[Zope3-Users] Attn Jim Fulton: Buildout builder

2008-03-14 Thread Derek Richardson
I am the Plone champion for the buildout builder. The buildout builder 
will be a web application, likely written in Grok, that will allow 
textually-challenged users to configure a buildout via a GUI and receive 
a .cfg in return.

Jim, you mentioned at PSPS-2008 that you would gladly help whoever 
championed this. I am now asking for assistance. Please contact me at 
the gmane email address on this post.

Anyone else who has interest and would like to contribute questions, 
ideas, or code is welcome to contact me, as well, or continue discussion 
here (please cc me, since I don't regularly read this list).

The buildout builder may very well be a Plone Summmer of Code project. 
At the current time, it is unclear whether someone else or I will be the 
student. In either case, I'd like to get some of the high-level 
coneptual design out of the way so that, whoever the student is, she/he 
can get down to business immediately.



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] zope.formlib doesn't check invariants on subschemas - need workaround

2008-02-02 Thread Derek Richardson
I have a schema, let's call it B. It contains an @invariant function. I 
observed that it is not being called during form validation.

After help from Philipp and some investigation, I determined that the 
problem is that schema B isn't itself the main form, but is nested 
within schema A as the value_type of a Tuple field. When schema A is 
validated, schema B's invariant is not checked. I think this may be a 
bug. If someone more knowledgeable will confirm, then I will open a bug 

In the mean time, I need a workaround that verifies that the invariants 
on all instances of schema B in the Tuple on schema A hold during form 
validation. My nascent idea is to put an invariant on schema A that 
checks all the invariants on all schema B instances. However, I am not 
familiar enough with formlib internals to code this up without 
significant research. Can someone help me out with an implementation for 
this workaround or an idea for a different, better workaround?



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Getting current user and current user's group in a buildout script

2007-10-01 Thread Derek Richardson

Martin Aspeli wrote:

Derek Richardson wrote:
So, is there an easy way to do it? I know I can write a recipe, but a 
recipe seems heavyweight for this. It seems to me that access to these 
two values should be built into buildout as implicit variables. Is 
this contrary to the lightweight, pluggable design philosophy?

What's the use case here? I can't think of many good uses for something 
that's going to vary depending on who's running the buildout.

The use case is that the pound (http://www.apsis.ch/pound) install is 
evil. Configure takes -o (owner) and -g (group) parameters to set 
ownership of the pound binary. This would be fine if leaving them blank 
defaulted to the current user and group. However, it defaults to 
system-specific settings, which, on my mac, is the 'www' user and 'www' 
group. Unless I run my buildout as root, the build fails. Not cool. 
Really, I'm only assuming that running as root would work, since I 
refuse to run buildout as root. So, to test on my mac, I want to pick up 
the current user and group.

I've written a recipe that, given no parameters, returns the name of the 
current user and current user's group. Given a user name, it returns the 
name of the specified user's group.

Secondly, buildout and at least the recipes we like to promote are 
cross-platform. This may not be as easy to achieve on Windows.

Yep. So, unfortunately, I may not release this recipe.

Thirdly, users can be in multiple groups, so at least you'd need a list, 
which may not lend itself so well to the standard way of using variables 
in buildout.

The UNIX gid from the password database is good enough.

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Buildout recipe to create config file from contents in buildout.cfg?

2007-09-28 Thread Derek Richardson
I am using hexagonit.recipe.cmmi to install pound (www.apsis.ch/pound) in front 
of zope. After I cmmi, I need to install a config file. I'd like to include the 
pound config file in buildout.cfg, like the zcml section in 
zc.zope3recipes:application. Is there a simple recipe for making a file out of a 
section in the buildout.cfg and putting it in a particular place? Or is there a 
'best' recipe to use to get close? Or is this a reason to write a new recipe 
from scratch and contribute it? I see this simple functionality as having many 
use cases.



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Installing a run script in bin/ after using cmmi

2007-09-28 Thread Derek Richardson
After I install pound using cmmi, I want to create a run script in bin/. This 
should be easy - the script should be boilerplate and not require mods for 
individual installs. I can use the os command recipe to put it in bin/.

My question: where is best to store the script? Does it belong rightfully in 
src/, since it is source code that will be used by the buildout? Or should it go 
somewhere else, since it's merely a production artifact and not a develop egg?

