Re: [Zope3-dev] Testing ZODB in Python2.5.

2007-06-06 Thread Tim Peters

[nikhil n]

ZODB shows an error when tested with
I think Python 2.5 unified long and normal integer and this caused
the error.

This is actually due to changes in Python's `struct` module, more
accidentally than not related to the ongoing int/long unification.
Here's a little program:

import struct
x = struct.pack(Q, 42)
print repr(struct.unpack(Q, x))

Under 2.4 that prints (42L,), under 2.5 (42,).  ZODB's u64() is a
wrapper around a similar struct.unpack() call, so inherits the same

Is it enough that we add a renormalizer in

I think it's better to change the specific test that failed; e.g., change the


part to


in the test, and change the expected output to match the new output,
That way the test will pass under all versions of Python, without
anything hidden in magical normalizers.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: [Zope3-dev] AssertionError in ZEO cache

2006-07-06 Thread Tim Peters

[Dieter M]

Almost surely, the code should be cur_tid = tid rather than
cur_tid  tid. But there is nobody that is sure about it.

[Chris W]

Well, as I've asked before, what needs to happen for someone to _become_
sure about it?

Same answer as before:  someone who understands the intended
invariants during cache verification needs to stare at the mutually
inconsistent code and comments, and figure out was intended.

(or at least change it and see what happens? ;-) )

You could do that immediately :-)
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] buildbot failure in Zope3 trunk 2.4 FreeBSD tmiddleton

2006-06-17 Thread Tim Peters

[Christian Theune]

Hah. Looks like BTrees can accept 2**31 on machines where maxint is a
larger ...

Note that accept in this case means silently loses the
most-significant bits, and that's a BTree bug on platforms where
sizeof(long)  sizeof(int):

2**31 doesn't actually lose any bits when you store it, but it will
probably misinterpret the high-order data bit as the sign bit when you
fetch it again, magically changing it into -2**31.

As we hardcoded the search space to 2**31, I made the test check
whether btrees accept the number or not and differ in the expected results.
Should work on that 64bit machine now too.

Did you see my simpler suggestion for fixing the underlying bug (it
was a one-liner change to the original code)?  When you get tired of
fighting the 64-bit BTree bug here (it will be a minor miracle if the
test actually passes now on a 64-bit box, despite all you've tried
...), look that up ;-)
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] buildbot failure in Zope3 trunk 2.4 FreeBSD tmiddleton

2006-06-17 Thread Tim Peters


thanks Tim, for the partial enlightenment. :) Unfortunately my
BTree/C-wisdom is much much smaller than yours, so I got to check a
couple of assumptions over here. :)

Yup, it really helps if you have a 64-bit box to check them on.


Hah. Looks like BTrees can accept 2**31 on machines where maxint is a
larger ...


Note that accept in this case means silently loses the
most-significant bits, and that's a BTree bug on platforms where
sizeof(long)  sizeof(int):

I was able to reproduce this on an Intel 64-Bit machine (EM64T) running
Linux and gcc.

And I expect the same will happen on any 64-bit platform other than
Win64 (which is unique, AFAICT, in leaving sizeof(long) == 4 instead
of boosting it to 8).

For one: I didn't see any compiler warnings. That sounds bad, right?

The underlying BTree bug is assignments of the form (usually hidden
in macro expansions):

   some_C_int = some_C_long;

When sizeof(int)  sizeof(long), that can silently lose information.
I was really hoping that major compilers on boxes where sizeof(int) 
sizeof(long) would warn about that.  Oh well.

The problem arises because what _Python_ calls int is what C calls
long, but the I-flavor BTree code stores C int, and C int
doesn't correspond to any Python type (except by accident on 32-bit
boxes).  C int is 4 bytes on all known current 32- and 64-bit
platforms, but the size of what Python calls int varies.  The BTree
code isn't aware of the possible mismatch, storing Python int (C
long) into C int without any checking.

2**31 doesn't actually lose any bits when you store it, but it will
probably misinterpret the high-order data bit as the sign bit when you
fetch it again, magically changing it into -2**31.

I can store 2**31 in the BTree, but the keys() method will tell you that
it actually stored -2**31.

Right.  If it's not clear, this is because the _bit_ pattern


is 2**31 when viewed as an 8-byte C long, but is -2**31 when viewed as
a 4-byte C long.  If you had, e.g., stored 2**32 instead, you would
have gotten 0 back when you fetched it (the top 32 bits are simply
thrown away).

Did you see my simpler suggestion for fixing the underlying bug (it
was a one-liner change to the original code)?  When you get tired of
fighting the 64-bit BTree bug here (it will be a minor miracle if the
test actually passes now on a 64-bit box, despite all you've tried
...), look that up ;-)

Nope, I didn't find your one-liner. :) Can you post it explicitly for my
blind eyes?

Here; it was a reply to one of the checkin messages:

The key problem in the original intid code is that it used randint()
instead of randrange(), theoretically allowing 2**31 to be a return
value.  It's _almost_ enough just to use randrange() instead.
Unfortunately, that's not quite enough; see the msg for what is.

It _could_ be fixed by adding 2 characters to the original, changing
2**31 to 2**31-2 (or to 0x7ffe), but that would leave it pretty
mysterious ;-)

I think I could have made up something that made it work, but I started
looking into making the BTree behave sanely.

My idea was, to modify the BTree code in a way that it actually checks
after the type cast whether the casted value is equal to the requested
key, or alternatively try making the CHECK_KEY macro do an exact type
match instead of allowing subclasses. But that wouldn't work either as
2**31 is still an int on those platforms. I'm a bit puzzled now. :)

There's potential silent information loss for both Ix-flavor BTree
keys and xI-flavor BTree values.  There are two robust ways to check
(robust means that Python's C code has used these ways at various
times for many years now without problems).  Complain if:

   some_C_long  INT_MIN || some_C_long  INT_MAX

or complain if (this sounds close to what you had in mind above, and
is my favorite):

   (long)(int)some_C_long != some_C_long

Because the problem is due to bogus assumptions about the relationship
between C types, it's not going to help to examine Python's idea of

Checking isn't needed (can't fail) if SIZEOF_INT == SIZEOF_LONG
(Python.h supplies definitions for those macros), so there's some
worth to skipping checks when that's not true.  Unfortunately, C
doesn't allow #if preprocessor statements _inside_ macro expansions,
so the best way to do that isn't immediately clear.

In short, irritiating little issues abound :-(.  That's why I couldn't
make time to fix it (relatively high cost with no benefit on most Zope

Note that if ZODB moves to 64-bit Ix/xI BTrees on all boxes (IIRC, Jim
and Fred were agitating in that direction, but suffered massive
short-sighted ;-) opposition), the BTree problem would go away by
magic (C int would no longer be the type of Ix keys or xI values).
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] buildbot failure in Zope3 trunk 2.4 FreeBSD tmiddleton

2006-06-17 Thread Tim Peters


Thanks for the clarification, Tim!

You're welcome :-)

Due to the possible future use of 64-bit BTrees, I'm inclined to go for
the 2-character fix for now and possibly remove it once we hit 64-bit

The BTree bug and the intid bug are quite distinct.  intid should be
repaired regardless, and is easy to repair.  The only reason the BTree
bug got sucked into this is because an overly-elaborate way of
repairing the intid bug bashed into the BTree bug (the elaborate initd
fix reasonably assumed that Ix BTrees would complain if you tried to
store a key they can't actually handle, but in fact they don't always
complain).  All the _simple_ ways of repairing intid avoid the BTree

In a 64-bit-everywhere world, presumably intid will want to change to
use an id range substantially larger than 31 bits anyway.

