Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Beginner's question: Components without persistence?

2006-02-28 Thread Brad Allen

At 2:46 PM +0100 2/28/06, Lennart Regebro wrote:

On 2/28/06, Reinhold Strobl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 where do I put application logic???

Ööööh. In Python code? :-)

I have the feeling I don't understand the question.

I think I understand the question. Most of the tutorials show
how to build a content component, not how to build a website.

Other Python web frameworks let you map URLs to Python
class methods, but Zope 3 doesn't do that so how do you
get the output of your Python code to a web page if you
don't want to follow the usual instructions for building
a persistent content component?

I think my naive answer is that you have to register a URL name
in ZCML that points to a page template (ZPT), which can then
contain TAL expressions to access Python code. However, this
can get probably should create a view for your
non-persistent object, and then insert the output of the view
into your ZPT...but how you instantiate the object without using
Python in your TAL, I don't know. I've been a bit of a slow
learner about Zope 3...
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-05 Thread Brad Allen

At 6:11 AM -0500 2/5/06, Stephan Richter wrote:

On Saturday 04 February 2006 14:00, Brad Allen wrote:

 I won't have any time to volunteer for such a project
 for several weeks, but I could do it during the upcoming
 Zope 3 sprint at PyCon (my skill is not great enough to
 contribute to Zope 3 source code, but I can
 work on documentation and/or assemble talking points.)

Please do! There have been several efforts in the Zope 3 community to get a
new Website going. But honestly, its missing an initial ring leader who
coordinates the effort. I am supporting everyone who is serious about
changing our current situation!

Thanks for the encouragement. I don't know how much I can get
done in a four day sprint but I'm willing to give it a go.

By new website, do you mean a Zope 3 advocacy site, or a general
documentation site? Making a separate site for advocacy seems like
a no-brainer (ala, but the documentation site is
another matter. Have the Zope 3 core developers decided to split
Zope 3 documentation onto a completely separate site? Maybe this
has already been discussed on the Zope3-dev list, which I haven't
yet looked at.

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-04 Thread Brad Allen

Here's example of someone who the Zope site has chased off:


(And I'm not so sure about Zope, really . It feels stuck in 1998, way 
too often. Reading is like discovering that you clicked on 
the wrong elevator button, and ended up in a basement full of old 
sales broschures and pre-historic computer manuals. A website that 
is dynamically-constructed uses an a computer program to provide the 
dynamism.. That's good to know.)

Zope3-users mailing list

RE: [Zope3-Users] Re: Is Zope Zope2 or Zope3?

2006-01-21 Thread Brad Allen

 Zope stlll means Zope 2 even on the Zope website in many places.

I've encountered this same confusion in various places, and don't know
how long it will take for the word to get out or how long bloggers
and reviewers will have to take pains to explain the difference between
Zope 3 and Zope 2.

Maybe it's too late for this, but what about coming up with a new name
to reflect the reality that Zope 3 is a complete redesign and rethink?
I always thought Zope sounded too much like SOAP, anyway.
Here are some name ideas

Xope   (still sounds like SOAP, unfortunately)
Twope  (to reflect the Twisted integration)
Zzope   (extra Z is cool but implies sleepiness)
Zop3  (replace the e with version number)
Zlife (Zope 3 is a lifestyle, not just a web framework)
Zcom(reflect component based architecture)
Zeep  or Zepe   (I don't know why I like this name)

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Zope3 at Pycon

2005-12-04 Thread Brad Allen

Looks like there will be three Zope 3 talks at the upcoming Pycon,
although I was surprised to see no sprints or tutorials for Zope 3.
In any case, I will be there, and would enjoy meeting some folks
who are into Zope 3. Let me know if anyone wants to do a
Zope 3 dinner or somesuch. Since I'm a local yokel, I have a car
and know local eateries.

At 8:10 PM -0500 12/3/05, A.M. Kuchling wrote:

Registration for PyCon 2006 is now open; go to the registration form
to register for the conference and for tutorials.

At this time the planned events for PyCon have all been announced:

* Talks:
* Tutorials:
* Sprints:

Also remember to book your flight, and to book your hotel room using
the hotel's PyCon event page at .