Just checking to make sure I stay in line with best practices



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Moving from z3 tarball to z3 buildout/eggs

2007-09-12 Thread Derek Richardson
I developed my Vice outbound syndication library on z3.3 (originally) 
using the full tarball of z3.3. I now want to move to a buildout-based, 
eggified method of developing and testing Vice.

I use functional tests (using zope.testbrowser.testing.Browser) in Vice. 
These functional tests log into the zmi, create some folders and files, 
syndicate them, read the resulting feed, and verify that it is correct.

The problem is that I don't know how much of zope.app these tests depend 
on. Very few eggs are actually required by imports in Vice. But the 
library is not much use (and there's not much to test) without a pretty 
thorough install, I suspect. Should I be attempting to grab all the zope 
eggs and making a replica of the full install? Or should I be trying to 
judiciously minimize the eggs that I use for testing? And what is the 
best way to go about whichever of these paths I should follow?

I *really* like the buildout approach. It would just be even nicer if I 
knew of some way to have buildout replicate the entire Zope app server 
ecosystem for testing without having to specify the eggs one ... by ... one.



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Moving from z3 tarball to z3 buildout/eggs

2007-09-12 Thread Derek Richardson

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
* If vice depends on the configuration of another package, but always 
assumed that this package's configuration was being loaded by Zope 3.3's 
site.zcml, make this dependency *explicit* now in vice's configure.zcml. 
For example, let's say that vice needs the intid utility and event 
subscriber registrations to be active, then it should do:

  include package=zope.app.intid /

at the top of vice/configure.zcml. This will probably add more explicit 
depenencies to vice than you currently have (they should also go into 
setup.py). Note that you won't have to worry about ZCML being loaded 
several times. It won't be, zope.configuration makes sure of that.

OK, agreed, this is the *right* way. And thank you for the detailed instructions 
on how to achieve this - they are very clear and I plan to follow them closely.

One problem confronts me, though, before I do the boring work of sorting out the 
dependencies. My package is designed to run in both z2 and z3. So, I could add a 
bunch of z3-specific dependencies to a z3-configure.zcml that is loaded only if 
Five is not installed. Not too hard. But, the hard part is: I don't want to add 
all the z3 eggs to my setup.py, because that's ugly if I'm actually running in z2.

My idea is to have a z3-only package that depends on my z3/z2 hybrid package and 
that simply has a setup.py that includes all the z3 dependencies and a 
configure.zcml and an ftesting.zcml that does all the z3-specific zcml work. And 
then I can have a z3-specific buildout that uses the z3-specific package and 
another buildout for z2 that uses the base package and a third buildout for 
z2+plone, which includes some additional plone-specific packages. A big pain, 
but I want my code usuable in all three environments, to the extent that is 




Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Varying Default Value for Subschema (Object in Tuple)

2007-04-30 Thread Derek Richardson

Derek Richardson wrote:

I have a schema (the Tuple of Objects is the important part):

class ISyndications(Interface):
Annotation that indicates the object can provide IFeed
and that stores the current syndication configuration.

enabled = Bool(title=_(u'Enable syndication'),

syndications = Tuple(title=_(u'Feeds'),

def findSyndicationByLocalURL(url):
Find an ISyndication in syndications by the local URL it

The subschema is (the UUID field is the important part):

class ISyndication(Interface):
Configuration for an individual feed.

name = TextLine(title=_(u'Name'),

format = Choice(title=_(u'Format'),
description=_(u'Data format for this feed'),
values=[u'atom', u'rss 1.0', u'rss 2.0'],

recurse = Bool(title=_(u'Recurse'),

enabled = Bool(title=_(u'Enabled'),

referring_URL = URI(title=_(u'URL'),

local_URL = URI(title=_(u'Local URL'),

UUID = TextLine(title=_(u'UUID'),
description=_(u'UUID for this feed.'),

I want to populate the UUID upon creation from a function. So I tried 
this (the __init__ is the important part):

class Syndication(persistent.Persistent):
See ISyndication

implements(ISyndication, IItemUUIDable)

self.name = u''
self.format = u''
self.recurse = False
self.enabled = False
self.referring_URL = None
self.local_URL = None

def __init__(self):
self.UUID = uuid1()

However, the UUID field does not show up in the interface as initialized 
when I do:

class SyndicationsEditForm(EditForm):
Edit form for syndications.

form_fields = Fields(ISyndications)

ow = CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget, Syndication)
sw = CustomWidgetFactory(SequenceWidget, subwidget=ow)
form_fields['syndications'].custom_widget = sw
label = u'Configure syndications'

This seems like it should be an easy thing to do. Who can tell me what 
I'm doing wrong?



