[Zope3-Users] Re: ZCML, practicality, purity (was Excellent perspective...)

2005-12-22 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 10:06:08PM +0100, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
| Yes, I have indeed. Though I was thinking about the development of new 
| applications,  not about API documentation. Probably this could be done 
| with the Eclipse IDE: for instance when creating an adapter, I would 
| first register an empty adapter object then I would add code to some 
| skeleton class. And conversely, when browsing the code, I would get the 
| list of adapters that use the code, but in a live manner, i.e inside 
| some integrated development environment that support zope3 types of 
| components (adapters, utilities, ..). Maybe an Eclipse plugin would do..

I'd love to see an Eclipse tool for Zope.

Some other key features:
- context-sensitive auto-completion in ZCML
- understanding of interfaces (pylint)
- launching and restarting of zope

| This key is to be able to see both the components and the relations 
| between the components at the same time and to rapidly switch between 
| the two views. That would improve productivity a lot.

This would be really nice.  If a view like this was made into an
editor, a developer could (if they didn't want to use the source)
graphically add and manipulate the registrations.  That would be


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[Zope3-Users] Re: list archives for zope3-users

2005-11-30 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:52:06AM -0700, Duncan McGreggor wrote:
| On Nov 30, 2005, at 11:49 AM, Duncan McGreggor wrote:
| If anyone else has thoughts on the best way to search the mailing 
| list archives, I'd appreciate hearing about it. I'd prefer to avoid 
| asking questions that others have already asked.
| Hey Brad, I feel like we're becoming best friends ;-)
| I use google. Here's a google search string example for searching the 
| zope3-users maillist for ZODB:
| site:http://mail.zope.org location:pipermail/zope3-users ZODB
| Doh. My bad, that should have been:
| site:http://mail.zope.org inurl:pipermail/zope3-users ZODB
OOh, nice.  I didn't know about that feature, but wished there was
something like that.  Thanks.


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[Zope3-Users] Re: need guidance

2005-11-30 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:38:02AM -0600, Brad Allen wrote:
| At 1:17 AM -0500 11/30/05, Chris McDonough wrote:
| While you're developing, it's much easier because the *content* in 
| your ZODB doesn't typically have any value during development.  If 
| it does have value during development, you have a development model 
| that's not similar to mine.
| Well, I generally try to follow an iterative approach like that 
| described in Agile or Extreme Programming styles 
| (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extreme_Programming  ). The idea is 
| to get something into production very quickly, let users bang on it, 
| and then produce a new version based on feedback from users...and 
| then do it again, and again, etc. There is no big lead time for 
| development-only; the cycle is more like 
| develop-release-use-develop-release-use, etc. During that cycle, end 
| user data needs to be carried over to each new version.

This isn't a problem.  This is really the same thing, just with
shorter cycles.  (you show a 'release' step in your lifecycle, and
each release is just that -- a release to production, not an
intermediary part of developer collaboration)

| At 2:44 AM -0700 11/30/05, Duncan McGreggor wrote:
| Whenever I am told by client that they want me to build an 
| application for them, and they want to be able to add data/content 
| while I do it, I either gently educate them on the proven process 
| that we use, or I walk away from the project. Maintaining content 
| during development is almost always a nightmare. There are tools to 
| use to enable this... approach... but in my mind (and many others') 
| it's just not a good way to do development.
| In this case, the users want to start using a message board ASAP. 

For a messageboard you may want to see if any existing solutions fit
your needs.  Perhaps you don't need to custom code your own.  If you
do need to custom code your own, perhaps the message board example (in
the zope3 repository) can serve as a suitable starting point.

| This means they will be adding content to ZODB right away.  I don't
| see how I can get away from having them put content into ZODB.

I see now.  This is a different story than I understood from the
earlier messages.  Earlier you talked about putting the ZODB in svn
for developer collaboration.  That is quite different from the
scenario of upgrading a production system.

It sounds like the 'generations' framework is what you need.

In your cycle you will develop and once you release version 1, a
production system will be deployed.  Users using that system will
create content in the ZODB.