We look forward to seeing all of you at PyCon 2006.

A.M. Kuchling
Chair, PyCon 2006

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Direct ZODB access in a Zope3 instance

2005-12-01 Thread Brad Allen

At 11:48 AM +0100 12/1/05, Johan Carlsson wrote:

To access an object in the ZODB you need to have a context
(that is a pointer to a object stored in ZODB, it almost alway is but
in some situations it's not! I've learned that the hard way).

If your in a browser class you will have the context of the object
traversed as an instance attribute (self.context).

Ok, this helps, although I'm not completely clear on how context
objects are generated. From a newbie perspective, the context
object is an elusive beast.  It's not really explained anywhere
that I could find. The Zope 3 Developer's Guide. There's a little
section called The context Variable in the ZCML chapter, but
that doesn't explain where the context comes from or what it is.

I've seen how the context object is used in TAL, but have always
understood it to be the local URL context.

There were some examples of using self.context in the MessageBoard
tutorial. For instance, below is an excerpt from page 114.
The self.context is used in a mysterious way here. Nothing in
the class definition binds it. It has no base class. I guess I should
expect a child class, or a factory maybe to add the self.context
when the class get instantiated. However, I had trouble finding that
anywhere in the SVN copy of the MessageBoard tutorial (step 13).

class MessageDetails:

def author(self):
Get user who last modified the Message.
creators = ICMFDublinCore(self.context).creators
if not creators:
return _('unknown')
return creators[0]

def modified(self):
Get last modification date.
date = ICMFDublinCore(self.context).modified
if date is None:
date = ICMFDublinCore(self.context).created
if date is None:
return ''
formatter = self.request.locale.dates.getFormatter('dateTime', 'short')
return formatter.format(date)

def parent_info(self):
Get the parent of the message
parent = zapi.getParent(self.context)
if not IMessage.providedBy(parent):
return None
return {'name':, 'title': parent.title}

In some other example MessageBoard classes, context is used
as an init parameter. The doctest examples indicate that
context can be a simple container object, not necessarily something
in ZODB. I guess this makes sense.

I looked around in Philikon's book for info about the context
object as well, but had trouble. It wasn't in the index.
I did see it used as an init parameter in several places, but
had trouble locating which page explained it.

Is use of the word context just a naming convention for
the containing (parent) object? That still wouldn't explain the
how self.context works without generating a namespace error
in the MessageDetails class.

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Direct ZODB access in a Zope3 instance

2005-12-01 Thread Brad Allen

At 11:48 AM +0100 12/1/05, Johan Carlsson wrote:

The ZAPI interface gives you several ways to traverse object
from a context:
For instance getParent, (getParents,) getRoot, traverse, (traverseName)

On my first reading of your posting, I missed getRoot.
That sounds promising. If I can get the root of the ZODB
then I can use traversal to get to any other object in
the ZODB.

However, getRoot takes an argument. The example in
Philikon's book uses a Location(). I don't think this gets
me the root of the ZODB, does it?

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] need guidance

2005-11-30 Thread Brad Allen

At 1:17 AM -0500 11/30/05, Chris McDonough wrote:
While you're developing, it's much easier because the *content* in 
your ZODB doesn't typically have any value during development.  If 
it does have value during development, you have a development model 
that's not similar to mine.

Well, I generally try to follow an iterative approach like that 
described in Agile or Extreme Programming styles 
(  ). The idea is 
to get something into production very quickly, let users bang on it, 
and then produce a new version based on feedback from users...and 
then do it again, and again, etc. There is no big lead time for 
development-only; the cycle is more like 
develop-release-use-develop-release-use, etc. During that cycle, end 
user data needs to be carried over to each new version.

At 2:44 AM -0700 11/30/05, Duncan McGreggor wrote:
Whenever I am told by client that they want me to build an 
application for them, and they want to be able to add data/content 
while I do it, I either gently educate them on the proven process 
that we use, or I walk away from the project. Maintaining content 
during development is almost always a nightmare. There are tools to 
use to enable this... approach... but in my mind (and many others') 
it's just not a good way to do development.

