Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form and subforms in an AddForm?

2007-07-06 Thread Matt Bowen

Hi again Hermann,

Thanks again for replying -- the part that perplexed me was that none of my
code was ever mentioned in the trackback -- I wasn't sure how I could be
causing zope to recurse at all.  It turned out that it couldn't find the
form code because z3c.formui's zcml files weren't copied in the package
includes directory, so zope kept falling back to my until it
threw a recursion exception. So it was related to a series of other install
errors (i didn't have macro installed correctly either, which is what causes
the initial recursion error; once macro went in, I started getting adapter
errors, which led me to check on formui, which wasn't in correctly either)
-- for some reason, when I easy_install Z3C packages, their .zcml files
don't end up in my zope skel directory. I finally figured our a bash command
to compare all the .zcml files I should have all the ones I actually had.

To avoid having such a goofy (and slightly embarrassing problem) in the
future, does anyone have any recommendations on a document about getting a
sane zope development environment setup? I thought it would be similar to
getting my Plone environments set up, but this is obviously a bit different,
and I'm no good at debugging the messages I get yet.

Thanks all,

On 7/6/07, Hermann Himmelbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am Freitag, 6. Juli 2007 03:14 schrieb Matt Bowen:
> Stephan and Hermann,
> maximum recursion depth exceeded

That is a good hint, so you're recursively calling something.

> > /opt/zope/zope- 3.4.0a1
> /lib/python/zope/tal/
> -> self.do_startTag(stuff, self.endsep, self.endlen)

I think I once had this, too, some time ago. The reason was something like

calling a function from the template, that again rendered the template,
calling the function again and so on, resulting in an endless recursion.

Best Regards,

GPG key ID: 299893C7 (on keyservers)
FP: 0124 2584 8809 EF2A DBF9  4902 64B4 D16B 2998 93C7

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form and subforms in an AddForm?

2007-07-05 Thread Matt Bowen

Stephan and Hermann,

Thank you both so much for all of your help; I can now display my object --
it turned out that my z3c.form had not put its configs in my
package-includes, so Stephan's #3 made my display work. Of course, I also
fixed some other things that you both suggested, so I know I had other
problems. Unfortunately, when I try to use either add or edit, I get the
following now:

for edit.html I get - - [05/Jul/2007:21:03:22 -0400] "GET
/++skin++MovingTargetBrowser/viewguy/edit.html HTTP/1.1" 500 201 "-"
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20070515
maximum recursion depth exceeded


-> self.do_startTag(stuff, self.endsep, self.endlen)

I pasted the full trackback for edit here:

For addNextAction.html, I get - - [05/Jul/2007:21:04:37 -0400] "GET
/++skin++MovingTargetBrowser/viewguy/edit.html HTTP/1.1" 500 201 "-"
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20070515
maximum recursion depth exceeded


-> return FasterStringIO()

I pasted the full traceback for add here:

The tracebacks are 1600+ lines long, so I'm having a little trouble working
my way through them to decipher my error, so if anyone has any idea what
I've done wrong or has seen anything similar, I'd be grateful to hear.

Thank you all for all the help you've already given.


On 7/4/07, Stephan Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wednesday 04 July 2007 12:59, Matt Bowen wrote:
>   File "/opt/zope/python2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/z3c.form-
> 1.3.0-py2.4.egg/z3c/form/", line 144, in __call__
> self.update()
>   File "/opt/zope/python2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/z3c.form-
> 1.3.0-py2.4.egg/z3c/form/", line 139, in update
> super(Form, self).update()
>   File "/opt/zope/python2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/z3c.form-
> 1.3.0-py2.4.egg/z3c/form/", line 88, in update
> self.updateWidgets()
>   File "/opt/zope/python2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/z3c.form-
> 1.3.0-py2.4.egg/z3c/form/", line 167, in updateWidgets
> self.widgets = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
>   File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/zope/component/", line
> 103, in getMultiAdapter
> raise ComponentLookupError(objects, interface, name)
> zope.component.interfaces.ComponentLookupError: ((<
> z3c.pagelet.zcml.NextActionAddForm object at 0x2b69896b4850>, <
> zope.publisher.browser.BrowserRequest instance URL=
> http://localhost:9080/++skin++MovingTargetBrowser/addNextAction.html>, <
> object at 0x2b69896eb0c8>),
 z3c.form.interfaces.IWidgets>, u'')

This error tells you that the "widget manager" (implementing ``IWidgets``)
cannot be found for your (form, request, context) discriminator. This can
really just mean one of the following three things:

1. Your skin "MovingTargetBrowser" does *not* inherit from the
skin. Can you show us your skin definition in Python and the registration

2. Your form does not provide ``IFieldsForm``. What does the following

  >>> from z3c.form import interfaces
  >>> interfaces.IFieldsForm.providedBy(form)

  Can you paste your form Python code and the registration?

