[Zope3-Users] Sqlalchemy and Zope3?

2006-02-05 Thread Wade Leftwich
Is anybody using Sqlalchemy (http://www.sqlalchemy.org/) with Z3? If so,
any tips /examples to share?

I'm building a semi-complicated MySQL database using sqlalchemy for a
non-web application. Now, halfway through, we're saying You know, a web
interface would really be nice here ... surprise!

Any advice or useful links on Z3 with sqlalchemy in particular or rdb
integration in general will be much appreciated.

-- Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-01 Thread Wade Leftwich
Guido van Rossum is looking for a web app framework.


Zope is conspicuous by its absence from the discussion. Hardly a
mention, and no advocacy at all.  Is Zope just too heavyweight for the
project he has in mind? Or what?

-- Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] macros from ZPT

2006-01-16 Thread Wade Leftwich
John Smith wrote:
 Dear All,
 Does anyone know if it is possible to access macros
 defined in a TTW ZPT from a file-system based view

I don't know about macros, but a few months ago I did work out a basic
way to use a TTW ZPT with a view class. Just in case it can help you out:


-- Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] MySQL

2006-01-12 Thread Wade Leftwich
David Johnson wrote:
 I recently tried to add the MySQL Package. I’m not sure if this is the
 proper list for this question.
 I added the package according to:

 When I go into my zope instance (/home/djohnson/zope3-instance):
ImportError: No module named MySQLdb
 What am I missing?
Sounds like you're missing the MySQLdb module. The Zope MySQL package
relies on this module already being present. You can get it at

-- Wade
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] More MySQL

2006-01-12 Thread Wade Leftwich
David Johnson wrote:
 Thanks to everyone for the MySQL assistance.  We use Debian and I just
 installed the python-mysqlda (seems obvious in retrospect).
 In any case, after I install the python adapater, I get the following
 when starting zope:
 ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'menu', ImportError: Couldn't
 import add_connection, No module named add_connection)


I'm pretty sure the Debian python-mysqlda package is specific to Zope 2.

I use Ubuntu (derived from Debian), and while I appreciate Brian
Sutherland's fine work to provide a Debian package for Zope 3, I have
found it quite easy to download  the Zope 3 source from zope.org, build
it and install it in its own directory. If you do that, you will have an
installation like that of most everybody on this list, so good advice
will be easier to come by.

It's been a few months since I played with MySQL in Zope 3, but it did work.

-- Wade Leftwich
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] How come no IView?

2006-01-01 Thread Wade Leftwich
Since Zope 3 is all about being self-documenting and discoverable, it
seems odd that something as central as a View has the implicit
attributes 'context' and 'request'. Is there an architectural reason
that we don't say that a View class implements an IView interface that
gives the names of the expected attributes?

If this question is hopelessly naive, please be gentle.

-- Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] How come no IView?

2006-01-01 Thread Wade Leftwich
Chris McDonough wrote:
 It will probably not comfort you that the concept of a view (at  least
 by that name) is going to disappear sometime post-3.2.
 I hope I explain this properly; here goes.
 A view is a registration for a named multiadapter.  The thing that  is
 registered (the view) adapts two objects that implement  interfaces to
 a different interface.  Part of what makes a view a  view is that
 it's registered to accept two objects in its factory:  a content object
 and a request object.  Another kind of named  multiadapter might
 accept three, four, or five objects in its  factory.  A view happens to
 accept two, and only by convention are  these two objects that are
 context and request objects.
 When you look up a view, the two objects you pass to  getView
 (context and request) conventionally implement,  respectively,
 IBrowserRequest and a content class interface.
 There is a class registered to adapt them to a marker interface 
 (zope.Interface).  So when a view is looked up like this:
 from zapi import getView
 from zope.interface import Interface
 from zope.interface import implements
 from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
 class IContent(Interface):
 class Content(object):
 content = Content()
 class Request(object):
 request = Request()
 getView(content, u'index.html', request)
 ... under the hood the lookup is translated to:
 getMultiAdapter((content, request), Interface, name=u'index.html')
 ... and you get back a view class instance.  The view class  constructor
 is passed content and request in its constructor  because that's
 what getMultiAdapter is wired to do.  If you were  adapting more than
 two, the class constructor would be passed three,  or four, etc.
 This is because the registration of a view class (when it happens via 
 ZCML) is essentially:
 from zope.component import registerAdapter
 class SomeView(object):
 def __init__(self, context, request):
 self.context = context
 self.request = requests
 registerAdapter(SomeView, (IContent, IBrowserRequest), Interface, 
 The concept of a view is purely convention.  getView is actually 
 deprecated in the trunk at least, as a result.  I don't know if that 
 makes anything clearer but I for one welcome our new simplification 

Thanks Chris, that actually does make things clearer. As a Z3 beginner,
longtime Z2 user (ZPTs, scripts, ZSQL), and corporate developer who is
trying to promote Z3 in-house, I am all for the current  trend toward
simplification, especially of ZCML

It seems like view class is a useful concept that gets talked about a
lot. We're not going to have to start saying named multiadapter for
content and request, are we?

