[Zope3-Users] How do I get the value of security proxied attributes from a view template

2007-08-24 Thread Yuan HOng
Hi, list,

I am just trying to migrate a existing application from Zope2 to
Zope3, and had to feel around for my ways to do things correctly.

I have following view.pt snippet:

Item Name

The template is registered like this:

What I get is output looking this:


specification: 720x370x630mm


What does the last line mean? How can I get the numeric value for the
item's price? I defined the three attributes of the item identically,
why only the price is security proxied? Following is the interface

class IItem(ISQLAlchemyObjectContained):
"""Information about an item"""

item_name = zope.schema.TextLine(
title=_(u'Item Name'),
description=_(u'Name of the item'),

specification = zope.schema.TextLine(
title=_(u'Item Specification'),
description=_(u'Specification of the item'),

sales_price = zope.schema.Float(
title=_(u'Sales Price'),
description=_(u'Sales price of the item'),

For your information, I am using z3c.zalchemy to retrieve the item
object from RDB. Has it anything to do with the security proxy?

Best Regards,

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Database authentication service

2007-08-24 Thread Yuan HOng
Hi, everyone,

This must be novice question:

Is there a package providing relational database based authentication
service for zope 3 already lying around somewhere or do I have write

And how does one connect a login form with the authentication service?
In Zope 2 one can have lots products to choose from, like exUserFolder
and CookieCrumbler etc. How does one do this with Zope 3?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] How do I get the value of security proxied attributes from a view template

2007-08-25 Thread Yuan HOng
On 8/24/07, Andreas Reuleaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
> price=removeSecurityProxy(proxiedPrice)

Yes, it works fine. Thanks.

However it would mean that I have to add a view class to all my
objects which contains a decimal attribute, and add
removeSecurityProxy to all decimal attributes that I wish to present
through the web? That would be too much unnecessary duplicate code,
since I am trying to build a web shop with Zope3, in which the decimal
type is almost everywhere.

I read in several places that the Security Proxy is supposed only to
wrap mutable objects. Integer and float for example shall not to be
proxied. But a decimal.Decimal is also immutable,  why is it  wrapped

Is there an easier way to go around this, like to tell security proxy
not to wrap all decimal objects?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] How

2007-08-25 Thread Yuan HOng
Hi, everyone:

In my page template, I would like to show one message if the request
is authenticated, and other if the user has not logged in.

Is there a simple test I can use in the template file like?

Please Log In
Hello Mr. XXX

Similiar thing used to work with Zope2. But with Zope3, request only
has an attribute 'principal', which will return a

I have seen code doing verification in the view class like this:

if (not IUnauthenticatedPrincipal.providedBy(request.principal):

But surely there will be a much simpler way to do this?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] How is ++debug++tal supposed to work?

2007-08-26 Thread Yuan HOng
Hi, everyone

In the book "Web Component Development with Zope 3", it is mentioned
that one can use the URL adapter ++debug++tal to show the tal tags
besides the rendered page, provided the devmod is turned on.

But how is this working exactly? For I can not see the URL adapter
taking any effects.

I have for example a simple test page test.html:


And I am accessing it like this:
http://localhost:9673/++debug+tal/test.html. But the result is the
exactly the same as when I access http://localhost:9673/test.html.

The same goes with ++debug++source.

I wonder whether I have misunderstood the function of these two URL adapters?

Best Regards

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] How to assign a role or permission to users programatically?

2007-09-03 Thread Yuan HOng
Dear list,

I have written a custom authenticator plugin to authenticate users
against a Postgres database. The question is, once a user is
authenticated, what role or permission does she/he get?

If I would like to give the permission 'site.MemberPermission' to all
users when they log in. I don't want to store the permission a a
persistent folder like object, but just assign them on the fly when
the log in.

what shall I do?

Thanks for helping.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Problem with z3c.form security when rendering error

2007-09-20 Thread Yuan HOng
HI, list:

I am new to z3c.form. In my first AddForm, I encountered the following problem:

When the form is submitted which contains some input error, like
missing required fields, the rendering of the error message causes an
system error. The traceback:

line 68, in __call__
line 164, in traversePathElement
return traversable.traverse(nm, further_path)
   - __traceback_info__: (, 'widget')
line 52, in traverse
raise TraversalError(subject, name)
   - __traceback_info__: (, 'widget', [])
TraversalError: (, 'widget')

After a little debugging, I was able to find that the chain leading to
the error is as follows:

1. div-form.pt in the z3c.formui package contains the following error



Error Type

error/widget is accessed here, with error being an ErrorViewSnippet object.

2. The ErrorViewSnipped is created in field.py using:

  view = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
  (error, self.request, widget, widget.field,
   self.form, self.content), interfaces.IErrorViewSnippet)

As in my application, self.content is a custom ISite folder, which is
security proxied, the getMultiAdapter method returns a security
proxied ErrorViewSnippet object.

