~I was at Flava last saturday and let me tell u I totally agree with 
everything ur saying about the drugs and shht.  Flava was phat as hell the 
music just kicked mad ass{tp and jeff woodward just rocked i watched like 
their whole sets} but like the whole placed smelled so bad from people pukin. 
I mean if you can't handle the drugs especially please don't take em cause 
that smell isn't nice especially when the smell of vicks is in the air cuase 
those smells are just so unpleasent when ur sober or even on anything for 
that matter I mean I take drugs sometimes i'm not gonna lie or whateva but 
the word is moderation...21 cars were stolen thats so many my girls car was 
one of them and its not a fun expierience especially because we had our 
friends surprise bd party basicly in the trunk for the after partie...The 
number of cars robbed was also outrageous...Its not fun commin out and findin 
that all ur shht is gone and ur so right about it bein even worse on drugs 
cause all the emotions are flowin even harder and walkin into a police 
station at 7 am all cracked out is not the most pleasureable expierience 
either especially when u have to deal with their stupid comments about "the 
bad and evil ravers"....well I just moved to detroit like a month ago and 
have been to about 8 parties here and they totally kick ass compared to tampa 
where I came from cause they had like anti rave laws which is serious 
bs...Detroit and the other areas up here have a great scene that alot of 
people in other cities would love to have just keep that in mind...I m gonna 
stop talkin now cause i think im just ramblin on now but for real keep it 
real here cause its really phat and just remember commen sense when u gotta 
go to places like mack and bellview and some commen sense and moderation when 
u do use drugs

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