BTW, note that the simple intid fixes are essentially untestable, and
for the same reason you can't actually write a convincing test now
that _shows_ that the current (pre-patch) intid is buggy.  There are
only 2 return values (out of 2**31+1 current possible outcomes) that
create a problem, so it's a one-in-a-billion chance of screwing up.
The simple fixes just remove (exactly) those two problem cases.  It's
trivial to prove that the current intid has that bug, and
substantially harder to prove that the 2-character fix repairs it (but
trivial to prove that my original suggestion repairs it), but it's
very much harder to write a test showing either the bug or its
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] [ANN] win32-trunk-pyds

2006-05-19 Thread Tim Peters

[Stephan Richter]

Tim has not been updating them recently. After Jim updated the C code in the
adapter lookup code, they were invalid. Adam has picked up Tim's work there.

[Benji York]

As of 5/1 Tim was still willing to build them (as stated in a message to
zope3-dev).  I don't think that's changed.  If he happened to miss a
change requiring a recompile, just drop him a line and I'm sure he'll
update them.

I'm no longer routinely building, or running, Zope3 on Windows, so
I'll indeed only update Zope3 .pyds if/when someone emails me saying
that's needed.  And right, I'm happy to do so.

If Adam is paying more attention to Zope3, and especially if has an
automated way to keep his Windows Trunk zipfile release up to date,
that's probably better all around.  If that is the case, then I should
remove the old pyd .zip files from my member page, and plant a link
there to Adam's gimmick instead.

Adam, do you intend to keep Trunk up to date now?
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Windows Binaries

2006-05-02 Thread Tim Peters


However, it would seem that whomever was doing Windows releases hasn't
done an installer for 3.2.1 (see, so
we may need someone to do installers too.


OK, sounds like the problems got sorted.

However, if anyone needs anything Windowsish and Zopeish built, just
point me at a set of instructions and I'll see what I can do :-)

Benji just said there's no Windows installer for 3.2.1.  Looks like a
true statement :-)

I don't intend to build it.  The instructions at:

would probably work for that (can't be sure without trying it, and
since nobody does this routinely it's not impossible that some
Windows-specific problem(s) got introduced between 3.2.0 and 3.2.1;
for example, changes in zpkgtools sometimes forced backing off to an
older revision of zpkgtools to build an older version of Zope3 or
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Windows Binaries

2006-05-01 Thread Tim Peters

[Benji York]

Is anyone interested in picking up the building of Windows binaries for
the Zope 3 trunk?  Presumably only the appropriate compiler (and time)
are required.

Hard to say -- are these instructions still correct, or has the
Windows build process changed since this was written?
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Windows Binaries

2006-05-01 Thread Tim Peters


Nope.  I used to build Zope3 routinely on Windows, and all I did was
open WinZip and tell it to recursively suck up all the .pyd files.


Good to know.

I'm still happy to do that when someone emails me saying it's needed

Consider yourself emailed. :)

OK, there are new Zope3 Windows .pyds at

now.  Note that these were compiled with Python 2.4.3 (last time I did
this, it was Python 2.4.2).
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Windows Binaries

2006-05-01 Thread Tim Peters

[Egon Frerich]

Thank you.

Can you please do the same with python 2.5.a1 or a2?

.pyds for 2.5a1 are already available from my member page.  I haven't
installed 2.5a2, and don't intend to, so sorry, no on that one.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3 trunk and Python 2.5a2

2006-04-27 Thread Tim Peters
[Fred Drake]
 I just tried building the Zope 3 trunk with the Python 2.5 alpha 2
 that was released a few hours ago.  Unfortunately, the testrunner dies
 in the standard library.  This is probably related to changes in the
 optparse module; it was updated shortly before the release to the
 latest Optik release.

I believe that ;-)  The test runner worked with 2.5a1, so the problem
you're seeing is definitely new in 2.5a2 (2.5a1 had other problems
with Zope3, which should be fixed in 2.5a2 -- although that's hard to
check if the tests won't run at all!).
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3 trunk and Python 2.5a2

2006-04-27 Thread Tim Peters
[Fred Drake]
 I just tried building the Zope 3 trunk with the Python 2.5 alpha 2
 that was released a few hours ago.  Unfortunately, the testrunner dies
 in the standard library.  This is probably related to changes in the
 optparse module; it was updated shortly before the release to the
 latest Optik release.

 I don't have time to look into it right now, but if someone does, it
 would be good to figure out if this is a problem in optparse, or in
 the way we're using it.

I can fix it, but that's still a good question.  In Zope3's, just change

'--at-level', 1,


'--at-level', '1',

in the default_setup_args list literal.  At the end of your traceback,
`val` was the integer 1, but optparse expects to be crunching a string
at that point:

File /home/fdrake/plat/linux/lib/python2.5/, line 394, in
   if val[:2].lower() == 0x: # hexadecimal
TypeError: unsubscriptable object
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3 trunk and Python 2.5a2

2006-04-27 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters, on getting the Zope3 testrunner to work w/ 2.5a2]
 In Zope3's, just change

 '--at-level', 1,


 '--at-level', '1',

 in the default_setup_args list literal.

After that, I don't know how well Zope3's -v is expected to
work on Windows these days.  It was pretty bad here, ending with

Ran 6553 tests with 19 failures and 179 errors

A great many of those were repeats of:

  File C:\code\python\lib\, line 14, in getline
lines = getlines(filename, module_globals)
TypeError: __patched_linecache_getlines() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

That's because this 2.5a2 patch changed the signature of
linecache.getline, which doctest needs to know about, but zope.testing
has its own

r45248 | phillip.eby | 2006-04-10 21:07:43 -0400 (Mon, 10 Apr
2006) | 4 lines

Updated the warnings, linecache, inspect, traceback, site, and
doctest modules
to work correctly with modules imported from zipfiles or via other PEP 302
__loader__ objects.  Tests and doc updates are included.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Re: 64-bit BTrees

2006-04-13 Thread Tim Peters
[Tres Seaver]
 I would guess that if you could do a census of all the OIDs in all the
 Datas.fs in the world, a significant majority of them would be instances
 of classes declared in IOBTree / IIBTree (certainly the bulk of
 *transaction* records are going to be tied up with them).

Provided it still works, people can use ZODB's to figure that out.

But supposing I flavors of BTrees are the only objects that exist,
what follows from that?  It's not clear.  I can guarantee that
multiunion() will run slower, because its workhorse radix sort will
need 8 (instead of 4) passes.  Beyond that, it requires someone to try
it.  I'm reminded that when the MEMS Exchange wrote Durus (a kind of
ZODB lite ;-):


they left their entire BTree implementation coded in Python -- it was
fast enough that way.  The difference between ZODB's BTree C code
pushing 4 or 8 bytes around at a time may well be insignificant

If done carefully, pickle sizes probably won't change:  cPickle has a
large number of ways to pickle integers, and picks the smallest one
needed to hold an integer's actual value.  Provided the internal
getstate() functions are careful to avoid Python longs when possible,
bigger pickles won't happen unless more than 32 bits are actually
needed to hold an integer.

There's also that ZODB's current I trees are badly broken on 64-bit
boxes (except for Win64) in at least this way:

That problem would go away by magic.

looks-like-a-case-of-measure-twice-cut-once-ly y'rs  - tim
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] doctest: Get type of object

2006-01-24 Thread Tim Peters
[Florian Lindner]
 I've tried:

 Failed example:
 homeFolder #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
 Expected: object at ...
 Got nothing

 I've also tried it without the #doctest

 Why do I get just nothing?