3. Access to ErrorViewSnippet is defined in z3c.form/configure.zcml as:


The IErrorViewSnippet interface contains only 3 attributes: error,
update, render. Those are accessible to everyone. But there is no
security declaration for the 'widget' attribute, so access to it is

(Pdb) snippet

(Pdb) type(snippet)

(Pdb) from zope.security.proxy import getChecker
(Pdb) getChecker(snippet).get_permissions
{'update': Global(CheckerPublic,zope.security.checker), 'render':
Global(CheckerPublic,zope.security.checker), 'error':
(Pdb) from zope.security import canAccess
(Pdb) canAccess(snippet, 'widget')
*** ForbiddenAttribute: ('widget', )

So it seems the default z3c.form security declaration only allows
access to 'update', 'error' and 'render' attributes of an
ErrorViewSnippet object. I tried to work this around the by adding the
'widget' attribute to the IErrorViewSnippet interface and the system
error is no longer raised. However, this time, another exception is
raised saying the 'label' property of the widget is not accessible.

How can I setup my security properly to use z3c.form smoothly?
Shouldn't 'widget'  not be in IErrorViewSnippet since it is evidently
externally used in the rendering template?

Thanks for suggestions.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] zopeproject Exception debugging

2007-09-20 Thread Yuan HOng

In the 'Debugging' section of zopeproject's project page, the
following is mentioned for the ajax based exception debugging:

When you now repeat the steps that led to the exception, you will see
the relevant traceback in your browser, along with the ability to view
the corresponding source code and to issue Python commands for

However, after an exception, I can only see the traceback and code
segments displayed in the browser. How can I issue Python commands for
further inspection?


Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Several points about z3c.form internationalization

2007-09-21 Thread Yuan HOng
Hi, list

I stumbled upon several problems with i18n of z3c.form and z3c.formui
and would like to have advice from the more experienced.

1. I have a schema field:

gender = Choice(
values=(_(u'male'), _(u'female')),

When rendered, the choice 'male' and 'female' are not translated
though they are defined in the catalog. Why is that?

2. In the form heading there is a lengend for the required filed indicator:

* - required

The code in div-form.pt is not internationalized:

 – required

I tried a modification as this:

 – required

But it doesn't seem to work. Using ++lang++test, the string 'required'
is not marked as translatable. Only after I specify the translation
domain of my application did it show up as translatable:


Since in my main layout template I have already specified my
translation domain, I expect it to be inherited in div-form.pt since
this template doesn't sepcifiy it's own translation domain.

How to mark this piece of text translatable? And in which domain shall
I do the translation?

Best Regards

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Does zope cache authentication?

2007-09-22 Thread Yuan HOng

I have written a custom authenticator in my application to
authenticate a login against a PostgreSQL database. In the site I have
configured a PAU with a session credentials plugin and my custom
authenticator plugin.

I found out that with configuration, EVERY browser request is
triggering my custom authenticator, which means a query of the
database. I'd rather expect only the first login will send a database
request, and before one logs out, subsequent requests will no longer
be authenticated.

Does the PAU have a mechanism to cache the authentication before the
user is logged out? Otherwise the authentication would be a highly
inefficient process.


Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Does zope cache authentication?

2007-09-23 Thread Yuan HOng
Thanks for clarifying this.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] How to register multiple view for the same content class

2007-09-28 Thread Yuan HOng

I thought this would be a simple case for Zope3, but after one whole
day I am not able to find a clean solution. Must be missing something.

Suppose I have a BookShelf  which contains lots of Books. The view for
BookShelf will show a list of Books contained in the shelf, and when
the user click on a book, a detailed view for the Book will be opened.

Of course the Book rendered in the shelf will be different from the
same rendered in the book detail view. But how best to achieve this in

The triditional solution (zope 2) I am familar with would be to use
 in the page template for the shelf like this:


This however mixes the presentation of the shelf itself with the books
on the shelf. If I want to change how books looks like on the shelf, I
have to modify the shelf template, which doesn't seem to be a good
separation of concerns.

Is it possible to register two different views for the Book, one for
display in shelf, another for the detailed view? The one for the
detailed view is simply a BrowerPage, but how to do the book-in-shelf
view? I'd like for my shelf template to look something like this:

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] How to register multiple view for the same content class

2007-09-28 Thread Yuan HOng
On 9/28/07, Frank Burkhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You just need another browser:page here. Name it 'in-shelf-view' and
> use something like
> to embed it.

Thanks, that works. So all was missing is the '@@' notation to tell
TALES to look up a view for Book.

> Registering the view for different "shelves" is possible, too. But this not
> a simple view anymore - it's a "Multiview". You need an adapter for
> (book,shelve,request) to do that which means, a simple browser:page won't
> work and you'll be not able to use the object/@@view notation for that.