Based on feedback you begin developing version 2.  Version 2 may
change the schema of some objects.  When you release version 2, the
production system will be upgraded.  Using the generations framework
the existing content in the ZODB will be evolved to fit the new schema
and the application is again available for users to continue adding

| At 1:17 AM -0500 11/30/05, Chris McDonough wrote:
| But obviously, after you go into production, the content does have 
| value, and preserving this value is the purpose of GenericSetup for 
| Zope 2.  It's a dump and reload solution which allows you to 
| create a represention of your ZODB data and its associated hierarchy 
| as files on a filesystem.  You can basically push a button to dump 
| the data in your ZODB ro files, and then create a new ZODB, 
| instantiate the tool, and push a button to reload it.  Zope 3's 
| filesystem synchronization capability is similar in concept, 
| although I don't know if that has been maintained recently.

Chris is describing part of the same process.  He is talking about
techniques to upgrade the software on a production system without
losing preexisting data on that production system.

During development and pre-release testing you won't have any critical
data and each developer can simply recreate a new ZODB to work with.
For more automated and repeatable testing your team should create some
sample data and the scripts to populate a new installation with that
data.  If you don't do this then each time a developer or tester
starts over with a clean database, then will need to expend time
manually creating ad-hoc sample data to test with.

The difference is the development environment vs. the production


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[Zope3-Users] Re: apache as zope3's frontend and NTLM

2005-11-15 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 11:02:06AM +, Chris Withers wrote:
| Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
| True, it's not the nicest solution. But you could make it safer by first
| stripping the according request variable from the QUERY_STRING.
| mod_rewrite is quite powerful in that respect.
| Is it just me, or should a deep feeling of uneasiness accompany the 
| extraction of authentication credentials from a query string? ;-)

It's not just you.  :-)

The hole this creates is:  someone makes an HTTP request directly to
Zope bypassing apache altogether.  This request could simply present
any username desired.

Some ways to limit the exposure of the hole is to have zope listen on
the loopback interface only.  Then prevent all shell access on the
system.  The only remaining hole at this point is if someone can
abuse some other network-accessible service and coerce it into making
the request (or to open a back door).


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[Zope3-Users] Re: make check

2005-10-27 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 08:39:41PM -0600, Paul Dumais wrote:
| Sent this using the wrong  account:
| On 10/26/05, Paul Dumais [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

|  I get more errors if I run as root (the above one included).

One of the additional errors you will get is the test that verifies
that file access works correctly.  The test fails as root because root
is granted access when the test expects to be denied access.

|  Ubuntu
|  does something tricky to the root account so that you cannot su root.
|  You have to sudo 'command' to do root tasks. I suspect this difference
|  is why I get more errors when I do sudo make check.

Have you ever tried 'sudo su'?  Also try 'sudo passwd', if you want.
Ubuntu doesn't have you set a root password during installation.  I
think there is no valid password for root.  That certainly avoids any
potential for someone to brute-force attack it.  Instead, they set up
the first user to be able to run any command, as root, via 'sudo'.
This includes, of course, su and bash.  Thus you can get a root shell
quite easily (once you're logged in).  I suspect, though haven't
actually verified, that if you set a password for root you will then
be able to 'su' without sudo.


Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers,
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[Zope3-Users] Re: problems getting started under Ubuntu 5.10

2005-10-26 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 10:32:24PM -0500, Brad Allen wrote:
| Hi, I'm trying to get started with Zope3 under Ubuntu 5.10. 
| The package manager for Ubuntu installed Zope 3.1.0-1.
| The first problem I had was creating a Zope instance.
| Here is what happened:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/zope3/bin$ ./mkzopeinstance --dir=$HOME/myzope
| --user=admin:mypwd
|   File
| /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/server/mkzopeinstance.py,
| line 111, in process
| os.chown(options.destination, uid, gid)
| OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/home/ballen/myzope'

Hrm.  That doesn't look good.  Usually only root can invoke 'chown'.
I wonder why it is trying to set the ownership.  When I have used the
mkzopeinstance zope itself (not from the package) it didn't try any
such thing.

| ---
| Ok, so I thought maybe I need to perform the operation under sudo.
| That seemed to work, though I was a little worried because I had
| read on the mailing list that Zope3 shouldn't be started or run
| as the root user.

Correct.  While it is generally good practice not to run anything as
root, unless it absolutely has to be, running 'mkzopeinstance'
shouldn't be a large risk.

| Next, I wanted to start up the Zope instance. See transcript below:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/myzope$ ./bin/runzope
|   File
| /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ZConfig/components/logger/loghandler.py, 
line 34, in __init__
| StreamHandler.__init__(self, open(filename, mode))
| IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/ballen/myzope/log/z3.log'

The zope server process needs to open the log file in append mode
(requires write access on the file).  Since mkzopeinstance set the
ownership to someone other than you, above, you can't write to the log

| -
| Ok, that didn't work. So, I tried starting Zope as sudo, which also
| didn't work. Here is the transcript:

Starting zope as root should work because the process will then have
access to the log file.