3. You did not hook up the ZCML files of z3c.form? Are you sure
z3c/form/configure.zcml is loaded? This can be checked by causing a syntax
error in that file and see whether the startup also breaks.

> I keep reading over the .txt files in z3c.form, and I feel like I may be
> missing some line. Do I need a datamanager? My schema is pretty
> straightforward:

No, the data manager and everything else is defined for the common case
are having.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Thinking about blog entry structure

2007-07-05 Thread Matt Bowen

Hi Florian,

I know that the larger sites (e.g., blogger) use

If you expect to support really, really active sites you may want to add
Days in there so that it's slightly easier to find an entry. You may also
want to support supplemental URLs, such as root/category/NAME so that people
can find all of the posts in a given tag easily. I know that lifehacker does
something similar.

Just as a side note, you should use dashes instead of underscores to
separate words in the titles; Google interprets the dash as a space and the
underscore as a hyphen (backwards, I know)  -- see

Good luck!

On 7/5/07, Florian Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm currently rethinking my Blog's structure for saving entries.
At the moment I use a flat structure with all entries represented by an
instance. The naming scheme is like 2007_07_05_Title_of_entry example: [1]

But that is not something I really like and I think it will be
for large blogs.

What would you suggest as an organization?

Something like 2007/05/Title or even 2007/05/13/Title?

Thanks for ideas!


Zope3-users mailing list

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form and subforms in an AddForm?

2007-07-04 Thread Matt Bowen

Hi again,

I now have all three forms giving me the component lookup error -- as you
sugguested, I changed zope.ManageContent to zope.Public; I'd rather have one
problem at a time. I also have a full traceback, because I realized that I
didn't include one last night:

((, <
zope.publisher.browser.BrowserRequest instance URL=
http://localhost:9080/++skin++MovingTargetBrowser/addNextAction.html>, < object at 0x2b69896eb0c8>), , u'')


-> raise ComponentLookupError(objects, interface, name)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/opt/zope/python2.4//lib/python2.4/", line 422, in run
   self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
 File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/twisted/python/",
line 148, in _worker, function, *args, **kwargs)
 File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/twisted/python/", line
59, in callWithContext
   return self.currentContext().callWithContext(ctx, func, *args, **kw)
 File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/twisted/python/", line
37, in callWithContext
   return func(*args,**kw)
---  ---
 File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/twisted/web2/", line 198,
in run
   result = self.application(self.environment, self.startWSGIResponse)
 File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/zope/app/wsgi/", line
72, in __call__
   return app.__call__(environ, start_response)
 File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/zope/app/wsgi/", line
54, in __call__
   request = publish(request, handle_errors=handle_errors)
 File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/zope/publisher/", line
133, in publish
   result = publication.callObject(request, obj)
line 161, in callObject
   return mapply(ob, request.getPositionalArguments(), request)
 File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/zope/publisher/", line
108, in mapply
   return debug_call(obj, args)
 File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/zope/publisher/", line
114, in debug_call
   return obj(*args)
 File "/opt/zope/python2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/z3c.form-
1.3.0-py2.4.egg/z3c/form/", line 144, in __call__
 File "/opt/zope/python2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/z3c.form-
1.3.0-py2.4.egg/z3c/form/", line 139, in update
   super(Form, self).update()
 File "/opt/zope/python2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/z3c.form-
1.3.0-py2.4.egg/z3c/form/", line 88, in update
 File "/opt/zope/python2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/z3c.form-
1.3.0-py2.4.egg/z3c/form/", line 167, in updateWidgets
   self.widgets = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
 File "/opt/zope/zope-3.4.0a1/lib/python/zope/component/", line 103,
in getMultiAdapter
   raise ComponentLookupError(objects, interface, name)
zope.component.interfaces.ComponentLookupError: ((<
z3c.pagelet.zcml.NextActionAddForm object at 0x2b69896b4850>, <
zope.publisher.browser.BrowserRequest instance URL=
http://localhost:9080/++skin++MovingTargetBrowser/addNextAction.html>, < object at 0x2b69896eb0c8>), , u'')

I keep reading over the .txt files in z3c.form, and I feel like I may be
missing some line. Do I need a datamanager? My schema is pretty

from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.schema import Bool, Text, Datetime, TextLine

class INextAction(Interface):
   """Stores next actions, or the next physical
   thing a person can do for a project"""

   id = TextLine(

   description = Text(
   title = u"Description",
   description = u"What is the next things you can physically do?",
   required = True

   done = Bool(
   title = u"Done?",
   description = u"Is this Next Action complete?",
   required = False

   due = Datetime(
   title = u"Due date.",
   description = u"When must this action be complete?",
   required = False

Thanks again for all the advice; I feel like I'm making a little more
progress now :)


On 7/4/07, Hermann Himmelbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007 00:33 schrieb Matt Bowen:
> That was not at all a silly question! That got me a little closer -- I
> new enough not to have understood that i needed the ++skin++. Now,
> of a 404 page, I get the following when I try to display my object:
> 1

Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form and subforms in an AddForm?

