[Zope3-Users] ZEO multi-processes client setup with WSGI

2010-06-24 Thread Thierry Florac


I'm currently going to setup a new Zope3 web site.
I'd like to setup this site using :
 - a remote ZEO server
 - several physical web servers, each hosting a set of ZEO clients and
   using WSGI (with mod_wsgi).

My main question is about mod_wsgi multi-processes setup, and
actually : if defining several processes (ideally, one for each CPU
core), can several ZEO clients processes share the same ZEO cache ??

Many thanks for any help or advise about this kind of setup...

Chef de projets intranet/internet
Office National des Forêts - Département Informatique
2, Avenue de Saint-Mandé
75570 Paris Cedex 12
Tél. : 01 40 19 59 64
Fax. : 01 40 19 58 85
Mél. : thierry.flo...@onf.fr
Web. : http://www.onf.fr

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] ZEO multi-processes client setup with WSGI

2010-06-24 Thread Jim Fulton
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 6:09 AM, Thierry Florac  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently going to setup a new Zope3 web site.
> I'd like to setup this site using :
>  - a remote ZEO server
>  - several physical web servers, each hosting a set of ZEO clients and
>   using WSGI (with mod_wsgi).
> My main question is about mod_wsgi multi-processes setup, and
> actually : if defining several processes (ideally, one for each CPU
> core), can several ZEO clients processes share the same ZEO cache ??



Jim Fulton
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] ZEO multi-processes client setup with WSGI

2010-06-24 Thread Thierry Florac
Le jeudi 24 juin 2010,
  Jim Fulton  a écrit :
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 6:09 AM, Thierry Florac
>  wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm currently going to setup a new Zope3 web site.
> > I'd like to setup this site using :
> >  - a remote ZEO server
> >  - several physical web servers, each hosting a set of ZEO clients
> > and using WSGI (with mod_wsgi).
> >
> > My main question is about mod_wsgi multi-processes setup, and
> > actually : if defining several processes (ideally, one for each CPU
> > core), can several ZEO clients processes share the same ZEO cache ??
> No.
> Jim

OK :-(
So as processes setup is defined via WSGI, how can I define such a
"zope.conf" setup with several ZEO clients sharing the same
configuration file ?
Is there a simple setup so that each process use it's own ZEO cache ??

I've finally found a multi-processes configuration sample for Grok
and it doesn't seems to specify any custom configuration to handle this
use case...

Thanks for any help,
Chef de projets intranet/internet
Office National des Forêts - Département Informatique
2, Avenue de Saint-Mandé
75570 Paris Cedex 12
Tél. : 01 40 19 59 64
Fax. : 01 40 19 58 85
Mél. : thierry.flo...@onf.fr
Web. : http://www.onf.fr

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] ZEO multi-processes client setup with WSGI

2010-06-24 Thread Jim Fulton
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Thierry Florac  wrote:
> So as processes setup is defined via WSGI, how can I define such a
> "zope.conf" setup with several ZEO clients sharing the same
> configuration file ?

I typically set up sgi apps with paste deploy.  You can use either
repoze.zodbconn or zc.zodbwsgi to configure wsgi ZEO clients with
paste deploy.

> Is there a simple setup so that each process use it's own ZEO cache ??

If you you don't use persistent caches, then each client (process)
will get its own cache automatically.

I'm not aware of any mechanism for managing persistent caches whe
there can be a more or less arbitrary number of forked processes.


Jim Fulton
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Zope 3.4.1 KGS released!

2010-06-24 Thread Adam GROSZER
Zope 3.4.1 Released!

June 22, 2010 - The Zope 3 development team announces the Zope 3.4.1 release.

The 3.4.1 is the long awaited next bugfix version of 3.4.0.

Major changes

- setuptools update to 0.6c11, so that it supports svn 1.6.

- z3c.layer update to 0.2.4, which is a **SECURITY** fix.

For details see the changelog.