That's expected if (and only if) `homeFolder` is bound to `None`. 
What happens if you change the line to:

  print homeFolder #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

? That added print  at the front, and will display:


if homeFolder is in fact bound to None.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] December release post-mortem

2006-01-19 Thread Tim Peters

[Stephan Ricther]
 I have seen you take a similar approach to zope.testing and I found that
 painful just by watching the checkins.

[Jim Fulton]
 I don't understand what you mean.  Having a separate zope.testing project has
 been extremely useful.  For example, in our comercial apps,
 we often used newer versions than existed in Zope 3.  We often needed
 enhacements to zope.testing at times that Zope 3 was feature frozen.
 We could have made a Zope 3 branch just to modify zope.testing, but that
 would have been a hassle for us and for Zope 3 developers.  Note that
 the new test runner (from zope.testing) was used in ZODB long before it
 was used in Zope 3.

I want to note that this was good for Zope3, too:  as a willing early
adopter of zope.testing, ZODB hit bugs and platform-dependent
glitches first, and got them fixed before the larger Zope3 development
community could be bit by them.

Also want to note that ZRS needed to add new features to
zope.testing, and ZRS doesn't include _any_ Zope code (ZRS builds on
ZEO, not Zope).  Having zope.testing be its own project without all
the adminstrative overheads of having its own official releases made
it very easy to add new code for ZRS's benefit without disturbing any
of zope.testing's other users.

In all, zope.testing is a poster child for the value of package
development outside of a Zope tree.  It's true that, to make changes
in zope.testing, I needed to have a distinct checkout of zope.testing.
 I didn't feel that to be a burden, though.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Fwd: listed in SORBES

2006-01-15 Thread Tim Peters
[Stephan Richter, re:
 can someone at Zope Corp. get us delisted?

Frankly, I doubt it -- who has time to wrestle with SORBS?  It's
time-consuming just to find out from them why it's listed.  At the
end, I'd like to be a fly on the wall when someone suggests to Rob
that Zope Corp open a PayPal account to send $50 to The Joey McNicol
Legal Defense Fund 0.1 wink.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: Deprecation period (was Re: [Zope3-dev] BBB and Deprecation Warnings)

2006-01-04 Thread Tim Peters
[Dieter Maurer]
 If the backward compatibility period gets shorter,
 we will skip more and more releases because of the increased burden
 to get our applications running again...

Well, every new release will remove features deprecated N releases
ago, where N is presumably some constant whose value is being debated
here.  That will be so in steady state whether N is 1 or 10 (i.e., the
value of N doesn't really matter to that):  the pressure to recode
(and your temptation to skip releases) is related more to the
frequency of releases than to the length of the deprecation grace
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3.2.0b3 released

2006-01-02 Thread Tim Peters
A Windows installer is also available now:
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] buildbot failure in Zope3 trunk 2.4 Linux zc-buildbot

2005-12-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters, on the testRunIgnoresParentSignals failure]
 That's definitely the problem here, and is easy to reproduce by
 inserting a short time.sleep() inside os.rmtree():

Should have said shutil.rmtree(); anyway:

 I'll try to fix it later today if I can make time, and nobody else
 does first ...

I did that yesterday, and ran the test hundreds of times after w/o
problems.  Yesterday and today, in spare moments I stitched rev 40792
of zdaemon into:

Zope trunk
Zope 2.9 branch
Zope3 trunk
Zope3 3.2 branch

I _ think_ that covers all the places that need it for now.  If anyone
knows of another place (I have lazier plans to update ZODB ;-)), be my
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] buildbot failure in Zope3 trunk 2.4 Linux zc-buildbot

2005-12-15 Thread Tim Peters
 The Buildbot has detected a failed build of Zope3 trunk 2.4 Linux

[Benji York]
 This was the ever-popular...

 Error in test testRunIgnoresParentSignals
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 270, in run
line 76, in tearDown
 self.assertEqual(self.expect, output)
 AssertionError: '' != '\n\nError in test testRunIgnoresParentSignals
 File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 162, in rmtree
 os.remove(fullname)\nOSError: [Errno 2] No such file or
directory: '/tmp/tmp-7nmMV/testsock'

Failure in testRunIgnoresParentSignals has been depressingly popular,
but I don't think I've ever seen that _specific_ failure mode before. 
The one that was reportedly endlessly over recent months, and which
Jim fixed, ended with this instead:

AssertionError: spawned process failed to start in a minute

 I've restarted a test run on that machine to see if it fails consistently.

And it doesn't.  I think the new version of this test may be hiding
the real problem, though:  the shutil.rmtree() call is in a top-level
`finally` clause, so if any exception is raised in the body of the
test, then _before_ that exception is reported we get into the
`finally` clause. Then if shutil.rmtree() raises an exception (as it
did in the failing buildbot run), the original exception is lost.

Hmm.  Looks like that includes the case where the new test is trying
to report the old symptom:

 spawned process failed to start in a minute)

But I don't think that's what happened in this specific failure: 
os.rmtree(tmp) died with

 No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmp-7nmMV/testsock'

but os.rmtree() wouldn't have _tried_ to delete 'testsock' to begin
with unless os.listdir(tmp)  said 'testsock' was in the temp
directory.  The sanest conclusion I can draw is that some other
process (zdrun?) unlinked 'testsock' between the time os.rmtree() did
its os.listdir() and the time os.rmtree()  tried to unlink 'testsock'

If so, that's a new race condition in the new version of the test (the
old version of the test didn't try to unlink 'testsock' -- I guess it
left that to zdrun), and can trigger even if the body of the test
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] buildbot failure in Zope3 trunk 2.4 Linux zc-buildbot

2005-12-15 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters, on the testRunIgnoresParentSignals failure]
 The sanest conclusion I can draw is that some other process (zdrun?)
 unlinked 'testsock' between the time os.rmtree() did its os.listdir() and the
 time os.rmtree()  tried to unlink 'testsock' itself.

 If so, that's a new race condition in the new version of the test (the
 old version of the test didn't try to unlink 'testsock' -- I guess it
 left that to zdrun), and can trigger even if the body of the test

That's definitely the problem here, and is easy to reproduce by
inserting a short time.sleep() inside os.rmtree(): and the
test code are racing to delete 'testsock'.  If the test code wins the
race, no problem is visible, because zdrun suppresses the os.error it
gets when it tries to delete 'testsock' itself.  But if zdrun manages
to delete it in the middle of the test code's call to rmtree(), we
get the bogus test death the buildbot experienced.  That's unlikely,
but is bound to happen from time to time.

I'll try to fix it later today if I can make time, and nobody else
does first ...
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] ZRS version 2?

2005-12-12 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers]
 Was ZRS 2 ever implemented?

Not yet, no.  We still talk about it, but it hasn't burbled to the top
of anyone's priority list yet.  If you want to see it, buy lots of
copies of ZRS 1 ;-)
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Twisted Publisher and Zope 2

2005-12-08 Thread Tim Peters
[Stephan Richter]
 Overall I agree with Jim on his comments. We have been extremely careful not
 to step on anyones toes and provide as smooth of a transition as possible.

Impending releases always create panic.  Embrace it as an opportunity
for spreading joy ;-)

 We asked repeatedly for feedback/testing and all the tests are passing
 (including ZEO).

The ZEO _tests_ set up their own asyncore mainloop.  If you think
about it, it has to be that way, else we couldn't run the ZEO tests
from a standalone ZODB checkout.

