shit. And the content
column is a good size now, and it looks fine on my 1024 screen. On my
widescreen, it looks weird, but not as weird as it would look with
wider content column.

It seems to me we're debating a strawman argument. I don't think anybody 
is debating the text should stretch fully. All I am saying: with the 
current style, I see a lot of blue that does nothing. I think there are 
ways to make this less of a problem:

* make the text area wider. Still fixed, but wider.

* add a sidebar on the left like in version 3 design 1.

* there are ways to make the design flow up to a point, but not all the 
way. I don't know how hard this is to accomplish, but I believe I've 
seen it done.

This design is good. In fact, it's great. If we really want to use up
more screen space, we could move the extras to a separate column,
but I like the current way better.

I'd prefer the extras to be in a separate column indeed, and I like them 
as they are in version 3 of design 1.



Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-04 Thread Martijn Faassen

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 4 Sep 2006, at 10:26, Martijn Faassen wrote:
  o Trading in having the space on the sides for less control 
over all page layouts. I'm going for functional control in this case 
over a prettier layout.
  o The current page is laid out to work on 800 x 600 and 
above. Most people will view the site at 1024 x 786 or 800 x 600 and 
not see large gaps on the side.

Is 800x600 that common these days?

It is very common to have users who will see scrollbars with fixed 1024 
width designs. Including me on the 12 iBook. One reason I normally hate 
fixed width designs with a passion is because I get scrollbars, most 
designs seem to be fixed for 1024 pixel screens.

Here's an example of a fixed width design that was fixed at a width too 
big for my screen:

I can't stand it. Tom made a wise choice. And please don't add columns 
to make it wider.

Good point; I get scrollbars on that site as well (on a 1200 wide screen 
this time, but I almost never maximize my browser). That's a good 
argument against content boxes on the right side, at least in a fixed 

I wonder whether it would be very difficult/unwise to make the content 
area semi-stretchable as one can see on some sites. That is, doesn't 
stretch all the way on a wide screen, but stretches/compresses partially.


Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-04 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

Hash: SHA1

On 4 Sep 2006, at 11:01, Martijn Faassen wrote:

Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:
  o The simple nature of the site means a thinner page is  
more appropriate. Most of the content will be text that is easier  
to read the less wide the page is. This is not some multi column  
news site that has multiple content boxes.

My intent with this layout round was not to create a layout for  
just the Zope Foundation site, but for it to work for the Zope site  
as a whole (eventually; we'll take this step by step, where the ZF  
site is the first step). Some room for content boxes would  
therefore be nice, though I expect it wouldn't be used on every page.

I don't know whether that will change anything in your thinking  
about the layout, I just wanted to be clear that we're not just  
working on the Zope Foundation site here - that's just the first  

An alternative would be to have separate designs for Foundation and  
the rest of the site. Anyone have opinions on whether this is a  
good or bad idea?

I was under the impression that the two were separate and we were  
trying to decide on a design for the foundation first, because that  
site should be up ASAP. I fear if we try to come up with a design for  
both we'll end up in analysis paralysis again.

+1 for a separate foundation site design in the interest of getting  
the site *done*. Whether that same design ends up on as a  
whole is a decision we could take later.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)

Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-04 Thread Martijn Faassen

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
An alternative would be to have separate designs for Foundation and 
the rest of the site. Anyone have opinions on whether this is a good 
or bad idea?

I was under the impression that the two were separate and we were trying 
to decide on a design for the foundation first, because that site should 
be up ASAP. I fear if we try to come up with a design for both we'll end 
up in analysis paralysis again.

+1 for a separate foundation site design in the interest of getting the 
site *done*. Whether that same design ends up on as a whole is 
a decision we could take later.

Convincing argument for keeping the layouts separate (for now at least).

Anyway, the main show-stopper right now is that the nav doesn't work in 
Firefox 1.5 on Linux. All the other issues are things we could easily 
tweak later.


Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-04 Thread Tom Von Lahndorff


Would be nice if IE supported min-width and max-width in css. It  
doesn't. The only way I've seen anyone get that to work in IE is with  
some nasty javascript hack. We can keep going down this road though,  
fine with me. We'll be here for literally weeks and months going  
through all of the pros and cons of fixed vs. fluid layouts that have  
been debated for years. There is no right answer.

p.s. Lennart, 1600 wide? Are you serious? Regardless of monitor size,  
do you actually leave your browser window open to that size? In all  
the stats I've seen 1600 represents 0% to 1% of users and I'd imagine  
most sites look like shit at that size (in the rare case, I'd  
imagine, that the user has the browser set to full screen).

p.p.s. I will be working on the Linux rendering issues which is  
actually a good example of the real challenges with web design.  
Getting a standards based site to look good on IE an Firefox on a PC  
is a (nightmarish at times) challenge alone (mostly thanks to IE's  
lack of standards support). Getting it to work on every browser on  
every OS and look good is a boatload of work. My focus is to do just  
that while keeping the html and css *clean* and free of hacks and  
javascript as much as possible. Also, keeping the html reusable to  
easily implement future design changes and as maintenance free as  

p.p.p.s. Jens hit the nail on the head. Believe it or not, but 800 x  
600 still represents ~20% of users and I'd rather not have them have  
to scroll horizontally to get to content. Thats *way* worse than  
having extra space on the sides.

Really, guys, what all of this boils down to is that with all of the  
various browsers, OSs, screen resolutions, javascript support etc.  
there can be no one size fits them all answer. Designing a good site  
is about getting to work as well as possible for the majority of  
users, but at the end of the day, no matter what, some users are not  
going to like it. It annoys me that is fixed for 1024  
because when I have my bookmarks sidebar open in Firefox I have to  
scroll horizontally or close my bookmarks. Great site though and I go  
to it every day. It bugs me that has inconsistent navigation  
throughout the site. I go to for news all the time. Although  
these features annoy me I'm sure they have valid reasons for doing  
them and they don't prevent me from using the site.

Right now the biggest problem that Zope, as well as other  
zope products/properties suffers from is useability and marketing.  
The least of any problems is what color the sites are, whether the  
pages are fluid or fixed width or whatever. The real problem is that  
no knows what Zope is, how it works or how to use the sites. I've  
been using Zope and for like 7 or 8 years now and you know  
what, I have no clue how to add content to my page on and to  
upload any of the interesting products or skins Ive created. Thats a  
problem when people within the community can't figure stuff out,  
forget newcomers. Zope is better than PHP or Ruby on Rails but is  
getting it's a$$ kicked every single day by them because of just this  
kind of stuff. At this point it's a game of catch up for Zope and for  
any of these projects to get stalled because a website looks like  
shit on a 1600 pixel wide monitor is just insane.

Lets get past these basic design issues, get a test site up and  
running and start getting our hands dirty. Lets implement the html  
and css and then get down to brass tacks and start the *real* work of  
editorializing the content so that it's understandable to newcomers  
as well as veterans, making content easily accessible and clearly  
labeled, providing easy to use interfaces and functionality. Keep  
this in mind too, that a many times a decision as to whether or not  
to use Zope for a particular project, *cough* *especially for large  
scale projects* *cough* (trust me, I know), will be greatly  
influenced by some non-technical people. If they can't go to a site  
and at least get a basic idea of the strengths of the product and  
feel comfortable with the marketing of that product they'll forget  
about it in 2 seconds. Its the details of this site that are much  
more important at the end of the day than how wide the margins of the  
page are.

On Sep 4, 2006, at 5:08 AM, Martijn Faassen wrote:

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

Hash: SHA1
On 4 Sep 2006, at 10:26, Martijn Faassen wrote:
  o Trading in having the space on the sides for less  
control over all page layouts. I'm going for functional control  
in this case over a prettier layout.
  o The current page is laid out to work on 800 x 600  
and above. Most people will view the site at 1024 x 786 or 800 x  
600 and not see large gaps on the side.

