underground fighters wrote...
> I hate fucking DJs
> tools! The most tek DJs here in Europe are always
> playing records with the same hard beats and the same
> loops (Djs tools) all the night, like the Advent or
> Adam Beyer. That's boring...

What would you call the Purposemaker series?  Surely the whole 
idea of making 'tools' records to fit in your set is why Mills keeps 
redefining the Purposemaker tracks for his own (and others') use.

I do agree that many European DJs play in a very flat style and do 
not have near enough variation in their sets or in the records they 
play/produce to suit my taste, but I refuse to make grosse 
generisations about that being a product of their continental 

It's a simple result of the fact that Detroit music has influenced 
people worldwide and has been adapted into many different 
climates and cultures, creating many interpretations of the original 
D sound.  Surely this evolution is to be encouraged, everything is 
derivative in music; no music is created in a vacuum and I feel 
strongly that this inter-breeding of both European and American 
(and other worldwide) interpretations of techno continue to push it 

There is a lack of creativity in some of the producers/DJs at 
present, but it is ridiculous to suggest that Europe is stiffling a 
scene that has become worldwide and so influential that there will 
be pretenders on all continents making headlines.

...sorry, this has turned into a bit of a rant!!!...but I do feel very 
strongly that there is good music being made on both sides of the 
atlantic and that time will honour it and forget the plagarists.

Different styles apply to different cultures, it's the cross-
pollenisation of these cultures that ALWAYS results in the 
breaking down of musical barriers.  Keep it up I say.

Peace & respect to all 313ers worldwide...

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