In this case, the users want to start using a message board ASAP. 
This means they will be adding content to ZODB right away. I don't 
see how I can get away from having them put content into ZODB.

At 1:17 AM -0500 11/30/05, Chris McDonough wrote:
But obviously, after you go into production, the content does have 
value, and preserving this value is the purpose of GenericSetup for 
Zope 2.  It's a dump and reload solution which allows you to 
create a represention of your ZODB data and its associated hierarchy 
as files on a filesystem.  You can basically push a button to dump 
the data in your ZODB ro files, and then create a new ZODB, 
instantiate the tool, and push a button to reload it.  Zope 3's 
filesystem synchronization capability is similar in concept, 
although I don't know if that has been maintained recently.

I guess another approach would be to NOT throw away my ZODB, but just 
delete and regenerate selected container folders, leaving the user 
content alone. From your postings about how the ZODB is accessible 
directly from Python, it sounds like that should be do-able. 
Hopefully it won't be too tough to tackle...

At 2:44 AM -0700 11/30/05, Duncan McGreggor wrote:
Yeah, I think you're looking for code-based content addition -- is 
that right? If so, you're going to want to spend some time looking 
at (a lot of which comes from zope.component). In 
particular, the createObject() function. Take a look at those 
projects I mentioned above... and other folks may have good 
suggestions for code examples on site creation and pre-population of 

Thanks. A little searching turned up, which looks like the 
place for me to dig into. I will also check out the source code. 

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] list archives for zope3-users

2005-11-30 Thread Brad Allen
I'm looking for a better way to search and read the list archives for 
this list.  Here are the list archives that I know about.

Text file archives:

Searchable mail archive:

Gmane provides a variety of ways to view the list, but the search 
options are still pretty limited.

I wish there was some way to access mailing list archives via a POP3 
interface, so that I could use my mail app of choice. In my case, 
Eudora is my favorite app for searching and viewing mailing lists. 
Unfortunately, I've only got a couple of months of Zope3-users in 
Eudora.  I haven't found that the text file archives to be easily 

Does anyone else on this list use Eudora? If so, I'd very much 
appreciate a copy of your Eudora mailbox file for the Zope3 users 

If anyone else has thoughts on the best way to search the mailing 
list archives, I'd appreciate hearing about it. I'd prefer to avoid 
asking questions that others have already asked.

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Direct ZODB access in a Zope3 instance

2005-11-30 Thread Brad Allen

Based on discussion in the 'need guidance' thread, I started looking into
how to access the Zope ZODB directly from within Python scripts.
I haven't gotten very far yet. I'm still at the beginning of the docs at
trying out the example code.

I got stuck trying to open the Data.fs file in my Zope instance.

Python 2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01)
[GCC 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu8)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

 from ZODB import FileStorage, DB
 storage = FileStorage.FileStorage('Data.fs')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
line 112, in __init__

self._lock_file = LockFile(file_name + '.lock')
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ZODB/, line 57, 
in __init__

self._fp = open(path, 'r+')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'Data.fs.lock'

 storage = FileStorage.FileStorage('Data.fs')

I tried shutting down the Zope 3 instance, the the same traceback 
appeared anyway.

I checked to make sure I had the filename right:

 import os


How do I clear the lock on the file?


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] need guidance

2005-11-30 Thread Brad Allen

At 10:45 AM -0700 11/30/05, Duncan McGreggor wrote:

Hmm, again, I think you *might* want to stay away from an approach 
that interacts directly with the ZODB. Unless you're not using 
z3/Zope 2...

I didn't see this posting until after I started a new thread called
Direct ZODB access in a Zope3 instance. So, why is it a bad
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] need guidance

2005-11-30 Thread Brad Allen

At 7:55 AM -0500 11/30/05, Stephan Richter wrote:

We are currently not supporting TTW development. Thus, in Zope 3 you cannot

develop templates TTW well yet.

Ok, that alters my plans somewhat. But I can still have end
user contribute/edit content within the ZMI, right? Maybe a ZPT
component just isn't the right choice for that.