-- Wade

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Confused by ITraversable

2005-12-31 Thread Wade Leftwich
I guess I don't understand traversal at all.

I am trying to come up with the simplest possible class to exercise the
ITraversable interface. Here's what I have:

from zope.interface import implements
from zope.app.traversing.interfaces import ITraversable

class TravTestFlag(Exception):
Raise this flag when traverse() method gets called

class TravTest(object):
def traverse(self, name, furtherPath):
raise TravTestFlag(traverse got called in TravTest with name
%s, furtherPath %s % (name, furtherPath))

I hook it up to the ZMI with this configure.zcml:


  title=Traversal Demo


I create a TravTest object in my root folder with ID 'tt'.
Then I browse http://localhost:8080/tt/1/2/3. I get a stock 404 error,
which I guess means that TraversalError is getting raised someplace
besides inside my traverse() method. I really expected to see a

Any hints appreciated.

-- Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Specialized URL traversal.. Best way?

2005-12-30 Thread Wade Leftwich
Jeff Shell wrote:
 I was wondering - is this the best way to do this? Is there a better
 recipe floating around out there? I appreciate Zope's direct-to-object
 URL publishing (been using it since '97!), but custom URL maps past a
 certain object like a view seem to be quite tricky, whereas Django and
 generic toolkits like Routes are specializing in ways of managing
 custom URL maps. I know there are a few places where one can take over
 this process, but it's not obvious when and how to use them, or which
 to use. BeforeTraversal event? publishTraverse? ITraversable?
 ITraversing? Ultimately I'd like to put a couple of views into the
 root of my app that can do something akin to Django's url_dispatch:
 where a set of patterns and a name are used to allow for various
 dynamic queries. The name would be used to look up a component to
 respond to the matched items in the path. It wouldn't interfere with
 any other traversal (ie - wouldn't replace the default way of doing
 it). Doing it from a browser view seems safest, since this is almost
 exclusively about keeping nice URLs for web browsing. I just want to
 know the best place to plug in.

I don't have an answer, but I am also hoping to get some advice on the
best way to get what in a Z2 PythonScript is called 'traverse_subpath'.

 Chris Withers and I were both asking about this back on Dec 15 in the
What's the rationale of @@? thread
but I didn't see an answer. Still haven't figured it out for myself,
still hoping for some help.

-- Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] ZCML, practicality, purity (was Excellent perspective...)

2005-12-22 Thread Wade Leftwich
Shane Hathaway wrote:

 I have a bunch of coworkers who have coded in Java for a long time and
 are ready to branch out.  They're trying out Python, Ruby, C#, etc. They
 want to develop web applications quickly while preserving
 maintainability.  I think the best way for them to do that is to use
 Zope 3.
 Unfortunately, other frameworks like RoR have a big marketing advantage
 over Zope 3 in that they don't use XML configuration files.  That is the
 one of the major features that attract developers to the new frameworks.
  Even if Zope 3 is technically right to use ZCML, I find it hard to
 convince people to try yet another XML configuration format, especially
 since I've had a lot of trouble with ZCML myself.
 So it's very refreshing to see Zope 3 without ZCML.  I hope the trend

I know that ZCML has been thoroughly debated, and I am a newcomer to
Zope 3 (though a longtime user of Zope 2 at the scripting level). But
practicality beats purity is a good maxim for business decisions as
well as for programming, and marketing requires some business decisions.

If ZCML (a/k/a The Right Way) is keeping fairly smart developers from
trying Z3, then maybe we need an alternative (a/k/a What People Think
They Want).

Would it make sense to publish a recommended way to configure Z3 apps
completely via Python? Just for people who can't get past ZCML?

-- Wade

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Excellent perspectives on Component Architecture by Jeff Shell

2005-12-21 Thread Wade Leftwich
Jeff Shell has written a couple of really good essays in his weblog:

I haven't seen these posts mentioned on this mailing list yet, and they
have been super helpful to me, so I hope it's ok with Jeff that I draw
attention to them.

