[Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jean-Marc Orliaguet


are there any guidelines / best practises for setting the contents of 
__init__.py, interfaces.py, and the packages that they import or that 
they expose? there are too many alternatives and too many ways of ending 
up doing circular imports and I'd like to have a consistent pattern for 
reducing that risk.

but there doesn't seem to be a 100% clear pattern to follow when looking 
at the zope3 code base:

some packages in have all the implementation code in __init__.py, others 
have it in a file and the imports are done in __init__.py, others import 
files starting with an underscore (to make them private I suppose).

some packages have an interfaces.py file others have a interfaces 
folder, others have the interface definitions in the implementation code 
itself ...

Jim mentioned to me that only public and official interface definitions 
should be listed in 'interfaces', the others should be defined inline 
with the implementation - are there guidelines to follow?

I like the inline option because it reduces the amount of imports and 
the risk for import cycles. Does it mean that interfaces should be 
defined inline with the code and those that are official be imported 
from intertaces.py? It sounds like a good pattern.

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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Martijn Faassen

Hi there,

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
  are there any guidelines / best practises for setting the contents of
__init__.py, interfaces.py, and the packages that they import or that 
they expose? there are too many alternatives and too many ways of ending 
up doing circular imports and I'd like to have a consistent pattern for 
reducing that risk.

but there doesn't seem to be a 100% clear pattern to follow when looking 
at the zope3 code base:

some packages in have all the implementation code in __init__.py, others 
have it in a file and the imports are done in __init__.py, others import 
files starting with an underscore (to make them private I suppose).

I personally very much prefer __init__.py to be as empty as possible. I 
like namespace packages. For me it's always a doubletake when I realize 
most of the implementation of some Zope 3 package I'm trying to 
understand is actually hiding out in __init__.py, so I don't like this 

some packages have an interfaces.py file others have a interfaces 
folder, others have the interface definitions in the implementation code 
itself ...

The pattern changed over time during Zope 3 development. In my current 
opinion, interfaces.py should usually be able to accomodate all the 
interfaces of a package. If interface definitions are to be 'private' 
then they can be in the implementation code, but such privacy is very, 
very rare in practice.

Jim mentioned to me that only public and official interface definitions 
should be listed in 'interfaces', the others should be defined inline 
with the implementation - are there guidelines to follow?

Don't know. I think the best rule would be to make the interface public 
unless you have a very good reason not to do so, not the other way around.

I like the inline option because it reduces the amount of imports and 
the risk for import cycles. Does it mean that interfaces should be 
defined inline with the code and those that are official be imported 
from intertaces.py? It sounds like a good pattern.

With this pattern, the chances are increased people will point to the 
interface through two different paths, and the chances are increased 
that people forget to import things to interfaces.py even though they 
should. It's also an extra indirection; people looking for the interface 
referenced in some ZCML file discover that in fact they need to go to 
another module yet again when they look it up.

I tend to stick all my interfaces in interfaces.py. I believe keeping 
interfaces at least somewhat separate from implementation is valuable. 
It also makes for an easy place to go to to actually find out what 
interfaces are defined by a package -- I don't have to go read all the 
source code to see what interfaces exist. You can posit documentation 
tools that create such a list of all interfaces, but I like my code 
being inviting to all comers, whether or not they have particular tools.

If you really like the other pattern of sticking interfaces together 
with implementation code, then perhaps don't import them into 
interfaces.py and don't add an interfaces.py at all. This way things 
will at least be clearly defined in one place only.

I don't really think the public/private divide between interfaces is 
strong enough to worry too much about hiding certain interfaces.

My recommendations for any guidelines would be:

* use namespace packages, so nothing (or very minimal stuff only, like a 
few imports) in __init__.py. I think this is recommended practice 
outside of Zope 3 as well, so we should stick with this. Twisted seems 
to have small or empty __init__.py packages for instance, and so does 
PEAK, to compare with some other large frameworks in Python.

* use interfaces.py and put interfaces there unless there's a very good 
reason it should be private (which is rare).


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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Janko Hauser

Am 21.11.2005 um 12:15 schrieb Martijn Faassen:

My recommendations for any guidelines would be:

* use namespace packages, so nothing (or very minimal stuff only,  
like a few imports) in __init__.py. I think this is recommended  
practice outside of Zope 3 as well, so we should stick with this.  
Twisted seems to have small or empty __init__.py packages for  
instance, and so does PEAK, to compare with some other large  
frameworks in Python.

* use interfaces.py and put interfaces there unless there's a very  
good reason it should be private (which is rare).

