
I found the bug "Fonts with embedded bitmaps are not always rotated" in
It seems that this bug is fixed for Java11.
There was the issue on this bug in Java8. 
But it is closed as duplicated.
(https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8163278) and
But,now this bug is NOT fixed in Java8 yet.
Rotation does not work properly with double-byte character sets.

Font size 24 over is OK.
Font size 21 under is NG.

I found two ways to workaround it.

1. Use SetRenderingHints and set VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON
2.Use SetRenderingHints and set VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_ON

Why this workaround works?
I would like some advice on whether this workaround is correct.

OS:Windows10 jpn
JRE:AdoptOpenJDK JRE with Hotspot
AdoptOpenJDK JRE with Hotspot

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