If not object/@@view, what then? A custom traverse to lookup the
Multiview maybe?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] How to register multiple view for the same content class

2007-09-28 Thread Yuan HOng
On 9/28/07, Frank Burkhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You could use a view as dispatcher which then would be traversed like 
> object/@@view:
> class MyDispatcher(object):
>def __call__(self):
> realview=zapi.getMultiAdapter((self.context,self.context.__parent__,self.request))
>   return realview()
> class MyExampleView(object):
>def __init__(context,parent,request):
>   self.context=context
>   self.parent=parent
>   self.request=request
>def __call__(self):
>   return "Book/shelf-specific html"
> *configure.zcml*
> ... />

Got it. Thanks.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] ATDocument-like content component

2007-09-28 Thread Yuan HOng

Does there exists for Zope3 a content component for creating/editing
HTML pages through the Web, preferably with the ability to upload
images related to the HTML document? Something similiar to ATDocument
for Plone/Zope2?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Remaking an 'instance' site with zopeproject

2007-10-08 Thread Yuan HOng
On 10/4/07, Philipp von Weitershausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > __
> > I don't get the access logs constantly running in Terminal that I was
> > used to.
> > How do I start these up?
> Ah, thanks for bringing this up. You can use a logging middleware, such
> as Paste#translogger. Simply edit 'deploy.ini' and change it to read::
> [filter-app:main]
> use = egg:Paste#translogger
> next = zope
> [app:zope]
> use = egg:HelloWorld
> [server:main]
> use = egg:Paste#http
> host =
> port = 8080

Can I get logging in debug mode? In debug.ini, there is already a
[filter-app:main] specification. What shall I put in this section to
enable both debugging and logging?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] dynamicall javascript and css generation

2007-10-08 Thread Yuan HOng

How do I dynamically generate javascript and css files and how to register them?

ZPT doesn't seem to be a viable solution for generating these. DTML as
far as I know is no longer available. So I think I should write a
browser view to generate it in python with string formatting.

Then how do I registered them? Using browser:page directive just like
for a normal HTML page?
But that would send text/html as the content type I guess, not text/javascript.

What's the zope3's way of dynamicall script and css generation?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] How to get at the URL as entered in the browser?

2007-10-23 Thread Yuan HOng
Hi, list,

Is it possible to retrieve the URL the user enters in the browser
location box? The request's getURL method seems to return the
traversed URL, including the default view name.

In particular, I have a custom traverser for my object which extracts
certain parameters from the URL path instead of the query string, like

The url: http://myweb.com/myobject/param1/value1/param2/value2

The traverser registered for myobject parses the remainder of the URL
and then set the traversal stack to be empty.

However, in the view of myobject, I would like to get the exact URL as
above. What request.getURL returns now is:


Also, in the generated HTML for myobject, the base is set
automatically to this url.

How can I get back the original url?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] How to get at the URL as entered in the browser?

2007-10-24 Thread Yuan HOng
On 10/24/07, Frank Burkhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The web server never gets the URL which as typed by the user. At least
> the protocol (http vs. https),  is lost. This is what you can do:
>  url='http://' + request['HTTP_HOST'] + request['REQUEST_URI']

Does this work for Zope3? I use zopeproject, and starting the server with

bin/paster serve debug.ini

It doesn't seem that the request has a key 'REQUEST_URI':

(Pdb) request
(Pdb) request.keys()
'paste.throw_errors', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER', 'CONTENT_LENGTH',
'SERVER_NAME', 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'wsgi.url_scheme', 'SERVER_PORT',
'paste.evalexception', 'wsgi.input', 'HTTP_HOST', 'wsgi.handleErrors',
'wsgi.multithread', 'HTTP_ACCEPT', 'wsgi.version', 'wsgi.run_once',
'wsgi.errors', 'wsgi.multiprocess', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', u'page',
'paste.httpserver.thread_pool', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']
(Pdb) request['REQUEST_URI']
*** KeyError: 'REQUEST_URI'

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Problem with interdependent utilities registration

2007-11-16 Thread Yuan HOng

If I have a utility component whose initializaiton depends on the
availability of another utility, the initialization fails with a
Component Lookup Error. It seems that in the ZCML file, the utility
components are first created, and then at the end of the whole
configuration, they are registered. So if in the initilization code of
utility B I need to look up a utility A, the ZCML configuration will

As an example, I have a utility that reference a z3c.zalchemy engine.

class MyUtility(object):

def __init__(self):
engine = getUtility(z3c.zalchemy.interfaces.IAlchemyEngineUtility,

And the configuration goes like this:


The problem is that although the z3c eninge object is created before
the 'utility' directive is executed, it is not registered and
therefore can not be looked up when the 'utility' directive tries to
create the MyUtility object.

How does one usually solve such interdependencies?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] How can I register a simple content provider (i.e. not viewlet)

2007-11-28 Thread Yuan HOng
With which ZCML directive can I register a simple content provider,
say for the main menu. The browser namespaces only has viewlet and
viewletManager directives, which must be used together to provide the
ability to include multiple viewlets in an area represented by viewlet

In some simple cases, we just know there can not be multiple elements
to be included in the area, and want to simply register a content
provider. How to do this in ZCML?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] How to persist an attribute of list type

2007-11-30 Thread Yuan HOng

It seems that I can not get list attribute of an persistent object
changed. I have the following class, which has a list as one of its

class Cart(Persistent):
items = []
amount = 0

In the debug console, I find that only with direct attribute
assignment can I change the persisted attribute value. If I use
items.append to modify the list, even after I set the _p_changed
attribute of the cart object to True and commit, the persisted version
won't change.

