Fwd: [Zope3-Users] How to publicly add object to Zope component

2005-10-30 Thread Martin Margo

Thanks very much for your pointer. I finally figure it out

Basically in my $ZOPE_HOME/lib/python/my_project/browser/configure.zcml,

I add

   permission=isw.Register  --- my own custom permission in

That is how you can modify the permission for adding view (site/+/Add...)


2005/10/28, Martin Margo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 thank you for responding. My response is below
 2005/10/28, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Martin Margo wrote:
   How do I make site/+/AddConferenceGoer.html= publicly available
   without being prompted for a password? Is there a configuration file
   somewhere I can set this up?
  I've ran into this one. The problem is that the '+' view registered by
  Zope 3 is not allowing access by people who don't have Zope management
   Another point: I have tried granting zope.anybody Zope.ManageContent
   permission and site/+/AddConferenceGoer.html is now available but
   the user can manipulate the URL to go in and modify other people's
  I don't think this is a very good approach, as you'd give zope.anybody
  an awful lot of rights all of a sudden.

 I agree. I don't want to use this. I want to finegrained the
 permission for edit and add. I want to be able to assign a certain
 permission myown.Permission1 for add and myown.Permission2 (assuming
 that the 2 keyword are in permission.zcml)

  Anyway, this is how you can register your own adding (+) view for a
  particular content type:

 I tried this and it complains because the parameter type is missing.
 Looking at von Weitershausen's book, identifier 'type' and 'factory'
 are needed. What should the value be for those variable if I want to
 overrride + view?

 Thanks in advance

  of course if you make permission 'zope.Public', you'd still be exposing
  the add view for your particular content type (all the ones that
  implement ISomeInterface) to the whole world, so be careful not to do
  this to normal IFolder, for instance, unless you really really want that.
  Good luck!

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Complex Adapter Requirements - Named Adapters?

2005-10-30 Thread James Allwyn

My project has an IAccommodation object type, representing a generic
housing unit, from which we subclass several types of housing
(ISharedHouse, IFamilyHouse, ILargerDevelopment,...).

Now, we need to recognise various standards in relation to these
accommodation units -  these are standards that have been defined by
various local councils etc, and an accommodation unit typically has to
meet certain conditions before it can be deemed to meet that standard.
A property that meets a standard is deemed to be better than one that

However, there is a degree of complexity to these standards...

* Different standards will apply to different accommodation types.
* Some accommodation types will have no relevant standard.
* Some standards will apply to an accommodation type in some
geographic areas but not other areas.

One reason we want to handle these standards is to be able to rate the
accommodation. E.g., a house that wasn't part of the Accreditation
Scheme standard could appear lower in search results than one that
was. Naturally, where there is no relevant standard for an
accommodation to live up to, we do not want to penalise it in this way
(or possibly would want it to appear below those that do meet a
standard, and those that don't meet a standard but could...)

Now, I believe I should be defining an interface or interfaces for
standards and using adapters to adapt my Accommodation Objects to the
'standards' interface(s).

My question is, how best to handle the complexity I've outlined above?

One thought I had, was creating an interface IStandard, with
attributes like meetsstandard and nameofstandard, and then
subclass this, e.g. to IAccreditationScheme and INationalCode (where
Accreditation Scheme and National Code are the names of two of the
standards). But I get a little stuck conceptually at the point where I
try to handle, for example, the fact that for some ISharedHouse
objects, IAccreditationScheme would be suitable, whilst for others it
wouldn't, because of their location. In fact it's likely that in the
future we will need to recognise two or more standards for a
particular accommodation type (so IAccreditationScheme and IHouseCheck
chould both apply to ISharedHouse objects, in differect areas).

I recalled reading in Philipp's book about Named Adapters, but
looking back I can only find brief references to them. A 'search'
through the PDF of Stephan's book reveals no instances of the phrase
named adapter (or variations). Are these something I should be
looking into, and if so, where can I read up on them?

Or does anyone have any other suggestions on handling this?

Many thanks,
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Validation of schemas?

2005-10-30 Thread Stephan Richter
On Sunday 30 October 2005 04:45, Adam Summers wrote:
     How do I implement a validation rule that says either email or phone
 have to exist, but not necissarily both.

