[Zope3-Users] feedback while asking response

2005-04-13 Thread Markus Leist

Is there a feedback-mechanism when Zope-3 is responding a html-request which 
takes some time?

  -> output some start-text
  sleep 10s
  -> output some text
  sleep 10s
  -> output some end-text

any ideas?

Zope3-users mailing list

RE: [Zope3-Users] feedback while asking response

2005-04-13 Thread Markus Leist
in which way this interacts with an application-class?

It's not a change of any zope-intern class, or?

i.e. my test-class is:

class adm:
def admTestOut( self):
test for "online-feedback"
response = self.request.response
response.write( "")
response.write( "")

snip on configure.zcml:


Ok, this does not work, a cleary case:
the response will display ""
after 10s.

In which way, I have to integrate a
View-Class and the _call_-method to
my application?

Thanks for help


Am Mittwoch, 13. April 2005 16:32 schrieb Stephan Richter:
> You can do this by directly writing to the response and not returning
> anything through the executing method:
> class View(object):
>   def __call__(self):
> response = self.request.response
> # ... set all necessary headers
> response.write(data)
> response.write(data)
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] feedback while asking response

2005-04-14 Thread Markus Leist
Hello Roger,

ok, I'll try it on weekend.

TCPWatch is just an unknown tool for me, but
I'll try "Chapter 44, Creating Functional Doctests" from
"The Zope 3 Developers Book" - any other additional docs?


Am Donnerstag, 14. April 2005 10:09 schrieb Roger Ineichen:
> Hi Markus
> Hm, Are you sure the response get send after 10s
> to the client or does the client only render the page if
> the response ends.
> Can you use TCPWatch for trace the response from the server?
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] postgresql, psycopgda, Zope3-trunk

2005-04-14 Thread Markus Leist

I have to connect to a postgres-DB from a zope3-class.

Ok, how to use SQL in TAL is in:

I'm searching for a "zoponic" way of asking postgres
in a zope3-class.

In which status psycopgda is in relation to Zope3-trunk?
Is there any up-to-date documentation out there?

You can drop me a hint, please?

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: postgresql, psycopgda, Zope3-trunk

2005-04-16 Thread Markus Leist
Hi all,

Ok, thanks a lot - seems to work in a first step,
but i've to patch sqlos in this kind:

# svn diff
Index: event/subscriber.py
--- event/subscriber.py (revision 10721)
+++ event/subscriber.py (working copy)
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
 # If we don't do this, the cache will be cleared
 # and if we try to re-fetch the object we will
 # lose the new values.
 sqlobjectCreatedSubscriber = sqlobjectModifiedSubscriber
(author is reading here?)

in my configure.zcml:

the component line is new to the (very good) Readme from


Am Freitag, 15. April 2005 15:43 schrieb Derrick Hudson:
> http://codespeak.net/z3/sqlos/
> http://sqlobject.org/

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] recursive constraints

2005-08-22 Thread Markus Leist

there are a few (older) mails about "recursive constraints" in Zope3.
I wasn't able to find a solution for this small problem:

in interface.py:

class IIkGroup(IIkSClass):
def __setitem__(name, object):
"""Add a IIkGroup object."""
__setitem__.precondition = ItemTypePrecondition( IIkInterface)

only Instances of IkInterface are allowed to add, ok so far.

Now it should be possible to add an Instance of IkGroup (on itself)?
"... ItemTypePrecondition( IIkGroup, IIkInterface) ..." is a stupid idea, 
pathon don't know IIkGroup() at this time.

I don't wont to implement an "IContained"-mechanism and 
setTaggedValue... seems to be obsolete - is this possible?

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] vocabulary of object-references

2005-08-22 Thread Markus Leist
Hi all,

I have build an List of Choices and it works well:
in interface:
hostlist = List(
title=_(u"Host List"),
description=_(u"Host List"),
value_type = Choice(
required = True,
vocabulary = "IkGroupHosts"),

def HostsVocabulary(context):
dynHostList = []
for (oid, oobj) in iid.items():
if IIkHost.providedBy(oobj.object):  
dynHostList.append( SimpleTerm( oobj.object.getIkTitle(), 
return SimpleVocabulary( dynHostList)  

object has string-result:
hostlist[u'titan', u'radon']

now i want to store references in (my new) lIst  by vocabulary:

def HostsVocabulary(context):
dynHostList = []
iid = zapi.getUtility( IIntIds, 'iid')
for (oid, oobj) in iid.items():
if IIkHost.providedBy(oobj.object):  
dynHostList.append( SimpleTerm( 
KeyReferenceToPersistent(oobj.object), oobj.object.getIkTitle()))
return SimpleVocabulary( dynHostList)  

when commit the form:
  File "/opt/ikom/Zope3/src/zope/schema/_bootstrapfields.py", line 133, in 
if value == self.missing_value:
  File "/opt/ikom/Zope3/src/zope/app/keyreference/persistent.py", line 56, in 
if self.key_type_id == other.key_type_id:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'key_type_id'

Any idea or other way of storing references in my Hostlist?

