fs, misc. titles.

2001-04-25 Thread Jeffrey Burk
auctions end today, thanks. red planet 5, 2x12, rp05: 5$ various, do you see, 12, FOCUS foc348: 5$ cim, warm data, 12, FOCUS foc351: 5$ mode-m, inner world e.p., 2x12, VOID void005: 10$ boards of canada, high scores, 12, SKAM ska008: 15.50$

records fs.

2001-04-19 Thread Jeffrey Burk
red planet 5, 2x12, rp05 various, do you see, 12, foc348 cim, warm data, 12, foc351 mode-m, inner world e.p., 2x12, void005 boards of canada, high scores, 12, ska008 http://cgi6.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewListedItemsuserid=radius9 that's it for now. may add more later. thanks.