The problem *may* stem from sequencewidget.py (lines 235-239 in Zope 3.3.1):

# add an entry to the list if the add button has been pressed
if self.name + .add in self.request.form:
# Should this be using self.context.value_type.missing_value
# instead of None?

When I hack it just to prove a point, like so:

# add an entry to the list if the add button has been pressed
if self.name + .add in self.request.form:
# Should this be using self.context.value_type.missing_value
# instead of None?
from plone.syndication.syndication import Syndication

The UUID field gets populated.

But I'm not sure where to go with this. I don't see any bugs for SequenceWidget 
on launchpad, so I'm still figuring I'm doing something wrong...


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Utility Local to an Annotation?

2007-04-27 Thread Derek Richardson

Martin Aspeli wrote:

Derek Richardson-2 wrote:

Benji York wrote:

Derek Richardson wrote:
The specific case is uuids for atom feed entries. We have annotations 
representing feeds and I would like my uuid utility to be local to the 
feed annotation, thus recording and making available uuids only for 
entries in that feed.

How about a multi-adapter from content and feed to UUID?
Hmmm, to do that I have to be able to annotate an annotation, right? As 
the feed is an annotation and that is where I want to store the UUIDs. I 
tried this tonight and was unable to make it work - I got the following: 

There's no reason why you can't mark an object that you fish out of an
annotation with IAttributeAnnotatable and then annotate that. However, this
feels suspiciously like you're asking the wrong kind question. :)

Can you explain (a) what you are trying to store (what is a feed in this
case? is it just feed-specific metadata? or an actual list of items rendered
to RDF?) and (b) what you need UUIDs for and (c) when you need to use the

Yes, it does feel like I'm going about this the wrong way.

a - The feed is actually just configuration metadata - whether the 
feed is enabled, whether it is recursive, what its display name is, etc. 
The actual feed document is not stored - it is simply rendered 
dynamically when requested, based on the metadata and the existent 
content items. The feed is an annotation on a container; at the 
current time, only folders are feeds and only contained files are feed 

b - In the Atom syndication format, UUIDs are necessary for two things. 
One, the overall feed has a UUID. This is easy - I'm storing them in a 
site-local named utility, indexed by the feed annotation object. Two, 
each entry in a feed has a UUID. A content item that is an entry (a 
file, in the current case) can, however, be in multiple feeds and needs 
a different UUID in each. Thus, I need to be able to look up UUIDs by 
the content object that will be rendered as a feed entry and look them 
up relative to the feed, rather than globally.

c - I use the UUIDs only when rendering the feed, looking them up by 
object and sending them to the client embedded in the feed document. 
They are used for no other purpose.

So, my situation is that I've written my nifty uuid utility based on 
intid and I want to reuse it for feed entry UUID lookup. I can't use 
unnamed utilities because I may be accessing different uuid utilities 
for entries from the same place in the tree. It occurs to me that I 
could make them named utilities local to the object underlying the entry 
and look them up by the feed UUID they correspond to, but, in my 
understanding, that would require littering sites all over the place, 
which seems like bad citizenship. So, I thought I'd just attach the 
utility to the feed (remember, metadata), so that I can access it 
through an adapter. Benji's short post gave me this idea. An alternative 
is perhaps that I can just directly use the uuid utility class from the 
feed class and avoid the annotations but have the same effect. In 
fact, since the UUID lookup is an integral part of the feed and not just 
an after-thought, this might indeed be more appropriate (and simpler) 
than the annotation. Both these approaches that I favor (annotations and 
direct usage) tightly couple the feed to the utility implementation, 
which is unfortunate if I want to swap in another uuid utility 
implementation (and, from what I've heard, this will be likely when I 
backport to Five).

I hope this additional background makes things clearer.



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Utility Local to an Annotation?