Is 800x600 that common these days?
It is very common to have users who will see scrollbars with fixed 

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-04 Thread Lennart Regebro

On 9/4/06, Tom Von Lahndorff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

p.s. Lennart, 1600 wide? Are you serious? Regardless of monitor size,
do you actually leave your browser window open to that size?

Hmm. Nah, you are probably right, if it's that wide you don't.

I have 1200, though, and I have the browser maximized, yes.
In fact, I have most windows maximized all the time. :) I definitely
prefer a fixed width for the content column in any case.

p.p.p.s. Jens hit the nail on the head. Believe it or not, but 800 x
600 still represents ~20% of users and I'd rather not have them have
to scroll horizontally to get to content. Thats *way* worse than
having extra space on the sides.


ps. I said it before, but pressed the wrong button, so only Martijn
saw it: It might be worth setting the sizes in pt instead of px, so
that it works better with large font sizes. No biggie, though.

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo
CPS Content Management
Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-04 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen

Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:

Please let me know of any bugs and what your browsers/os setup is.

Zope Foundation
Design 1, Version 1

While I really like the colours in general, I find the gray of the Zope 
Foundation in the logo image not right. Either should be darker 
(perhaps black?) or brighter. Either way, it needs to stand out more 
over the blue-grayish background.

I don't see a big problem with fixed layouts. I have a hard time letting 
the it's a waste of space argument count. Just make your browser 
window smaller and you got that space on your screen back!

Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-03 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

Hash: SHA1

On 2 Sep 2006, at 14:38, Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:

Please let me know of any bugs and what your browsers/os setup is.

Works without any visible flaws under Safari and OmniWeb and looks  
very nice, clear and simple. Perfect for a site that is mostly  
static such as the foundation site.

If it were up to me I'd stop any further niggling unless there are  
serious problems with popular browsers and just run with the dang  
thing. I fully agree with Tom's previous point that every time we  
have some kind of new design for site X discussion it's all going  
round in circles and then just dies off.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)

Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-09-02 Thread Lennart Regebro


(on windows, tested with firefox and ie)
Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-08-29 Thread Chris Withers

Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:

Im trying to avoid things like:

- I dont like that color. (Unless its really nasty this is 100% subjective)
- Fixed width vs. Fluid layouts. (This debate has been around since 
tables. We need to just pick one. For every person that doesnt like the 
space on the side of the page with fixed width there will be another 
person who doesnt like the extra white space at the bottom of every page 
on fluid width layout)

- Anything thats really subjective issue that can be debated ad infinitum.

Well, on this subjective side, it seems that, for a change, a lot of 
people _are_ in agreement ;-)

(it's a shame that you appear to be one of the few who isn't...)

I want to keep momentum on this.



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-08-28 Thread Chris Withers

Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:

New Foundation page. Try the nav. Only tested on Firefox/Mac so far.

Personally, I hate sites that leave whacking great margins either ide of 
the actual content.

Not sure about the colours or shadows either.

And the left nav doesn't feel like a left nav to me, just seems like 
some entries vanish when you click on other entries :-S

So far, version 3 of design 1 is still my favourite...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-08-28 Thread Tom Von Lahndorff

Here we go again.

Step 1. Propose a project to the Zope community.
Step 2. Plone sucks / Plone is great battle begins, everyone  
complains about what they dont like.

Step 3. No actual work ever gets done.
Step 4. Repeat in 6 months.

On Aug 28, 2006, at 5:24 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:
New Foundation page. Try the nav. Only tested on Firefox/Mac so  

Personally, I hate sites that leave whacking great margins either  
ide of the actual content.

Not sure about the colours or shadows either.

And the left nav doesn't feel like a left nav to me, just seems  
like some entries vanish when you click on other entries :-S

So far, version 3 of design 1 is still my favourite...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting

Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-08-28 Thread Lennart Regebro

On 8/28/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

* I get text flowing into each other in the sidebar. About The
Foundation overlaps whatever is on the next line, with the word
Foundation on the next line. There's another such instance lower down,
where it says Foundation..Projects? (can't read).