 Alone the thought that ZEO depends on the server Zope is using, makes me
 worried about ZEO; but then Jim just figured out that there is no problem. ;-)

There is a problem, but it in one sense it's shallow:  it only takes a
few lines of code to set up an asyncore mainloop ZEO is maximally
happy with.  The hard part for Jim will be figuring out where to put
them ;-)  The deeper problem is that ZEO _ever_ relied on someone
else to set up a mainloop; Jim sent a note about that to zodb-dev
today (ZEO should change to set up its own asyncore cruft).
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3.2.0 Beta 1 released

2005-12-07 Thread Tim Peters
 --   takes you two minutes

[Craeg Strong]
 I probably have about 6 or seven major packages added to python
 including 4suite, pyrex, pyxml, etc. etc. all of which must be rebuilt,
 re-patched, retargetted, etc.
 hence my question.

 (yes, I am a Lazy Programmer...)

You shouldn't need to rebuild anything when moving from one Python
micro release to another (like 2.4.1 to 2.4.2) -- not even on Windows
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] branched Zope 2.9

2005-11-13 Thread Tim Peters
[Andreas Jung]
 There are no 2.9 related issues in the collector but I assume there a bunch
 of unreported issues.

That the Zope trunk tests fail on Windows should be a 2.9 release issue, yes?

Windows test failures on Zope trunk
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] test errors due to ascii defaultencoding assumption

2005-10-21 Thread Tim Peters
[not Tim Peters; this part was written by Fredrik Lundh, and
 got misattributed in the reply]
When the Unicode type was added, people disagreed on what the
[default] encoding should be (ASCII, ISO-8859-1, or UTF-8), so the
setdefaultencoding hook was added so we could play with it.
Unfortunately, nobody got around to remove it before the release.

(to me, arguing that it's a good thing that you can use a global setting
to control what a+b does when a is an 8-bit string and b is a unicode
string is about as silly as arguing that it would be a good thing to have
a global setting for controlling what a+b does if a is an integer and b is
a string. if you want to convert between different logical types (encoded
data and text are different things), use an explicit conversion.)

[Dieter Maurer]
 That would be true had Python already different types
 for text (unicode) and binary strings and would use these

That's the plan, yes.

 Nowadays, life is hell without a sensible setdefaultencoding:

  Many isolated modules intersperse unicode in an otherwise
  string dominated world causing wide spread

And setdefaultencoding helps that?  What, you set it to latin1 just to
squash the exceptions?  Br, if so.  I suppose that's got a
decent shot at working by accident, anyway.

[Tim Peters]
 I'm sure sys.setdefaultencoding will vanish in a future Python
 release, since it wasn't intended to persist beyond initial
 development to begin with.

 Hopefully only after Python cleaned up the separation
 between text and binary strings.

FWIW, I don't expect this before Python 3.0 (where by this I mean
both having distinct text and binary string types, and losing

 Otherwise, I would be forced to maintain my private Python
 version (with setdefaultencoding).

Not that this is worth worrying about ;-), you could just stick to
using Python 2.4.2 (or whichever stable version was current at the
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] test errors due to ascii defaultencoding assumption

2005-10-20 Thread Tim Peters
[Stefan Rank]
 Thanks for the clarification, sounds very reasonable.
 I'm now trying to think of my incentive for changing it in the first
 place, and my notes say that it was necessary to get some file
 operations to behave.
 Unfortunately I did not note which ones they were, but I think it was
 something like shutil.copytree() on Windows failing.

 The problem was that it *internally* did not deal correctly with unicode
 filenames, i.e. there was no way to influence it from the calling side.
 Then I found, enabled the platform dependent default encoding,
 and did not give it another thought...

 (I think at that time it was py2.3, but if come across a repeatable test
 case I'll post a bug report.)

That's the right thing to do.  While I run on Windows, my filenames
are all 7-bit ASCII, so I'll never bump into it.

[Tim Peters]
 I'm sure sys.setdefaultencoding will vanish in a future Python
 release, since it wasn't intended to persist beyond initial
 development to begin with.

 In that case may I suggest changing the default to utf-8.
 ( I think it's about time this ascii thing died ;-)

You may, but suggesting a Python change on a Zope list is like
suggesting a Zope change on a Python list ;-)  The long-term plan for
Python is that Unicode will become the only string type, at which
point the concept of a default encoding will become meaningless
(there won't be any 8-bit strings then).  Until then, since the
default encoding has been ascii since it was introduced, I expect
that an attempt to change the years-old default now would face strong
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] test errors due to ascii defaultencoding assumption

2005-10-19 Thread Tim Peters
[Stephan Richter]
 I am pretty sure that it is strongly discouraged to change the default
 encoding in Can anyone confirm this? I think based on this
 discouragement we always assume that noone changes their site.pp.

If you're running a personal Python, and are willing to deal with all
the problems it _might_ cause yourself, there's nothing wrong with
changing the default encoding (or, at least, nobody from the PSF will
arrest you).

Anyone else shouldn't touch the default encoding, period -- the
intended, industrial-strength way to deal with encodings is to use
Unicode and explicit encode/decode operations.  Fredrik Lundh
explained the reality here:

When the Unicode type was added, people disagreed on what the
[default] encoding should be (ASCII, ISO-8859-1, or UTF-8), so the
setdefaultencoding hook was added so we could play with it.
Unfortunately, nobody got around to remove it before the release.

(to me, arguing that it's a good thing that you can use a global setting
to control what a+b does when a is an 8-bit string and b is a unicode
string is about as silly as arguing that it would be a good thing to have
a global setting for controlling what a+b does if a is an integer and b is
a string. if you want to convert between different logical types (encoded
data and text are different things), use an explicit conversion.)

I'm sure sys.setdefaultencoding will vanish in a future Python
release, since it wasn't intended to persist beyond initial
development to begin with.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope3 trunk degenerating on Windows

2005-10-18 Thread Tim Peters
[Stephan Richter]
| what is the latest state of Zope 3 under Windows? Is it still totally whacked
 or are we semi-stable? :-)

I'm happy to say that all the Zope3 tests pass on Windows again, as of
last Friday.  I haven't run them again since then myself, but the
Windows buildbot box is also working again, and was still reporting
success yesterday:

The middle column there (fred-win) is a Win2K box on Zope trunk.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Changes to zope3 windows binary installer

2005-10-13 Thread Tim Peters
[Michael Haubenwallner]
 I have put up a page of questions regarding the installation process at to help writing down some
 answers and to create a Howto for windows users.

[Stephan Richter]
 It would be much better to put such documentation on our Wiki, since it will
 got more exposure there. You also probably want to communicate with Tim on
 how to improve the situation.

-1 on the last suggestion 0.1 wink.  I build the Zope3 Windows
installer because nobody else will do it (and if you disagree with
that statement, _you_ build it from now on ;-)).  I wasn't involved in
creating it, and I don't even know how it works, beyond that it's a
vanilla distutils-based installer.  The text I put on:

came from trial-and-error reverse-engineering, not from an intimate
understanding of the Zope3-on-Windows vision.

Because it's a standard distutils installer, and because distutils
doesn't really aim at applications (let alone applications on
Windows), there is no support for things like program groups or
auto-install of Windows Services.  The only hope for stuff like that
is for someone to write MS-specific code to run from a
post-installation script (which script distutils will run for you, if
it's set up right) -- or move back to a wholly separate
Windows-specific installer process (as Zope2 uses).  The latter is
high maintenance, and given how few Windows people contribute to
Zope, unlikely to happen.  The crushing advantage of a distutils-based
installer is that some other project (namely, the Python project) does
the hard work.

I'll gladly answer any questions about what I wrote on the Wiki page
above, but I can't volunteer more than that.  If I did have time to
work on it, I think I'd write a small InnoSetup script to install
program groups (etc -- this is very hard to do correctly writing to
the raw Windows API; that's why programs like InnoSetup are so
popular), and run _that_ from the distutils post-install script. 
There would surely be lots of problems with that approach too.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Changes to zope3 windows binary installer

2005-10-13 Thread Tim Peters
[Roger Ineichen]

 don't use InnoSetup,

I won't -- but then I'm not doing anything here ;-)

 take a look at first.