You do that using invariants. Look at zope.interface/README.txt for details.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics  Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Help us! Calling a Python Script from ZPT

2005-10-30 Thread Stephan Richter
On Saturday 29 October 2005 20:50, Wade Leftwich wrote:
 Stephan Richter wrote:
  On Saturday 29 October 2005 11:35, Paolo Cilmo wrote:
 I need to develop a site
 using ZMI (Zope2 typical using) and especially i want
 to develop this applications:
  We do not support TTW development.
 1- I've a package with a class and into the class a
 2- with browser:addMenuItem in zcml i can insert a
 package into zmi from add menu
 3- I've a Page Template into ZMI
 ASK: how i call from the Page Template the script,
 passig parameters and to have a response from script?
  Why do you need to have this Page Template in ZMI? Why not on the file

 I'm working on an application where Page Templates belong in the ZMI, at
 least I think so. The content being displayed is a business directory,
 with suppliers, products, and categories for those products. We will be
 implementing 50 different directories, with the same basic content
 structure but very different designs. Each of those directories will use
 5 or 6 page templates, which go in the ZMI.

Why not have those templates on the file system? Is there a need for users to 
modify those templates?

 It seems like this is a common pattern for content management applications.

Maybe, I don't know.

 Repeating my own posting from 10/9, here's how I made an adapter
 to use a file system view with a ZMI template:

Again, we do not support TTW development. If you do such experiments that's 
great, but you cannot expect much help.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics  Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Help us! Calling a Python Script from ZPT

2005-10-30 Thread Wade Leftwich

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Saturday 29 October 2005 20:50, Wade Leftwich wrote:

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Saturday 29 October 2005 11:35, Paolo Cilmo wrote:

I need to develop a site
using ZMI (Zope2 typical using) and especially i want
to develop this applications:

We do not support TTW development.

1- I've a package with a class and into the class a
2- with browser:addMenuItem in zcml i can insert a
package into zmi from add menu
3- I've a Page Template into ZMI
ASK: how i call from the Page Template the script,
passig parameters and to have a response from script?

Why do you need to have this Page Template in ZMI? Why not on the file

I'm working on an application where Page Templates belong in the ZMI, at
least I think so. The content being displayed is a business directory,
with suppliers, products, and categories for those products. We will be
implementing 50 different directories, with the same basic content
structure but very different designs. Each of those directories will use
5 or 6 page templates, which go in the ZMI.

Why not have those templates on the file system? Is there a need for users to 
modify those templates?

Yes, users with the job description web producers, which is to say 
people who can do HTML and a bit of scripting, but who do not get access 
to the file system. Kind of like the Zope 2 model. We even use acquisition.

Also, it seemed to me unwieldy to put 50 directories in the filesystem 
to contain the templates for all the sites. But because of my experience 
with Zope 2, I assumed TTW was the best way to customize the application 
for each site, and I guess I should re-examine that assumption.

It seems like this is a common pattern for content management applications.

Maybe, I don't know.

Repeating my own posting from 10/9, here's how I made an adapter
to use a file system view with a ZMI template:

Again, we do not support TTW development. If you do such experiments that's 
great, but you cannot expect much help.

Well, my project is  _mostly_ filesystem, and only _partly_ TTW. But OK, 
I won't expect much help.



Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Validation of schemas?

2005-10-30 Thread baiju m
On 10/31/05, Stephan Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sunday 30 October 2005 04:45, Adam Summers wrote:
  How do I implement a validation rule that says either email or phone
  have to exist, but not necissarily both.

 You do that using invariants. Look at zope.interface/README.txt for details.

Just added this to FAQ (http://zissue.berlios.de/z3/z3faq.html).
I expects more contribution  in coming months.

How to validate two or more fields simultaneously?

Use `invariants` to control more fields.

Look at zope.interface/README.txt for details.

Let's consider this more specific question asked to list:

  How do I implement a validation rule that says either email or phone
  have to exist, but not necissarily both.