2007-07-03 Thread Matt Bowen

That was not at all a silly question! That got me a little closer -- I am
new enough not to have understood that i needed the ++skin++. Now, instead
of a 404 page, I get the following when I try to display my object: - - [03/Jul/2007:18:26:54 -0400] "GET
/++skin++MovingTargetBrowser/viewguy/ HTTP/1.1" 500 131 "-" "Mozilla/5.0
(X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20070515
((, <
zope.publisher.browser.BrowserRequest instance URL=
http://localhost:9080/++skin++MovingTargetBrowser/viewguy/index.html>, <
movingtarget.nextaction.NextAction object at 0x2adbcf6cd2a8>),
, u'')


-> raise ComponentLookupError(objects, interface, name)

And for edit, I get this: - - [03/Jul/2007:18:30:30 -0400] "GET
/++skin++MovingTargetBrowser/viewguy/ HTTP/1.1" 500 201 "-" "Mozilla/5.0
(X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20070515
'browserDefault', 'zope.ManageContent')


-> return ob.browserDefault(request)

viewguy is what I called MyNextActionObject. I'm not exactly sure what the
error first error means, but at least it's something. The second one has to
do with permissions, which I may be able to figure out yet. Thank you!


On 7/3/07, Hermann Himmelbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am Dienstag, 3. Juli 2007 14:57 schrieb Matt Bowen:
> Hi Stephen
> I'm in the same place as Hermann -- I've followed formdemo's message
> package as closely as I can and made an object in debug mode, but when I
> try to view or edit it, zope says it can't find index.html or edit.html.
> some point I realized that I was retyping code I had previously deleted
> was thus going in circles, so any help would be deeply appreciated. I'll
> admit now that I'm pretty new to zope 3 and am trying to work both from
> your examples and doctests and Philipp's book, so I may be muddled in
> than one place.
> On 6/19/07, Stephan Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Are you sure your skin has the correct layer in it? Have you looked at
> > the Hello World example in z3c.formdemo?
> Could you explain this a little more? I have declared a layer as

> class IMovingTargetBrowserLayer(IFormLayer, IPageletBrowserLayer):
> """The moving target browser skin layer"""
> and registered it:
>  interface="movingtarget.layer.IMovingTargetBrowserLayer"
>   type="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserSkinType"
>   name="MovingTargetLayer"
> />
> Then I have a browser skin:
> from z3c.formui import interfaces
> from movingtarget.layer import IMovingTargetBrowserLayer
> class IMovingTargetBrowserSkin(interfaces.IDivFormLayer,
> IMovingTargetBrowserLayer):
> """The Moving Target Browser skin"""
> which I register:
>  interface=""
>   type="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserSkinType"
>   name="MovingTargetBrowser"
>   />

Hmmm, silly question: Are you including the ++skin++ attribute in the URL?
in your case it should be something like:



GPG key ID: 299893C7 (on keyservers)
FP: 0124 2584 8809 EF2A DBF9  4902 64B4 D16B 2998 93C7

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form and subforms in an AddForm?

2007-07-03 Thread Matt Bowen

Hi Stephen

I'm in the same place as Hermann -- I've followed formdemo's message package
as closely as I can and made an object in debug mode, but when I try to view
or edit it, zope says it can't find index.html or edit.html. At some point I
realized that I was retyping code I had previously deleted and was thus
going in circles, so any help would be deeply appreciated. I'll admit now
that I'm pretty new to zope 3 and am trying to work both from your examples
and doctests and Philipp's book, so I may be muddled in more than one place.

On 6/19/07, Stephan Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are you sure your skin has the correct layer in it? Have you looked at the
Hello World example in z3c.formdemo?

Could you explain this a little more? I have declared a layer as follows:

from z3c.form.interfaces import IFormLayer
from z3c.layer.pagelet import IPageletBrowserLayer

class IMovingTargetBrowserLayer(IFormLayer, IPageletBrowserLayer):
   """The moving target browser skin layer"""

and registered it:

Then I have a browser skin:

from z3c.formui import interfaces
from movingtarget.layer import IMovingTargetBrowserLayer

class IMovingTargetBrowserSkin(interfaces.IDivFormLayer,
   """The Moving Target Browser skin"""

which I register:



I have very simple edit and display classes:

class NextActionEditForm(form.EditForm, layout.FormLayoutSupport):
   """A simple edit form for Next Actions"""
   label = u"Next Action Edit Form"
   fields = field.Fields(INextAction)

class NextActionDisplayForm(form.DisplayForm, layout.FormLayoutSupport):
   """The display form for NextActions"""
   fields = field.Fields(INextAction)

which I *think* I've registered edit and displays view with the following:




But when I click on the name of my interpreter-made object, I get a 404.
Anything obvious I'm missing?

Thank you,
Zope3-users mailing list