How does this relate to Michael Haubenwallner's list of specific
Zope3-on-Windows issues?  Here's his list:
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope3 trunk degenerating on Windows

2005-10-11 Thread Tim Peters
[Michael Kerrin]
 I have just changed the svn:external for Twisted to a more stable 2.1 branch
 which should contain the fix for the Windows problem you reported. I still
 haven't checked Zope on windows yet because of a problem in the with FTP but
 I have being assured that it will run.

 I will check the buildbot link you sent in the morning and see what the status
 is then, fingers crossed.

The buildbot already reported successful test runs on Linux.  The
buildbot Windows machine is still useless (still dying in its svn

The unit tests on my Windows box are now down to three related errors:

Error in test testRead (zope.publisher.tests.test_http.HTTPInputStreamTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 260, in run
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\publisher\tests\, line 72,
in testRead
output +=
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\publisher\, line 192, in read
IOError: (0, 'Error')

Error in test testReadLine (zope.publisher.tests.test_http.HTTPInputStreamTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 260, in run
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\publisher\tests\, line 79,
in testReadLine
output +=
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\publisher\, line 197, in readline
IOError: (0, 'Error')

Error in test testReadLines
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 260, in run
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\publisher\tests\, line 90,
in testReadLines
output += ''.join(
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\publisher\, line 202, in readlines
IOError: (0, 'Error')

I believe these are errors in Zope3 unrelated to Twisted (although the
broken code was checked in as part of Merged the zope3-twisted-merge
branch 38950:38964).  This is testRead() and the function before it:

def getCacheStreamValue(self):

def testRead(self):
output = ''
self.assertEqual(output, self.getCacheStreamValue())
output +=
self.assertEqual(output, self.getCacheStreamValue())
output +=
self.assertEqual(output, self.getCacheStreamValue())
self.assertEqual(data, self.getCacheStreamValue())

So the first assertEqual(), as a side effect, seeks to position 0 in
cacheStream then reads the whole thing.  That part of the test passes.
 Next it tries doing

But the implementation of is here:

def read(self, size=-1):
data =
return data

and, as a side effect, that _writes_ to cacheStream.  This is an
illegal sequence of operations:  in a file opened for update, all
behavior is undefined if a read is followed by a write (or vice versa)
without an intervening file-positioning operation (typically a

The Windows implementation of C stdio happens to blow up in this case.
 That's fine by the C standard.  It's also fine by the standard if it
always returned an empty string, or the King James Bible, or wiped
Linux from the machine and silently upgraded you to Windows wink.  I
think I know how to fix it, so enough for now.
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope3 trunk degenerating on Windows

2005-10-10 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters]
 I'll attach a (long) list of current errors.  Most seem related to
 twisted, and may ultimately stem from that there is no fcntl module on

Still true.

 The buildbot hasn't been of any help here, since the Windows box has
 failed during its initial svn step non-stop since last Friday:

 where every run on Windows 2000 fred-win dies in its checkout step with

Failure: exceptions.AttributeError: ShellCommand instance has no
attribute 'commandFailed'

Still true.


Failure in test doctest_RecordingProtocol (

 looks unrelated to twisted; I'll take a look.

I fixed that one.

 The profiling.txt failure is (still) due to using a Windows-buggy
 snapshot of zope.testing.

And I fixed that one.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] buildbot failure in Zope3 trunk 2.4 Linux tlotze

2005-10-07 Thread Tim Peters
 The Buildbot has detected a failed build of Zope3 trunk 2.4 Linux tlotze.

 Buildbot URL:

 Build Reason: changes
 Build Source Stamp: 654

 BUILD FAILED: failed svn
 Logs are attached.

That one was mine (tim_one).  Should be OK now.  Also replaced the zip
file of precompiled .pyd files for the Windows build.
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Zope3 HEAD test failures on Windows

2005-10-04 Thread Tim Peters
I just noticed that the tests are failing on Zope3 HEAD on Windows,
when run with Python 2.4.2:

File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\testing\profiling.txt, line 35, in profiling.txt
Failed example:
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\testing\, line 1256, in __run
compileflags, 1) in test.globs
  File doctest profiling.txt[8], line 1, in ?
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\testing\, line 186, in run
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ''

This is because Zope3 is using a tag for zope.testing that baked in
some Windows-specific bugs.  Moving to a more recent version of
zope.testing would fix it (I fixed these things in zope.testing

Note that it doesn't show up under Python 2.4.1 or 2.4.0, because the
test runner takes a different path wrt profiling then.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope] Zope 3.1.0 released!

2005-10-03 Thread Tim Peters

[Reinoud van Leeuwen]
 Is it intended that one should login before being able to access that

Not intended, and logging in may not help either.  Try it with and
without the trailing slash:


At the moment, the latter works for me but the former doesn't.

During the time I was uploading the Windows installers for 3.1.0
(within the last hour), it's possible that login was _required_ before
the UI let me publish them.  Sometimes Software Release pages get
into that state, refusing to let anonymous visitors view them so long
as any private items remain.  That's not a possible factor anymore
(all items on the page are published now).

During the upload process, I had the same ongoing problems with
getting back login is required pages at seemingly random times
despite that I was logged in the whole time.

Chopping or adding a trailing slash often worms around that, and
whether or not you're logged in.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3.1.0 released!

2005-10-03 Thread Tim Peters
[Stephan Richter]

[Jim Fulton]
 This URL is incorrect. The correct URL is:

 (no trailing slash)

 Both should work. Because if you click via the Webpage links, you get the

 Yes, they should work.

 Unfortunately, they don't.

So is there a reason for saying that the version without the trailing
slash is correct and that the other is incorrect stronger than
that you tried both, and observed that one worked for you while the
other didn't?

I ask because we've seen this before.  Unless something relevant on has changed, which of the two forms works depends both on who
tries it and when they try it.  We've also seen cases where neither
form works for a given person at a given time.

If that's still the case, then it can help for a person to try both,
but doesn't help to keep banging on just one because someone else said
it worked for them.

BTW, the Wiki link to 3.1.0 doesn't resolve at

I mean this part near the top:

Latest Releases
stable: [Zope-3.1.0]? and ZopeX3-3.0.1

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] A Call for Slaves

2005-09-27 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters, on MS compilers]
 As a result, nobody uses Standard editions for serious development.
 The lowest (cheapest) level at which they include an optimizing
 compiler is usually named the Professional edition.

[Chris Withers]
 Urg, can you provide just a link to a product name for the 6.0 and 7.0

Sorry, I don't have spare time to search for you.  FWIW, these are the
names on the boxes I have:

Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Professional Edition
Microsoft Visual Professional

The name of the latter _may_ have changed to Visual Studio .NET 2003
Professional Special Edition since then (I guess to distinguish it
from the upcoming Visual Studio 2005, which is still in beta).
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] A Call for Slaves

2005-09-26 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers]
 So, are these two what I'm after for 6 and 7 respectively?

Sorry, I don't think so.  It's confusing:  MS has changed the names of
these things since I got mine.  Your links above point to Standard
editions.  At least the second link has text explaining why that's

This is the Standard edition, which is primarily intended for
learning. Although
it has all you need to create both Windows and Web applications,
the compiler
is non-optimising. Professional developers should consider Visual Studio.NET
Professional Edition 2003, which includes a more advanced version of Visual
C++ ...