I also tried to use PersistentList as the type of the 'items'
attribute. It doesn't work either with append.

What could be missing? I am using Zope 3.4.

Below is the debug output:

Welcome to the interactive debug prompt.
The 'root' variable contains the ZODB root folder.
The 'app' variable contains the Debugger, 'app.publish(path)'
simulates a request.
>>> from myproject.cart import Cart
>>> cart = Cart()
>>> cart.items=['Item1', 'Item2']
>>> root['mycart']=cart
>>> import transaction
>>> transaction.commit()

After this I break out of the debug session and re-enter it:

Welcome to the interactive debug prompt.
The 'root' variable contains the ZODB root folder.
The 'app' variable contains the Debugger, 'app.publish(path)'
simulates a request.
>>> cart=root['mycart']
>>> cart.items
['Item1', 'Item2']
>>> cart.items.append('Item3')
>>> cart._p_changed = True
>>> import transaction
>>> transaction.commit()

Break again:

Welcome to the interactive debug prompt.
The 'root' variable contains the ZODB root folder.
The 'app' variable contains the Debugger, 'app.publish(path)'
simulates a request.
>>> cart=root['mycart']
>>> cart.items
['Item1', 'Item2']

So the list attribute is NOT changed. Does _p_changed no longer work
with Zope 3.4?

Looking for advices. Thanks.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] How to persist an attribute of list type

2007-11-30 Thread Yuan HOng
On Dec 1, 2007 10:49 AM, Paul Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 01, 2007 at 02:34:49AM +0800, Yuan HOng wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > It seems that I can not get list attribute of an persistent object
> > changed. I have the following class, which has a list as one of its
> > attributes:
> >
> > class Cart(Persistent):
> > items = []
> > amount = 0
> I hope that's not your actual code. Note here that items is a mutable
> class attribute, so if you do this:
> cart = Cart()
> cart.items.append('foo')
> ... you've just mutated the default list for all instances.  Is that
> really what you want?  ZODB persistence can only store instance
> attributes, not class attributes.
> But that's irrelevant to the rest of your examples, because you
> re-assigned cart.items, which should work. I don't know what's wrong
> there.

I found out now that using PersistentList does solve the problem. I my
previous try I overwrote the empty persistent list with a normal list,
so the test failed.

But using _p_changed on a normal list seems to no longer be useful.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] How can I register a simple content provider (i.e.not viewlet)

2007-11-30 Thread Yuan HOng
On Nov 29, 2007 1:07 PM, Roger Ineichen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You can use the adapter directive for this.
> class IHeaderProvider(zope.contentprovider.interfaces.IContentProvider):
> """Header provider."""
> class HeaderProvider(object):
> """Header content provider."""
> zope.interface.implements(IHeaderProvider)
> zope.component.adapts(zope.interface.Interface, IMySkinBrowserLayer,
> zope.interface.Interface)
>  name="IHeaderProvider"
> factory=".header.HeaderProvider"
> />

Thanks. Now I understand. A simple content provider is nothing but a
normal adapter which adapts to IContentProvider.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] z3c.json and datetime objects

2008-01-31 Thread Yuan HOng
The z3c.json write implementation uses str to convert any unrecognized
data types json. But json only recogonizes basic data types, and
strings must be enclosed in quotation marks, so the data
representation given by z3c.json is often invalid. For example:

  >>> import zope.component
  >>> from z3c.json import interfaces
  >>> from z3c.json import testing
  >>> testing.setUpJSONConverter()
  >>> jsonWriter = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IJSONWriter)
  >>> from datetime import date
  >>> input = {u'date': date.today()}
  >>> jsonWrite.write(input)

This string would be evaluate by most javascript implementations to
give the result of {date: 1976}, since 2008-01-31 is not quoted and is
regarded as an expression by javascript eval function.

I think there is a bug in the minjson.py, which uses str function to
convert an unrecognized type to json string but without quoting the
return value:

# if we are not baseobj, convert to it
obj = str(obj)
except Exception, exc:
raise WriteException, 'Cannot write object (%s: %s)' %
(exc.__class__, exc)

Shouldn't the code read better as?

# if we are not baseobj, convert to it
obj = str(obj)
except Exception, exc:
raise WriteException, 'Cannot write object (%s: %s)' %
(exc.__class__, exc)

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Stability problem of zope3

2008-03-02 Thread Yuan HOng

I have jsut moved a production site from Zope2 to Zope3. I used
zopeproject to download the necessary eggs and started my site using
paste serve deploy.ini.

Under moderate traffic however, the site stops responding soon. I have
to regularily restart the server.