If you specify a user in the zope.conf file (or on the command line)
then zope will setuid() to the specified user.  This can be useful if
zope needs to bind to a socket 1024 (only root can do that) or if
zope is run from an init script.

| --
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/myzope$ sudo ./bin/runzope
|   File
| /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zope/app/onlinehelp/onlinehelp.py,
| line 123, in registerHelpTopic
| raise ConfigurationError(
| zope.configuration.config.ConfigurationExecutionError:
| zope.configuration.exceptions.ConfigurationError: Help Topic
| definition /usr/lib/zope3/lib/python/zope/interface/README.txt does not
| exist
|   in:
|   File /usr/lib/zope3/lib/python/zope/app/apidoc/bookmodule/book.zcml,
| line 11.4-16.10
|   bookchapter
|   id=interface
|   title=Interfaces
|   doc_path=README.txt
|   parent=ifaceschema
|   /
| So, I'm stuck. Any help on this would be much appreciated.

That looks like an installation (packaging) problem.  As an
intermediary workaround you could just comment out that bookchapter
tag and avoid this error.  If I were you, I'd talk to fabio and doko.
They've done a lot of work in making the packages (for ubuntu and
debian) so they'd be the primary ones to fix it.


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[Zope3-Users] Re: Zwiki issues with Unicode text pasted from Word

2005-10-26 Thread Derrick Hudson
I experienced this problem too.  I thought I fixed or worked around it
a while ago, though.  I may have just hacked my system.

Some notes about this:
- it is the output (view) that produces the error
- add and edit work fine
- Word has nothing to do with the problem (any source of non-ascii
data will have the same effect)
- I don't remember if the problem is in zwiki or docutils

Hmm, now that I think about it, the problem might be fixed in a newer
version of docutils.  I'll make a note to revisit this when I have
a few minutes.  If you don't want to wait, you might search the
zope3-dev list and the Collector to see if I mentioned it there.


On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 09:32:58AM -0400, Joel Moxley wrote:
| Thank you Duncan and Gary for your informative replies yesterday.  I'm
| working on understanding and implementing your input.
| In the meantime, I'm having an issue with my zwiki.  I checked on
| google, and I do not find this as a known issue.  I have not had time
| to extensively document the behavior, but I can report the following:
| My zwiki page bombed (System Error) when a user copied and pasted a
| paragraph from Microsoft Word into the edit form of the wiki page. 
| After some quick debugging, I found two unicode characters to be the
| problem:
| Unicode characters 2103 and 2019 (right single quotation mark and
| en dash, respectively).
| Thus, whenever we have apostrophes and dashes in Word, they will kill
| the wiki page when copied in the edit form.  Which is suboptimal :)
| I pasted the traceback here:
| http://paste.plone.org/289
| which culminates in UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode
| character u'\u2013' in
| position 4104: ordinal not in range(128)
| Clearly, the wiki just does not know how to encode these characters. 
| Anyways, a workaround or fix would be very nice because one of the
| main reason I wanted the wiki was to not have to deal with revisions
| in Word.
| Thanks,
| Joel
| PS: This is zope-3.1final and zwiki-3.0.0

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[Zope3-Users] Re: Zwiki issues with Unicode text pasted from Word

2005-10-26 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 02:54:27PM -0400, Derrick Hudson wrote:
| I experienced this problem too.  I thought I fixed or worked around it
| a while ago, though.  I may have just hacked my system.
| Some notes about this:
| - it is the output (view) that produces the error
| - add and edit work fine
| - Word has nothing to do with the problem (any source of non-ascii
| data will have the same effect)
| - I don't remember if the problem is in zwiki or docutils
| Hmm, now that I think about it, the problem might be fixed in a newer
| version of docutils.  I'll make a note to revisit this when I have
| a few minutes.  If you don't want to wait, you might search the
| zope3-dev list and the Collector to see if I mentioned it there.