As a result, nobody uses Standard editions for serious development. 
The lowest (cheapest) level at which they include an optimizing
compiler is usually named the Professional edition.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Functional tests failing on Windows

2005-09-21 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters]
 Something that worked was to delete every file reachable from zopeskel/
 that wasn't under SVN control, and start over.  Maybe that's what the
 Makefile's `clean` target does (in part):

 rm -f zopeskel/etc/package-includes/*.zcml

[Fred Drake]
 Yes, that's exactly what you need to do.  We can probably make that
 even more automatic for the Unix user, but don't know about the
 Windows world.

Well, I added a new Windows script (wclean.bat), which does on cmd.exe
systems what the current make clean does on Linux.  The obvious
place to put something both automatic and x-platform is in
(since that's what everyone uses to compile a checkout ...).
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Functional tests failing on Windows

2005-09-20 Thread Tim Peters
A release candidate for Python 2.4.2 is getting made, and I thought
I'd try it against current Zope3 trunk.  The functional tests flopped,
but turns out the same thing happens with Python 2.3.5 today.

The long traceback is attached.  The bottom line is

zope.configuration.xmlconfig.ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
C:\Code\Zope3\ftesting.zcml, line 12.2-12.63
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File
line 1.0-1.55
ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'package', 'ImportError:
Module has no global pagelet')

I did do the build_ext -i install_data --install-dir .

bit first.  I don't see this failure at 
So it's either a bug specific to my Windows box, or it's both a bug in
Zope3 _and_ a bug showing that the buildbot isn't triggering when
relevant changes get made.  I doubt it's specific to my Windows box
C:\Code\Zope3\python23\python.exe -vf
Configuration file found.
Running FUNCTIONAL tests at level 1
Running FUNCTIONAL tests from C:\Code\Zope3
Parsing ftesting.zcml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 27, in ?
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\app\testing\, line 1170, in process_args
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\app\testing\, line 815, in main
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\app\testing\, line 138, in __init__ = Debugger(self.db, config_file)
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\app\debug\, line 35, in __init__
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\app\appsetup\, line 52, in config
context = xmlconfig.file(file, execute=execute)
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 553, in file
include(context, name, package)
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 489, in include
processxmlfile(f, context)
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 344, in 
  File C:\python23\lib\xml\sax\, line 107, in parse
xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse(self, source)
  File C:\python23\lib\xml\sax\, line 123, in parse
  File C:\python23\lib\xml\sax\, line 207, in feed
self._parser.Parse(data, isFinal)
  File C:\python23\lib\xml\sax\, line 348, in end_element_ns
self._cont_handler.endElementNS(pair, None)
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 325, in 
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 553, in end
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 699, in finish
actions = self.handler(context, **args)
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 489, in include
processxmlfile(f, context)
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 344, in 
  File C:\python23\lib\xml\sax\, line 107, in parse
xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse(self, source)
  File C:\python23\lib\xml\sax\, line 123, in parse
  File C:\python23\lib\xml\sax\, line 207, in feed
self._parser.Parse(data, isFinal)
  File C:\python23\lib\xml\sax\, line 348, in end_element_ns
self._cont_handler.endElementNS(pair, None)
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 325, in 
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 553, in end
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 698, in finish
args = toargs(context, *self.argdata)
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 1390, in toargs
args[str(name)] = field.fromUnicode(s)
  File C:\Code\Zope3\src\zope\configuration\, line 141, in 
raise schema.ValidationError(v)
zope.configuration.xmlconfig.ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File 
C:\Code\Zope3\ftesting.zcml, line 12.2-12.63
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File 
C:\Code\Zope3\zopeskel\etc\package-includes\, line 
ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'package', 'ImportError: Module has no global pagelet')
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Functional tests failing on Windows

2005-09-20 Thread Tim Peters
[Benji York]
 I think it's because your existing instance has the ZCML slug for
 pagelets in your package-includes directory.  Remove and rebuild your
 instance (which is what buildbot does) and I bet it'll work.

It's funny how much that resembles English ;-)

I'm quite sure I've never removed or rebuilt my instance knowingly
before, and I'm not sure what it means.  Something that worked was to
delete every file reachable from zopeskel/ that wasn't under SVN
control, and start over.  Maybe that's what the Makefile's `clean`
target does (in part):

rm -f zopeskel/etc/package-includes/*.zcml

Anyway, the Zope3 tests pass on Windows w/ the Python 2.4.2 candidate
code.  If someone wants to try this on Linux, the code  is on Python
CVS's release24-maint branch.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] A Call for Slaves

2005-09-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris Withers]
 Oh, sorry, I meant how do you select the right version of VC++?

You don't; distutils does; if you use a Python 2.3 on Windows, its
distutils will use VC6 to compile C extensions; if you use a Python
2.4 on Windows, its distutils will use VC7.  It's all driven by which
Python you use to run

 and how do you install both VC 6 and VC 7 at the same time?

Just run their installers.  They don't interfere with each other
(well, not unless you do something bizarre, like force the installers
to use the same installation directory -- accept the defaults and
there's no problem).
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] A Call for Slaves

2005-09-13 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters]
 BTW, Microsoft no longer sells VC6.
[Chris Withers]
 Indeed, this was my understanding...

 Nevertheless, does anyone know how to legally get hold of these?
 (Hmmm... I work in amoungst a horde of MS developers here, maybe one of
 them will know...)

Go to

and enter

visual studio 6

in the search box.  Pay attention to the text ads you get back after
you hit ENTER.

 Also, how can I build both 2.3 and 2.4 stuff on one machine?

 I do this routinely on my boxes, but I don't know anything about the
 build-bot environment (which would have to be strange indeed to
 prevent building 2.3 and 2.4 versions on the same box).

 Well, how would I do it manually?

How would you do what manually?  Install all the versions of Python
you care about on Windows, and build Zope using the version of Python
you want to test with.  For example,

\Python23\python build_ext -i install_data --install-dir .
\Python23\python -v

from the root of a Zope3 checkout, to test Zope3 with Python 2.3.5,
assuming you installed the latest release in the Python 2.3 line and
accepted the default installation directory.  Use the path to a
different Python if you want to use a different Python.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] A Call for Slaves

2005-09-12 Thread Tim Peters

[Chris Withers]
 Where do I get either of those versions of VC++ from?

[Benji York]
 You can purchase them wherever fine Microsoft products are sold.

Or you can fetch the compiled .pyds from my member page, as the
current Windows build-bot slaves do (see the wget PYDs log and
unzip PYDs log steps from the Windows 2000 fred-win column at

BTW, Microsoft no longer sells VC6.

 Also, how can I build both 2.3 and 2.4 stuff on one machine?

I do this routinely on my boxes, but I don't know anything about the
build-bot environment (which would have to be strange indeed to
prevent building 2.3 and 2.4 versions on the same box).
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope3 and ZEO

2005-09-08 Thread Tim Peters
[Uwe Oestermeier]
 I dedected another problem: bin/runzeo  doesn't start ZEO.
 This script calls ZEO/ which has a main function but no

 if __name__ == __main__ :

 at the end.

There are two instances of runzeo, one in Zope3's bin/ directory (at
least in a Zope3 checkout), and another in the bin/ directory of a ZEO
instance created by mkzeoinstance.  The first one worked, so I figure
you're talking about the second one here (which indeed did not work).

There are also two instances of zeoctl (in the same two bin/
directories as above), and turns out neither of those worked.

 Has this already been fixed in the mentioned internal branch?

Fred and I fixed the one broken runzeo instance, and both broken
zeoctl instances, yesterday.  These fixes are in current Zope3 trunk
and 3.1 branch.