When the site stops responding, 'ps -Af | grep python2.5' shows
hundreds of process of paster running. And the process number
increases with time rapidly, like:

root 20230 18557  0 11:16 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 20231 18557  0 11:16 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 20237 18557  0 11:17 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 20248 18557  0 11:17 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 20249 18557  0 11:17 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 20250 18557  0 11:17 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 20251 18557  0 11:17 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 20252 18557  0 11:17 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 20284 18557  0 11:18 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini

Looking into z3.log, I found lots of alarming error messages like:

2008-03-03T11:01:57 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool No idle tasks,
and only 0 busy tasks; adding 5 more workers
2008-03-03T11:01:58 CRITICAL ZODB.DB DB.open() has 253 open
connections with a pool_size of 7
2008-03-03T11:01:58 CRITICAL ZODB.DB DB.open() has 254 open
connections with a pool_size of 7
2008-03-03T11:01:59 CRITICAL ZODB.DB DB.open() has 255 open
connections with a pool_size of 7
2008-03-03T11:01:59 CRITICAL ZODB.DB DB.open() has 256 open
connections with a pool_size of 7
2008-03-03T11:01:59 CRITICAL ZODB.DB DB.open() has 257 open
connections with a pool_size of 7
2008-03-03T11:02:35 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool No idle tasks,
and only 0 busy tasks; adding 5 more workers
2008-03-03T11:02:36 CRITICAL ZODB.DB DB.open() has 258 open
connections with a pool_size of 7

What's wrong with my installation?

For your information, the following related components are installed:


I am running these with Python2.5. The site uses ZAlchemy to connect
to PostgreSQL database and uses ZODB for session variables.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Stability problem of zope3

2008-03-03 Thread Yuan HOng
On 3/3/08, Andreas Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The official Python version for Zope 3.3/3.4 is Python 2.4, not 2.5.
> Andreas

OK. I will try Python2.4 first, though in my development installation
using also Python2.5 but will different versions of packages (because
I ran zopeproject at an earlier time), there is no such problem as I
have run 'ab' against it.

Anyway, can someone tellme what the following error usually means?

2008-03-03T11:02:36 CRITICAL ZODB.DB DB.open() has 258 open
connections with a pool_size of 7

Also, I hope there is a way for zopeproject to pull a known good set
of component versions, so I can ran zopeproject multiple times to
build the same version of production environment.

I've heard of the KGS concetp but don't know how to apply it to zopeproject.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Stability problem of zope3

2008-03-03 Thread Yuan HOng
On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Jim Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Mar 3, 2008, at 4:00 AM, Jodok Batlogg wrote:
>  ...
> > paster opens a lot of threads.
>  That's odd.  That must depend on the server used.  The zope.server
>  server factory uses 4 by default.  The cherrypy server uses 10.
>  > you should limit them...
>  > specify sth. like:
>  >
>  > [server:main]
>  > threadpool_workers = 4
>  > threadpool_spawn_if_under = 0
>  > threadpool_max_requests = 0
>  This appears to be incomplete.  You would need a use option to specify
>  which server to use and I'm wondering what server these options are
>  for and which zopeproject uses by default.
>  Jim
>  --
>  Jim Fulton
>  Zope Corporation

I used zopeproject-0.4.1 to create the project directory. The
deploy.ini created by default seems to use Paste#http since it looks

use = egg:homemaster

use = egg:Paste#http
host =
port = 9673

So you mean I can also use the zope.server? Are there any preferred
way to set up a production environment now?

For the moment I switched back to the package versions used in my
development environment, which is older, but doesn't give the above
headache. However, I am interested in finding out what's wrong with my
previous installation. Anyway, it is created by default by the most
recent version of zopeprject under Python2.5.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Stability problem of zope3

2008-03-04 Thread Yuan HOng
I also noticed that on my production server, there are multiple
process of zdaemon running, 3 exactly:

root 23550 1  0 22:05 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/homemaster-ctl -S
/root/app/eggs/zdaemon-2.0.1-py2.5.egg/zdaemon/schema.xml -C
zdaemon.conf bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 23551 23550  0 22:05 pts/51   00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/homemaster-ctl -S
/root/app/eggs/zdaemon-2.0.1-py2.5.egg/zdaemon/schema.xml -C
zdaemon.conf bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 23552 23551  0 22:05 pts/51   00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/homemaster-ctl -S
/root/app/eggs/zdaemon-2.0.1-py2.5.egg/zdaemon/schema.xml -C
zdaemon.conf bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26575 23550  0 22:17 ?00:00:08 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26711 26575  0 22:17 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26712 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26713 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:06 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26714 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:07 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26715 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:07 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26716 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:06 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26717 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:07 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26718 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:06 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26719 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:07 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26720 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:05 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26721 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:06 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root 26722 26711  0 22:17 ?00:00:07 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini

While on my test server, there is only one:

root  7722 1  0 21:24 ?00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/homemaster-ctl -S
/root/workspace/eggs/zdaemon-2.0.1-py2.5.egg/zdaemon/schema.xml -C
zdaemon.conf bin/paster serve deploy.ini
root  7724  7722  2 21:24 ?00:01:09 /usr/bin/python2.5
bin/paster serve deploy.ini