Jeff's essays have really helped me get a handle on how it all fits
together (over and above both very good Z3 books). They are also very
useful in discussions with my coworkers and a semi-technical manager,
who keep asking Why don't we do it in [Django|TurboGears|RoR|PHP]?

-- Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Help us! Calling a Python Script from ZPT

2005-10-31 Thread Wade Leftwich

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

Wade Leftwich wrote:

Stephan Richter wrote:

Why not have those templates on the file system? Is there a need for
users to modify those templates?

Yes, users with the job description web producers, which is to say
people who can do HTML and a bit of scripting, but who do not get
access to the file system. Kind of like the Zope 2 model. We even use

Also, it seemed to me unwieldy to put 50 directories in the filesystem
to contain the templates for all the sites. But because of my
experience with Zope 2, I assumed TTW was the best way to customize
the application for each site, and I guess I should re-examine that

there is indeed such a category of users, i.e. somewhere between
filesystem developers and application users. There will be support for
this kind of TTW editing in cpsskins (cf Custom Portlet), but it will be
purely limited to simple presentation  logic.

cf. http://www.z3lab.org/sections/front-page/design-features/custom-portlet

the difference with the Zope2 model I think is that web producers are
not going to be ZPT programmers, but more like site composers with the
ability to do minimal TTW template editing such as shown in the animation.


Yes, that's the kind of user I'm talking about, and the Custom Portlet 
tool looks really good. Cool animation, too. I've been planning to check 
out the Z3ECM project, but am trying to get a better grasp of Zope 3 
itself first.

-- Wade Leftwich

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Help us! Calling a Python Script from ZPT

2005-10-30 Thread Wade Leftwich

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Saturday 29 October 2005 20:50, Wade Leftwich wrote:

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Saturday 29 October 2005 11:35, Paolo Cilmo wrote:

I need to develop a site
using ZMI (Zope2 typical using) and especially i want
to develop this applications:

We do not support TTW development.

1- I've a package with a class and into the class a
2- with browser:addMenuItem in zcml i can insert a
package into zmi from add menu
3- I've a Page Template into ZMI
ASK: how i call from the Page Template the script,
passig parameters and to have a response from script?

Why do you need to have this Page Template in ZMI? Why not on the file

I'm working on an application where Page Templates belong in the ZMI, at
least I think so. The content being displayed is a business directory,
with suppliers, products, and categories for those products. We will be
implementing 50 different directories, with the same basic content
structure but very different designs. Each of those directories will use
5 or 6 page templates, which go in the ZMI.

Why not have those templates on the file system? Is there a need for users to 
modify those templates?

Yes, users with the job description web producers, which is to say 
people who can do HTML and a bit of scripting, but who do not get access 
to the file system. Kind of like the Zope 2 model. We even use acquisition.

Also, it seemed to me unwieldy to put 50 directories in the filesystem 
to contain the templates for all the sites. But because of my experience 
with Zope 2, I assumed TTW was the best way to customize the application 
for each site, and I guess I should re-examine that assumption.

It seems like this is a common pattern for content management applications.

Maybe, I don't know.

Repeating my own posting from 10/9, here's how I made an adapter
to use a file system view with a ZMI template:

Again, we do not support TTW development. If you do such experiments that's 
great, but you cannot expect much help.

Well, my project is  _mostly_ filesystem, and only _partly_ TTW. But OK, 
I won't expect much help.



Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Help us! Calling a Python Script from ZPT

2005-10-29 Thread Wade Leftwich

Stephan Richter wrote:

On Saturday 29 October 2005 11:35, Paolo Cilmo wrote:

I need to develop a site
using ZMI (Zope2 typical using) and especially i want
to develop this applications:

We do not support TTW development.

1- I've a package with a class and into the class a
2- with browser:addMenuItem in zcml i can insert a
package into zmi from add menu
3- I've a Page Template into ZMI
ASK: how i call from the Page Template the script,
passig parameters and to have a response from script?

Why do you need to have this Page Template in ZMI? Why not on the file system?

I'm working on an application where Page Templates belong in the ZMI, at 
least I think so. The content being displayed is a business directory, 
with suppliers, products, and categories for those products. We will be 
implementing 50 different directories, with the same basic content 
structure but very different designs. Each of those directories will use 
5 or 6 page templates, which go in the ZMI.

It seems like this is a common pattern for content management applications.