Ok, here are the facts that I dug up:

- my installation still has the problem;  I am ignoring it for now
  because it's not immediately critical, I don't want to replace
  the unicode with ascii, and the problem will be fixed later

- my installation is still on Zope 3.0.0

- Zope includes docutils, which performs the actual ReST-HTML
  Zope 3.0.0 has :
# Revision: $Revision: 1.1 $
# Date: $Date: 2003/07/30 20:14:04 $
  Zope 3.1.0 has :
# Revision: $Revision: 3374 $
# Date: $Date: 2005-05-26 23:21:48

With this information to refresh my memory, I think I decided to look
into and resolve this issue a while ago.  In doing so I discovered
that the new(er) zwiki+docutils in the trunk (at the time) already
worked.  At least, that's what I remember now.  I can't find any
mention of this in the zope3-dev archives.

I just tried two new tests -- I used my Zope 3.1.0 installation and
tried it with both the older zwiki that is in my current instance and
the current version on the trunk.  Both versions fail, but with
different errors.  The older version fails with encoding/decoding
errors.  Just for fun I replaced 'html = str(source)' on line 120 of
zwiki/browser/wikipage.py with 'html = source'.  Doing this causes the
unicode character to display fine for me (using firefox on ubuntu
which is set to expect UTF-8).  The trunk version fails with a

My immediate recommendation for you is
1)  file a bug report in the collector
2)  replace 'html = str(source)' on line 120 of
zwiki/browser/wikipage.py with 'html = source' and see if that
works for you.


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[Zope3-Users] Re: How to resolve bi-directionally navigable association? (Corrections)

2005-08-08 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Mon, Aug 08, 2005 at 02:36:46PM +0200, Adam Groszer wrote:
| Corrections:
| Monday, August 8, 2005, 11:45:56 AM, I wrote:
|  The only way I found is defining a dummy interface before the other:
| Actually that does not work, because the dummy IUnit and the real
| IUnit is not the same and IItem stores the wrong one. This failes on
| validations.
| Now I don't have any more ideas, please help.

I don't think the schema you posted actually does what you want.  When
you create an IItem object, the form will embed a form to create a new
IUnit object (which will embed a form to create a new IItem and so
on).  Even apart from the infinite recursion in the form, I don't
think you are intending to create a new IUnit every time you create an

I think you are intending to initialize a -reference- to an existing
IUnit when you create the IItem and vice-versa.  In X3.0, you use a
vocabulary to do this.  See if the available documentation and
examples for those meets your needs.


How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!
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[Zope3-Users] Re: Zope3.0.0 Installtion Problem

2005-07-08 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 06:57:12AM -, shariq  suhail wrote:
| Hi, 
|   i am trying to install zope3.0.0 with python 2.3.4 but it is not woking. 
Actually it hangs after starting zope.server.ttp and zope.server.ftp.
|  Kindly help me

It is not hanging.  It is waiting for a network connection to
respond to.  Once the zope process has displayed the following message
in the terminal it is finished starting up and is behaving as it is
supposed to.

2005-07-08T12:40:38 INFO PublisherHTTPServer zope.server.http (HTTP) 
Hostname: lucius
Port: 8080
2005-07-08T12:40:38 INFO root Startup time: 8.857 sec real, 2.920 sec CPU

At this point, open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080/ .  Zope
is server software and all interactions are performed through the
network with a client application.  Primarily a web browser will be
used, but you can also use an ftp client for some operations or other
applicable network tools.

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[Zope3-Users] Re: Using metadata for description

2005-05-05 Thread Derrick Hudson
On Thu, May 05, 2005 at 04:38:00PM +0200, Florian Lindner wrote:
| Am Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2005 08:40 schrieb Philipp von Weitershausen:
|  Florian Lindner wrote:
|   Hello,
|   I want to allow the user to give items a short description, like for a
|   link:
|   Name: Zope
|   URL: http://zope.org
|   Description: Homepage of Zope, a web application server
|   Is it wise to use the metadata description field for that purpose or
|   should I just add a TextLine attribute to the interface.
|  If this description has little or nothing to do with the actual item,
|  but is only there for categorizing it or similar, I'd use the DublinCore
|  'description' field.
| Mmmhh, not easy to tell...  ;-)
| How would you solve the case above? The user just uses it to describe it, The 
| application itself makes no use of it.

I would lean towards Dublin Core for that.  It isn't actually part of
the data, if the application doesn't use it.  It's more like an
extension, which is what adapters are for.


There is not a righteous man on earth
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