I'm in support of all the suggestions Martijn has written. As a small  
addition I sometimes use a subdirectory interfaces with some modules,  
when I have many classes with different concerns in a namespace. But  
in the interfaces subdirectory I use __init__.py to import  
everything, so that for interface imports elsewhere it looks all the  

with regards,


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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jim Fulton

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Hi there,

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
  are there any guidelines / best practises for setting the contents of

__init__.py, interfaces.py, and the packages that they import or that 
they expose? there are too many alternatives and too many ways of 
ending up doing circular imports and I'd like to have a consistent 
pattern for reducing that risk.

but there doesn't seem to be a 100% clear pattern to follow when 
looking at the zope3 code base:

some packages in have all the implementation code in __init__.py, 
others have it in a file and the imports are done in __init__.py, 
others import files starting with an underscore (to make them private 
I suppose).

I personally very much prefer __init__.py to be as empty as possible. I 
like namespace packages. For me it's always a doubletake when I realize 
most of the implementation of some Zope 3 package I'm trying to 
understand is actually hiding out in __init__.py, so I don't like this 

I agree.  We used to make an exception for packages that *only* had one
.py file, but I don't really see having many of these, so I'd prefer
empty __init__, except when exporting names for import convenience.

some packages have an interfaces.py file others have a interfaces 
folder, others have the interface definitions in the implementation 
code itself ...

The pattern changed over time during Zope 3 development. In my current 
opinion, interfaces.py should usually be able to accomodate all the 
interfaces of a package.

I agree.

 If interface definitions are to be 'private'
then they can be in the implementation code, but such privacy is very, 
very rare in practice.

In particular, I'd like to promote the idea that interfaces modules
are only for public interfaces.  These are commitments.  Interfaces
used internally and subject to change should not be put in these modules.

Jim mentioned to me that only public and official interface 
definitions should be listed in 'interfaces', the others should be 
defined inline with the implementation - are there guidelines to follow?

Don't know. I think the best rule would be to make the interface public 
unless you have a very good reason not to do so, not the other way around.

I disagree.  Public interfaces are commitments. The fewer commitments
the better.

I like the inline option because it reduces the amount of imports and 
the risk for import cycles. Does it mean that interfaces should be 
defined inline with the code and those that are official be imported 
from intertaces.py? It sounds like a good pattern.

With this pattern, the chances are increased people will point to the 
interface through two different paths, and the chances are increased 
that people forget to import things to interfaces.py even though they 
should. It's also an extra indirection; people looking for the interface 
referenced in some ZCML file discover that in fact they need to go to 
another module yet again when they look it up.

I agree that public interfaces should be in interfaces.py.

In general, I hate it when people import things from modules other
than the modules in which they were defined.  The only exception to
this is packages, which should just be about namespaces.

I tend to stick all my interfaces in interfaces.py. I believe keeping 
interfaces at least somewhat separate from implementation is valuable. 


It also makes for an easy place to go to to actually find out what 
interfaces are defined by a package -- I don't have to go read all the 
source code to see what interfaces exist.

If they aren't in interfaces.py, their none of your business anyway.


My recommendations for any guidelines would be:

* use namespace packages, so nothing (or very minimal stuff only, like a 
few imports) in __init__.py. I think this is recommended practice 
outside of Zope 3 as well, so we should stick with this. Twisted seems 
to have small or empty __init__.py packages for instance, and so does 
PEAK, to compare with some other large frameworks in Python.


* use interfaces.py and put interfaces there unless there's a very good 
reason it should be private (which is rare).

Agreed. BTW, an alternative to private interfaces is to register
things for classes. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work.  You may need
private schemas for UI purposes.  Perhaps formlib's ability to define forms
without schemas will make this less important.  Also, there seems to be a bug
in proxy interface management that sometimes causes trouble when components
are registered for classes. I need to look into this.


Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
CTO  (540) 361-1714http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation http://www.zope.com   http://www.zope.org
Zope3-dev mailing list
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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jim Fulton

Janko Hauser wrote:

Am 21.11.2005 um 12:15 schrieb Martijn Faassen:

My recommendations for any guidelines would be:

* use namespace packages, so nothing (or very minimal stuff only,  
like a few imports) in __init__.py. I think this is recommended  
practice outside of Zope 3 as well, so we should stick with this.  
Twisted seems to have small or empty __init__.py packages for  
instance, and so does PEAK, to compare with some other large  
frameworks in Python.

* use interfaces.py and put interfaces there unless there's a very  
good reason it should be private (which is rare).

I'm in support of all the suggestions Martijn has written. As a small  
addition I sometimes use a subdirectory interfaces with some modules,  
when I have many classes with different concerns in a namespace. But  in 
the interfaces subdirectory I use __init__.py to import  everything, so 
that for interface imports elsewhere it looks all the  same.

I strongly suspect that when you do this, you should really split the package


Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
CTO  (540) 361-1714http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation http://www.zope.com   http://www.zope.org
Zope3-dev mailing list
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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jean-Marc Orliaguet

Martijn Faassen wrote:

Hi there,

Hi Martijn,

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

some packages have an interfaces.py file others have a interfaces 
folder, others have the interface definitions in the implementation 
code itself ...