I will see if I can get Zwiki installed and running sometime today.
Maybe that will provide a more appropriate content component
for end users.
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] need guidance

2005-11-30 Thread Brad Allen

At 12:33 PM -0700 11/30/05, Duncan McGreggor wrote:
In addition, I've written a python script that auto-generates a 
starter z3 project for you, after asking a couple questions. If you 
want to use it, I'd be more than willing to answer any questions 
about it (an thus improve it) off-list. You can download it here:

Wow, cool. This looks like it could be a time-saver. Thanks!
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] need guidance

2005-11-29 Thread Brad Allen

Duncan McGreggor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It sounds like a pain, and to be honest, at first it is a bit 
arduous. Not only does it get faster and become second nature, but 
chunks of it can be generalized and reused. It really doesn't take 
that long to get accustomed to it. And once you start doing it 
regularly, you gain a tremendous amount. Not just in the mere 
knowledge acquired, either... there's a subtle shift in your 
programming where you give extra attention to the 
data-generating/-populating code, which in turn makes you architect 
your information better ahd brings higher overall levels of 
organization to your project.

So this style of Zope 3 development involves not using
ZODB so much for permanent storage, but instead as a
temporary scaffolding on which to hang the current version
of class instances and their content. When you refactor
your classes and interfaces, you just re-instantiate everything
into the ZODB to recreate the site.

It sounds great, except not all data can be simply regenerated.
For stuff like port numbers and configuration, fine, it can be
in ZCML or embedded in Python scripts.  But the site content
generated by end users has to be stored somewhere, too,.
If you throw away your ZODB and regenerate it, what happens
to that data? Does your regeneration script transfer
all that data to the newly generated ZODB?

I'd be interested in seeing the particulars of how
you guys do that stuff. I've yet to run across a direct
mention of how to create an arbitrary ZODB and
start reading and writing objects. That seems to
be a big piece missing from my understanding
of how to work with Zope 3. Every ZODB example
I've seen in the books seems to involve creating a content
object that can be added via the ZMI.  However, I'm
not finished with either book, and I have very likely
missed something.
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] reST for content editors

2005-11-25 Thread Brad Allen
I'd prefer to allow content editors on my site to avoid having to 
type HTML, and have heard that reST might be a good, wiki-like 
choice. However, it's not clear to me how to get that working with 
ZPT content insertions. Would I need to build a new content class for 
this, or is there some easier way?

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] How to hide the ZMI

2005-11-25 Thread Brad Allen

I'm working on a simple site which, to start with, just
uses bare ZPT functionality. I've been reading Philkon's
book sections dealing with TAL, TALES, and METAL,
and it's starting to make some sense.

The part I'm stuck on is how to make the ZMI disappear
so the end user sees only the page I designed.
Do I have to go through the process of making a special skin
for my ZPT pages, or is there some easier way?

Never mind, I figured this one out. Just get rid of the
@@whatever at the end of the URL.
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] doesn't resolve

2005-11-02 Thread Brad Allen
Most of the zcml configuration files I've seen contain 
xmlns=;. I wanted to read about what 
was in that namespace, so I tried to load that page in a web browser. 
This name just doesn't seem to resolve in DNS.  I guess my ignorance 
about XML is showing here. Where do I find the actual namespace?

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] MessageBoard tutorial deprecation warnings

2005-10-30 Thread Brad Allen

The messageboard tutorial in the Zope 3 Developer's Handbook
doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using the copy from 

svn co svn://

The SVN url listed in the book didn't work, but I'm not
sure this is the right one. 