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Zope3, sqlos and workflow

2005-12-03 Thread Markus Leist

is there any possibility of storing attributes- AND workflow-data
of an (Zope3-)Instance in a SQL-Database (via sqlos)?

If not, I have to connect the object attributes to SQL and the object
workflow instance to ZODB - a good (scalable) solution?

Any idea or URL is welcome.

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Convert from string to class

2006-01-17 Thread Markus Leist
what about:


17.01.2006 23:10, Florian Lindner:
> Hello,
> I've a string like "zope.app.folder.Folder" and I want to get the class
> zope.app.folder.Folder from this string. How can I do that?
> It's probably more a python problem that Zope... but I hope you excuse.
> Thanks,
> Florian
> ___
> Zope3-users mailing list
> Zope3-users@zope.org
> http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope3-users
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] international publicity to zope3

2006-10-31 Thread Markus Leist
Hi there,

maybe this is an interesting chance to give international publicity to zope3.
see here:


I think, the result of such programming contest will bring more transparency in
pros and cons of Zope3 development, which can be published to the world.

Hey, there are really good people in development of Zope3 and the
component-architecture of “our python-application-server” should
be compared to other applications, or? (ok, not new ...)

My own software-developer-skill isn't good enough for this contest.
The results will be published on a high level;
zope3 and the developers can obtain great acceptance, i think.

Any developer there ( 3 developer a 30 h)?

Markus Leist
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] object containment of root folder

2007-06-18 Thread Markus Leist
Hi all,

what's the best/preferred way of dynamically restricting possible object types
in the root-folder of a zope3.3-instance?

In normal object this is defined in _interfaces.py_:
from zope.app.container.constraints import contains
class INet(ISupernode):

I have some bootstrap-routines for creating and modifying
utilities. Here i have to dynamically set the contains of the

Any Idea? Thanx.

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] crossbar switch for event

2007-06-18 Thread Markus Leist
hello list,

i have to focus the following development objective:

on a runnung Zope3.3-system there are:
 - a zope3-Object "A"
 - a zope3-Object "B"
 - an Utility with a list of event(name)s (e.g. 'shutdown')

each object "A" and "B" have event-inputs and -outputs.

now we take the event "shutdown" an give the object "A"
the facility to send/raise this event.

on the other hand we configure objekt "B" to "hear" on
event "shutdown" by a general event handler to call
some method(s).

When the registration of an event between the objects and
the utility is bidirectional, this utility is some kind of
"event crossbar switch" like

obj 1   <-> <-> 0
obj 2   0   0   <->
obj 3   0   <-> 0
obj a   obj b   obj c

which _dynamically_ can be configured through the web.
(some other aspects are routing, metric/priority, detection
of event cycle ...)

Is there some piece of code? Any ideas?

I have to implement such crossbar switch this week (and
want to publish a link to sourcecode here)

any help welcome, Markus.

ps. should i crosspost to zope3-dev?

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Using global utilities when creating an global utility

2007-06-19 Thread Markus Leist

In our project we have a supervisor-utility (started first by zcml..)
and some other utilities which creation is logged to this

hope, this helps


def bootStrapSubscriberDatabase(event):
"""initialisation of cron utility on first database startup
dummy_db, connection, dummy_root, root_folder = \

madeIkAdmUtilCron = ensureUtility( root_folder, IIkAdmUtilCron,
'IkAdmUtilCron', IkAdmUtilCron, '',
copy_to_zlog=False, asObject=True)

if isinstance(madeIkAdmUtilCron, IkAdmUtilCron):
logger.info( u"bootstrap: Ensure named IkAdmUtilCron")
dcore = IWriteZopeDublinCore(madeIkAdmUtilCron)
dcore.title = u"IKOMtrol Timer"
dcore.created = datetime.now(berlinTZ)
sitem = root_folder.getSiteManager()
utils = [ util for util in sitem.registeredUtilities()
if util.provided.isOrExtends(IIkAdmUtilSupervisor)]
instIkAdmUtilSupervisor = utils[0].component
instIkAdmUtilSupervisor.appendEventHistory( \
u" bootstrap: made IIkAdmUtilCron-Utility")

recursiveCronSubscriber( root_folder)