Repeating my own posting from 10/9, here's how I made an adapter
to use a file system view with a ZMI template:

class ZPTViewAdapter(ZPTPage):
Adapt a ZPTPage instance to set up its namespace
like zope.app.pagetemplate.viewpagetemplatefile.ViewPageTemplateFile,
so it can be called by a View Class.


def __init__(self, ob):
self.ob = ob

def pt_getContext(self, instance, request, **kw):
instance is a View component
namespace = super(ZPTViewAdapter, self).pt_getContext(instance, 
request, **kw)

namespace['nothing'] = None
namespace['template'] = self.ob
namespace['container'] = self.ob.__parent__
namespace['request'] = request
namespace['view'] = instance
namespace['context'] = context = instance.context
namespace['views'] = ViewMapper(context, request)
namespace['options'] = kw
print 'ZPTPage namespace', namespace.keys()
return namespace

def __call__(self, instance, *args, **keywords):
namespace = self.pt_getContext(
instance=instance, args=args, options=keywords)
debug_flags = instance.request.debug
s = self.ob.pt_render(
showtal=getattr(debug_flags, 'showTAL', 0),
sourceAnnotations=getattr(debug_flags, 'sourceAnnotations', 0),
response = instance.request.response
if not response.getHeader(Content-Type):
response.setHeader(Content-Type, self.ob.content_type)
return s

# View class that uses the adapter

class MessageView(object):
A webpage saying hello

def message(self):
return '%s %s!' % (self.context.greeting, self.context.subject)

class KustomView(MessageView):
Pick up a template from parent container if available;
if not, use the filebased one.

def __call__(self):
template = self.context.__parent__.get('kustom.pt')
if template is not None:
template = getAdapter(template, IPageTemplateSubclassing, 

template = ViewPageTemplateFile('stock.pt')

return template(self)


-- Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Using a ZPTPage with a View Class

2005-10-09 Thread Wade Leftwich


I'm doing a project where different instances of the same content type 
might need different templates. All the instances in a given folder will 
share a template. The manager of the site should be able to change the 
template through the ZMI. I want the TTW templates to have the same 
namespace keys as a ViewPageTemplateFile, so they can be used 
interchangeably by a View Class.

What I have done for a first cut is make an adapter for ZPTPage = 
ViewPageTemplateFile. (See below.) The two Template classes actually 
implement the same interface, but the namespace available to TALES 
within the template is quite different.

My general question is, is this a reasonable way to proceed? It works OK 
 with Benji York's Hello World example; in particular the 'view' and 
'context' namespaces seem to be complete. But Hello World doesn't 
exercise the code much. Is there another pattern I should be using 
instead? Have I overlooked a perfectly good solution that's already out 

Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY

# View class that uses the adapter

class MessageView(object):
A webpage saying hello

def message(self):
return '%s %s!' % (self.context.greeting, self.context.subject)

class KustomView(MessageView):
Pick up a template from parent container if available;
if not, use the filebased one.

def __call__(self):
template = self.context.__parent__.get('kustom.pt')
if template is not None:
template = getAdapter(template, IPageTemplateSubclassing, 

template = ViewPageTemplateFile('stock.pt')

return template(self)

# The adapter

class ZPTViewAdapter(ZPTPage):
Adapt a ZPTPage instance to set up its namespace
like zope.app.pagetemplate.viewpagetemplatefile.ViewPageTemplateFile,
so it can be called by a View Class.


def __init__(self, ob):
self.ob = ob

def pt_getContext(self, instance, request, **kw):
instance is a View component
namespace = super(ZPTViewAdapter, self).pt_getContext(instance, 
request, **kw)

namespace['nothing'] = None
namespace['template'] = self.ob
namespace['container'] = self.ob.__parent__
namespace['request'] = request
namespace['view'] = instance
namespace['context'] = context = instance.context
namespace['views'] = ViewMapper(context, request)
namespace['options'] = kw
print 'ZPTPage namespace', namespace.keys()
return namespace

def __call__(self, instance, *args, **keywords):
namespace = self.pt_getContext(
instance=instance, args=args, options=keywords)
debug_flags = instance.request.debug
s = self.ob.pt_render(
showtal=getattr(debug_flags, 'showTAL', 0),
sourceAnnotations=getattr(debug_flags, 'sourceAnnotations', 0),
response = instance.request.response
if not response.getHeader(Content-Type):
response.setHeader(Content-Type, self.ob.content_type)
return s
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