  Using the buddy demo as an example, with the following interface::

class IBuddy(zope.interface.Interface):
Provides access to basic buddy information

fullname = TextLine(title=_(Name))
email = TextLine(title=_(Email Address))
phone = TextLine(title=_(Phone Contact))

First we have to make a callable object, either a simple function or
callable instance of a class::

  def contacts_invariant(obj):
  if not (obj.email or obj.phone):
  raise Exception(At least one contact info is rquired)

Now use `validateInvariants` method of the interface to validate::

  buddy = Buddy()
  buddy.email = u[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Baiju M
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] MessageBoard tutorial deprecation warnings

2005-10-30 Thread Brad Allen

The messageboard tutorial in the Zope 3 Developer's Handbook
doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using the copy from 

svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/book/trunk

The SVN url listed in the book didn't work, but I'm not
sure this is the right one. 

Anyway, I'm using the step13 folder, and when I registered
it with my Zope 3.1 instance on Ubuntu, and run Zope, I get
the following in my transcript.log:

ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'interface', Couldn't
import zope.app.workflow.interfaces, No module named workflow.interfaces
in zope.app.workflow.interfaces.IProcessInstanceContainerAdaptable)

I wanted to see more detail on that error, so I imported the offending
module at the Python interactive prompt. Along the way several
deprecation warnings cropped up (see below). Is there a newer
version of this tutorial I'm missing out on, or should I spend
some time trying to clean this up?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib/zope3/instance/sandbox/lib/python$ python
Python 2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01)
[GCC 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu8)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import book.messageboard.browser.messageboard
book/messageboard/browser/messageboard.py:22: DeprecationWarning:
ActiveStatus: ActiveStatus is now available in
zope.app.component.interfaces.registration. Will be gone in X3.3.
  from zope.app.registration.interfaces import ActiveStatus
book/messageboard/browser/messageboard.py:23: DeprecationWarning: ISite:
This interface has been moved to zope.app.component.interfaces. The
reference will be gone in X3.3.
  from zope.app.site.interfaces import ISite
book/messageboard/browser/messageboard.py:24: DeprecationWarning:
SiteManager: This class has been moved to zope.app.component.site. The
reference will be gone in X3.3.
  from zope.app.site.service import SiteManager, ServiceRegistration
book/messageboard/browser/messageboard.py:24: DeprecationWarning:
ServiceRegistration: The concept of services has been removed. Use
utilities instead. The reference will be gone in X3.3.
  from zope.app.site.service import SiteManager, ServiceRegistration
book/messageboard/browser/messageboard.py:25: DeprecationWarning:
LocalUtilityService: Services have been removed. Use site manager API.
The reference will be gone in X3.3.
  from zope.app.utility.utility import LocalUtilityService,
book/messageboard/browser/messageboard.py:25: DeprecationWarning:
UtilityRegistration: This class has been moved to
zope.app.component.site. The reference will be gone in X3.3.
  from zope.app.utility.utility import LocalUtilityService,
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File book/messageboard/browser/messageboard.py, line 26, in ?
from zope.app.workflow.interfaces import
ImportError: No module named workflow.interfaces

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] View with template

2005-10-30 Thread Dominik Huber

Frank Burkhardt wrote:


a short introduction first:

I'm Frank Burkhardt, working at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. My
employer wants a new website to replace the old one (www.cbs.mpg.de - yes,
it looks really really ugly). We chose Zope3 to implement it.
Maybe there will be one or two questions on the way which is the reason
why I joined this list :-) .

Here is the first one:

I assigned a view to my brandnew content class:


This is what I think this xml-statement should do:

When http://zope/test/index.html is called, the template
view.pt is evaluated which has access to the View-class


html metal:use-macro=context/@@standard_macros/view
div metal:fill-slot=body
div tal:replace=view/div

But whenever I define TestView.__call__ the template is not evaluated but
the result of TestView.__call__ is returned directly.

How can Zope be forced to use the template instead of __call__ing
the TestView-Object?

If you use the the browser:form, browser:edit and/or browser:add 
directive your TestView will be mixed in automatically during the setup. 
In your example you are going to overwrite the __call__ method of the 
mixed-in base class which is invoking the template. If you like to 
overwrite the __call__ method, you have to call you base class too:

class TestView(object):
 def __call__(self):
   # do something else
   return super(TestView, self).__call__()

fn:Dominik Huber
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:++41 56 534 77 30

Zope3-users mailing list