[Zope3-Users] Accessing an attribute of 'context'

2006-02-20 Thread Frank Burkhardt

How can I access an attribute of a BrowserView's context if the
attribute's name is not hardcoded?


 Works: self.context.myattribute
 Works: removeSecurityProxy(self.context).__getattribute__('myattribute')

What I want to do:
 Doesn't work: self.context.__getattribute__('myattribute')


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Accessing an attribute of 'context'

2006-02-20 Thread Lennart Regebro
On 2/20/06, Frank Burkhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Works: self.context.myattribute
>  Works: removeSecurityProxy(self.context).__getattribute__('myattribute')
> What I want to do:
>  Doesn't work: self.context.__getattribute__('myattribute')

getattr(self.context, 'myattribute')

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo http://www.nuxeo.com/
CPS Content Management http://www.cps-project.org/
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Granting Roles - What am I missing?

2006-02-20 Thread Stephan Richter
On Sunday 19 February 2006 14:43, David Johnson wrote:
> I tried, but I continue to get the same error. I guess the question is, why
> doesn't granting the "zope.ManageContent" permission to my principal solve
> this problem in either case?

Is it a local principal? If so, make sure that all the objects in the 
traversal path have a __parent__ attribute. Otherwise the security cannot be 
looked up correctly. Almost certainly smells like a bug.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Accessing an attribute of 'context'

2006-02-20 Thread Stephan Richter
On Monday 20 February 2006 06:58, Frank Burkhardt wrote:
>  Doesn't work: self.context.__getattribute__('myattribute')

That's because __getattribute__ has no security declaration. Anyways you 
should not use it this way anyways. Frank's response should do the trick.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: [Zope3-dev] 'standart viweletManger' for web-site

2006-02-20 Thread Stephan Richter
On Sunday 19 February 2006 16:11, Garanin Michael wrote:
> Question: Where layer for web-site (not ZMI)? I offer create
> 'z3site'-layer and define 'standart' viewler managers for web-site(not
> ZMI) : IHead, ICSS, .., ILeft, IRight(!), etc.

Hi Garanin,

unfortunately you left out so many verbs that I cannot understand the 
question. I admit that the Boston skin is fairly formal. Simpler uses of 
viewlets and viewlet managers are at svn.zope.org/zope.webdev and the 
SchoolTool project.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: The Zope Software Certification Program and Common Repository Proposal

2006-02-20 Thread Martin Aspeli
On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 21:28:09 -, Stephan Richter  

I have spent the last two weeks working on a proposal that defines a Zope
Software Certification Program (ZSCP) and a Common Repository that  
this process. The proposal is attached to this mail. I welcome any  

about it!

Hi Stephan,

I have only skimmed the document, since it's 1am and I'm going to the  
mountains tomorrow. I expect a triple-digit post count in this thread when  
I return. :)

I think the proposal is very well put-together. I think it admirably tries  
to make the Zope 3 community more inclusive of more peripheral developers  
who simply use the framework, and I think this will benefit Zope immensely  
if done right.

My immediate concern is about resources: Who will have the time or  
incentive to police the common repository and grant certification? It  
seems to be a non-trivial process that may end up being quite  
time-consuming. It may be perceived as too much red tape. It may be  
perceived as too much centralised control, especially around licensing. At  
times it may also be open to debate, and a means of resolving disputes  
would seem necessary. There are certainly a lot of tick-boxes in your  
table! :-)

Secondly, and partly because I'm expecting this to come up in my absence:  
your proposal is eerily simlar to Alan's two-level Plone collective post  
to plone-dev, about having an "approved" list of contributors and packages  
in a fenced-off repository, in addition to the collective.

One obvious parallel here, by the way, is with the svn.plone.org/plone  
repository. That one is controlled by the Plone Foundation, requires a  
contributor agreement, and imposes restrictions on license and quality  
(albeit not as formally as you do). I think this is possibly a more valid  
comparison than with the Collective.

I'm actually +1 on your proposal in spirit (if it can be shown to work,  
and if there is a broad consensus in the community to support it - in  
fact, this is important: if there is too much division, the proposal would  
likely be self-defeating) and -1 on his.

The reason is that the Plone world is quite different from the Zope 3  
world (although there are hard-core Plone developers who sit in both). The  
Plone community is much larger but naturally also more dispersed. The  
software is much more narrowly defined (depending on your point of view I  
suppose, but I mean - it's a CMS, Zope 3 is a framework) and the  
components developed for it are much closer to the user.

Plone thrives on the size and vibrancy of its community. A very large part  
of its success comes from third party products that people find and marry  
with Plone to solve their problems. Without the low bar to contributing  
such components, without an open and very democratic Collective, and  
without "meta-data" on http://plone.org/products, I don't think this would  
be possible, certainly not as successful. The uptake of third party  
product users and contributors, and I think maybe also the quality, has  
improved quite significantly since we introduced the Products section on  

A framework like Zope 3, and framework-level third party components,  
thrives more on control and consistency in vision and implementation. (In  
part, you're solving that with better guidelines around how to write code,  
guidelines that Zope 3 adopters also benefit from.) I think that the lower  
down the stack you go, the higher the degree of centralised  
quality-control needs to be. This, however, is at the expense of perceived  
eltism and a raised bar to entry. I think that balance is different in  
Plone than it is in Zope 3.