Am Dienstag, 19. Juni 2007 15:53 schrieb Jan-Wijbrand Kolman:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to implement a global utility that makes use of other
> global utilities when it is created. In other words, the __init__ of
> my utility class, tries to get to other utilities.
> This does not work however, as the utilities I'd like to get are not
> registered yet when my own utility is created - even if I made sure
> the registrations for the other utilities would've been performed
> before "my" utility is registered.
> I tried to find the reason and I think I found it: when the zcml
> directive for a utility is read, an action object is created. Somewhat
> later in the configuration process these action objects are executed
> and the actual utility registration takes place.
> It is when the action object is created that "my" utility is
> instantiated. And of course, no other actual registrations were made
> yet at that point, because no actions have been executed yet, so not
> utilities are available to make use of.
> Is there a way to overcome this? (or to put it differently, why is
> "my" utility created when the action object is created and not just
> before the actual registration?)
> kind regards,
> jw
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form: Integer-based fields incorrectly validated

2007-08-01 Thread Markus Leist

do you have a 

from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
class Foo:
foobarid = FieldProperty( IFoo['foobarid'])



Am Mittwoch 01 August 2007 um 19:15 Uhr schrieb Hermann Himmelbauer <[EMAIL 
> Hi,
> In one of my forms, one field is defined like that:
> foobarid = Int(
> title=u'ID',
> description=u'ID of Foobar',
> required=False)
> When I add this field in a z3c.form based form, e.g.:
> fields = field.Fields(IFoo['foobarid'])
> Then the validation of the field fails, e.g. if I type in a correct value, 
> e.g. "123", zope returns an error:
> "The entered value is not a valid integer literal."
> Interestingly, if I set "1,123" as value, zope outputs:
> "Objekttyp ist falsch."
> I tried to investigate this futher, but things are getting complicated at the 
> file "converter.py", line 96 (no clue what a formatter is).
> Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
> Best Regards,
> Hermann

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Request in Zope3-Thread

2007-08-04 Thread Markus Leist

i have created a thread in my zope3-application like the 

What i want to do: "fake" a request-context to get a local Utility (via 
Sitemanager) configured in ZODB and
call some methods which will change some object-attributes in ZODB. 

Any ideas or hints?

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Request in Zope3-Thread

2007-08-20 Thread Markus Leist
Hi Philipp,
hi list,

maybe I'm wrong, but after several tests i have noticed this change
(caused by threading environment):


with transaction.commit() there are some:
> ZODB.POSException.ConnectionStateError: Cannot close a connection joined to a 
> transaction
under special circumstances (more threads, some commits)

Does this transaction.get()... is the right way to interact with the
Thread-aware transaction manager?


Am Samstag 04 August 2007 um 11:13 Uhr schrieb Philipp von Weitershausen 
> Markus Leist wrote:
> > i have created a thread in my zope3-application like the 
> > zope.sendmail.QueueProcessorThread.
> > 
> > What i want to do: "fake" a request-context to get a local Utility 
> > (via Sitemanager) configured in ZODB and call some methods which will
> > change some object-attributes in ZODB.
> You'll have to open a new connection to the database in the thread and 
> get the root object from it (you'll have to give the thread a reference 
> to the database, which can be accessed from any persistent object thru 
> obj._p_jar, IIRC):
>conn = db.open()
>root = conn.root()
>root_folder = root['Application']
> Now you can traverse to the site that contains the local utilities 
> (unless that's the root_folder) and make the current active site 
> (current = for this particular thread):
>from zope.app.component.hooks import setSite
>site = root_folder['path']['to']['the']['site']
> Now do your component lookups, object modifications, etc. Don't forget 
> to commit the transaction at the end:
>import transaction
> and close the connection:

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Request in Zope3-Thread

2007-08-20 Thread Markus Leist

i don't understand, you are right:
>class TransactionManager(object):
>def commit(self):
>return self.get().commit()

after deletion of
it "seems to be better", but under some circumstances there still is:
ZODB.POSException.ConnectionStateError: Cannot close a connection joined to a 

Hmm, it's hard to debug this part of my app. I will do some kind of
"printf-debugging" in a few days.

the problem appears in an error-handler of my app ... and there are no
errors in/with the application ;-)

Thanx for the quick answer.