The pattern changed over time during Zope 3 development. In my current 
opinion, interfaces.py should usually be able to accomodate all the 
interfaces of a package. If interface definitions are to be 'private' 
then they can be in the implementation code, but such privacy is very, 
very rare in practice.

Jim mentioned to me that only public and official interface 
definitions should be listed in 'interfaces', the others should be 
defined inline with the implementation - are there guidelines to follow?

Don't know. I think the best rule would be to make the interface 
public unless you have a very good reason not to do so, not the other 
way around.

This is where I'm standing: I have lots of interfaces that don't make an 
API. There are used by a bunch of classes to make it possible to 
register adapters, interface types, utilities, etc. There are more or 
less like marker interfaces, or schema definitions that are not supposed 
to be used publicly.

They are private interfaces that are used to glue together components 
but in a way internal to the application. By having them in 
interfaces.py I feel that I'm making them more official than they need 
to be, they're is some sort of extra ceremony in it.

For the public API, it feels like the right place to have them, but it 
is a commitment as well, and there is no way to make a statement like 
don't use these interfaces, they are subject to changes. I don't like 
the underscore imports either.

I think there should be two different patterns based on the nature of 
the interfaces that get defined (private / public)


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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jean-Marc Orliaguet

OK, so to summarize this  thread:

- __init__.py files are empty

  unless for the convenient import of other modules located in the same 
package or in a subpackage?

- public interfaces are stored in interfaces.py

- private interfaces are written along with the implementation code

- what about file names with an underscore at the beginning? They are 
used in zope.schema for instance

- what about import paths inside a same package: relative or absolute?

   from mypackage.interfaces import ISomeInterface
   from interfaces import ISomeInterface

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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jim Fulton

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

OK, so to summarize this  thread:

- __init__.py files are empty

  unless for the convenient import of other modules located in the same 
package or in a subpackage?

Actually, primarily for convenient import by external packages.

- public interfaces are stored in interfaces.py

- private interfaces are written along with the implementation code

- what about file names with an underscore at the beginning? They are 
used in zope.schema for instance

A Python convention is that a leading underscore indicates privateness.

- what about import paths inside a same package: relative or absolute?

   from mypackage.interfaces import ISomeInterface
   from interfaces import ISomeInterface

Absolute always.  Until the Python import mechanism is fixed, *always*
use absolute imports.


Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
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Zope Corporation http://www.zope.com   http://www.zope.org
Zope3-dev mailing list
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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jean-Marc Orliaguet

Jim Fulton wrote:

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

OK, so to summarize this  thread:

- __init__.py files are empty

  unless for the convenient import of other modules located in the 
same package or in a subpackage?

Actually, primarily for convenient import by external packages.

yes indeed, but no cross imports between packages that are siblings.

and in both cases the import is done using absolute paths.

- public interfaces are stored in interfaces.py

- private interfaces are written along with the implementation code

- what about file names with an underscore at the beginning? They are 
used in zope.schema for instance

A Python convention is that a leading underscore indicates privateness.

but it doesn't inforce it, so another social contract for interfaces like:
interfaces.py means public, otherwise it means private might do as 

- what about import paths inside a same package: relative or absolute?

   from mypackage.interfaces import ISomeInterface
   from interfaces import ISomeInterface

Absolute always.  Until the Python import mechanism is fixed, *always*
use absolute imports.


that's definitely not the way it is currently...

do a:

$ grep -r from interfaces import Zope3/src

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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jim Fulton

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

OK, so to summarize this  thread:

- __init__.py files are empty

  unless for the convenient import of other modules located in the 
same package or in a subpackage?

Actually, primarily for convenient import by external packages.

yes indeed, but no cross imports between packages that are siblings.

Huh? Why? I'm not at all sure I know what you mean.

and in both cases the import is done using absolute paths.

All imports should be absolute.


Absolute always.  Until the Python import mechanism is fixed, *always*
use absolute imports.


that's definitely not the way it is currently...

do a:

$ grep -r from interfaces import Zope3/src

Dang. That code should be fixed.


Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
CTO  (540) 361-1714http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation http://www.zope.com   http://www.zope.org
Zope3-dev mailing list
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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Martijn Faassen

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

OK, so to summarize this  thread:

- __init__.py files are empty

  unless for the convenient import of other modules located in the same 
package or in a subpackage?

I'm typically okay with this, though I suspect it can in some cases lead 
to circular imports you may not otherwise get, and makes finding what's 
defined harder than if you directly import from the place things are 
defined. It does make things more convenient however, in some cases.

- public interfaces are stored in interfaces.py

- private interfaces are written along with the implementation code

Right. And point taken from both you and Jim: sometimes you have private 
interfaces and you don't want to commit to supporting too much API.