This is on firefox 1.5 on linux.

Hmm. Me too. But Firefox 1.5 on Windows work fine.

I'll leave my comments, even though I'm protesting against this kind
of design by comittee. :-)

I'd prefer  a top row of top categories, and a left-column of
subcategories when it comes to navigaton.

I don't mind leaving space at all. In fact, on a wide-screen sreen,
not doing that makes the text have extremely long lines, which is hard
to read. Of course, this should not be decided by margin-sizes,
instead it should be the min content column that has a fixed sixe.

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo
CPS Content Management
Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-08-28 Thread Martijn Faassen

Lennart Regebro wrote:

On 8/28/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

* I get text flowing into each other in the sidebar. About The
Foundation overlaps whatever is on the next line, with the word
Foundation on the next line. There's another such instance lower down,
where it says Foundation..Projects? (can't read).

This is on firefox 1.5 on linux.

Hmm. Me too. But Firefox 1.5 on Windows work fine.


I'll leave my comments, even though I'm protesting against this kind
of design by comittee. :-)

Hm. In the end once I'm happy with the design, and I am very close to 
being happy, we'll proceed from there, unless someone can convince me 
otherwise. I use my special Zope Foundation powers here. :) That said, I 
think feedback from a range of people can be useful.

I'd prefer  a top row of top categories, and a left-column of
subcategories when it comes to navigaton.

Yes, this is actually, I think, the same as my feedback, effectively. A 
top row of major categories, similar to the menu in version 3, without 
the dropdowns, with a sidebar of categories too.

I don't mind leaving space at all. In fact, on a wide-screen sreen,
not doing that makes the text have extremely long lines, which is hard
to read. Of course, this should not be decided by margin-sizes,
instead it should be the min content column that has a fixed sixe.

Right, while some margins would be all right with me too, the version 3 
layout has *smaller* margins on at least my screen, and I was looking to 
replicate some of that structure in the new version.


Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-08-28 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:
 Here we go again.
 Step 1. Propose a project to the Zope community.
 Step 2. Plone sucks / Plone is great battle begins, everyone complains
 about what they dont like.
 Step 3. No actual work ever gets done.
 Step 4. Repeat in 6 months.

Hey Tom,

thanks for your great designs. I think all of them are an improvement
over the current one. One can tell you put a lot of work in them. Don't
be irritated by ChrisW's occasional rants. It's not a personal thing. :)

You asked for our thoughts in your original email and it seems that most
people prefer Design 1 v3. Let me add my +1 to that as well. I for one
think this one scales a lot better for different browser sizes than
Design 2. I also think it's being brighter than Design 2 gives it a
friendler tone. In fact, I think Design 1 v3 could use an even brighter
blue (not too much, though)...

Having to agree on a design is such a difficult task because it involves
different people's tastes. We should be thankful when the consensus is
as clear as it is now :).

Keep up the good work,


Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-08-28 Thread Chris Withers

Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:

Here we go again.

Step 1. Propose a project to the Zope community.
Step 2. Plone sucks / Plone is great battle begins, everyone complains 
about what they dont like.

Step 3. No actual work ever gets done.
Step 4. Repeat in 6 months.

Er, Tom, you asked for feedback...

I *like* version 3 of design 1.

I *really* like all the work you've put in to this.

Given a choice between the latest design going in and nothing happening, 
 I'd choose the latest design any day of the week.

Given the choice betwen the latest design and version 3 of design one, 
I'd choose version 3 of design 1.

I'm sorry not all feedback is positive, but if you don't want it, don't 
ask for it...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-08-28 Thread Tom Von Lahndorff

Sorry Chris, I didnt mean to harsh on you. That was meant in fun as  
much as it is in truth.