Am Montag 20 August 2007 um 19:30 Uhr schrieb Philipp von Weitershausen <[EMAIL 
> [...] 
> transaction.get().commit() should be completely equivalent to  
> transaction.commit(). The setSite(old_site) call doesn't look  
> necessary since the reference to the site is local to the thread.
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] z3c.form / TextLine-Schema in List-Schema

2007-09-02 Thread Markus Leist
Hi list,

z3c.form has a very generic, well approach - but at the moment it's to 
complicated to me.

I have an interface defined like:

100 osList = List (
101 title = _("operating systems"),
103 value_type = TextLine(
105 title = _("Operatingsystem"),
107 default = u"",
108 required = False),
109 required = False)
[originally from 
http://trac.ict-ok.org/browser/trunk/org/ict_ok/components/host/interfaces.py ]

when z3c.form will do his update, i'll get a

ComponentLookupError: (
 , u'')
[full trace on http://paste.lisp.org/display/47105 ]

ok, the problem is in getMultiAdapter() .. 
which does'n find the correct widget to render a TextLine into a 

(After hours of searching, i feel stupid ... but it's not rocket science, or?)

Where and how such a widget must be registered and implemented?

Does anyone have such an extension of the ze3.form-widgets or
can tell me a kind of skeleton for this approach?

Can we migrate code from zope.formlib to z3c.form?

Any help would be appreciated.

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form / TextLine-Schema in List-Schema

2007-09-03 Thread Markus Leist

i've tried out diffenrent parts of z3c.formdemo, but there is noch schema.List 
from schema.Textline
example in the demo.

when omitting the osList-attribute by:
> 109   fields = field.Fields(IHost).omit(*HostDetails.omit_editfields)
> [see 
> http://trac.ict-ok.org/browser/trunk/org/ict_ok/components/host/browser/host.py
>  ]
> with HostDetails.omit_editfields = ['osList']
z3c.form work great, so accordingly the request must be ok, right?

form registration is in line 44 of 

you can see my IFormLayer in
http://trac.ict-ok.org/browser/trunk/org/ict_ok/skin/interfaces.py line 27

the widget from z3c.form are "too sharp for me". I think, there is my problem.

Thanx so far


Am Montag 03 September 2007 um 10:39 Uhr schrieb Hermann Himmelbauer <[EMAIL 
> Am Sonntag, 2. September 2007 18:26 schrieb Markus Leist:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > z3c.form has a very generic, well approach - but at the moment it's to
> > complicated to me.
> >
> > I have an interface defined like:
> >
> > 100 osList = List (
> > 101 title = _("operating systems"),
> > 103 value_type = TextLine(
> > 105 title = _("Operatingsystem"),
> > 107 default = u"",
> > 108 required = False),
> > 109 required = False)
> > [originally from
> > http://trac.ict-ok.org/browser/trunk/org/ict_ok/components/host/interfaces.
> >py ]
> >
> > when z3c.form will do his update, i'll get a
> >
> > ComponentLookupError: (
> >   (,
> >,
> > > URL=http://localhost:8081/cc071bd954f8fd7b3fccf9fab2b1c7b58/add_host.html>)
> >, , u'')
> > [full trace on http://paste.lisp.org/display/47105 ]
> I think I know that one: Your request object hast to be marked with the 
> appropriate interface, in this case it's IFormLayer.
> I recommend you to have a decent look at z3c.formdemo.
> To sum my z3c.form-experience up: In the beginning it's quite hard and 
> complicated, although the documentation is good. One has to deeply understand 
> the component-based software design (Interfaces, Adapters etc.) and other 
> packages (e.g. pagelets). However it pays off later on, because other 
> alternatives (e.g. formlib) are too limiting for many use cases.
> Best Regards,
> Hermann

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form / TextLine-Schema in List-Schema

2007-09-03 Thread Markus Leist

some addition to my mail:

this is an object-instance from 
http://trac.ict-ok.org/browser/trunk/org/ict_ok/components/net/interfaces.py :
all works great

this is an object-instance from 
http://trac.ict-ok.org/browser/trunk/org/ict_ok/components/host/interfaces.py :
with the error:
> ComponentLookupError: ((, 
>  0x958d96c>,  URL=http://demo1.ict-ok.org/243cc85c808da990a939a4ae361c67a
> 12/c1c0f0290ac1034b761044ea233dbf9f7/edit.html>),  z3c.form.interfaces.IFieldWidget>, u'')
the error (with stacktrace) will be renderd in the web-page, too.

