[Zope3-Users] Weird behaviour of ViewPageTemplateFile()

2008-04-10 Thread Martin J. Laubach

  I just stumbled over something that utterly baffles me and hope
someone can point out the absolutely obvious to me.

  I've got a view defined in a configure.zcml that points to this  

class MyView(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
self.pt = ViewPageTemplateFile('empty.pt')
data = self.pt()
return data

  That works fine. However, I don't really need pt as instance  

so I turned it into a local variable:

class MyView(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
pt = ViewPageTemplateFile('empty.pt')
data = pt()
return data

  And that version throws an exception:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 119, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 42, in call_object
  Module mjl.example.browser.myform, line 31, in __call__
  Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 313, in __call__
  Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 348, in _bindAndExec
  Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 1, in ?
  Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 293, in  

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'other'

  Same if I just do the simpler "return ViewPageTemplateFile 

of course.

  I simply do not understand why, what or who does care how I name my
variables or where I put them? Please hit me hard with a cluebat. Twice.



Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Weird behaviour of ViewPageTemplateFile()

2008-04-10 Thread Martin J. Laubach

 class MyView(BrowserView):
 def __call__(self):
 pt = ViewPageTemplateFile('empty.pt')
 data = pt()
 return data

try this:

pt = ViewPageTemplateFile('empty.pt')
return pt(self)

  Nope, same result:

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'other'


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Weird behaviour of ViewPageTemplateFile()

2008-04-10 Thread Martin J . Laubach
> Well, it's called a *View*PageTemplate for a reason :-) If the  
file is

> really empty and you do not need to pass any arguments to it (view,
> context, request), use a plain PageTemplateFile

  No, of course it's not empty and it needs the parameters. Nor does
the view really look as trivial as the example. That was the minimal
test case for the behaviour I could come up with.

   I still don't understand how the naming / storage of a variable
holding the page template can influence the page rendering process.



Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Weird behaviour of ViewPageTemplateFile()

2008-04-10 Thread Martin J . Laubach

> ViewPageTemplate must be in the view's namespace, and it magically
> fishes out the view, view's context and request, and makes them
> available in the TAL namespace.

  Ah, so there _IS_ heavy magic involved here. Thanks for
clarifying that, I was already doubting my sanity!



Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Weird behaviour of ViewPageTemplateFile()

2008-04-10 Thread Martin J. Laubach

> ViewPageTemplate must be in the view's namespace, and it magically
> fishes out the view, view's context and request, and makes them
> available in the TAL namespace.

 Ah, so there _IS_ heavy magic involved here. Thanks for
clarifying that, I was already doubting my sanity!

This is exactly the same magic that methods use. ViewPageTemplateFiles
are, like functions, meant to be used as methods and to be bound to

  Okay, then this leads me to the strong suspicion that what I'm
(mis)using ViewPageTemplateFiles for is the wrong way to attack
the problem.

  What I'm doing is something along the lines of

class MyView(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
	pagename = somehow_compute_new_page_name(self.request,  

pt = ViewPageTemplateFile(pagename)
return pt.__get__(self, self.__class__)()

  but quite obviously, that's not how it's meant to be used, is it...
Perhaps I need a radically different approach?



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