Thanks for trying this!
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Failing test, Zope3 trunk, Windows

2005-09-06 Thread Tim Peters
[Gary Poster]
 This is probably what we will need to do, but since the failing tests
 were bogus to begin with it may be a case of incremental
 improvement.  This is definitely a problem, though, that we should
 resolve one way or another.

 It's also worth noting that the i18n code currently relies on the
 localization database for much of their timezone information AFAIK.
 The error could be there too, even though it was Stuart's checkin
 that triggered this failure in a bogus test.  Dunno.  Sigh.

Well, src/pytz/zoneinfo/ contains the minus 5 hours and 20
minutes (-19200 seconds) offset the test is actually returning:

_utc_transition_times = [

_transition_info = [

I don't know how to read this data.  A zone named CMT doesn't make
sense to me in a file named  -18000 is the correct offset for
current EST rules, and don't know either why it's apparently using the
-19200 thingie instead.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/schema/ - add IIterableChoice and note the desire to depricate vocabularies

2005-09-05 Thread Tim Peters
[Fred Drake, on returning sys.maxint from __len__ if you don't know
 the length, which Tim strongly advises against]
 Interesting.  I seem to remember this coming from Guido several times
 in discussions.

Not me.  Googling on maxint __len__  guido

finds 9 hits, all irrelevant.  There's no instance of returning
sys.maxint from a __len__ method in the Python codebase; there are
instances of returning small constants.

 The Python community needs to settle on a recommendation for this and
 document it in the Language Reference.

If you don't/can't know the length, return a typical size, or leave
__len__() undefined (in which latter case CPython will usually guess
8).  As the code example I gave before showed, returning sys.maxint
creates needless problems.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope3-dev Digest, Vol 25, Issue 37

2005-08-26 Thread Tim Peters
[Benji York]
 We're drifting fatally off topic here, but: Just as there are some
 statements that cannot be expressed as dyadic predicates, are there also
 those which cannot be expressed as triadic predicates?

 John gives a book to Mary in exchange for 5 euros

 If you store the relations John gives a book to Mary and Mary gives 5
 euros to John how will you know that the 5 euros were payment for the book?

Worse, this happened on a Sunday, in Brussels, while winds were
gusting from the south, and a nearby solicitor wearing a lime green
bowler hat advised them that their transaction was exempt from VAT ;-)

Even allowing relations of arbitrary arity, there are some kinds of
knowledge that can't be expressed in full-blown first-order logic. 
For example, Google will find lots of (mostly tedious wink)
discussion of the Geach-Kaplan sentence:

Some critics admire only one another.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] strange assertion error

2005-08-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Arthur (ccube) [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Is it true we shouldn't run tests as root? if so, why?

Because you should never run anything as root unless you have to. 
root has enormous privileges most things don't need, so running
arbitrary programs as root opens massive security holes.

One of Zope's zdaemon tests in particular doesn't get the restricted
permissions it tests for if you run as root, so that test fails if you
do run as root.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3.1.0c1

2005-08-04 Thread Tim Peters
[Antonio Beamud Montero]
 I have downloaded and when I've make a check:
 Failure in test testUmask (zdaemon.tests.testzdrun.ZDaemonTests)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  line 260, in testUmask
self.assert_(not os.access(path, os.W_OK))
  File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 278, in failUnless
if not expr: raise self.failureException, msg


 I'm using a Debian sarge with kernel, python 2.3.5.

Are you running tests as root?  If so, do not run tests as root,
neither run Zope as root.  If you're not running tests as root, then
you're seeing a problem nobody else has seen before.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] unittest failure in svn trunk

2005-08-04 Thread Tim Peters
[Wichert Akkerman]
| I just noticed a unittest error on the current svn trunk:
 Failure in test testRunIgnoresParentSignals 
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /local/sources/svn/zope/Zope3/src/zdaemon/tests/, line 
 237, in testRunIgnoresParentSignals
self.assert_(is_started, spawned process failed to start in a minute)
  File /usr/lib/python2.3/, line 278, in failUnless
if not expr: raise self.failureException, msg
 AssertionError: spawned process failed to start in a minute

[Stephan Richter]
 I always ignore this one ;-)

Implying that you also see it fail in current trunk?  There are no
collector issues open against this; I never see it (but I usually run
on Windows, where this test doesn't run at all); and it hasn't failed
in the overnight testrunner reports for well over a month (not since I
changed this test to wait for a freaking minute for the process to

[Wichert Akkerman]
 If it is something to be ignored shouldn't be disabled? Having a known
 failure in the unittests is kind of bad.

See above.  Does it fail often for you (or for Stephan)?  If so,
someone on a platform where it fails needs to investigate why.  It
certainly isn't failing for everyone.

Could this issue be relevant?

Note that I'm just trying to help this along here -- nobody
identifiable is in charge of zdaemon, so fixing zdaemon problems has
to be a community effort.

Hmm.  The overnight testrunner reports don't try Zope3, just assorted
flavors of Zope 2.  Zope and Zope3 trunks both stitch in


so that's not the problem.  Maybe something else is unique to Zope3.
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Fixing Windows bugs in asyncore trigger code

2005-08-02 Thread Tim Peters
As developed in a long thread starting at

there appears to be a race bug in the Microsoft Windows socket
implementation, rarely visible (but disastrously when so) when
multiple processes try to create an asyncore trigger simultaneously.

Unfortunately, the relevant code appears to have originated in Medusa,
and then got copy/paste'd all over creation.

ZEO's copy is in ZEO/zrpc/, and I've fixed it for ZODBs
3.2.10, 3.4.1 and 3.5.  Zope-2_7-branch is using a 3.2.10 pre-release
now, but no other version of Zope has stitched in a repaired ZODB yet.

The original Medusa code appears to be in


I've repaired that in CVS Zope-2_7-branch, and am in the process of
repairing the same file in SVN Zope trunk and SVN Zope 2.8 branch.

SVN Zope trunk and Zope 2.8 branch appear to inherit yet a 3rd copy of
this code, in their


which appears to come from an older Zope3 snapshot.

Zope3 trunk does not appear to contain any Medusa code (at least not
under that name), but does contain


which appears more to be a copy of an older version of ZEO's than of Medusa's

The short course here is that I'm repairing all but only the copies of
this code that do _not_ appear in anybody's


That file appears to have been introduced in Zope3, and I've lost
track of which branches of Zope3 are still active now.  I'll open a
Zope3 collector issue on this, and will be happy to help repair it,
but because I spend most of my Zope time trying to help Zopes 2.7 and
2.8 along, those are the only Zope versions where I'm confident about
changing the right stuff in the right places.

I'll repair Zope3 trunk's


unless someone can tell me it's no longer used, but someone else will
have to port that change to the still-active Zope3 branches (including
the one(s) used by Zope 2.8 and Zope trunk).
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: Re[4]: [Zope3-dev] ServerControlForm.html / Restart, Shutdown does not work

2005-07-19 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters]
 Best guess is that the stuff above never worked in Zope3, and that's
 the meaning of the TODO:  ... does not work yet comments in

[Adam Groszer]
 Yes, you're right. I just missed my old buddy, the Shutdown function.
 I think the functions were designed with a daemonic Zope in mind,
 but that won't on win32.

Running Zope as a Windows Service plays that role on win32, and over
the last year Mark Hammond contributed code intending to make Zope2
run cleanly as a Windows service.  AFAIK, though, none of that code
made its way into Zope3.

 I think it is still a better way to stop Zope3, than simply closing the
 command window in which it is running (ouch, that hurts).

Yes, it is better.  The way it's shutting down now (using the button)
at least allows the C runtime libraries to flush and close files, just
by virtue of allowing Python (which is a C program) to exit cleanly.