What is causing the difference? The two site are build from the same
buildout.cfg, with their own egg directory created by buildout. All
the configuration came from the same version control system, so I do
know where does the difference come from.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Stability problem of zope3

2008-03-11 Thread Yuan HOng

Thanks for the various advises previously. I have experimented with
different wsgi servers:


and put them under some load: ab -c 20

The zope.server seems to give the best result. It causes the least
failed requests due to the Competing writes/reads conflict, like:

2008-03-11T22:56:16 WARNING ZopePublication Competing writes/reads at
database conflict error (oid 0x36, class BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree,
serial this txn started with 0x03745ce92aee00aa 2008-03-11
08:09:10.061648, serial currently committed 0x03745e800ade9cdd
2008-03-11 14:56:02.547558)

With PasteScript#cherrypy my application fails when using JSON
requests with the header Content-Type: application/json. It causes
zope.publisher to throw a socket time out error and doesn't send back
any results. I guess it can not handle my request header properly. The
other servers are OK with the JSON request header.

2008-03-11T22:49:50 ERROR root
line 126 in publish
=> None
** : timed out
line 114 in processInputs
=> 'incoming = stream.read(1000)'
** : timed out
line 210 in read
=> None
** : timed out
/usr/lib/python2.5/socket.py line 309 in read
=> 'data = self._sock.recv(recv_size)'
** : timed out

I have one problem with zope.server though. It works fine with paste
in the 3.5 version. But following the advise of Christophe, I added
the following to my buildout.cfg

extends = http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/versions.cfg

It turns out however that zope.server-3.4.1 does not define
entry_points and therefore can not be loaded by Paste, since Paste
doesn't seem to be able to load from modules directly. How can I solve
this problem?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] ZODB conflict for session data container

2008-03-19 Thread Yuan HOng
Hi, list

I have newly migrated an Zope2 application to Zope3 and added session
support to it. When I stress test the application with 'ab -c 20', I
found lots of database conflict errors, like the following:

2008-03-20T13:44:24 WARNING ZopePublication Competing writes/reads at
database conflict error (oid 0x3e, class BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree,
serial this txn started with 0x03748ea6c0076ecc 2008-03-20
04:22:45.006805, serial currently committed 0x03748ef8667bc888
2008-03-20 05:44:24.019577)
2008-03-20T13:44:24 WARNING ZopePublication Competing writes/reads at
database conflict error (oid 0x3e, class BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree,
serial this txn started with 0x03748ea6c0076ecc 2008-03-20
04:22:45.006805, serial currently committed 0x03748ef8667bc888
2008-03-20 05:44:24.019577)
2008-03-20T13:44:25 WARNING ZopePublication Competing writes/reads at
database conflict error (oid 0x3e, class BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree,
serial this txn started with 0x03748ea6c0076ecc 2008-03-20
04:22:45.006805, serial currently committed 0x03748ef8667bc888
2008-03-20 05:44:24.019577)
2008-03-20T13:44:39 WARNING ZODB.DB DB.open() has 8 open connections
with a pool_size of 7
2008-03-20T13:44:45 WARNING ZopePublication Competing writes/reads at
database conflict error (oid 0x0dddaa, class BTrees.OOBTree.OOBucket,
serial this txn started with 0x03748ef8b578d588 2008-03-20
05:44:42.532502, serial currently committed 0x03748ef8b90ef211
2008-03-20 05:44:43.373058)
2008-03-20T13:44:46 WARNING ZopePublication Competing writes/reads at
database conflict error (oid 0x0ddda9, class BTrees.OOBTree.OOBucket,
serial this txn started with 0x03748ef89d390a55 2008-03-20
05:44:36.849097, serial currently committed 0x03748ef8c043debb
2008-03-20 05:44:45.062137)

The more complex the test page, i.e. the longer time necessary to
generate a response, the more conflicts appear.

Looking into the ZODB, I found all conflicts appears at the OOBTree or
OOBucket, and they all contain session data:

>>> root._p_jar['\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x3e']

>>> root._p_jar['\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0d\xdd\xaa']

So I guess the following is what happened:

With -c 20, multiple simultaneous requests are trying to access their
session. Since session object is created and stored into the
PersistentSessionDataContainer upon first access, there are multiple
thread trying to add new session data into the persistent session data
container, which uses an OOBTree to store the session data.

Now comes the part that I can not understand. This simultaneous adding
to the BTree seem to cause the conflict error, since the BTree and
Bucket are also persistent object themselves. This would mean that
ZODB is not suitable for the cases of simultanous adding to a BTree by
multiple threads, like in my case for session data.

But since ZODB and zope.session are so widely used, I can not image
that this could be the case, otherwise how can anyone be reliably
using ZODB for session? So I must be missing some very important

Please be so kind to tell me what I should do to make my application
stable in regard of the above problem.

I am using Zope 3.4 under Linux.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] ZODB conflict for session data container

2008-03-23 Thread Yuan HOng
Thanks Bernd for giving detailed answer and suggestions.