I dont mind any negative feedback, but what Im looking for more like:

- What content do we need and where should it go.
- Suggestions for better functionality (like the title bars of a  
table should be clickable to rank items by that criteria).

- This page blows up in my browser or the nav doesnt work.
- Suggestions for homepage content (News and updates RSS Feeds,  

- Editing of text if some information is too wordy or confusing.
- Site structure and content boxes, wireframes.

Im trying to avoid things like:

- I dont like that color. (Unless its really nasty this is 100%  
- Fixed width vs. Fluid layouts. (This debate has been around since  
tables. We need to just pick one. For every person that doesnt like  
the space on the side of the page with fixed width there will be  
another person who doesnt like the extra white space at the bottom of  
every page on fluid width layout)
- Anything thats really subjective issue that can be debated ad  

Im trying to avoid design by committee. Ive worked on like hundreds  
of TV and Radio websites and basically they all look a$$. This is  
because everyone from the morning show host to the general manager to  
the salespeople all b!tch and moan until they get what they want and  
the end product is hideous frankensite. I dont think that would  
happen here but I want put down the hammer anywhere I see it start to  
creep in.

The big difference here as well is that the site will be built on  
Zope! This means was can all tweak it to our hearts content because  
it's built smart, on a flexible and scalable backend. Instead of  
trying to get something *great* out of the box, lets get up a *good*  
site and go from there and make it great. Lets get it up and running  
and functioning and focus on the content wrapped a good and nice  
design and go from there...

I want to keep momentum on this.

On Aug 28, 2006, at 10:23 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:

Here we go again.
Step 1. Propose a project to the Zope community.
Step 2. Plone sucks / Plone is great battle begins, everyone  
complains about what they dont like.

Step 3. No actual work ever gets done.
Step 4. Repeat in 6 months.

Er, Tom, you asked for feedback...

I *like* version 3 of design 1.

I *really* like all the work you've put in to this.

Given a choice between the latest design going in and nothing  
happening,  I'd choose the latest design any day of the week.

Given the choice betwen the latest design and version 3 of design  
one, I'd choose version 3 of design 1.

I'm sorry not all feedback is positive, but if you don't want it,  
don't ask for it...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting

Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-08-28 Thread Martijn Faassen


Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:

- What content do we need and where should it go.

I'm working on the content itself, so no need to concern yourself too 
much with this during the design phase, except where it's needed to 
flesh out the design aspects, of course. As I already mentioned, I think 
a top-level navigation with left sidebar for subnavigation would be nice 
to see (though what you have works too). Also nice for content is the 
ability to easily include one or more blue boxes on the right sidebar.

- Suggestions for better functionality (like the title bars of a table 
should be clickable to rank items by that criteria).

Don't think we need such functionality yet, but I'll keep my eye out for it.

- This page blows up in my browser or the nav doesnt work.

Right, the left menu doesn't quite work in Firefox 1.5 on linux.

- Suggestions for homepage content (News and updates RSS Feeds, 

We're first looking into the foundation homepage. I've just written some 
text for it. We'll have news on it too, so a RSS/Atom feed button might 
be nice.

These questions are of course important for the homepage proper.

- Editing of text if some information is too wordy or confusing.

Where'd you get the text from? I wasn't sure whether you were writing 
text too. :)

Im trying to avoid design by committee. 

No worries, I've unilaterally declared myself the single point you need 
to talk to about this layout. I can do this as I represent the Zope 
Foundation board and am authorized to make decisions. (and because 
Aroldo, my board partner on zope-web, will hopefully let me get away 
with it. :)


Zope-web maillist  -

Re: [ZWeb] Re: website design discussion

2006-08-26 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

Hash: SHA1

On 26 Aug 2006, at 15:57, Tom Von Lahndorff wrote:

New Foundation page. Try the nav. Only tested on Firefox/Mac so far.

Looks and works nice on Safari as well. Should be easy to take that  
and fill it, even with just static content, to have a great-looking  


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Zope-web maillist  -