- what about file names with an underscore at the beginning? They are 
used in zope.schema for instance

Hm, if I see a module with an underscore I definitely don't feel very 
inclined to import *anything* in it from my own code.

I don't use underscore modules a lot in my code, though sometimes if 
some code is only implementation detail to support some other module, 
it's not a bad thing to do.

- what about import paths inside a same package: relative or absolute?

   from mypackage.interfaces import ISomeInterface
   from interfaces import ISomeInterface

I prefer absolute. It makes changing the package root harder, but this 
is not common in practice, and it is much less error-prone in the end as 
any namespace issues are avoided. If I call my module 'xml' and I do a 
relative import I may have a problem; I don't want to even think about 
it :). When Python grows a way to do explicit relative imports then I'll 
think again.

Thanks for this thread! I hope this information will be put on some web 
page somewhere eventually.


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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jean-Marc Orliaguet

Jim Fulton wrote:

yes indeed, but no cross imports between packages that are siblings.

Huh? Why? I'm not at all sure I know what you mean.

the question is what relation between the importer and the imported are 
OK: if I add such imports in __init__.py, I should only import from 
packages located in the same folder or in subfolders but not  from 
sibling folders or from parent folders.

with a directory structure like:


- packageA
 |__ packageB

- packageC

in packageA.__init__.py it is OK  to add:

   from root.packageA.somefile import somemodule

to make it possible for external packages to import somemodule as:

   from root.packageA import somemodule

it is OK to write in packageA.__init__.py :

   from root.packageA.packageB.somefile import someothermodule

to import it as:

   from root.packageA import someothermodule

but it is not OK to put the same imports in packageC (a sibling), which 
be some sort or cross import between packages that are not parent / 
child to one another. This easily leads to circular imports.

so what I mean is : parents import from children to make it possible for 
external packages to import directly from the parents.


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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jim Fulton

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:

yes indeed, but no cross imports between packages that are siblings.

Huh? Why? I'm not at all sure I know what you mean.

the question is what relation between the importer and the imported are 
OK: if I add such imports in __init__.py, I should only import from 
packages located in the same folder or in subfolders but not  from 
sibling folders or from parent folders.

Ah. Right. Agreed.

with a directory structure like:


- packageA
 |__ packageB

- packageC

in packageA.__init__.py it is OK  to add:

   from root.packageA.somefile import somemodule

to make it possible for external packages to import somemodule as:

   from root.packageA import somemodule

it is OK to write in packageA.__init__.py :

   from root.packageA.packageB.somefile import someothermodule

to import it as:

   from root.packageA import someothermodule

but it is not OK to put the same imports in packageC (a sibling), which 
be some sort or cross import between packages that are not parent / 
child to one another. This easily leads to circular imports.

so what I mean is : parents import from children to make it possible for 
external packages to import directly from the parents.



Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
CTO  (540) 361-1714http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation http://www.zope.com   http://www.zope.org
Zope3-dev mailing list
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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Jean-Marc Orliaguet

There is another place where there seems to be two different patterns too:

sometimes we have:

  import zope.schema
  name = zope.schema.TextLine(...)

and sometimes:

  from zope.schema import TextLine
  name = TextLine(...)

any reason to use one or the other (speed, verbosity, avoiding circular 
imports, ...) ?

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Re: [Zope3-dev] __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Gary Poster

On Nov 21, 2005, at 12:29 PM, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

There is another place where there seems to be two different  
patterns too:

sometimes we have:

  import zope.schema
  name = zope.schema.TextLine(...)

and sometimes:

  from zope.schema import TextLine
  name = TextLine(...)

FWIW, a third is

  from zope import schema

which I often do for zope.component, zope.interface, zope.event, and  

I'm not weighing in on the style issues.

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[Zope3-dev] Re: __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
 There is another place where there seems to be two different patterns too:
 sometimes we have:
   import zope.schema
   name = zope.schema.TextLine(...)
 and sometimes:
   from zope.schema import TextLine
   name = TextLine(...)
 any reason to use one or the other (speed, verbosity, avoiding circular
 imports, ...) ?

I vastly prefer the second:  it keeps the use points clearer, while
still making the source clear (the * key in my editor makes a great
way to find the import statement).

It is also ever-so-slightly faster, as it avoids a name lookup at
point-of-use.  That optimization is the source of only downside of the
practice:  it makes monkey-patching harder, because the original binding
gets copied.

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 202-558-7113  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: __init__.py interfaces.py guidelines?

2005-11-21 Thread Chris Withers

Tres Seaver wrote:

It is also ever-so-slightly faster, as it avoids a name lookup at
point-of-use.  That optimization is the source of only downside of the
practice:  it makes monkey-patching harder, 

And that's a bad thing? ''+str(whrandom.choice())+' wink'


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