>  it is the case ... there are two workarounds imho
>  1.
>  don't write to the session if it does not change, so if you do an
>  apache bench without sending the client id cookie, a write is done on
>  each request
>  additionally every anonymous visit writes to zodb, you should avoid
>  this by using default values if no session data is available
>  in earlier versions of zope the __getitem__ method created a btree at
>  first access, but this should be fixed now, so it depends on the
>  version of zope u use, if you have an older version then you can't
>  even look if data is there without writing to zodb

Yes. I looked into the zope.session code. The __getitem__ method will
create new session data if the session package key is not found. On
the other hand, the get method does not create session data. So
changing my code from




avoids the problem of new session data being created at each anonymous request.

>  2.
>  my recommendation is to use memcached for session data ... take a look
>  at http://svn.zope.org/repos/main/lovely.memcached/trunk

Yes, I think this would be the more decent solution for server side
session data storage for zope3.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] zope.app.wsgi doesn't register product configurations properly

2008-04-17 Thread Yuan HOng
Tyring out z3c.extfile, I added in zope.conf file the following
product configuration section:

  storagedir var/filestorage

This doesn't not work as expected when I am using Paste and wsgi.
Looking into the code, I think the config function in zope.app.wsgi
should be patched by adding:

from zope.app.appsetup.product import setProductConfigurations

def config(...)
if options.product_config:

This is exactly what zope.app.server does when starting up the server.

Or is product configuration explicitly not desired with zope.app.wsgi?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] retrieving zope.conf parameters and paths of buildout dirs

2008-04-19 Thread Yuan HOng
One caveat, I you are using product-config directive to specify your
application directory, please note that it can not be retrieved by
zope.app.appsetup.getProductConfig if you are using zope.app.wsgi to
start your zope3 application.

In stead, a patch to zope.app.wsgi is needed. See my mail 2 days ago.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Using z3c.extfile with ZEO

2008-04-20 Thread Yuan HOng

I am trying to use z3c.extfile on clients running ZEO. My zope.conf
has the following configuration:

server localhost:8101
storage 1
blob-dir var/blob
cache-size 20MB

Then I get the following error:

2008-04-20T23:13:54 ERROR ZODB.Connection Couldn't load state for 0x0de14f
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 804, in setstate
line 869, in _setstate
line 1034, in loadBlob
self._server.sendBlob(oid, serial)
line 289, in sendBlob
line 679, in call
AttributeError: 'FileStorage' object has no attribute 'loadBlob'

Does that mean the FileStroage on the ZEO server doesn't support Blob?
How should I correctly configure zeo to be able to use z3c.extfile?


Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] zope.app.wsgi doesn't register product configurations properly

2008-04-21 Thread Yuan HOng
On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 11:47 PM, Marius Gedminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I think it's a simple bug.  Would you mind adding it to the bug tracker?
>  https://launchpad.net/zope3/+bugs

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] z3c.extfile bug: unicode path name

2008-04-23 Thread Yuan HOng

With z3c.extfile, if the path name of the HashDir utility is a unicode
string, as configured by the  directive in zcml, a unicode
digest will be returned. However, loading the file with this digest
raises a ValueError, since the getPath function only recognizes
StringType as digest:

>>> from z3c.extfile import hashdir
>>> import tempfile, os
>>> tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> hdPath = os.path.join(tmp, u'testhashdir')
>>> hdPath
>>> hd = hashdir.HashDir(hdPath)

>>> from z3c.extfile.property import ExtBytesProperty
>>> from cStringIO import StringIO
>>> class Foo(object):
... data = ExtBytesProperty('data')
>>> foo = Foo()
>>> from z3c.extfile.interfaces import IHashDir
>>> from zope import component
>>> component.provideUtility(hd, provides=IHashDir)
>>> si = StringIO('hello world')
>>> foo.data=si
>>> foo.data

>>> foo.data.digest
>>> [u'2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed']
>>> hd.getPath(foo.data.digest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
line 64, in getPath
raise ValueError, repr(digest)
ValueError: u'2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed'

Below is the patch that fixes this. I am not sure if this is the best,
since it allows the file digest to be unicode. Can someone have a

Index: hashdir.py
--- hashdir.py  (revision 85015)
+++ hashdir.py  (working copy)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 import stat
 import tempfile
 import shutil
-from types import StringType
+from types import StringTypes
 import interfaces
 from zope import interface
 from persistent import Persistent
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 return os.listdir(self.var)

 def getPath(self, digest):
-if  type(digest) != StringType or len(digest) != 40:
+if  isinstance(digest, StringTypes) or len(digest) != 40:
 raise ValueError, repr(digest)
 path = os.path.join(self.var, digest)
 if not os.path.isfile(path):

By the way, do I also use https://launchpad.net/zope3/+bugs for
tracking bugs in z3c projects?

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: z3c.extfile bug: unicode path name

2008-04-23 Thread Yuan HOng
2008/4/23 Yuan HOng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  Below is the patch that fixes this. I am not sure if this is the best,
>  since it allows the file digest to be unicode. Can someone have a
>  look?