2007-04-27 Thread Derek Richardson

Martin Aspeli wrote:

Derek Richardson-2 wrote:

Yes, it does feel like I'm going about this the wrong way.

a - The feed is actually just configuration metadata - whether the 
feed is enabled, whether it is recursive, what its display name is, etc. 
The actual feed document is not stored - it is simply rendered 
dynamically when requested, based on the metadata and the existent 
content items. The feed is an annotation on a container; at the 
current time, only folders are feeds and only contained files are feed 

Okay, so the feed is really a view, which consults some annotations on a
container and then recursively looks for objects in that container and
constructs XML?


b - In the Atom syndication format, UUIDs are necessary for two things. 
One, the overall feed has a UUID. This is easy - I'm storing them in a 
site-local named utility, indexed by the feed annotation object.

What do yuo mean indexed by?

Hand the utility a feed annotation, get back a uuid for the feed.

Also, is this UUID not just another aspect of feed metadata and thus a
candidate for the container annotation?

This was the original plan, but I was convinced to go with the more
generalized solution of a uuid utility. I guess I can cache it in the
container annotation, but that's an optimization and tangential to this

each entry in a feed has a UUID. A content item that is an entry (a 
file, in the current case) can, however, be in multiple feeds and needs 
a different UUID in each. Thus, I need to be able to look up UUIDs by 
the content object that will be rendered as a feed entry and look them 
up relative to the feed, rather than globally.

That sounds to me like you want a composite UUID - a UUID utility gives each
content item a UUID (which is not feed-specific, and stays in line with the
general concept of a content object UUID). The one you put in the feed is
the feed's UUID and the object's UUID are combined. You could possibly use
some kind of hash if you needed to.

I considered this. I have a certain understanding of what I'm doing that
precludes the combinatorial UUID approach, but no one I talk to seems to
grasp it, so I think I will air it here so we can discuss it.

I am using RFC 4122 type 1 UUIDs. These are (practically) guaranteed
universally unique, as they are based on spatial (MAC address) and
temporal (CPU clock time) location. They have safeguards built in for
things like multiple CPUs and resetting the CPU clock.

However, they are only (practically) guaranteed universally unique if
*everyone* follows the same algorithm. If you use a different algorithm
for computing your UUIDs, then they may collide with my RFC 4122 ones,
since your algorithm doesn't compute them the same way and thus may use
different, supposedly unique information included in a different way
that results in the same UUID that I generate. Highly unlikely, but
vastly more likely than if we all follow the RFC. Thus, to me, part of
being a good citizen of the UUID world is to follow the exact RFC 4122
algorithm, so we can all get along without collisions.

There is no provision in RFC 4122 for combining two UUIDs to generate a
third, still unique, UUID. So, in my mind, combining two UUIDs, by
whatever method, results in a relative UID, not a UUID.

Granted, I live in a fantasy world where everyone plays by the same RFC
4122 rules. Still, it's a nice world and I want to do what I can to
encourage others to join me in it. So, I want to generate
strictly-compliant RFC 4122 UUIDs for use in my product (and my utility
makes it easy for others to use them elsewhere in Zope).

Thus I take the hard road, here. Is there a flaw in my reasoning?

c - I use the UUIDs only when rendering the feed, looking them up by 
object and sending them to the client embedded in the feed document. 
They are used for no other purpose.

Still, the concept of a UUID of a content object ought to be separate from
and more general than your particular need for a feed item UUID.

Right, you can still assign one (or more) UUIDs to any content object, 
if you have a use case. My UUID is for the (dynamically generated) feed

item. The uuid utility is perfectly general and will let you assign a
UUID to any object that can be adapted to KeyReference (or perhaps, in
Zope2, any object that is usable by the intid utility).

So, my situation is that I've written my nifty uuid utility based on 
intid and I want to reuse it for feed entry UUID lookup. I can't use 
unnamed utilities because I may be accessing different uuid utilities 
for entries from the same place in the tree. It occurs to me that I 
could make them named utilities local to the object underlying the entry 
and look them up by the feed UUID they correspond to, but, in my 
understanding, that would require littering sites all over the place, 
which seems like bad citizenship. 

It does. I would not do this at all.

I think the cleanest design would be:

 - You have

[Zope3-Users] Re: Utility Local to an Annotation?