We can try out any idea on the test-site above:
login is: 'zope3', password 'zope3'   (valid on 2007-09-03)


ps. yes, z3c.form is great, but also complicated ..

Am Montag 03 September 2007 um 11:33 Uhr schrieb Markus Leist <[EMAIL 
> Hello,
> i've tried out diffenrent parts of z3c.formdemo, but there is noch 
> schema.List from schema.Textline
> example in the demo.
> when omitting the osList-attribute by:
> > 109 fields = 
> > field.Fields(IHost).omit(*HostDetails.omit_editfields)
> > [see 
> > http://trac.ict-ok.org/browser/trunk/org/ict_ok/components/host/browser/host.py
> >  ]
> > with HostDetails.omit_editfields = ['osList']
> z3c.form work great, so accordingly the request must be ok, right?
> form registration is in line 44 of 
> http://trac.ict-ok.org/browser/trunk/org/ict_ok/components/host/browser/configure.zcml
> you can see my IFormLayer in
> http://trac.ict-ok.org/browser/trunk/org/ict_ok/skin/interfaces.py line 27
> the widget from z3c.form are "too sharp for me". I think, there is my problem.
> Thanx so far
> Markus
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] most useful zope 3 libraries

2007-09-04 Thread Markus Leist

here the following modules/components are used (from my site.zcml):



this would be "my vote" ...


Am Dienstag 04 September 2007 um 04:43 Uhr schrieb "Carlos de la Guardia" 
> Hi,
> the other day I commented on my blog [1] about the lack of information on
> the Zope3 wiki about popular/important libraries or modules (I wanted to say
> products but I hear that's passé). Since I brought this up, I though the
> least I could do was to create a page about this myself, but I need help,
> because I'm just a Zope 3 beginner.
> Could some of you please mention your favorite or most useful libraries for
> Zope 3? I will research some of those mentioned and create a wiki page based
> on this information.
> Thanks a lot.
> Carlos de la Guardia
> [1]
> http://blog.delaguardia.com.mx/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=77&blogId=1

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] asynchronous events in Zope3 (was: crossbar switch for event)

2007-09-17 Thread Markus Leist
Hi all,

so let's be more concrete:

here is a first temporary freehand sketch of the 'event crossbar switch':

even more concrete for Obj1 and Obj3:
Obj1 should be an UPS.
the signal shoul be 'battery empty/shutdown now'
Obj3 should be a server.

The user can configure an additional short connect between Obj1 and Obj4. This
will shutdown Obj4 (e.g. another server) on next 'battery emplty'-event, too.

I'm working on this within the next few days - anybody additional ideas or 


e.g. an early definition of Obj1 will be: 

Am Dienstag 19 Juni 2007 um 23:30 Uhr schrieb Stephan Richter <[EMAIL 
> On Monday 18 June 2007 18:30, Markus Leist wrote:
> > When the registration of an event between the objects and
> > the utility is bidirectional, this utility is some kind of
> > "event crossbar switch" like
> >
> > obj 1   <-> <-> 0
> > obj 2   0   0   <->
> > obj 3   0   <-> 0
> > obj a   obj b   obj c
> >
> > which _dynamically_ can be configured through the web.
> > (some other aspects are routing, metric/priority, detection
> > of event cycle ...)
> >
> > Is there some piece of code? Any ideas?
> I really have no idea what you are talking about. You have not defined obj 1, 
> obj 2, obj 3. Also, what does "<->" mean?
> I think a very concrete example would be best.

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: AW: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form: ListWidget, ObjectWidget, and subform

2007-12-07 Thread Markus Leist



Am Samstag 08 Dezember 2007 um 04:53 Uhr schrieb "Roger Ineichen" <[EMAIL 
> Hi Stephan, Christophe
> > Betreff: Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form: ListWidget, 
> > ObjectWidget, and subform
> [...]
> > I think as the popularity of z3c.form increases, it would be 
> > very interesting to have a z3c.form sprint. Does someone want 
> > to volunteer organizing one?
> Yes, why not, I can organize one arround eastern next year in switzerland.
> Regards
> Roger Ineichen
> ___
> Zope3-users mailing list
> Zope3-users@zope.org
> http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope3-users

Zope3-users mailing list