
I hope it is the correct list for this kind of problem. If not, don't bother
to read the rest of the message ;)

I am using OpenGL acceleration in a "soft real-time" Java program by using
JOGL, drawing in an external OpenGL context (coming from a master C app
which set it's OpenGL context and then calls the Java app by JNI). The Java
application is based on Swing rendering, but I redirect the rendering on a
Graphics2D context to draw in this external context.

I am able to have a not so bad performance by drawing the low-level Swing
content on a texture which in turn is put on the external OpenGL context.
However, the performance and the quality of the resulting image could be
much better if the Java app really processed the low level OpenGL orders
rather than drawing a huge texture. I know how to code an OpenGL
"Graphics2D" renderer, but it's a lot of work and a lot of possibilities to
create bugs, and I'm thinking that Java2D has already internally an
OpenGL-based pipeline. Would it be possible for me to leverage this pipeline
instead of recreating a new (less good) one?

Again sorry if it's not the right list.


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