2007-04-26 Thread Derek Richardson

Benji York wrote:

Derek Richardson wrote:
The specific case is uuids for atom feed entries. We have annotations 
representing feeds and I would like my uuid utility to be local to the 
feed annotation, thus recording and making available uuids only for 
entries in that feed.

How about a multi-adapter from content and feed to UUID?

Hmmm, to do that I have to be able to annotate an annotation, right? As 
the feed is an annotation and that is where I want to store the UUIDs. I 
tried this tonight and was unable to make it work - I got the following:

blah, blah, blah
line 84, in __call__

adapter = self.factory(*args)
line 38, in getAnnotation

annotations = IAnnotations(context)
TypeError: ('Could not adapt', 
plone.syndication.syndication.Syndication object at 0x3741530, 
InterfaceClass zope.annotation.interfaces.IAnnotations)

Did you have something else in mind? Or is annotating an annotation 
possible and something is wrong in my implementation?



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Utility Local to an Annotation?

2007-04-25 Thread Derek Richardson
I would like to create utility instances that are local to annotation 
instances. Each utility would be valid only within the scope of the 
related annotation.

The specific case is uuids for atom feed entries. We have annotations 
representing feeds and I would like my uuid utility to be local to the 
feed annotation, thus recording and making available uuids only for 
entries in that feed. See 
http://www.openplans.org/projects/vice/uuids-in-atom for more details 
and an architectural diagram.

FYI, an object can be syndicated in more than one feed. Thus, for feed 
X, I want to look up the uuid associated with object a for feed x; for 
feed y, I would want the *different* uuid associated with object x (same 
object) for feed y.

However, I am not sure I can turn an annotation into a site and, even if 
I can, am not sure that's what I want to do.

Comments? Suggestions?



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Zope as an XML-RPC *Client*

2007-04-19 Thread Derek Richardson
A colleague is interested in using Zope 3 (and, if possible, Grok) to 
write a web app whose objects live, not in the ZODB or in an SQL DB, but 
on the other end of XML-RPC calls. I am unclear how to implement this 
one. Would an application of this type even have content objects? If 
not, how would it be architected?



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: zope.intid and UUIDs

2007-04-19 Thread Derek Richardson

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
Martin and Gary pointed out other good reasons why not to go with 
subclassing: the standard intid utility doesn't work in all 
environments. Apparently in Zope 2 you'll need a slightly differnet 
implementation. If you just defer to it via utility lookup, your UUID 
utility might actually work on both platforms, as long as there's an 
intid utility. It makes things more flexible.

Hmmm. I've looked in Zope 2.10.3 final (the earliest release I may 
target) and zope.app.intid is the same between Zope 2.10.3 and Zope 
3.3.1, except for the presence in 2.10.3 of 
zope.app.intid-configure.zcml, which is just a slug. Am I looking in the 
wrong place?

Your subclassing idea has a lot of appeal to it. To answer your question 
what's suboptimal about it: you'll have to wait till the next Zope 3 
release cycle to actually make use those modifications. Also, like I 
said above, the composition approach allows you to be more flexible.

OK, yes, this is a problem. I'm targeting on Plone 3.5 (for the final 
product, not the uuid utility alone), but I'd like to be 
backwards-compatible with Zope 2.10.x. So, yes, I'll have to provide a 
complete backwards-compatible package.

I've thought about it and decided that these two proposals (subclassing 
and composition) are partially orthogonal. Half of subclassing is simply 
genericizing the interfaces; composition is a matter of implementation. 
For proof, consider that we could have a UUIDs that implements IIDs and 
defers to an IntIds for implementation, which also implements IIDs. This 
might reduce the benefits of code reuse, but would still gain the 
benefit of one set of interfaces (aside from the IntIds and UUIDs markers).

So, my plan. I am going to copy IntIds, genericize the interfaces, and 
split the superclass from the subclass as mentioned. I'm going to do 
this in my package. I will provide a UUID implementation but not an 
IntId implementation. That way if, in the future, y'all decide to move 
towards this in the core, there will be a pre-existing implementation 
and I'll be ready. You could include just the interfaces, the interfaces 
and the utility superclass with a new IntIds subclass without the UUID 
implementation, or you could include everything - it's up to you. And, 
if you don't, then I haven't lost anything but 15 minutes of time.