Anyway, I'm using the step13 folder, and when I registered
it with my Zope 3.1 instance on Ubuntu, and run Zope, I get
the following in my transcript.log:

ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'interface', Couldn't
import, No module named workflow.interfaces

I wanted to see more detail on that error, so I imported the offending
module at the Python interactive prompt. Along the way several
deprecation warnings cropped up (see below). Is there a newer
version of this tutorial I'm missing out on, or should I spend
some time trying to clean this up?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib/zope3/instance/sandbox/lib/python$ python
Python 2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01)
[GCC 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu8)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import book.messageboard.browser.messageboard
book/messageboard/browser/ DeprecationWarning:
ActiveStatus: ActiveStatus is now available in Will be gone in X3.3.
  from import ActiveStatus
book/messageboard/browser/ DeprecationWarning: ISite:
This interface has been moved to The
reference will be gone in X3.3.
  from import ISite
book/messageboard/browser/ DeprecationWarning:
SiteManager: This class has been moved to The
reference will be gone in X3.3.
  from import SiteManager, ServiceRegistration
book/messageboard/browser/ DeprecationWarning:
ServiceRegistration: The concept of services has been removed. Use
utilities instead. The reference will be gone in X3.3.
  from import SiteManager, ServiceRegistration
book/messageboard/browser/ DeprecationWarning:
LocalUtilityService: Services have been removed. Use site manager API.
The reference will be gone in X3.3.
  from import LocalUtilityService,
book/messageboard/browser/ DeprecationWarning:
UtilityRegistration: This class has been moved to The reference will be gone in X3.3.
  from import LocalUtilityService,
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File book/messageboard/browser/, line 26, in ?
from import
ImportError: No module named workflow.interfaces

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] which psycopg works with Zope3?

2005-10-27 Thread Brad Allen

At 6:13 PM +0400 10/26/05, Dmitry Vasiliev wrote:

- The tarball version is for use with ZopeX3-3.0.0 and psycopg v1.0;
- The svn version works with Zope 3.1 (and should work with Zope 
3.2) and still psycopg v1.0;

- Psycopg v2.0 is not supported for now;

Thanks for your help on this, Dmitry.

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] problems getting started under Ubuntu 5.10

2005-10-17 Thread Brad Allen

Hi, I'm trying to get started with Zope3 under Ubuntu 5.10. 
The package manager for Ubuntu installed Zope 3.1.0-1.
The first problem I had was creating a Zope instance.
Here is what happened:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/zope3/bin$ ./mkzopeinstance --dir=$HOME/myzope
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./mkzopeinstance, line 45, in ?
line 48, in main
return app.process()
line 111, in process
os.chown(options.destination, uid, gid)
OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/home/ballen/myzope'


Ok, so I thought maybe I need to perform the operation under sudo.
That seemed to work, though I was a little worried because I had
read on the mailing list that Zope3 shouldn't be started or run
as the root user.

Next, I wanted to start up the Zope instance. See transcript below:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/myzope$ ./bin/runzope
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./bin/runzope, line 48, in ?
  File ./bin/runzope, line 44, in run
main([-C, CONFIG_FILE] + sys.argv[1:])
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/server/, line
58, in main
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/server/, line
166, in setup
line 32, in __call__
self.instance = self.create()
line 42, in create
handler = handler_factory()
line 32, in __call__
self.instance = self.create()
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ZConfig/components/logger/, line 
69, in create
logger = self.create_loghandler()
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ZConfig/components/logger/, line 
87, in create_loghandler
handler = loghandler.FileHandler(path)
line 34, in __init__
StreamHandler.__init__(self, open(filename, mode))
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/ballen/myzope/log/z3.log'


Ok, that didn't work. So, I tried starting Zope as sudo, which also
didn't work. Here is the transcript:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/myzope$ sudo ./bin/runzope
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./bin/runzope, line 48, in ?
  File ./bin/runzope, line 44, in run
main([-C, CONFIG_FILE] + sys.argv[1:])
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/server/, line
58, in main
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/server/, line
169, in setup
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/appsetup/,
line 52, in config
context = xmlconfig.file(file, execute=execute)
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/configuration/, line
557, in file
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/configuration/,
line 622, in execute_actions
callable(*args, **kw)
line 123, in registerHelpTopic
raise ConfigurationError(
zope.configuration.exceptions.ConfigurationError: Help Topic
definition /usr/lib/zope3/lib/python/zope/interface/README.txt does not
  File /usr/lib/zope3/lib/python/zope/app/apidoc/bookmodule/book.zcml,
line 11.4-16.10

So, I'm stuck. Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Zope3-users mailing list