 What do you say, can there be any data loss if I use the Shutdown
 button? Does Zope write everything out to disc before it quits?

It didn't look to me like there's any code in Zope3 now supporting
controlled (graceful) shutdown, although this is the first time I
looked at Zope3's shutdown code and may have missed something. 
There's elaborate (probably _overly_ elaborate) code in Zope2 trying
to do controlled shutdown.

 Or, a better question: how to stop Zope3 cleanly (and when possible
 quickly, for development sessions)?

Sorry, no idea here.  Anyone else?
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] How to shutdown Zope3 gracefully?

2005-07-19 Thread Tim Peters
[Adam Groszer]
 Or, a better question: how to stop Zope3 cleanly (and when possible
 quickly, for development sessions)?

[Tim Peters]
 Sorry, no idea here.  Anyone else?

[Benji York]

Adam is running on Windows.  Bring up Zope3 from a DOS box, and after
it's running hit Ctrl+C in the DOS box.  Nothing visible happens, and
the Python process keeps running, for up to 30 seconds.  Unsure why. 
Probably because it's sitting in a select() with a 30-second timeout,
and Ctrl+C doesn't interrupt that on Windows.  Ctrl+Break stops it
instantly, but then the C libraries don't get a chance to clean up
(like Unix kill -9).

The Windows Service shutdown code in Zope3 also does a very hard
kill (a Win32 TerminateProcess()).

Mark Hammond tried to fix the Windows Service shutdown code in Zope2,
and improve Windows Ctrl+C handling, but Zope3 doesn't have his new

 As I said above, there is no danger of corrupting data in a stock

 There *is* the possibility of having on-going interactions with external
 systems that need some sort of shutdown (eg. relational databases, etc).
  In that case I would recommend the Python standard library module

 In summary: It might be nice if Z3 closed file handles and waited for
 outstanding requests to be handled, but the current shutdown story is
 perfectly safe.

Well, the Z3 Windows Service shutdown code isn't wholly safe, ditto
Ctrl+Break, and Ctrl+C has surprising behavior.  This:

from import zapi
from import IServerControl
control = zapi.getUtility(IServerControl)

appears to be the same thing the Z3 Shutdown server button does, and
at least lets Python exit cleanly.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] How to shutdown Zope3 gracefully?

2005-07-19 Thread Tim Peters
[Tim Peters]
 Ctrl+Break stops it instantly, but then the C libraries don't get a
 chance to clean up (like Unix kill -9).
 The Windows Service shutdown code in Zope3 also does a very hard
 kill (a Win32 TerminateProcess()).

[Benji York]
 All very true.  I think you'll also agree that it doesn't pose any
 particular danger during development.



 Well, the Z3 Windows Service shutdown code isn't wholly safe, ditto

 If you're referring to the fact that Python's shutdown code (including
 calling atexit registered functions) don't get run in those instances,
 then I would agree that it isn't wholly safe.

In part I was, but not mostly:  the C runtime libraries don't get a
chance to clean up either.  In particular, it doesn't help that
FileStorage writes each transaction to disk if the data is actually
just sitting in some internal C library I/O buffer and the C library
doesn't get a chance to flush internal buffers at shutdown time. 
FileStorage does a sync() call on the file descriptor after each
transaction to try to minimize the chance of problems like that, but
the effect of sync() doesn't seem well-defined on Windows.

 I'd also say that it isn't very smart to do that in a production
 environment, but we're talking about development, and I don't see a
 problem there (and haven't yet, as that's how I always shut down Zope 3
 on Windows)

What is?  Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, or pulling the power cord wink?
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] possible bug in catalog code

2005-07-08 Thread Tim Peters
[Dieter Maurer]
 Restrictions are fine when they are either

  *  enforced (I know BTrees do not enforce the no mixed key types

  *  clearly documented

 I do not know whether the ZODB 3.4 BTrees interfaces document
 the restriction (this would be a good place, I think)

 Hopefully, they do ;-)

No, they don't.  Patches accepted 0.5 wink.  There are many ways to
get in trouble with BTrees (mixing key types is just one), and the
ZODB Programming Guide has pages of discussion of potential pitfalls
(including mixing key types) already:

(and a copy of that in PDF format is shipped in every ZODB release).

I don't think mixing key types is, e.g., more important than the other
ways to create an insane BTree, and I don't think pages of discussion
fit sanely in interface docstrings either.  This is something that
belongs in documentation.  Since it already is covered in the only
official ZODB docs, I'm not inclined to do more than that.
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Zope 3 left in the dust wink

2005-05-19 Thread Tim Peters
Fred Drake created a new ZConfig release, with new internet/socket
address types to overcome a longstanding Windows hangup in Zope 2.8. 
He also stitched the new ZConfig into the Zope trunk.  I stitched the
same thing into ZODB 3.4, and changed ZODB/ZEO to use the new address
types where appropriate.

As a result, Zope3 trunk can't use ZODB 3.4b1 (I tried -- doesn't
work) before someone stitches the new ZConfig release into Zope3.  I'm
willing to if nobody else is.  Ideal would be someone familar with the
uses of the ZConfig socket-address and internet-address types
currently in Zope3 code (they'll still work, but most could/should
become the more specific
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] changes in persistent

2005-04-19 Thread Tim Peters
[E. Frerich]
 do we need new .pyd-files?

I don't know.  Are you having problems that make you suspect you need
new .pyd files?  I haven't had time lately to pay much attention to

The recent changes in the package ``persistent`` were all in Python
code, so no, _those_ changes don't require new .pyds.

If you're having problems with Zope3's C code on Windows, tell me and
I'll build new .pyds.  Otherwise I'd rather spare myself the time it
takes to do that.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Changes to transaction management API

2005-04-16 Thread Tim Peters
[Garrett Smith]
 Recent changes to the transaction management API seem to have come
 out of the blue and without warning. Perhaps I missed an

 Are we to expect breakages of this sort on occasion?

[Jim Fulton]
 Was there breakage? If there was, it was unintended.

 IDataManager was completely restructured.

It might help (a lot) if you could be more specific, even about what
recent means (in recent changes).  The only massive restructuring
I know about took place at the ZODB sprint, but I assumed you didn't
mean that since it happened a month ago.  A new beforeCommitHook
method was added a week ago, after discussion  agreement on zodb-dev
(maybe that's part of this?  ZODB changes generally don't get
discussed first on lists other than zodb-dev).  Then Jim  I made many
changes Wednesday, but they were mostly docstring rewrites, plus what
should have been _mostly_ semantically neutral minor refactoring
(IRollback got tossed then, which was not neutral).

 Anyone plugging into the transaction management facility will be broken
 by these changed.

Were _you_ burned in some specific way?  I'm not sure what plugging
into the transaction management facility means, concretely, but it
was sure easy to update all of the Zope (2.8) and Zope3 trunks to live
happily with the entire last month of transaction interface changes
(two spots got tripped up by the unimplemented IRollback vanishing --
that's it).  For the most part, even ZODB itself still doesn't claim
to implement its own small (but growing) collection of interfaces.

If you don't have specific breakage to report, then I'm afraid I'm not
going to take a lesson from this, cuz I just don't know what you mean

As a pragmatic matter, I'd avoid even importing the interfaces defined
in ZODB, because they're still so inadequate and crude (as above, even
ZODB mostly ignores them now).  ZODB was a very late starter in the
interface game, and there's not enough resource to play intense
interface catchup in that project -- this gets poked at in slow
motion, by forcing it briefly from time to time at the expense of more
urgent ZODB tasks.
Zope3-dev mailing list