As for implementation, I'm going to have to think through whether 
composition is appropriate for my use. Another advantage of genericizing 
the interfaces is that this is an implementation detail - I may provide 
two uuid implementations, one that is composed by intid and one that is 
not. I may also rethink the implementation of the base utility class to 
see if I can maximize reuse between these two cases. And, having this 
flexibility will help me later if I run into trouble backporting to Zope 
2.10.x. A fun project!

The code will be in the Vice project in the Plone collective, for now, 
in the packages collective.id and collective.uuid.



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: zope.intid and UUIDs

2007-04-18 Thread Derek Richardson

Benji York wrote:

Derek Richardson wrote:
I wrote most of it today and there is more code shared between the two 
than is different. The main differences are:

* OOBTrees, instead of an IOBTree and an OIBTree
* Different events are fired when an object is registered and 
unregistered (they could be merged, but this is easy 

* _generateId() is, of course, different

The rest is pretty much copied and pasted, even most of the tests.

This suggests to me that you instead want to /use/ an int ID utility, 
not /be/ (a mutated) one.  Unless there's a very compelling reason to 
copy all that functionality composition would be much cleaner.

I definitely don't want to be an *int* id utility. I may want to be, 
however, a uuid variety of an *id* utility, of which another variety 
would be int, and perhaps others, as well.

I see no compelling reason to copy all that functionality, which is why 
I'm exploring alternatives.

*Using* an int id utility, though, doesn't seem to cleanly solve the 
problem, which makes me wonder if I'm understanding you. If you mean use 
the intid utility to map keyrefs to int ids and then map int ids to 
uuids, this has a few problems. What I want to vary is the 
implementation - I want to keep the same interface. This would be 
keeping, and adding another layer to, the implementation and I'll still 
have to re-implement the interface on top of it. That's more work than 
just copying and doesn't reduce the copying at all, as I see it. Plus, 
it'll be (perhaps marginally) slower.

If you mean use the intid utility by instantiating one and then changing 
the data structures and _generateId() and the events at runtime, this 
would indeed solve the need to copy and paste. However, this seems like 
an obfuscating solution - who would guess that what is masquerading as 
an intid utility is really a uuid utility? Perhaps that's my 
static-typing background speaking, but it seems cleaner to have an 
abstract id utility and then write 10 lines of code to subclass and 
turn it into an int id utility and then another 10 lines for uuids.

I sense that I'm missing the point here. Perhaps you can elaborate on 
what you mean when you say use and collaboration. I usually know 
what those terms mean, but I'm not sure I am getting it in this context.


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] zope.intid and UUIDs

2007-04-17 Thread Derek Richardson


I've decided to go ahead and write an RFC 4122 UUID utility based on 
zope.intid (this is for a Plone SoC project, but this bit is pure Zope 
3). I wrote most of it today and there is more code shared between the 
two than is different. The main differences are:

* OOBTrees, instead of an IOBTree and an OIBTree
* Different events are fired when an object is registered and 
unregistered (they could be merged, but this is easy 

* _generateId() is, of course, different

The rest is pretty much copied and pasted, even most of the tests.

My question is: should the common parts be abstracted out into a 
framework for id utilities, of which intid and uuid will be two 
instantiations? I know this is a small amount of code but:

* I hate copy and paste
* I hate the idea of bugs in two places (implicit coupling, from a bug 
fixer's perspective)
* Larger codebases mean more to read to understand what is going on for 
newbies, like me

Of course, the duplication rule is If you do it three times, you're 
doing it wrong and I've only done it the second time. So, part of this 
question is whether anyone can see a future need for any id utilities 
other than intid and uuid. If so, I think this would definitely be a 
good move. Otherwise, I'm up in the air.

Of course, this would be a change to zope core, which is the main reason 
I'm leery. I will be sending in my contributor agreement tomorrow. So, 
I'm really wondering whether this is worth changing in the core or 
whether we shouldn't bother.



Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: zope.intid and UUIDs

2007-04-17 Thread Derek Richardson
I have no principled objection to a ZPL license. And I would like the 
code to make it into the core, if appropriate. So, the answer is, a ZPL 
license is likely.