Packages and Eggs

Zope 3 is now fully converted to an egg-based system. While some work still
remains, it integrates very well with the rest of the Python community. The
conversion to egg-based packaging also enables other Python developers to only
have to use small bits and pieces of the complete Zope software system. The
conversion means that Zope 3 developers do not use the classic Zope 3 tar-ball
release anymore. However, for your convenience, Zope 3 developers will provide
the classic Zope 3 tar ball releases for at least the 3.4 series.

So how are Zope 3 applications built using only eggs?

The Known Good Set (KGS)

The known good set -- or in short KGS -- is a configuration of packages and
their versions that are known to work well together. The compatibility is
frequently verified by running over twelve thousand tests on a daily
basis [1]_. The KGS is tested against Python 2.4 and 2.5 on the 32- and 64-bit
platforms. The list of controlled packages and their versions for Zope 3.4 can
be found at the Zope 3 KGS site [2]_.

The KGS can be used in several ways [3]_. The most common way is to "nail" the
versions by downloading the version configuration file [4]_ and insert them as
follows in your buildout configuration::

  versions = versions

  zope.interface = 3.4.0

``zopeproject`` Project Builder

To start building a project using a common setup, a package called
`zopeproject` can be used to quickly setup the boilerplate for the
project. Ample documentation is provided at the `zopeproject` home page
[5]_. `zopeproject` uses Paste or ZDaemon to create a working server. The
following commands get you started::

  $ easy_install zopeproject
  $ zopeproject HelloWorld
  $ cd HelloWorld
  $ bin/helloworld-ctl foreground

Demo Packages

At this point, there is no demo package demonstrating a simple Zope 3
application setup. However, the ``z3c.formdemo`` package can be used as a
fairly minimal setup. To get started with it, enter the following::

  $ svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/z3c.formdemo/tags/1.5.3 formdemo
  $ cd formdemo
  $ python bootstrap.py
  $ ./bin/buildout -v
  $ ./bin/demo fg

.. [1] http://zope3.pov.lt/buildbot

.. [2] http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/3.4.1/controlled-packages.cfg

.. [3] http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/intro.html

.. [4] http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/3.4.1/versions.cfg

.. [5] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zopeproject


- Zope 3.4 KGS:

- Zope 3.4 Controlled Packages:

- Zope 3.4 Versions:

- The classic Zope 3 source release will be made only on request.

- The Windows .exe installer will be made only on request.

Installation instructions for both Windows and Un*x/Linux are now available in
the top level `README.txt` file of the distribution. The binary installer is
recommended for Windows.

Zope 3.4 requires Python 2.4 or 2.5 to run. You must also have zlib installed
on your system.


- Zope 3 Development Web Site:

- Zope 3 Developers Mailing List:

Retired: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope3-dev

- Zope 3 Users Mailing List:

- Bug tracker at launchpad:

- IRC Channel:
#zope3-dev at irc.freenode.net

About Zope 3

Zope 3 is a web application server that continues to build on the heritage of
Zope. It was rewritten from scratch based on the latest software design
patterns and the experiences of Zope 2.

The component architecture is the very core of Zope 3 that allows developers to
create flexible and powerful web applications.

Compatibility with Zope 2

Zope 3 is not upwards compatible with Zope 2. This means you cannot run Zope 2
applications in Zope 3.

We continue to work on the transition from Zope 2 to Zope 3 by making Zope 2
use more and more of the Zope 3 infrastructure. This means that new code
written in Zope 2 can benefit from Zope 3 technology. Also, with care, code
can be written that works in both Zope 3 and Zope 2.  This allows a Zope 2
application to slowly evolve towards Zope 3.  Unchanged Zope 2 applications
are never expected to work in Zope 3, however.

About the Zope Foundation


[Zope3-Users] beginning zope

2010-06-24 Thread Mehdi
i need some help about zope. i worked with django before but now i want 
to start a medium project(dynamic website/webapplication) with some 
developing in future.
now i'm not sure to switch to zope.
i know zope support mvc like django, but django has some really magics. 
does zope have it too?
and what about zope2 and zope3? which version should i use?
Zope3-users mailing list