Put differently, I think that *some* Plone components ought to move lower  
down the stack, target re-usability in different systems, and thus be  
subject to somewhat different rules. Perhaps these components shouldn't  
have been Plone components in the first place, or perhaps their evolution  
would start in Plone and move down the stack. But I think it would be  
damaging for the Plone community, given its current shape and culture, to  
impose those rules across the types of components that are higher up the  
stack - arguably those components which should be "Plone" components still.

I'd also note that we solve (or try/continue to solve) some of the  
visibility and evaluation problems on http://plone.org/products (which is  
of course open source, albeit GPL, and you can re-use any of this you see  
fit). Some of those same things, you solve with more technical means -  
automated testing, common file layouts, XML metadata files. Again, I think  
these approaches work better at the  
small-component-high-reusability/framework level than they do with the  
types of user-facing components that typically land in the Collective.

Although you proposal is not technical in design, it's technical in  
implementation (so to speak). Perhaps it would be 

RE: [Zope3-Users] The Zope Software Certification Program and CommonRepository Proposal

2006-02-20 Thread Brett Haydon
Hi there,

Certification would go some way to separating mature projects from those in
their infancy, but in my mind what the existing Plone/Zope product
repositories lack most is a mechanism for user feedback. 

I would like to see:
1. Some kind of self-submission categorizing (or classification) as per the
existing attempts at categorization
2. A peer vote based ranking system that can be used as a sort, with a
nominal minimum number of votes before it can be ranked.
3. Another sort by 'popular' packages - ie by the number of votes above
4. Certified 1-4 packages getting listed first 
5. User comments

I think this would go a long way to identify those little gems that
otherwise only get picked up by accident or referral from the mailing lists
because the author has no real interest in the process, and needs cajoling
just to write up some adequate docs. Certification processes seem likely to
reflect the existing use of a package rather than encourage new development
or innovation.



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] browser:form

2006-02-20 Thread David Johnson

I’ve implemented the browser:form ZCML directive. The implementation
works well until I add an __init__ method to my view class.  The following
error is generated.


  File “/home/myuser/Zope-3.2.0/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/zope/app/form/browser/editview.py",
line 76, in widgets

    return [getattr(self, name+'_widget')

AttributeError: 'SimpleViewClass from edit.pt' object has no
attribute 'name_widget'



Here is the __init__ that leads to the error



class Function(object):

    """A transaction


    __used_for__ = ITPM


    def __init__(self, context, request, base_url=''):

    self.context = context

    self.request = request

    self.base_url = base_url


    def setData(self):

    """Bland setData





David Johnson


201 Main Street
  Suite 1320

Fort Worth, TX 76102

(877) 572-8324 x2200


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] LDAP Authentication

2006-02-20 Thread Deborah Pollard
I have installed, configured, registered, named and activated
ldapadapter  with Public permission. Ditto for ldappas.  Both are svn
revision 41715. Both pass their tests. There are no errors when Zope
3.2.0 restarts. Everything looks fine, but Zope ignores LDAP and uses
(or tries to use) Basic Authentication.  There seems to be a step
missing somewhere, but where?  How do I get Zope 3 to authenticate with

We routinely use LDAPUserFolder in several Zope 2 instances but we're
not even getting to the LDAP server with Zope 3. What am I missing, please.
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: The Zope Software Certification Program and Common Repository Proposal

2006-02-20 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen
Andrew Milton wrote:
> +---[ Stephan Richter ]--
> | Hello everyone,
> | 
> | With the development of Zope 3, the Zope developers committed to a new 
> | development process and higher software quality guidelines. With the 
> adoption 
> | of Zope 3 technologies in the wider Zope community, we should also start 
> | using the process for third party package development.
> | 
> | I have spent the last two weeks working on a proposal that defines a Zope 
> | Software Certification Program (ZSCP) and a Common Repository that 
> implements 
> | this process. The proposal is attached to this mail. I welcome any comments 
> | about it!
> So in order to even get your Open Source package LISTED, you have to sign 
> over 
> the rights of your code to Zope Corp (currently, Zope Foundation later), and 
> then
> check it into the svn respository. 
> Is this is correct?

No. The common repository under the wings of ZC/ZF is just *a*
repository that implements the ZSCP. There can be others, for example
the Plone repository, the collective repository (perhaps), etc.

I had earlier suggested to Stephan that we should keep the common
repository separate from ZSCP and there out of this proposal. IMO there
should be a separate proposal for the common repository. I guess he
didn't agree.

I think both the ZSCP and the common repository (in the context of the
ZF) are a great idea. We should try to have as much stuff as possible in
the common repository, but we shouldn't make the process dependent on it.

I'm therefore still suggesting to divide up the proposal.

Zope3-users mailing list