The alternative patch is simpler and doesn't allow digest to be unicode:

Index: hashdir.py
--- hashdir.py  (revision 85015)
+++ hashdir.py  (working copy)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@

 def __init__(self, name, bufsize=-1):
 self.name = name
-self.digest = os.path.split(self.name)[1]
+self.digest = str(os.path.split(self.name)[1])
 self._v_len = None
 self._v_file = None

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] How do I find out references to objects in ZODB

2008-05-02 Thread Yuan HOng

Is it possible to find out what other objects are referencing a
particular object in ZODB?

In particular, I want to prevent some content objects, like images,
from being removed from the folder if they are used in some other
content object, like a news article.

Do I have to keep track of object referencing in ZODB myself through
events or there are some built-in mechanism in ZODB to take care of
this for me?

Thanks for info.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] How do I submit an update to zope translation?

2008-05-04 Thread Yuan HOng

If I find the current translation in zope.app.locales not
satisfactory, how can I submit an update?

In particular, I find a bug in the Chinese (zh_CN) translation which
causes the sizes of content objects not displayed in the rotterdam
skin. Following is the fix, hope someone can commit it.

Index: zope.po
--- zope.po (revision 86390)
+++ zope.po (working copy)
@@ -6647,7 +6647,7 @@

 #: src/zope/size/__init__.py:52
 msgid "${size} KB"
-msgstr "${SIZE}KB"
+msgstr "${size} KB"

 #: src/zope/traversing/browser/absoluteurl.py:28
 msgid ""

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] z3c.jsonrpc response content type bug

2008-10-28 Thread Yuan HOng
When I use z3c.jsonrpc (svn head) to publish an object, the response
generated gets the content header:

Content-Type: application/x-javascript

According to the README.txt of the package:

This project provides the proposed request type "application/json". The request
type "application/json-rpc" is supported as long it is not officialy deprecated.

And it also expects to receive a request with 'application/json'
header. So this should be a bug.

To fix it, one just need to modify _prepareResult method in the file
publisher.py to change from

# set content type
self.setHeader('content-type', "application/x-javascript;charset=%s" \
% charset)


# set content type
self.setHeader('content-type', "application/json;charset=%s" \
% charset)

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.jsonrpc response content type bug

2008-10-28 Thread Yuan HOng
On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 6:32 PM, Jim Washington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A bit of history on this.  The content-type in this bit of code was
> determined more than three years ago by testing with several old major
> web browsers.  At the time, 'application/x-javascript' was the
> content-type that reliably told the web browser to use its javascript
> parser on the document so that the rpc data could be used.  Other
> settings did not work on all of the web browsers I tested.
> So, this content-type was decided empirically (a long time ago), not
> from specification. It maybe should continue to be the default for
> compatibility with creaky old web browsers.  But maybe it can be
> changeable (if you *really* know what you are doing) so that the
> outgoing document can meet the expectations of client libraries.
> - Jim Washington

Reasonable. Then it would be nice to add a configuration directive so
that user can set the content-type based on the requirement of client

For me, I am using IE6, IE7, FF2 and FF3 with the ExtJS library and
applicatin/json works fine.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.jsonrpc response content type bug

2008-10-29 Thread Yuan HOng
Hi, Roger,

> That's very interesting, which JS library are you using for JSON-RPC calls
> from ExtJS?
> Or does ExtJS provide JSON-RPC calls out of the box?

No, it is regretful that ExtJS (at least 2.0.1 which I am using)
doesn't function well with z3c.jsonrpc out of the box, because
z3c.jsonrpc is expecting a content type 'application/json' while the
default json implementation of that of ExtJS sends out

So I use a slightly customized version which overrides several
functions of the default Ext.lib.Ajax, especially the request method,
to add the required header.

 Ext.lib.Ajax.asyncRequest = function(method, uri, callback, postData, async){
var o = this.getConnectionObject();
if (!o) {
return null;
else {
o.conn.open(method, uri, async);
if (this.useDefaultXhrHeader) {
if (!this.defaultHeaders['X-Requested-With']) {
this.defaultXhrHeader, true);
if(postData && this.useDefaultHeader &&
this.initHeader('Content-Type', this.defaultPostHeader);
 if (this.hasDefaultHeaders || this.hasHeaders) {
this.handleReadyState(o, callback);
o.conn.send(postData || null);
return o;

 Ext.lib.Ajax.request = function(method, uri, cb, data, options) {
var hs = options.headers;
for(var h in hs){
this.initHeader(h, hs[h], false);
this.initHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml', false);
method = 'POST';
data = options.xmlData;
}else if(options.jsonData){
this.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
this.hasHeaders = true;
method = 'POST';
data = typeof options.jsonData == 'object' ?
Ext.encode(options.jsonData) : options.jsonData;
var async = (options.async === false) ? false : true;
return this.asyncRequest(method, uri, cb, data, async);

I made a report of this to the ExtJS folks. And the source code of the
most recent version 2.2 now has 'application/json' in the request
method. I suppose it should be working out of box now, although I am
still using the old version.

Hong Yuan

Zope3-users mailing list