David Pratt wrote:
I like this idea of abstracting the code for ids myself. It will be 
interesting to hear what others have to say. Can you advise whether the 
UUID utility will be ZPL licensed since this is important if you are 
talking about something with generic functionality for z3. Many thanks.


Derek Richardson wrote:


I've decided to go ahead and write an RFC 4122 UUID utility based on 
zope.intid (this is for a Plone SoC project, but this bit is pure Zope 
3). I wrote most of it today and there is more code shared between the 
two than is different. The main differences are:

* OOBTrees, instead of an IOBTree and an OIBTree
* Different events are fired when an object is registered and 
unregistered (they could be merged, but this is easy 

* _generateId() is, of course, different

The rest is pretty much copied and pasted, even most of the tests.

My question is: should the common parts be abstracted out into a 
framework for id utilities, of which intid and uuid will be two 
instantiations? I know this is a small amount of code but:

* I hate copy and paste
* I hate the idea of bugs in two places (implicit coupling, from a bug 
fixer's perspective)
* Larger codebases mean more to read to understand what is going on 
for newbies, like me

Of course, the duplication rule is If you do it three times, you're 
doing it wrong and I've only done it the second time. So, part of 
this question is whether anyone can see a future need for any id 
utilities other than intid and uuid. If so, I think this would 
definitely be a good move. Otherwise, I'm up in the air.

Of course, this would be a change to zope core, which is the main 
reason I'm leery. I will be sending in my contributor agreement 
tomorrow. So, I'm really wondering whether this is worth changing in 
the core or whether we shouldn't bother.



Zope3-users mailing list

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: RFC 4122 UUIDs

2007-04-05 Thread Derek Richardson

Fred Drake wrote:
On 4/5/07, David Pratt 

The UUID generator that I have been looking at is with the Chandler
project (currently under Apache license) that could be easily wrapped:

Python 2.5 comes with a uuid module that works just fine with Python
2.4; that comes in handy as well, and doesn't need wrapping.


Yes, at the cheesehop (uuid, not pyuuid). That's what I am starting to 
use for my uuid package for zope.


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: RFC 4122 UUIDs

2007-04-05 Thread Derek Richardson

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Thursday 05 April 2007 15:28, Jürgen Kartnaller wrote:

Please do not use an annotation!

This is a performance issue. Your data is very small so do not create a
new object in the database store it directly as a property on the
instance. Every object lookup is expensive, especially if you use ZEO!

Hey Juergen, come on! I know you guys are on an optimization trip at Lovely, 
but this is great information to store on an annotation. The UUID does not 
usually need to be looked up and is mainly for external world reference, such 
as feeds like Derek metioned he wanted.

The package is also an add-on. You don't need it, then do not use it. As 
further optimization, Derek mainly needs this id for a very specific set of 
content types, so I would narrow the subscriber to only give those special 
types a UUID.


My use case is very constrained - I need UUIDs for syndicated objects 
only. So, potentially, I could just generate and assign them when 
content is syndicated and keep them in an annotation I'm already using 
for syndication.

However, as Martin Aspeli mentioned, this functionality seems ripe for a 
general-purpose package. If I split it out into its own add-on, it's 
more work for me but perhaps generally useful. I've seen past buzz about 
UUIDs in Zope, but it seems nothing has ever come of it.

My question is: are there potential use cases, outside of my own, that 
justify the extra work to make it a separate add-on? And, if so, what 
are these use cases and what do I need to do to support them? I could 
see that there might be performance-sensitive applications that would 
need UUIDs on many objects, but I don't know of one. Does anyone else?

The scenario I'm most trying to avoid is several different packages 
implementing UUIDs and objects getting multiple UUIDs, one from each 
package, all implemented different ways, because of the lack of a 
general solution.


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: RFC 4122 UUIDs

2007-04-04 Thread Derek Richardson
I believe that that will not guarantee a *universally* unique id, but 
only an id unique within that ZODB. Am I wrong?

The RFC prescribes a specific algorithm for generating universally 
unique IDs.


Benji York wrote:

Derek Richardson wrote:
I am hoping that Zope 3 assigns an RFC 4122 UUID to each content item. 
If not, I am hoping there is a third-party product to do this.

I would use the standard intid utility and simply encode the generated 
integer as a UUID.

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